History of Analysis
On the Web
- Arnold, Vladimir Igorevich.
Giuigens i Barrou, Niuton i Guk. translated by Eric J.F. Primrose into English as Huygens and Barrow, Newton and Hooke: pioneers in mathematical analysis and catastrophe theory from evolvents to quasicrystals.
Birkhauser, Boston, 1990.
- Baron, Margaret E.
The origins of the infinitesimal calculus.
Pergamon Press, Oxford-New York, 1969.
- Beckmann, Petr
A history of p (pi). Golem, Boulder, Colorado, 1970. 2nd edition: 1971.
- Bertoloni Meli, Domenico.
Equivalence and priority: Newton versus Leibniz.
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993.
- Birkhoff, Garrett, editor.
A source book in classical analysis.
Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1973.
- Bottazzini, Umberto.
Calcolo sublime. Translated by Warren Van Egmond into English as
The higher calculus: a history of real and complex analysis from Euler to Weierstrass. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1986.
- Boutroux, Pierre Leon.
Les principes de l'analyse mathematiques; expose
historique et critique.
Hermann, Paris, 1914-19.
- Boyer, Carl Benjamin.
- The concepts of the calculus; a critical and historical discussion of
the derivative and the integral.
Hafner, New York, 1949. Reprinted as The history of the calculus and its
conceptual development. Dover, New York, 1959.
- History of analytic geometry.
Scripta Mathematica, New York, 1956.
- Edwards,Charles Henry.
The historical development of the calculus.
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1979.
- Goldstine, Herman Heine.
- A history of the calculus of variations from the 17th through the 19th
century. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1980.
- A history of numerical analysis from the 16th through the 19th
century. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York, 1977. Review: Math.
Rev. 58#4774.
- Grabiner, Judith V.
The origins of Cauchy's rigorous calculus.
MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1981.
- Grattan-Guinness, I.
The development of the foundations of mathematical analysis from Euler to Riemann.
MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1970.
- Hall, Alfred Rupert.
Philosophers at war: the quarrel between Newton and Leibniz.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1980.
- Ipsen, D. C.
Isaac Newton, reluctant genius.
Enslow, Hillside, N.J., 1985.
- Manheim, Jerome H.
The genesis of point set topology.
Macmillan, New York, 1964.
- Monna, A. F.
Dirichlet's principle: a mathematical comedy of errors and its influence on the development of analysis
Oosthoek, Scheltema & Holkema, Utrecht, 1975.
- Priestley, William McGowen.
Calculus, an historical approach.
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1979.
- Simmons, George Finlay.
Calculus gems: brief lives and memorable mathematics.
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992.
- Stanton, R. J. and R. O. Wells, Jr., editors.
History of analysis.
Rice University, Houston, Tex., 1978.
- Todhunter, Isaac (1820-1884).
A history of the calculus of variations during the nineteenth century.
Chelsea, 1962 reprint of the 1861 edition.
- Weissenborn, Hermann (1830-1896).
Die Principien der hoheren Analysis in ihrer Entwicklung von Liebniz
bis auf Lagrange, als ein historisch-Kritischer Beitrag zur Geschichte der Mathematik.
H. W. Schmidt, Halle, 1856.
- Woodhouse, Robert (1773-1827).
A history of the calculus of variations in the eighteenth century.
Chelsea, New York, 1964 reprint of the 1910 edition.
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