Pane-Joyce Genealogy
6438. Dea. John Rogers. Born ca 1631 in England. John died in Marshfield, MA 7 May 1717 [1718].60 Occupation: yeoman. Religion: Quaker 1660.

John of Scituate.25 John lived for a time at the place of Rawlins and afterward succeeded his father.53

John’s will was dated 9 May 1718, probated 24 Jun 1718.

From John Rogers of Marshfield:236
    John^2 joined the Quakers in 1660, Deane says, but probably a little earlier, for John^3 was baptized in 1657, by Mr. Witherell, while Thomas^3 born in 1659, and Rhoda^3 born in 1661 or 1662, were baptized on the account of their mother, Rhoda, who had evidently continued to adhere to Mr. Witherell's church. Apparently his second wife, Elizabeth, was also a member of that church, for the record of the baptism of her daughter is “Mary, ye daughter of Elizabeth Rogers.”
    The Friends' records commence in 1680, but a large number of births, which occurred before that date, were entered; among them all the children of John^2, except John^3 and Rhoda^3.
    He took the oath of freeman in 1657, and is often mentioned in the public records for nearly sixty years after that date.
    On the Friends' records (Scituate) is the following:
“Sufferings of John Rogers of Marshfield. 27 day of 2 mo. 1681, came the constable Joseph Waterman to my house and brought two men with him and brought a warrant with him which he said came from the magistrate John Alden. The constable could not read it nor any that were with him, it was so blotted : and the constable demanded of me 01-04-02, which he said was rates to the priest, Samuel Niles of Marshfield, the which I could not pay for conscience sake. Whereupon the constable seized upon a steare of two years old and took him away from me. — John Rogers of Marshfield.”
    Those records have many similar entries among them, one by John Rogers^3 of Scituate, dated 26 of 3 mo. 1683, in which he says that the constable took away “two platters and two porringers which they prized at 11 shillings.”
    On May 16, 1659, John Rogers^2 Jun., was chosen grand juryman by the town.
    In 1692, John^3 was one of the Selectmen of Marshfield and assisted in running the line between that town and “the Two Miles in Scituate.”
    On June 16, 1692, he was on a jury "to lay out and remove highways" in Marshfield; in their return they describe a way, which ran near the houses of the three brothers:
“And in the new way which said Rogers [John^2] lately made and so on over the cove creek by his house and so along by French’s tinnament and Henry Perry's house to the upper end of the field before said Perry's door ; and then turning southward along by the land of Thomas King and John Silvester's lot and so till it meet the Scituate way. And also by the cove creek downward as the old way leadeth by the house of Timothy Rogers and up the hill by his house, and so as the new way now lieth near to Joseph Rogers’ fence and so on to the line of Elisha Bisbee.”
    On August 30, 1692, on the request of her husband it was voted by “The Meeting” to hold meetings once a month at the house of Elizabeth Rogers on account of her illness. She died two weeks later.
    He and his third wife, Elizabeth, signed, May 11, 1699. the certificate of the marriage of his daughter, Elizabeth, at Friends’ meeting, after their manner.
    In a deposition given June 16, 17 13, John^ says that he was seventy-nine years old or thereabouts.
    In his will d. May 9, 1718, p. June 24, 17 18, he describes himself as “aged”; mentions his son, John, to whom he gives the three hundred pounds “which he hath already received of me in money and three score pounds more”; gives legacies to his daughter, Abigail Chamberling; his daughter, Joanna Butler; his grandson, Samuel Dogged; his granddaughter, Mary White, and his granddaughter, Sarah Allyn; the residue he gives to his son, Thomas.
    Thomas King, in his will dated in 1691, gives legacies to his two grandsons, John and Thomas Rogers.
    Mr. Witherell has, among records of baptisms, “1657 John, ye sonns of John Rogers jun. August 23,” “Rhoda, ye daughter of Rhoda Rogers, Aug. 30, 1662.”
    In 1708, the Friends’ “Women's Meetings” were held at the houses of John Rogers of Marshfield, Edward Wanton of Scituate, and Robert Barker and Arthur Howland of Duxborough now Pembroke.
On 8 Oct 1656 John first married Rhoda King (6300) , daughter of Eld. Thomas King (2482) (ca 1613-24 Sep 1691) & Sarah Tinker (3005) (ca 1619-6 Jun 1652), in Boston, MA.52 Born on 11 Oct 1639 in Scituate, MA.52,62 Rhoda died in Marshfield, MA ca 1662.236

John and Rhoda were married by Gov. Endicott of Mass. there being no magistrate in Scitaute authorized to solemnize marriages at that time. He became a Quaker in 1660.53
Their children include:
John Rogers (ca 1657-between 1 Mar 1738 and 18 Jul 1738)
Thomas Rogers (25 Dec 1659-6 Mar 1745/6)
Rhoda Rogers (Died young) (ca 1662-)
Ca 1663 John second married Elizabeth.236 Elizabeth died in Marshfield, MA on 13 Sep 1692.236
Their children include:
Abigail Rogers (3 Nov 1663-aft 1721)
Mary Rogers (10 Mar 1665-15 Apr 1690)
Joanna Rogers (7 Oct 1667-6 Dec 1745)
Elizabeth Rogers (19 May 1669-)
Ca 1693 John third married Elizabeth. Elizabeth died in Marshfield, MA on 9 May 1705.236
6439. Joseph Rogers. Born ca 1632 in England. Joseph died in Pembroke, MA on 10 Apr 1716.

From John Rogers of Marshfield:236
    Joseph lived in Duxbury close to the Marshfield line and in that part which became Pembroke.
    Marshfield, on July 4, 1670, gave to Joseph Rogers, Sen., of Duxbury, its interest in a certain parcel of land (four or five acres) at Mattachesitt. Town Rec. p. 124.
    The will of Joseph Rogers of Pembroke, d. Apr. 10, 1716, and p. July 16, 1716, describes him as “aged”; gives to Joseph, his oldest son, his meadow in Marshfield; to his wife, Abigail, land at a place called the cove in Marshfield, his home farm, (except a small lot given to his son, John Rogers), his stock, &c., and other real estate; gives a lot to his son, Thomas, and ten acres to his son, Timothy, lying near that which he already has; to his daughters, Lydiah and Rebecca, twenty pounds apiece; to the children of his daughter, Abigail Parrice, deceased, fifty shillings each; and to his grandson, commonly called Joseph Staples, five pounds. He left the care of his son, Francis, to his wife, and after her death to be maintained by the children to whom his wife should leave the real estate.
    He left the bulk of his estate to his wife to be disposed of to his children as she should deem most convenient, but it was his will that if his two sons, John and Thomas “do behave themselves kind and obligeing to their mother during her life, that after her decease all my said housing and lands, meadow and swamp, lying in Pembroke aforesaid shall be left to them.” He appointed his wife executrix with his trusty and well-beloved brothers, John Rogers, Francis Barker and Robert Barker, overseers.

More from John Rogers of Marshfield:236
    Francis^3 was evidently laboring under some disability and as neither he nor Thomas, nor any child of either, is named in their mother’s will it is quite certain that both died, without issue, between the dates of their father’s and their mother’s wills.
    Robert Barker, whose children were Francis, Isaac, Robert, Rebecca and Abigail, in his will d. Feb'y 18, 1689, mentions his daughter, Abigail Rogers.
    We have ascertained nothing in relation to the parentage or history of Joseph Staples.
    Joseph and Abigail Rogers conveyed, May 3, 1677, to John Rogers, Sen. of Marshfield, meadow land at Jones's river. Deeds B. I, p. 220,
    Joseph Rogers of Duxborough conveyed Sept. 5, 1699, to John Rogers Jr. of Marshfield, twenty acres of land in M. bounded East by the common land, west by land of said Joseph Rogers, south by land of said John Rogers that he had of his father, Timothy Rogers. B. IV, p. 51.
    Joseph Rogers of Duxbury conveyed, Jan'y 24, 1706/7, to his son, Timothy Rogers of D., thirty acres of land in D. part of what he bought of James Ford of Marshfield, June 29, 1705, bounded on Hobbamock and Little Ponds ; deed witnessed by Rebecca Rogers, his daughter, and Thomas Parris, his son-in-law. B. VIII, p. 87.
    Deeds Joseph Rogers of Mattapoisett in Duxbury to Michael Ford, June 19, 1705: Joseph Rogers of Duxbury to John Rogers of Marshfield, Jan’y 15, 1711: and Joseph Rogers of Pembroke to Abram Booth, April 16, 17 12. B. IX, pp. 231, 158. 371.
    Joseph Rogers^2 and his son, Timothy^3 lived in that part of Duxbury which became part of Pembroke, while his sons, Joseph^3 and John^3 lived in that part of Marshfield which became part of Pembroke, incorporated in 1712.
Joseph married Abigail Barker (9480) , daughter of Robert Barker (3190) (ca 1616-bet 1689 and 1691) & Lucy (-aft 1681). Born ca 1657 in Duxbury, MA. Abigail died in Pembroke, MA on 11 May 1718.290

From John Rogers of Marshfield:236
    Abigail Rogers of Pembroke, “widow and relick” of Joseph Rogers late of said Pembroke, deceased, in her will d. April 19, 1718, p. June 20, 1718, gives all her lands, &c., in Pembroke, to her son,
John Rogers; thirty pounds and her best bed and its furnishings to her daughter, Lydia Rogers; one horse and heifer, to her grandson, commonly called Joseph Staples; one heifer, to her granddaughter, Mercy Parris, to be paid when she becomes of age; and the remainder of her movable estate to be equally divided between her sons, Joseph Rogers, Timothy Rogers, her daughters, Rebecca Andrews and Lydia Rogers, and the children of her daughter, Abigail Parris, deceased. She made John Rogers, executor.
Their children include:
Moses Rogers (Died unmarried) (-1707)
Lydia Rogers (Died unmarried)
Rebecca Rogers (ca 1679-)
Abigail Rogers (ca 1676-11 Dec 1713)
6440. Ann Rogers. Born ca 1636. Ann died in Marshfield, MA ca 1712.

From John Rogers of Marshfield:236
    Ann Rogers was probably born in Scituate; she married (1) George Russell, probably son of George Russell; he died before 1659; she married (2) John Hudson, who died about 1688, leaving her surviving him.
    “Posy” and John Russell are mentioned in the will of their grandfather, John Rogers^1.
    In an agreement dated July 2, 1673, between John and Ann Hudson, on the one part, and George Russell (the “Posy” of the will [“Posy” is probably a misreading of the written word “Gorg” or “Georg”]) on the other part, it is recited that Ann had been the “former wife of George Russell deceased,” and George was their eldest son.
    John and Ann Hudson, Feb’y 4, 1674, gave to John Rogers a receipt for the legacies to Ann given to her in the will of her father, John Rogers, late of Marshfield, deceased; the receipt is witnessed by Joseph Rogers and George Russell.
    John Hudson’s will (Nov. 20, 1683) gives all his property to his wife, Ann Hudson.

The Mary Hudson who was the wife of James Bishop was not a daughter of John & Ann Hudson of Marshfield since she was not mentioned among his daughters in John’s will of 1683.
Bef 1652 Ann first married George Russell. Born say 1637. George died in 1675.45

George, of Duxbury 1652, Marshfield 1657.45

There’s an article on the various George Russells in The Great Migration.14 In that article Anderson argues that George Russell of Hingham was not the George Russell who came to New England in 1635 on the Elizabeth, aged 19, from Hawkhurst, Kent. Instead, George Russell of Hingham arrived in 1636 and no further records are found from the George Russell who arrived on the Elizabeth. Furthermore, the George Russell of Duxbury was unrelated to these other George Russells.
Their children include:
Ann second married John Hudson, son of Ralph Hudson (-26 Sep 1651) & Mary. Born ca 1623 in England. John died in Duxbury, MA ca 1688.

John’s will was dated 20 Nov 1683, proved 12 Sep 1688. It mentions his wife Ann Hudson; daughters Hannah Turner and her husband Japhet, Rhoda Palmer, Elizabeth Vicory, and Abigail Stetson.

Will: Will date: 20 NOV 1683
        Will note: Abstracts of Plymouth County Probate Records and Files?13
        (Continued from Vol. 4, p. 125)
        [p. 24] On 20 November, 1683, "john Hudson of Duxbury ....
        Husbandman" made his will. Bequests were as follows:
        To "Daughter Hanah Turner" all real estate in Duxbury.
        If "wife Ann Hudson should Survive me" she "shall Injoy all my land
        that is now in Tillage with my Dwelling house Ortchards & four acres
        of meadow adjoining to the upland & privilege in the barne" while a
        widow; but if "she alters her name" she "shall have one third of the
        Rents of the said lands dureing her Life".
        To "Daughter Rhoda Palmer" ú8 "in Currant Merchantable pay".
        To "Daughter Elizabeth Vicory" ú10 in "Merchantable Currant pay".
        To "Daughter Abigall Stetson" ú10 in "Merchantable Currant pay"
        One half of the legacies to be paid in three months "after my
        decease", one half in two years.
        The moveables were "left to my Wife dureing her life & after her
        decease to be eaqually devided amongst my four Daughters."
        "if I doe see Reason to Invest my son Japhat Turner & my Daughter
        Hanah [p. 26] Hanah his wife into my Estate dureing my life they shall
        be Ingaged to see that I & My wife may be Comfortably Provided for
        dureing our lives or otherwise this Will shall be Void And if it shall
        Pleas God to vissitt me or my wife with long sickness or lamness
        insomuch that I should be much Chargable to my son Japhat & my
        Daughter Hanah aforesd then the Legacyes aforesd shall be liable to
        pay part of the Charge"
        "wife Anne Hudson & .... son Japhatt Turner to be Joynt Executors"
        The will was signed by a mark. The witnesses were Thomas Palmer and
        Elizabeth Palmer. The will was proved 12 September, 1688, on the
        testimony of Thomas Palmer.
        [p. 27] On 7 September, 1688, the inventory was taken, by Jos. Holmes
        and Francis Barker. The amount was ú48, 5s. No real estate was
        included. It was sworn to by Japhet Turner, 12 September, 1688.
        There are no original papers in the files, relating to this estate.

        Will source:
        abbreviation: "Rogers of Marshfield"
        title: John Rogers of Marshfield and Some of His Descendants
        author: Josiah H. Drummond
        publication: West Hanover, MA: Rhoda B. Ellis, 1898
        Will source page: pg.14 - 15
Their children include:
Abigail Hudson (ca 1653-19 Sep 1720)
Rhoda Hudson (ca 1656-)
Elizabeth Hudson (ca 1658-Jan 1706)
Hannah Hudson (ca 1660-1716)
6441. Mary Rogers. Born ca 1637. Mary died bef 1674.

Mary was mentioned in her father’s will of 1660, but unmarried at that time.
Aft 1660 Mary married John Rouse (7982) , son of John Rouse (-16 Dec 1684) & Annis Pabodie (2851) (ca 1620-bef 12 Sep 1688). Born on 28 Sep 1643 in Marshfield, MA.60 John died in Marshfield, MA, on 3 Oct 1717; he was 74.31 Buried in Winslow Cemetery, Marshfield.

John first married Mary Rogers, second Elizabeth Doty.
6442. Timothy Rogers. Born on 28 Apr 1650 in Scituate, MA.25 Timothy was baptized on 19 May 1650.25 Timothy died in Marshfield, MA in 1728.61 Occupation: Taylor.

From John Rogers of Marshfield:236
    Timothy Rogers was admitted a townsman of Marshfield Feb’y 14, 1664/5; witnessed a Friend's marriage certificate in 1678; was freed from bearing arms on account of lameness in 1681; administered upon the estate of Nathaniel Parker in 1690; is mentioned in the laying out of a road (apparently near Rogers Brook) in 1692; and on March 29, 1699, gave to his son, John Rogers^3 of Marshfield, “Land in Marshfield where I now dwell, about 40 acres, bounded by land of my brother, Joseph Rogers,” &c. B. IV, p. 50.
    Apparently the line between his land and that of his brother, Joseph, was the line between Marshfield and Duxbury.
    The will of Timothy Rogers of Marshfield, “Taylor,” d. Mar. 24, 1724/5, p. Aug. 5, 1728, mentions sons, Samuel and John; daughter, Bethiah Rogers, then unmarried and living with him; and daughters, Hannah Torrey, Eunice Witherel, Mary Carver, and Hannah Lapham; granddaughter, Judith Rogers, wife of Joseph Rogers ; son-in-law, William Torrey; and son, Timothy, to whom he gives the bulk of his property, and whom he makes executor of his will.

In March 1688/9, Cornelious Jones was presented in cort for “saying that he believed that he had got Timothy Roger’s daughter with child”, Plymouth Court Records, 1:200.361
Ca 1669 Timothy married Eunice Stetson (8567) , daughter of Cornet Robert Stetson (2975) (ca 1615-1 Feb 1702/3) & Honor Tooker (ca 1612-1684). Born on 18 Mar 1650 in Scituate, MA.62 Eunice died in Marshfield, MA bef 1728.

Cornet Robert Stetson in his will d. Sept. 4, 1702, p. Mar. 5, 1702/3, mentions his daughter, Eunice Rogers, then living.236
Their children include:
Samuel Rogers (ca 1670-1747)
Lois Rogers (ca 1671-)
Bethiah Rogers (ca 1674-)
Timothy Rogers (Died young) (ca 1674-)
John Rogers (ca 1675-24 Apr 1762)
Eunice Rogers (ca 1677-)
Hannah Rogers (ca 1682-4 Jul 1740)
Mary Rogers (ca 1689-bef 1727)
Timothy Rogers (ca 1690-10 Dec 1763)
Honor Rogers (ca 1691-)
6443. Abigail Rogers. Born ca 1652 in Scituate, MA. Abigail died aft May 1704.
1 Jan 1678/9 Abigail married Timothy White (4376) , son of Gowen White (1742) (ca 1607-bef 3 Mar 1664/5) & Elizabeth Ward (ca 1597-), in Scituate, MA.110 Born ca 1640.44 Timothy died in Scituate, MA on 13 Jun 1704.52

Timothy “settled on his father’s Conihasset farm, a half mile west of the Harbour and near his brother Joseph.”53

Timothy was constable in 1670, a member of two juries of inquest in 1673, a soldier in King Philip’s war and was wounded, sustaining ‘damages in his head by a shot.’ For his services hsi son Timothy had a share in the Narragasnsett town No. 7 (Gorham, ME) in 1733. In 1680 he was fined £20, of which £10 was abated, for defaiming the Governor and Major Cudworth.44

From John Rogers of Marshfield:236
    Timothy’s will d. May 16, 1704, p. Sept. 22, 1704, mentions wife, Abigail; children, Timothy, Abigail White, Sarah White and Elizabeth White; son Timothy, Exr.
    He gives to his daughters, land at Drinkwater, “formerly the land of Cornett Robert Stetson, but now in my possession.”
Their children include:
Timothy White (17 Nov 1679-14 Aug 1756)
Abigail White (31 Oct 1682-)
Sarah White (26 Apr 1685-26 May 1763)
Elizabeth White (9 Oct 1688-)
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