Math 114 Discrete MathematicsSpring 2018
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Course information
Prerequisite: One semester of calculus (MATH 120 or 124), or CSCI 120, or permission.
Besides the time for classes, you’ll spend time on reading the text, doing the assignments, and studying of for quizzes and tests. That comes to about five to nine hours outside of class on average per week, the actual amount varying from week to week. Here's a summary of a typical semester's 180 hours
For more detail about how to study mathematics, see About studying mathematics.
2/9 (homework, quizzes, & attendance) + 4/9 (midterm tests) + 3/9 (final exam)
Although you will get comments on your homework, all that will be recorded and used for the course grade is the number of homework assignments completed. Homework will be collected at the beginning of the hour.
To ensure academic integrity and safeguard students' rights, all suspected violations of academic integrity are reported to the College Board. Such reports must be carefully documented, and students accused of the infraction are notified of the charge. In the case of proven academic dishonesty, the student will receive a sanction, which may range from an F in the assignment or course to suspension or expulsion from the University. The complete academic integrity policy is available with Academic Advising at
The only exceptions to this reporting responsibility are the community members who have been designated and/or/ trained as "Confidential Sources." This includes the professional staff in Clark's Center for Counseling and Personal Growth including Director Megan Kersting, and the medical providers at the Health Center. This also includes Professor James Cordova,, Professor Kathy Palm Reed, and Professor Andrew Stewart,
The Clark faculty believe in providing all students with an educational environment that is free from discrimination. The sexual harassment of students, including sexual violence, interferes with students' right to receive an education free from discrimination and, in the case of sexual violence, is a crime. The Clark faculty is committed to making Clark University a safe and inclusive environment for all.
Syllabus. Not all of these topics will be covered in the same depth, and homework will not be assigned from all sections.
Topics in chapter 1: proposition, truth value, negation, logical operators, compound proposition, truth table, disjuction, conjunction, exclusive or, implication, converse, contrapositive, bit, Boolean variable, bit operation, bit string, bitwise operation; tautology, contradiction, contingency, logical equivalnce, propsitional function De Morgan's laws; predicates, existential quantifier, universal quantifier; nested quantifiers, free & bound variables; rules of inference; theorem, conjecture, proof, lemma, corollary, fallacy, circular reasoning (begging the question), vacuous & trivial proof, direct & indirect proof; proof by cases, counterexample.
2 Basic Structures: Sets, Functions, Sequences, and Summations
Topics in chapter 2: set, axiom, paradox, element, empty set, set equality, subset, finite & infinite set, cardinality, power set,products of sets; union, intersection, disjoint sets, set difference, set complement, symmetric difference, Venn diagrams; function, domain, codomain, image, preimage, range, onto function, 1-1 function, 1-1 correspondence, inverse function, composition, floor, ceiling; sequence, string, summation notation, product notation.
3 The Fundamentals: Algorithms, the Integers, and Matrices
Topics in chapter 3: algorithm, searching algorithm, linear search algorithm, binary search algorithm, time complexity, space complexity, worst-case time complexity, average-case time complexity; divisibility, prime & composite number, Mersenne prime, greatest common divisor, relatively prime, pairwise relatively prime integers, least common multiple, remainder & modulus, encryption & decryption, binary representation, hexadecimal represention, linear combination, inverse modulo n, linear congruence, pseudoprime, private and public key encryption; Euclidean algorithm.
4 Induction, and Recursion
Topics in chapter 4: mathematical induction; recursive defined functions, sets, and structures; recursive algorithms; iteration.
5 Counting
6 Discrete Probability
8 Relations
9 Graphs
Class notes, quizzes, tests, homework assignments All future dates are tentative. Sections will frequently overflow into the preceding or succeeding days. Furthermore, each section will be discussed on more than one day—on one day when it's introduced, later when there are questions on it and its assignment exercises.
Past tests
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David E. Joyce