Newton Basins

David E. Joyce

Technical details

When do you stop iterating?

There's one sticky technical detail in the algorithm as used in this Newton Generation program, namely: how close do you have to be to a root to conclude that you're in that root's basin? For this program, we know what the roots are, so we can use that information. If you're using Newton's method to find the roots, then, of course, you wouldn't be able to use that extra information. But we're not, instead we just want images of the basins.

So part of the algorithm in this program is to determine the radius ri of a circle around each root zi so that within that circle iterated values of Newton's method continually get closer to that root zi. I used the distance dij to the nearest other root zj to determine a safe radius ri:

ri = dij / (2n/mi -1)

where mi is the multiplicity (typically 1) of the root zi.

Up to the Introduction.
Back to the Generation form.
On to some References in books and on the web.

copyright © 1997.
David E. Joyce
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Clark University
Worcester, MA 01610

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