Sir,–The writer of the article on "Books of the Week," in The Times of yesterday, is mistaken in crediting me with the invention of the epithet "bellettristic trifler"; and still more in imagining that I have been guilty of the impropriety of applying it to Mr. Andrew Lang, about whom, I may add, I have not had occasion to form or express any opinion whatever.
Without the stimulus of personal provocation it seems to me quite natural that the Champion of Cock-lane should do his best to denigrate the champions of common-sense; and inclusion among them is, to my mind, so great a compliment as to outweigh all Mr. Lang's severities.
With respect to the substance of my offending, I am quite impatient. If, after death, I am fated to take part in Cock-lane pranks and Sludge séances, I must put up with the degradation. But I will no more occupy myself with thinking about that unpleasant possibility now, than I will waste my time in considering my future if I should be so unfortunate as to live through a period of senile decay and dotage.
The two contingencies are equally disagreeable and I cannot say I am interested in contemplating either.
The offer of immortality, handicapped with Cock-lanean conditions, is one which I should decline with thanks.