Sir.–I have not the good fortune to be personally acquainted with Mr. E. L. Garbett; but the letters with which he has favoured me afford such an instructive illustration of the mental attitude of "Spiritualism" that (having as you will observe obtained Mr. Garrett's permission) I ask you to publish them. Mr. Garbet's suggestion that Mr. Conway has been "duped by two women personating" the Foxes is almost as delicious as that of the ingenuous journalists who suggest that Mr Robert Morier fabricated Bazaine's letter.
[letter to T. H. Huxley from E. L. Garbett defending spiritualism, concluding: "What I think you should especially remember is that, whatever you may make people believe as to these things, their naturalness or impossibiity, you cannot prevent their happening. They will happen, whatever you teach about them. They have to be reckoned with."]
4 Marlborough-place, N.W., January 9, 1889.
Dear Sir.–A comparison of the end of your letter with the end of mine in the Pall Mall Gazette will I think convince you, as it does me, that any discussion of the subject between us is not likely to be profitable.
P.S.–Unless you object, I shall hold myself free to use your letter as public communication.