Fields Medals
- 1936
- Lars Ahlfors
- Jesse Douglas
- 1950
- Laurent Schwartz
- Atle Selberg
- 1954
- Kunihiko Kodaira
- Jean-Pierre Serre
- 1958
- 1962
- Lars Hormander
- John Milnor
- 1966
- Michael Atiyah
- Paul Cohen
- Alexander Grothendieck
- Stephen Smale
- 1970
- Alan Baker
- Heisuke Hironaka
- Serge Novikov
- John Thompson
- 1974
- Enrico Bonbieri
- David Mumford
- Pierre Deligne
- Charles Fefferman
- 1978
- Gregori Margulis
- Daniel Quillen
- 1982
- Alain Connes
- William Thurston
- Shing-Tung Yau
- 1986
- Simon Donaldson
- Gerd Faltings
- Michael Freedman
- 1990
- Vladimir Drinfeld
- Vaughan Jones
- Shigefumi Mori
- Edward Witten
- 1994
- Jean Bourgaim
- Pierre-Louis Lions
- Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
- Efin I. Zelmanov
Other recent awards
- Birkhoff Prize. 1994: Ivo Babuska and S. R. S. Varadhan.
- Bôum;cher Prize. 1994: Leon Simon.
- Nevanlinna Prize. 1994: Avi Wigderson.
- Satter Prize. 1993: Lai-Sang Young.
- Steele Prize.
1992: Jacques Dixmier, James Glimm, and Peter D. Lax.
1993: Walter Rudin, George Daniel Mostow, and Eugene B. Dynkin.
- Donald J.Alberts, G. L. Alexanderson and Constance Reid.
International Mathematical Congresses, An Illustrated History 1893-1986.
Revised Edition, Including 1986, by, Springer Verlag, 1987.
- Henry S. Tropp. ``The origins and history of the Fields Medal,''
Historia Mathematica 3 (1976), 167-181.
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