History of Arithmetic and Number Theory
See also the history of numbers and counting.
On the Web
- Cunnington, Susan.
The story of arithmetic, a short history of its origin and development.
Swan Sonnenschein, London, 1904.
- Dickson, Leonard Eugene.
History of the theory of numbers. Three volumes. Reprints: Carnegie Institute of Washington, Washington, 1932. Chelsea, New York, 1952, 1966.
- Fine, Henry Burchard (1858-1928).
The number system of algebra treated theoretically and historically.
Leach, Shewell & Sanborn, Boston, 1891.
- Karpinski, Louis Charles (1878-1956).
The history of arithmetic. Rand McNally, Chicago, 1925. Reprint: Russell & Russell, New York, 1965.
- Ore, Øystein.
Number theory and its history. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1948.
- Weil, Andre.
Number theory: an approach through history.
Birkhauser, Boston, 1984. Reviewed: Math. Rev. 85c:01004.
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