Newton Basins

Image number -1077853571 generated for

x in [0.17503872,0.17503943] ;
y in [-0.47360396,-0.47360326].

Click at a point in the image to magnify it by a factor of

This is an image of the Newton Basins for a polynomial with the 3 roots

x1 = y1 = m1 =
x2 = y2 = m2 =
x3 = y3 = m3 =

The image is pixels wide by pixels high.

Newtons method is applied up to iterations per pixel.

Each basin is colored a single color or in shades.

This Newton Basins image, number -1077853571, was produced at Clark University for on Tue Jul 29 17:55:03 2014 .

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Program created August, 1994
David E. Joyce (