Kidinu: Okay, fine. What happens, though, to the velocity when the ball hits the wall?
Ahmes: You're asking what the new velocity will be? You can probably answer the question yourself when the wall is straight, can't you?
Kidinu: Well, sure. It just goes off in the opposite direction.
Ahmes: Which means...?
Kidinu: Maybe not the opposite direction. That would mean it goes back the way it came. I really meant something like this. [Kidinu draws a picture.]
Ahmes: So what you're saying is that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. Is that so?
Kidinu: Yes, that's it.
Katyayana: That's fine if the wall is straight, but these walls are curved.
Ahmes: It's almost the same thing, that is, it's as if the place where the ball hits the wall is straight.
Kidinu: I haven't seen much physics yet.
Ahmes: Not that much is needed, so far. But collisions between balls is more complicated.
to coordinates.
to the cover page.
to the ball collisions.
David E. Joyce
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Clark University
Worcester, MA 01610