Iris Bibliography 
Table of Contents
- Gwendolyn Anley. Irises, their Culture and Selection.
Collingridge, London, 1946.
- Susan Berry. Irises: a romantic history with a guide to
Running Press, Philadelphia, 1992.
- Philppe Bonduel, Maurice Boussard, and Richard Cayeux. L'ABCdaire des
iris. Editions Flammarion, 1997.
- G. E. Cassidy and S. Linnegar. Growing irises.
Timber Press, Portland, Oregon, 1987.
- N. L. Cave. The Iris. Chanticleer Press, New York, 1951.
- Richard CAYEUX. L'iris une fleur royale. Editions Mauryflor, 1996
- G. Dillistone, editor. Dykes on Irises.
British Iris Society, Tunbridge Wells, 1930.
- G. Douglass. The Iris, an Ideal Hardy Perennial.
American Iris Society. Nashville, 1947.
- William R. Dykes. A Handbook of Garden Irises. Hopkinson,
London, 1924.
- K. Glaskow and B. E. Turnbull, editors. Jean Stevens on Irises.
New Zealand Iris Society, 1970.
- Graeme Grosvenor. Growing Irises. 1984.
- Fritz Köhlein. Iris. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon,
1987. Translated by Mollie Comerford Peters from the original German edition:
Iris, Ulmer, Stuttgart, 1981.
- R. I. Lynch. The Book of the Iris. J. Lane, London-New York,
- Brian Mathew. The Iris. Timber Press, Protland, Oregon, 1981.
Second edition, 1989.
- William J. McKee and Jamison Harrison. Half Century of Iris.
Worcester, 1954.
- Sydney Bancroft Mitchell. Iris for Every Garden. Barrows, New
York, 1949, revised 1960.
- Odette Perrier. Les iris, partou en toutes saisons. Editions La
Maison Rustique
- Molly Price. The Iris Book. Van Nostrand, 1966. Second edition:
Dover, New York, 1973.
- Harry Randall. Irises. Taplinger, New York, 1969.
- L. F. Randolph, editor. Garden Irises.
Cayuga Press, Ithaca, New York, 1959, for the
American Iris Society.
- Alain Richert. Les Iris. Editions Dargaud, 1980.
- W. Ross. Iris: Goddess of the Garden. Diversity Books, Kansas
City, 1966.
- James Marion Shull. Rainbow Fragments. Doubleday, Garden City,
New York, 1911.
- R. E. S. Spender and L. F. Pesel.
Iris Culture for Amateurs. Country Life, London, 1937.
- W. Valette. Iris Culture and Hybridizing for Everyone.
Adams Press, Chicago, 1961.
- H. van Nes. Iris im Garten. [German] BLV, Munich, 1967.
- Bee Warberton and Melba Hamblen, editors. The World of Irises.
American Iris Society, Wicheta, 1978.
- Josh Westrich and Ben Hager. The Iris: the Rainbow Flower.
Thames and Hudson, New York,1989.
Books on specific kinds of irises
- Marie Callet and Joseph K. Mertzweiller, editors.
The Louisiana Iris: the History and Culture of Five Native American Species
and their Hybrids. Texas Gardener Press, Waco, Texas, 1988, for the
Society of Louisiana Irises.
- V. A. Cohen. A Guide to the Pacific Coast Irises. American Iris Society, 1967.
- Michael Foster. Bulbous Irises. Royal Horticultural Society,
London, 1882.
- C. G. Grey-Wilson. The Genus Iris-Subsection Sibericae. American Iris Society, 1971.
- Suichi Hirao. Hanashobu. [Japanese] Kashima, 1959.
- Akira Horinaka. Iris Laevigata. Japan, 1991?
- M. Kuribayshi and Suichi Hirao. The Japanese Iris: its History,
Varieies, and Cultivars. [Japanese] Asahi Shumbin Publ., Tokyo, 1971.
- A. Marchane and Brian Mathew, editors. An Alphabetical Table and
Cultivation Guide to the Species of the Genus Iris.
British Iris Society,
- Currier McEwen. Siberian Irises.
Society for Siberian Irises, 1981.
- Currier McEwen. The Japanese Iris. University Press of New
England, Hanover-London, 1990.
- Currier McEwen The Siberian Iris. Timber Press(?), 1996.
- B. A. Warburton and C. O. Gantz. The Eupogon Iris Species in
Cultivation. Median Iris Society, 1972.
- B. A. Warburton, editor. The Median Bearded Irises: Introduction and
Varietal Listing.
Median Iris Society, 1972.
- E. Zuercher and W. Welch, editors. The World of Little Irises.
Three volumes.
Dwarf Iris Society, Portland, Indiana, 1968-1971.
Proceedings of symposia
- L. G. Sani, editor. Atti del Simposio Internazionale dell'Iris.
[Report of the First International Symposium on Iris.]
Tipografia Quinina, Florence, 1963, for
the Societá d'Italiana dell'Iris.
Iris monographs
- J. G. Baker. Handbook of the Irideae. London, 1892. Reprint
- William R. Dykes. The Genus Iris. Cambridge University Press,
Reprinted by Dover, New York, 1974.
- G. I. Rodionenko. The Genus Iris. [Russian] Moscow, 1961.
- Per Wendelbo. Tulips and Irises of Iran. Botanical Institute of
Iran, Teheran, 1977.
- P. Werckmeister. Catalogus Iridis. Volume 2 of the 1967
Jahrbuch of the Deutsche Iris-und
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David Pane-Joyce
Page created May 19, 1995