Table of Contents | |
Marriage record | pages 1-12 |
Baptismal record | pages 12-75 |
Index | pages 77-98 |
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1772, Jan. 18. L. Johannes Groesbeek and Anna Davenport, y.p., at Schaktko.
Jan. 21. B. Hendrik Clumb and Elisabeth Thoudel, (?) y.p., both of the Colony.
Jan. 27. L. Francis Salisbury and Elsje Staats, y.p., both of this County.
Jan. 28. L. Martin Egberson and Sinea Schermerhoorn, y.p., both of this County.
Feb. 13. B. Ysaac Hoogteling and Rachel Ploeg, y.p., at New Foundland.
March 14. L. Samuel Marll and Rachel Gardenier, y.p., both of this County.
March 24, with certif. of Rev. W. Andrew, Richard Tilleman and Sarah Morrel, y.p., both of this County.
June 8. B. Ephraim Bennet and Geertruy Bloemendal, in the Colony.
July 8. L. Martin C. Witbeek and Mirita V. d. Bergh. Of this County.
July 9. L. Philip Loek and Magdalena Van Wie, y.p., at Niskatha.
[page 2]
July 18. L. Abraham Verplank and Hendrikje Lansing, y.p., of this place.
Aug. 30. L. John Bratt and Elisabeth Bratt, y.p., both of this place.
Sept. 6. L. Barent V. d. Berg and Marytje Blam (?), y.p., both of this place.
Sept. 27. B. Jacob Van Loon and Christina Schuyler, y.p., both of this place.
Sept. 28. L. James Halenbeek and Ytje Bratt, both of this County.
Oct. 27. L. Daniel V. Antwerp and Gerritje Witbeek, y.p., both of this County.
1773, Jan. 2. L. Pieter J. Bogert and Saartje Van Schaak, y.p., both of this place.
Feb. 8. B. by Thomas Knowlton at N. Bethlehem. James Harring and Christina Koen, Rensselaar Manor.
Feb. 14. B. Abrhm Wendel and Alida Fonda, at Senehaitk (?) .
Feb. 23. B. Petrus Sheer and Maria De Voe, at Half Moon.
March 2. L. Hendrik Greveraad and Marytje Van Driessen, y.p., both of this City.
March 2. B. Willem Hoogteling and Maria Bloemendeal, living in the Colony.
March 7. B. Nicolaas Siksby and Cornelia Cooper, of the Colony.
April 8. L. Anthony E. Bratt and Alida Van Schaak, of this City.
May 15. B. Cornelis Brouwer and Elisabeth Visbach, y.p., both in this City.
June 1. B. Simon V. d. Koek and Lavyntje V. d. Hoef, Half Moon.
June 5. L. Gerrit J. Lansing and Alida Fonda, of this County.
June 6. L. Cornelis Douw and Catharina V. Schaik, of this place.
June 7. B. Hendrik Wieler and Bregje Boom, of Niskatha.
Aug. 7. B. Theunis Van Slyk and Annaatje Cooper, of this County.
Aug. 21. L. Isaac Johnson and Anna Romney, y.p., both of this County.
[page 3]
Aug. 25. B. Abraham Fransisco and Hester Van der Coek, at the Half Moon.
Sept. 19. B. Uldrick Brouwer and Cornelia Beever, both in this County.
Sept. 22. L. Henry Van Buuren and Anna Van Schaik, of Saratoga.
Oct. 18. L. Zefrinus Peetinger and Maria Young, y.p., both of this City.
Oct. 22. L. Gerrit Winne and Anna Viele, y.p., both of the County.
Oct. 27. B. Zebuloss Cabols and Catharina Schouerman, y.p., both of this County.
Oct. 30. L. Henry Van Hoesen and Elisabeth Evertsen, y.p., both of Albany.
Nov. 7. L. John V. Esch and Margarita Van Woert, y.p., of Albany.
Nov. 16. L. Albert Meeby and Maria Hoghen, y.p., of this County.
Dec. 1. L. Yzaac Bogert and Cathalina Hun, y.p., of this city.
Found upon a piece of paper pasted in the original: (On one side:) Sir. Marriage is intended between James Harrington of New Bethlehan, Manor Reynslor, Albany County, of the one part and Christeen Koones of the other part, Manor Rynslor and County aforesaid. And you are hereby desired to publish the Bands, January 17th, 1773. (On the other side :) (Addressed) To Mr. Knowlton.
These two young people is lawfully by me Thomas Knowlton pubhckly in meaten U r II Sabaths runing.
Jacob Harrinton,
Willom Barmone
1774, Jan. 2. B. Matheus Clerk and Immetje Page, liv. in this County.
Jan. 4. B. Johs. Vander Werken and Sarah Van Dessel, y.p., of the Colony.
Jan. 28. B. Wilhelmus Freelig and Elisabeth Van der Zee, y.p., of the Colony.
Feb. 6. L. Abraham Staats and Cornelia Lansing, y.p., of this County.
Feb. 20. B. Andries Wilzon and Geertruy Van Ostrander, y.p., of the Colony.
[page 4]
Feb. 22. B. Abraham Poels and Dorothea Shutter, y.p., of the Colony.
Mar. 30. L. Folkert Oothout and Jannetje Bogert, y.p., of this County.
Apr. 22. B. Johs. Meerthen and Maria Freelich, y.p., of this County.
May 21. B. Hermanus Van Salsburry and Alida Scherp, y.p., of the Colony.
May 29. L. Gerrit Witbeek and Immetje Perry, y.p., of this County.
June. B. Johs. Salmsby and Eva Spoor, y.p., Iiv. at Schotak.
July 16. B. John Kames and Mary Dorruck, of the Colony.
Aug. 8. B. Martin Van Buren and Jannetje Holliday, of the Colony.
Aug. 28. L. Jacob G. Lansing and Femmetje Lansing, y.p., of this City.
Sept. 11. B. Abraham Ouderkerk and Aaltje Ouderkerk, y.p., of the Colony.
Oct. 29. B. Jacob Bovie and Rebecca Cronke, y.p., of this County.
Nov. 3. B. Albert Halenbeek and Sara Slingerland, y. D., of the Colony.
Nov. 20. L. Ephraim Van Vechten and Susanna Hoghing, of this City.
Dec. 11. B. Daniel McCloud and Margery McQueen.
Dec. 11. B. John McDonnall and Margery McDonnal, all of the Wittekill.
Dec. 26. B. Johs. Bulsing and Mally Wilzon, in the Colony.
Dec. 31. L. Pieter Van Wie and Abigail V. d. Berg, y.p., of the Colony.
1775, Jan. 12. L. John M. V. Aalstein and Dirkje Winne, y.p., of this County.
Feb. 2. B. Reyer Schermerhoorn and Marytje Bever, in this County.
May 13. L. Pieter Winne and Maria Oosterhout, y.p., of the Colony.
May 12. B. Samuel Canover and Nency Petton, in the Colony.
[page 5]
June 1. B. Pieter Zeger and Marytje Hoogteling, y.p., at Niskatha.
June 4. L. Pieter De Foreest and Pietertje Van Aalstein, y.p., of the Colony.
June 15. B. Michael Cooms and Elisabeth Jong, y.p., of the County.
June 22. L. Gerrit A. V. d. Berg and Anna ’s Jans, y.p., of the Colony.
June 25. L. Folkert V. Vechten and Elisabeth V. d. Berg, y. D., of the Colony.
July 16. B. Alexander Mills, of Tryon County, and Jannet Grant, of this City.
July 19. L. Eilardus Westerlo and Catharina V. Rensselaer, né e Livingston.
Aug. 2. L. John G. Van Schaik and Anna Van Schaik, y.p., of this County.
Aug. 17. B. Pieter Coens and Catharine Still, y.p., of the Colony.
Aug. 17. B. Court H. Ludolph and Jenneke Jakson, y.p., of this City.
Sept. 23. B. Jacobus Van Valkenburg and Catharina Siksby, of this County.
Sept. 24. L. Pieter Winne and Helena Bogert, of this County.
Oct. 1. L. John Oosterhout and Agnieta Winne, y.p., of the Colony.
Oct. 1. L. Martin Vinhagel and Judith Carrol, y.p., of the Colony.
Nov. 5. L. Jacobus Van Franken and Geertruy Fonda, y.p., of this County.
Dec. 15. L. Philip Bovie and Eva Sharp, y.p., of this County.
1776, Jan. 11. L. John J. Sabriskie, of Hakkensak, and Leentie Lansing, of Albany, y.p.
Jan. 21. B. Hendrik Kerker and Charlotte Craff, y.p., at Niskgioenen.
Jan. 25. B. Barent Meinzert and Polly Lister, y.p., of the Colony.
Feb. 1. L. Donald Fisher, of N.Y., and Elizabeth Munroe, y.d., of the Wittekill.
Feb. 10. L. John A. Lansing and Elisabeth Fryer, y.p., of this City.
[page 6]
Feb. 3. George Brown and Mally Hilton.
Feb. 3. Jacob Quackenbusch and Catharina de Voe.
Feb. 18. L. Anthony Ten Eyck and Maria Egbert, y.p., Of this City.
Feb. 18. L. Jacob Jac. Bleecker and Elisabeth Wendell, y. n., of this Gty.
Feb. 19. B. John Obryan and Cath. Boom; Thoms Brown and Jannetje Le Granzy; John V. Tuylen and Marie Dauber, of the Colony.
Feb. 19. B. Samuel Bromely and Maria Spoor, of the City.
Feb. 21. B. Efraim Nolton and Elisabeth Baker, of the Colony.
Feb. 26. B. Martinus Van Yveren and Cornelia V. Schaik, y.p., of the Colony.
Feb. 28. B. John Siksby and Alida Bont, y.p., of the Colony.
Mar. 7. B. John Lawrence and Mindret Williamson, y.p., of New Bethlehem.
Mar. 30. L. Hermanus Ten Eyck and Margarita Bleecker, y.p., of this City.
Apr. 12. B. Johs. Rendell and Catharina Broeksthaven.
Apr. 18. B. Johns. Shipley and Helena Gardinier.
Apr. 19. B. Johs. Witbeek and Catharina ’s Jans.
Apr. 21. B. Pieter Grant and Catharina Commings.
May 9. L. Hendrik Bratt and Mary Eight.
May 18. B. David White and Margaret Reynard, of the army.
May 18. B. Wouter V. d. Zee and Mary Beck, of the Colony.
May 19. B. Antony Poel and Elisabeth Janssen, of Schotak.
May 25. B. Carel Shaver and Celia Redly, of the Colony.
May 26. B. William Lappius and Elly Van Denzen.
June 14. B. William Gilberts and Esther Nilson, of this city, both.
July 6. B. Jacobus Van Valkenburg and Jannetje Jumens, of Schotak.
July 17. B. Thomas Pendell and Immetje V. Salsburry, of the Colony.
[page 7]
Aug. 4. B. Johs. Hoogherk and Elisabeth Martin, y.p., of this City.
Aug. 24. L. Abraham Halenbeek and Maria Pruin, of this County.
Aug. 25. B. William Brown and Polly Cadogan, y.p., of this County.
Oct. 6. B. Hendrik Muller and Catharina Ostrander, both of this County.
Oct. 8. James McCally and Wid. Edgelton, of Schenectady.
Oct. 20. B. Abraham Poel and Catharina Breesie, y.p., in R’wyck.
Oct. 20. B. Andries Ostrander and Catharina Valkenburg, of Kinderhook.
Nov. 28. Upon certif. of his Col. J. Visscher, John Mehony and Elisabeth Green.
Nov. 24. B. Willem Brezie and Catharina V. Deusen.
Dec. 10. B. Alexander Forsight and Mally Frasier, y.p., living here.
Dec. 21. L. Nanning Visscher and Agnietje Van Buoren, y.p., of this County.
Dec. 26. B. Gerrit A. Lansing and Elisabeth Wynkoop.
1777, Jan. 1. Certif. of Col. P. Ganzevoort, John Brown and Margaret Scott, of the Army.
Jan. 1. B. Elias Conkling and Hannah Lang, y.p., of Nistigioenen.
Jan. 12. B. Frederick Meinerszen and Machtelt Witbeek, y.p., of this County.
Jan 16. B. John Evert and Nency Howard, y.p., of this City.
Jan. 19. L. Reynier Van Yveren and Rebecca De Foreest, y.p., of this County.
Jan. 21. B. Wouter Slingerland and Maria Prys, y.p., of the Colony.
Jan. 26. B. Abraham Witbeek and Elisabeth Lansing, y.p., of the Colony.
Feb. 10. B. Willem V. d. Werken and Maria Bogardus, y.p., of the Half Moon.
Feb. 10. B. Willem Waldron and Margaret V. d. Werken, y.p., of the Half Moon.
Feb. 12. B. Jochem V. Hoevenberg and Susanna Clerk, y.p., of this City.
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Feb. 22. B. Abraham Van Wie and Jacomyntje Borhans, y.p., of the Colony.
Feb. 23. B. Arent V. Deuzen and Margaret McCloud, y.p., of this City.
Feb. 24. B. Johs. Sanders, Jr., of Schenectady and Debora Sanders, y.d., of this City.
Feb. 24. B. Henry Cortreght and Jinny Steel, of Schenectady.
Mar. 2. B. Abraham Gardenier and Eva Lewis, liv. in Tryon Co.
Mar. 9. B. Pieter Yates and Mary Petten, y.p., of the Colony.
Mar. 9. B. Izac Seaman and Margriet Tilman, y.p., of this City.
Mar. 16. B. William Tarberd and Anna Young, y.p., of this City.
Mar. 30. B. Jacob Van Woert and Sara Van Ness, y.p., of the Colony.
May 2. B. Johs. V. d. Berg and Marytje Hoes, y.p., of this County.
May 7. B. Robert Gray and Susanna La Grange, y.p., of this County.
May 14. L. of Gov. Livingston, Johs. De Wandelaar and Gerritje Ganzevoort, y.p., of this City.
May 28. B. John Betty and Elisabeth Daniels, y.p., of the Colony.
May 31. B. Theunis W. Slingerland and Rachel Bogert, y.p., of this County.
June 7. B. Nicolaas Siksby and Engeltje Vroman, y.p., of Pightawee (?).
June 9. B. Cornelis Janssen and Lydia Car, y.p., of Kinderhook.
June 10. B. Bernard Neeker and Catharina Heyde, y.p., of the Colony.
June 15. B. Thomas Low and Geertje Vosburg, y.p., of the Colony.
June 19. B. Zacharias Sickels and Catharina Cheirs, y.p., of this City.
June 29. B. Cornelis Gardenier and Antje V. Slyck, y.p., of Schotak.
June 29. B. Daniel Bratt and Christina Bakeman, y.p., of the Colony.
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June 29. B. Johs. V. Esch and Neeltje de Foreest, y.p., at Claverak.
July 13. B. Frans Pruin and Maria V. Esch, y.p., of this City.
Aug. 17. B. Isaac Oostrander and Sara Herrington.
Sept. 15. B. William Coeny and Elisabeth King.
Sept. 27. B. Jurjen Honsiker and Anna Smith
Nov. 6. B. Yzac Sturges and Sally Smith.
Nov. 9. B. John Graham and Maria Fryer.
Nov. 15. B. William Colebride and Hester Van Deusen.
Nov. 18. B. Matheus Poel and Elisabeth Shutter.
Nov. 23. B. Oliver Stitson and Jany Anderson.
Nov. 30. B. Alexander Cameron and Margaret Murray.
Nov. 30. B. Samuel Warren and Sally Ames.
Nov. 30. B. William Abbot and Margaret Jackson.
Dec. 10. B. Daniel Morrison and Eleonor Fraser.
Dec. 25. B. Jurjen Lerk and Jannetje V. Buren.
Dec. 25. B. Jerson Valenbee and Elisabeth Witbeek.
Dec. 25. B. Coenraad Coens and Christina Omfrie
1778, Jan. 9. B. Johs. Ryan and Mary Robinson.
Jan. 7. B. William Lacy and Janneke Salsbury.
Jan. 7. B. Cornelis Wynkoop and Anna Ganzevoort.
Jan. 10. B. Jacob Lansing and Susanna Fonda
Jan. 11. B. Reinier Vanden Bergh and Elisabeth Vinhagen.
Jan. 12. B. Pieter Ganzevoort and Catharina V. Schaik.
Jan. 18. B. Patrick Philips and Sarah Culberton
Jan. 19. B. Mathys Klegner and Susannah Wilsy.
Jan. 20. B. Johs. Vosmer and Polly McCegg.
Jan. 20. B. Stephen Owen and Tytje Mersselis.
Jan. 24. B. Joseph Welch and Margarita Gurschey.
Feb. 10. B. John Williamson and Maria Love
Marr. upon Banns:
Feb. 10. John Cosdan and Alida Nisbert.
Feb. 15. Hiskias Van Norden and Engeltje Loek.
Mar. 2. Pieter V. Buuren and Dorothea Poel
Mar. 3. Jabis Landers and Hanna Herrington
Mar. 8. Jacobus Velentbee and Rachel Barheidt.
Mar. 8. Hendrik Gardenier and Elisabeth Huyck.
Mar. 8. John Van Alen and Maria Look.
[page 10]
Mar. 15. Luther Throwbridge and Elisabeth Tillman.
Mar. 21. Anthony Drissee and Eleanor Alder.
Mar. 29. John Lewis Welch and Eunice Murray.
Apr. 5. Elisa Smith and Alida Bulsing.
Apr. 8. Roelef Huyck and Rachel Dickson.
James Melonay and Abby Brouwer.
Charles D. Whitley and Elisabeth Willis.
Apr. 19. John Banker and Geertruy Jacobi.
Apr. 20. Roelef Janssen and Maria Wats.
Apr. 21. Abraham Shutter and Catharine Salsbury.
Apr. 26. Samuel Cuddy and Lydia Bratt.
Samuel Verbank and Mary Rodgers.
James Ray and Sara Mumpford.
William Brown and Jane Read.
May 3. John Johnson and Nancy Davenport.
May 8. John Bounds and Mary Fisher.
May 9. Johs. V. Rensselaer and Frences Nichols.
May 24. E,dward Comptton and Maria V. Schaik.
May 28. John Sabrisky and Dorothea Bogert.
June 4. Charles McCarty and Dorcas Ward.
June 7. Philip de Foreest and Annatje V. Denzen.
June 14. Leonard Weyland and Agnieta Miller.
July 6. Alexander Campbell and Mary McMullen.
July 7. Valentyn Denick and Barbara Moor.
July 20. Lewis Grant and Majorey Fayer.
Aug. 12. John V. Antwerp and Cathalina Yates.
Aug. 14. Gerardus Lansing and Margarita Richards.
Aug. 16. Hendrik Lewis and Jannetje Helling.
Aug. 20. Thomas Knowlton Adams and Mary Barnum.
Sept. 5. Thomas Haddock and Catharine Connerly.
Sept. 8. Johannes Muller and Maria Fonda.
Sept. 10. Jan De Voe and Annatje Conner.
Sept. 22. Kiliaan Bont and Maria Beevins.
Sept. 25. –– Roun and Geertruy Shup.
Oct. 4. Isaac V. Aalstein and Margarita V. Aalstein.
Oct. 28. Jurjen Claann and Christina Springsteen.
Nov. 8. John Graham and Debora Staats.
Nov. 29. John Hoogan and Annatje White.
Dec. 4. John Fatten and Catharine V.d. Werken.
Abiah Chagweek and Peggy Wilson.
Dec. 7. Albert Hansen and Engeltje Hansen.
Dec. 26. Humphrey Hardgrave and Jane Wats.
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1779, Jan. 6. Nicholaas Slingerland and Mary Halenbeek.
Jan. 16. Mathew Daly and Mary Brown.
James King and Martha Raly.
Jan. 18. Yzac Foreest and Marytje Greveread.
Jan. 28. Isaac Larreway and Sara Heemstraet.
Jan. 31. John Albrech and Resina Briesch.
Feb. 6. Frederik Brown and Polly Ramsey
Feb. 7. Samuel Gart and Ann Carney.
Feb. 7. Jochum V.d. Heiden and Elisabeth Smith.
Feb. 14. Thoms. Foster and Nelly Bourrighs.
Joseph Prindell and Anna Springsteen.
Alexander McGriger and Betsv McVie.
Feb. 16. Josua English and Elisabeth Brogden.
Feb. 20. Marten Wendel and Maria Winne.
Feb. 21. David Getens and Catharine Hewes.
John McKay and Margaret Thomson.
Feb. 28. Joseph Gardener and Oner Thomsen.
Mar. 8. Gerrit P. Van Vrancken and Maria Burch.
Mar. 7. John McClean and Catharina Sarter.
Gerrit Hoogteeling and Annatje Oosterhout.
Mar. 21. John Gates and Geertruy V. Vrancken.
Bethuel Washhurn and Gerritje Bratt.
Mar. 19. Henry Herritz and Barber Tholl.
Mar. 28. Christiaan Fero and Catharina Levison.
Mar. 29. Henry Shutter and Jannetje Hindermond.
Apr. 4. Henry Chambers and Rachel V. Santen.
Apr. 11. Isaac Yz. Fonda and Antje V. Santvoord.
Apr. 18. Theunis Abr. Slingerland and Margarita Hanssen.
May 2. Wouter Moll and Catharina Peek.
Daniel Owens and Elisabeth Springsteen.
George Robertson and Susy Hofman.
Marr. with Banns:
May 16. Himloke Woodruff and Maria Lansing.
Samuel Veeder and Neeltje Koert (or Koen)
May 30. Willem Sibree and Rebecca Yates.
Othonia Preston and Rachel Archerd.
June 2. Richard Robeson and Hanna Stuard.
June 12. Willem Larraway and Sara Wvnkoop.
July 4. Pieter W. Groesbeek and Alida V. Aarnem.
July 10. Evert Evertsen and Elisabeth Goey.
[page 12]
July 10. Francis Harssen and Rebecca Spoor.
July 12. Daniel Flensburg and Catharine Hoogteling.
Jacob Shutter and Margarita Howard.
July 13. Cornelis V. Ostrander and Margarita Muller.
July 19. Eduard Chinn and Margarita J. Livingston.
July 25. Nathaniel Henry and Mary Williams.
Harpert V. Deuzen and Geertruy Witbeek.
Aug. 1. James Halstede and Susanna Miller.
Jesse De Foreest and Rebecca Van Santen.
Aug. 8. John M. Kinsy and Hanna Burnett.
Aug. 15. Carel Heemstraat and Geertruy V.d. Werken.
Jacob Springsteen and Rachel Cool.
Sept. 2. John Miller and Hannah Bratt.
Oct. 14. Joseph Haswell and Mary Mark.
Oct. 15. Thomas Brower and Sara Fairfield.
Oct. 22. Dirk Flensburg and Alida V.d. Werken.
Oct. 17. Willem Witbeek and Catharina De Foreest.
Nov. 7. Henry Cool and Jannetje Springsteen.
Wilhelmus Mook and Hester Frederik.
Nov. 21. Volkert V.d. Berg and Maria Vinhagen.
Nov. 22. Gerrit Staats and Elisabeth Low.
Yzac Fonda and Sara Wynkoop.
Dec. 8. Thomas Eesterly and Bata Van Woert.
Dec. 25. David Foreest and Susanna Fonda.
Dec. 27. James Penkerton and Mary Marshall.
1772, Jan. 5. bo. Dec. 7. Jurjen of Nicolaas Scherp and Lena Hogeboom. Wit. Jurjen and Catharina Scherp.
Jan. 8. bo. Oct. 27. Margarita of Ignas Kip and Annatie V. Vegten. Wit. Dirk V. Vegten, Pietertje Yates.
bo. Dec. 9. Cathalyntje of Dirk V. Vegten and Pietertje Yates. Wit. Ignas Kip, Annatje V. Vegten.
bo. Nov. 15. Jacob of Harmen Qwakkenbusch and Judike Marl. Wit. Samuel Marl, Elisab. Knikkerbacker.
Jan. 10. bo. Dec. 2. Willem of Everhard Weger and Magdalena Neufll. Wit. Gothfreed Enaks, Margaretha Enan.
Jan. 13. bo. Nov. 22. Maria of Nanning Halenbeek and Alida Ten Eick. Wit. Samuel and Neeltje Pruin.
[page 13] 1772
Jan. 16. bo. the 4th. Hendrik of Jacobus Abeel and Egbertje V. Buuren. Wit. Gerrit and Elisabeth Rykman.
bo. the 12th. Annatje of Willem V. Santen and Alida Smith. Wit. John and Annatje Fryer.
Jan. 20. bo. Dec. 14. Elisabeth of Johannes Oothout and Elisabeth V. Woert. Wit. Pieter and Elisabeth Williams.
Jan. 23. Dirk of Lavinus Lansing and Catharina V. d. Heide. Wit. Dirk and Elisab. V. d. Heide.
Jan. 26. bo. Dec. 18. Marytje of Harman Fort and Rebecca V. Woert. Wit. Jacob and Elisabeth V. Woert.
bo. Dec. 30. Cornelis Cadmus of Hendrik Crennel and Jacomina Bloemendal. Wit. Cornelis and Maria Cadmus.
Feb. 2. bo. the 1st. Jacobus of John Davis and Elisabeth Wyngaard. Wit. Philip and Annatje Young.
Feb. 2. bo. the 8th. Hilletje of Richard PengLurn and Cathalyntje V. Etten. Wit. Benjamin and Heyltje V. Etten.
Feb. 12. bo. the 1st. Benjamin of Cornelis Waldrom and Alida Goey. Wit. Benjamin Goey, Catharina V. d. Berg.
bo. Jan. 1. Catharina of Eldert V. Woert and Elisabeth Fonda. Wit. Hendrik and Catharina Fonda.
Feb. 19. bo. the 17th. Jacob of Abraham Ten Eick and Annatje Lansing. Wit. Jacob Lansing, Lena V. Renzelaar.
Feb. 23. bo. the 17th. Elisabeth of Johs. V. Woert, Jr., and Cathalyna Lansing. Wit. Jacob and Elisabeth V. Woert.
March 1. bo. Feb. 2. Francyntje of Johs. Conzalus and Machtel Heemstraat. Wit. John Visscher, Annatje Persse.
March 4. bo. the 3d. Maria of Bathus V. Benthuisen and Elisabeth Romney. Wit. Benjamin and Maria Rumney.
Susanna of Will. Serv. of P. Schuyler and Brit. Serv. of Abm. Ten Broek. Wit. Susan serv. of Madame V. Renselaar.
March 8. bo. Feb. 13. Catharina of Hannes and Catharina Redlif. Wit. Willem Willis, Rachel Redlif.
March 11. bo. Feb. 19. Lydia of Jurjen Steen and Lea V. der Hoef. Wit. Roelef and Lydia Zeger.
March 15. bo. the 13th. Neeltje of Nicolaas Hieralymon and Jannetje Waldrom. Wit. Willem and Neeltje Waldrom.
March 15. bo. the 1st. Andries of Hendrik V. Ostrander and Maria V. d. Bergh. Wit. Benjamin and Maria V. d. Berg.
[page 14] 1772
bo. Feb. 20. Maria of Wynand W. V. d. Berg and Francyntje Knoet. Wit. Gerrit and Jannetje Lansing.
March 17. Johannes of Daniel and Willempje Bratt. Wit. Johs. Ja. and Catharina Lansing.
March 18. bo. Feb. 23. Zacharias of Adam Schonfeld and Neeltje Freer. Wit. Zachary and Annatje Neet.
March 22. bo. the 21st. Yzaac of Gysbert G. Mersselis and Anna Staats. Wit. Jocham and Elisab. Staats.
bo. Jan. 31. Cornelis of Salomo Bulsing and Geertruy Knoet. Wit. Cornelis and Annatje Bulsing.
April 1. bo. the 29th. David of Willem Groesbeek and Catharina V. Denzen. Wit. David and Sara Groesbeek.
April 4. bo. March 31. Annatje of Albert Slingerland and Christina V. Franken. Wit. Hendrik and Margarita Waldrom.
April 7. bo. March 29. Maria of Philip Muller and Geesje V. Hoesen. Wit. Harmen Muller, Elsje V. Hoesen.
April 11. bo. March 12. Cornelis of Pieter Simessen and Geertruy Crugier. Wit. Cornelis and Marytje Simessen.
bo. Feb. 26. Pieter of Jan Don and Marytje de Voe. Wit. Samuel Don, Jannetje V. d. Kar.
bo. Feb. 20. Catharina of Abraham K. V. Vlek and Gerritje Contyn. Wit. Matheus and Catharina Contyn.
bo. the 8th. Martinus of Hermanus Hofman and Catharina Douw. Wit. Martinus and Alida Hofman.
April 19. bo. March 30. Alida of Johs. J. Lansing and Maria Huik. Wit. Johs. and Sara Knoet.
April 26. bo. the 20th. Machtel of Yzaac Roza and Marytje V. Franken. Wit. Gerrit and Catharina Viele.
bo. the 20th. Annatje of Abraham Yaetes and Jannetje Bratt. Wit. Pieter and Annatje de Wandelaar.
bo. the 20th. Margarita of Gerrit A. Lansing and Agnietje Bratt. Wit. Bernardus Bratt, Marytje Williams.
May 3. bo. March 23. Cornelis of Hannes Muller and Sara V. Yveren. Wit. Cornelis Muller, Rebecca V. Yveren.
bo. the 29th. Jan of John D. Groesbeek and Aaltje V. Aarnem. Wit. Yzac and Elisabeth V. Aarnem.
May 7. bo. the 5th. Marten of Johannes M. Beekman and Elisabeth Douwe. Wit. Marten and Geertruy Beekman.
[page 15] 1772
May 12. bo. Apr. 4. Wynand of Albert V. d. Werken and Annatje V. d. Berg. Wit. Abraham and Rachel V. d. Berg.
May 14. bo. the 7th. Andries of Andries H. Gardenier and Saartje Hanssen. Wit. Hannes Mersselis, Neeltje Gardenier.
May 7. bo. the 16th. Anna of Gerrit Rykman and Elisabeth V. Buuren. Wit. Pieter Rykman, Lydia V. d. Berg.
May 17. bo. Mch. 1. Harmen of Cornelis V. Vegten and Annatje Knickerbacker. Wit. Dirk and Alida V. Vegten.
Robert of Johs. Crennel and Folkje V. Aalstein. Wit. Cornelis and Alida V. d. Berg.
May 24. bo. Apr. 27. Johannes of Andries Goey and Glorena Young. Wit. Hans Goey, Elisaib. Young.
May 27. bo. the 18th. Johannes of Hendrik and Cathalyna Bleeker. Wit. Johannes Beekman, Elisabeth Cuyler.
bo. the 25th. Hendrik of Andries Abel and Annatje Marshal. Wit. Hendrik Abel. Cathalyna Groesbeek.
May 31. bo. the 5th. Jan of Evert Oothout and Margarita Davenpoort. Wit. Sander and Alida Bulsing.
bo. Mch. 30. Alida of Pieter Goey and Maria Young. Wit. Cornelis Waldrom, Alida Goey.
bo. May 1. Susanna of Hannes Zeger and Sara Pangburn. Wit. Adam and Marytje Zeger.
June 7. bo. Feb. 25. Gerrit of Jacob G. V. Schaik and Geertje Ridder. Wit. Gozen and Maayke V. Schaik.
Whillem of John Rheyly and Cathal. V. d. Berg. Wit. Willem and Santje V. d. Berg.
bo. the 5th. Maria of John McCanne and Eva Beekman. Wit. Robert Yates, Catharina Been.
June 8. bo. the 6th. Maria of Hermanus Wendel and Barbara Bratt. Wit. Hendrik and Marytje Wendell.
bo. the 2d. Catharina of Hendrik Q. V. Renselaar and Alida Bratt. Wit. William St. Lodlo, Elsje Rensselaar.
June 10. bo. the 9th. Robert of Lavinus Dunbaar and Margarita Hanssen. Wit. Simon and Marytje V. Antwerpen.
June 29. bo. Apr. 1. Catharina of Matheus Brouwer and Annatje Ouderkerk. Wit. Yzaac and Catharina Huyk.
[page 16] 1772
June 28. Catharina of Cornelis Wendel and Annatje Lansing. Wit. Hermanus H. Wendel, Annatje Schuyler.
Elisabeth of John Amory and Neeltje Staats. Wit. Joachim and Elisabeth Staats.
July 8. bo. the 8th. Jellis of Daniel Winne and Jannetje Banker. Wit. Jellis and Fytje Winne.
July 12. bo. June 17. William of Francis Salisbury and Elsje Staats. Wit. William Salisbury, Theuntje Staats.
July 18. bo. the 18th. Maria of Nicolaas Claver and Susanna Merridey. Wit. Gerrit and Catharina Viele.
July 20. bo. June 26. Margarita of Joseph V. Santen and Rebecca DeGarmo. Wit. Yzaac Hoogkerk and Rachel V. Santen.
bo. June 27. Johannes of Gerrit V. Oostrander and Christina V. d. Berg. Wit. Abraham and Elisab. V. Oostrander.
bo. the 19th. Sara of Gerrit V. Yveren and Catharina Bogert. Wit. Martin Meinerssen, Debora V. Yveren.
July 23. bo. June 9. Susanna of Hendrik V. Schoonhoven and Aaltje V. Esch. Wit. Gerrit Van Schoonhoven, Maria Fonda.
July 27. Helena of Gerrit Van Wie and Catharina Lansing. Wit. John Ten Baar, Helena Lansing.
Lena of John and Lena Ofens. Wit. Barent and Hendrikje V. Buuren.
bo. Mch. 2. Johannes of Petrus Benneway and Marytje Fort. Wit. Frans Winne, Anneke Viele.
July 31. bo. Mch. 1. Jacob of Yzaac Ouderkerk and Annatje Rodgers. Wit. Abraham Hoghil, Eliabeth Baarh.
Aug. 2. bo. July 30. Johannes of Lavinus Winne and Maria Lansing. Wit. Jacob and Lena Lansing.
Wyntje of John J. Fonda and Evje V. d. Zee. Wit. Theunis V. d. Zee, Wyntje Lansing.
Aug. 5. bo. June 27. Maria of Jacob A. Lansing and Alida Levison. Wit. Willem and Catharina Levison.
Aug. 9. bo. the 5th. Margarita of Nicolaas Klein and Elisabeth Couglen. Wit. Pieter and Lydia Rykman.
Aug. 16. bo. the 13th. Jonathan of Pieter Broeks and Francyntje Wendel. Wit. Jonathan Broeks, Maria V. Santen.
Aug. 16. bo. Aug. 10. Wyntje of Barent V. Yveren and Rebecca Brat. Wit. Johs. and Maayke Bratt.
[page 17] 1772
Aug. 19. bo. Aug. 17. Yzaac of Wouter De Foreest and Alida Knoet. Wit. Yzaac and Neeltje Foreest.
Aug. 22. bo. May 16. Johannes of Willem Groen and Cathalyntje Borns. Wit. John Berry, Marritje de Wever.
Aug. 30. bo. the 26th. Rachel of Jacob de Garmo and Fytje Bekker. Wit. Jellis and Rachel De Garmo.
bo. the 22d. Elisabeth of Abraham Ten Broek and Elisabeth V. Renselaar. Wit. Gerardus Groesbeek Catharina V. Renselaar.
bo. the 10th. Rachel of Jan and Selly Duret. Wit. Johs. and Cath. V. Woert.
Sept. 13. bo. the 11th. Brand Schuyler of Cornelis Zwits and Catharina Schuyler. Wit. Johs. and Elisabeth Bleeker.
bo. the 7th. Catharina of Hendrik Ten Eyck, Jr., and Margarita. Wit. Abraham and Catharina Douw.
Sara of Dick and Maria (slaves) Tham and Susanna.
Sept. 14. Catharina of Leendert Gansevoort and Hester Cuyler. Wit. Johs. Beekman, Jannetje Cuyler.
Sept. 16. bo. the 1st. Margarita of Hendrik Daniels and Mally McCyoung. Wit. George Mendel, Margar. Northern.
Sept. 23. bo. the 22d. Margarita of John Mersselis, Jr., and Margarita V. d. Berg. Wit. Gerrit C. and Margarita V. d. Berg.
Sept. 30. James of James Goarley and Annatje Schuyler. Wit. Dirk and Maria Schuyler.
Oct. 2. bo. Sept. 2. Douwe of Abraham D. Fonda and Hendrikje Lansing. Wit. Yzaac Fonda, Santje Foreest.
Oct. 6. bo. Sept. 27. Lena of Joks. and Elisabeth Fryer. Wit. Edward and Jannetje Davids.
Nov. 1. bo. Oct. 1. Jacobus Barker of Obadia Van Benthuysen and Annatje Rumney. Wit. Baltes and Sara V. Benthuisen.
bo. Oct. 18. Jacob of Albertus Bloemendal and Anna Harssen. Wit. Casparus and Catharina Pruin.
bo. Oct. 11. Hendrik of Hendrik V. d. Werken and Maria Viele. Wit. Cornelis Waldrom, Alida Goey.
bo. Oct. 22. Johannes of Theunis Bratt and Cathalyntje V. Esch. Wit. Johs. Bratt, Anna V. Santvoort.
bo. Oct. 30. Samuel of Edward and Mary Willet. Wit. Theunis and Mechtelt Visscher.
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Nov 8. bo. the 1st. Yzaacof Willem Staats and Annatje Yates. Wit. Yzaac and Maria Staats.
bo. the 1st. Jacobus of Johs. V. Valkenburg and Elisab. Meinersse. Wit. James and Lydia Bloodgood.
Nov. 18. bo. Nov. 7. Alida of Barent and Sara Visscher. Wit. Jacob and Dirkje Fonda.
Nov. 11. bo. Oct. 20. Christiaan of Jacermo ’s. Jans and Lois Adams. Wit. Samuel and Neeltje Pruin.
Nov. 25. bo. the 1st. Margarita of Gerrit Ten Baar and Cathalyntje Bratt. Wit. Johs. V. Franken, Alida Bratt.
bo. the 2rst. Jacob of Jacob Cuyler and Lydia V. Vechten. Wit. Dirk and Elisabeth V. Vechten.
Dec. 6. bo. Dec. 2. Aaltje of Andriew Douw and Catharina Foreest. Wit. Hendrik and Lydia Oothout.
Dec. 20. bo. the 18th. Cornelis of Hendrik Waldrom and Margar. V. Franken. Wit. Cornelis Waldrom, Alida Goey.
Dec. 20. bo. Oct. 27. Elisabeth of Mathys Boom and Rosyntje Zeger. Wit. Jacob Kidny, Elisab. Fort.
Dec. 25. bo. the 4th. Folkert Douw of Hendrik Oothout and Lydia Douw. Wit. Andries and Rachel Douw.
bo. the 24th. Willem of Yzaac Vosburg and Catharina Staats. Wit. Philip and Geertruy Wendel.
1773, Jan. 6. bo. the 3d. Thomas of George McDole and Catharina Zeger. Wit. Thomas and Judike Zeger.
Jan. 10. bo. Oct. 9. Willem of Johs. Fonda and Dirkje Winne. Wit. Willem P. Winne, Jannetje V. Aalstein.
Jan. 17. bo. Nov. 19. Laurens of Joseph Boskerk and Santje Wendel. Wit. Gerrit and Saartje Wendel.
bo. the 17th. Petrus of Daniel Mershal and Elisabeth Conchron. Wit. Pieter and Annatje Mershal.
Jan. 20. bo. Aug. 18. Wynand of Pieter Th. Winne and Cathalyntje V. d. Berg. Wit. Abrah. and Rachel V. d. Berg.
bo. Nov. 20. Willem of Nicholaas Groesbeek and Geertje Waldrom. Wit. Gerrit and Jannetje Groesbeek.
Marytje of Jacob Man and Cathar. Smith. Wit. James and Elsje Donneway.
bo. the 19th. Marritje of Jacob V. Denzen and Elsje Lansing. Wit. Anthony Bratt, Rachel V. Deuzen.
Jan. 24. bo. the 2d. Michael of Johannes Heidly and Catharina Zegerin. Wit. Cornelis Sluiter, Maria Zigerin.
[page 19] 1773
bo. Dec. 31. Hendrik Ten Eyck of Stephen J. Schuyler and Lena Ten Eick. Wit. Barent H. and Lena Ten Eick.
bo. the 7th. Machtel of Marten C. Witbeek and Maria V. d. Berg. Wit. Jonathan Witbeek, Cathal. V. Buuren.
Jan. 24. bo. the 20th. Robert Sanders of Philip Renselaar and Maria Sanders. Wit. Pieter and Debora Sanders.
Jan. 27. bo. the 24th. Alida of Johs. V. Santen and Margar. Wilkeson. Wit. Willem and Alida V. Santen.
Jan. 31. bo. Dec. 5. Whillem of Paulus James and Annetje Crankheid. Wit. Willem and Elisab. Crankheid.
bo. Dec. 4. Gerrit of Johs. Land and Christina Bratt. Wit. Garret and Lena Bratt.
Feb. 3. bo. Nov. 22. Maria of Gerrit V. Esch and Egje Scherp. Wit. Abraham and Neeltje V. Esch.
bo. Oct. 20. Dirk of Jacobus Zwart and Neeltje Whitaker. Wit. Dirk Zwart and wife.
Feb. 7. bo. Jan. 6. Cornelis of George Leen and Mary Shaw. Wit. Hugo and Elisab. McManus.
bo. Jan. 31. Anna of Hendrik T. V. Renselaar and Rachel Douw. Wit. Folkert and Anna Douw.
bo. the 31st. Abraham of George Dean and Annetje V. Deuzen. Wit. Rachel, Jacob and Engeltje V. Deuzen, Anthony and Pietertje Bratt.
Feb. 17. bo. the 13th. Franciscus of Pieter and Vrouwtje Brat. Wit. Johs. and Wyntje Bratt.
bo. the 9th. Cathalyntje of Reynier V. Yveren and Annatje Hoghil. Wit. Anthony and Marytje V. Yveren.
Feb. 28. bo. the 6th. Salomo of Alexander Bulsing and Aaltje Oothout. Wit. Salomo Bulsing, Geertruy Knoet.
bo. the 24th. Sofia of John Redley and Margarita Passagie. Wit. Robert and Arriaantje Crennel.
bo. Jan. 8. Dirk of Jacob V. Olinde and Elisabeth Schermerhoorn. Wit. Rykert and Cathar. V. Franken.
March 2. David and Helena of John Lansing and Catharyntje Burhans. Wit. Jacob and Lena Lansing, Robt. Lansing, Marytje Wendels.
Mch. 7. bo. Feb. 9. Theunis of Abraham and Elisabeth Oostrander. Wit. Johs. and Maria Ostrander.
bo. Feb. 4. Catharina of Johs. Bratt and Margarita Daath. Wit. Bernardus and Catharina Bratt.
Mch. 14. bo. Feb. 15. Maria of Abraham N. Cuyler and Margarita Wendel. Wit. Nicolaas Cuyler, Elisabeth Staats.
[page 20] 1773
Mch. 17. bo. Jan. 29. Renselaar of Philip Schuyler and Catharina V. Renzelaar. Wit. Stephen and Engeltje Schuyler.
bo. the 15th. Bastiaan of Matheus Visscher and Lydia Fryer. Wit. Bastiaan and Engeltje Visscher.
Mch. 20. bo. Feb. 21. Alida of Yzaac Fonda and Rebecca Groesbeek. Wit. Louys and Hendrikje V. Antwerpen.
Mch. 20. bo. the 26. Susanna of Anthony Halenbeek and Cornelia Cooper. Wit. Daniel and Susanna Halenbeek.
bo. the 24th. Petrus of Jacob V. Loon and Cathalyntje Schuyler. Wit. Petrus and Dirkje V. Loonen.
Mch. 31. bo. the 25th. Johannes of Jacob Roozeboom and Hester Lansing. Wit. Jacob and Machtel Rozeboom.
Apr. 9. bo. the 5th. Abraham of Gysbert Fonda and Elsje Douw. Wit. Abraham and Catharina Douw.
bo. the 9th. Cornelis of Yzaac J. Trouex and Susanna Roseboom. Wit. Cornelis and Elisabeth V. Schelluyne.
Apr. 11. bo. Mch. 5. Adam of Gerrit Zeger and Marytje Pengborn. Wit. Adam and Marytje Zeger.
bo. Feb. 25. Yzaac of John DeVoe and Magdalena File. Wit. Yzaac V. Aarnem, Elisabeth File Aarnem.
Apr. 12. bo. Mch. 25. Lucas of David Foreest and Elisabeth Witbeek. Wit. Lucas and Geertruy Witbeek.
bo. the 10th. Anna of Wilhelmus Mancius and Annatje Ten Eick. Wit. Jacob H. and Anna Ten Eick.
Apr. 21. bo. the 1st. Jacob of Jacob Foreest and Frenkje Bratt. Wit. Yzaac Fonda, Santje Foreest.
bo. the 16th. Abraham of Johs. Knoet, Jr., and Sara V. Aarnem. Wit. Abraham V. Aarnem, Alida Knoet.
Apr. 23. bo. the 1st. Catharina of Michel Lauer and Janneke Van Buuren. Wit. Caspar and Catharina Lauer.
May 2. bo. Apr. 30. Abraham of Dirk Benson and Marytje Wyngaart. Wit. Hendrik Waldrom, Geertje Vosburg.
bo. the 26th. Debora of Cornelis Schelluyne and Elisabeth Roseboom. Wit. Yzaac J. Trouex, Cathal. Schuyler.
bo. Mch. 23. Jacob and Elisabeth of Hendrik V. Aarnem and Susanne Winne. Wit. Jacob V. Aarnem, Cathar. Veder, Robert and Elisab. Winne.
[page 21] 1773
May 8. Dorothea of John Sullivan and Elisab. Cooper. Wit. Charles and Agnes Sullevan.
May 9. Annaatje of Johannes Coen and Christina Bratt. Wit. Gerardus and Annatje Beekman.
Annatje of Obadia Lansing and Cornelia V. Benthuisen. Wit. Johs. and Annatje Lansing.
Abraham of Cornelius Vroman and Lena Huyk. Wit. Arent Bekker, Geertruy Vroman.
Petrus of Johannes Ten Broek and Sara Gansevoort. Wit. Leendert Gansevoort, Rachel Douw.
May 12. bo. the 11th. Andries of Samuel Marll and Rachel Gardenier. Wit. Johs. V. Esch, Rebecca Gardenier.
May 12. bo. the 10th. Maria of Hendrik Staats and Maria Dumont. Wit. Yzaac and Maria Stsats.
bo. the 9th. Willem Van Denzen of Dirk Schuyler and Maria V. Denzen. Wit. Willem and Catharina Van Denzen.
May 16. Folkert of Cornelis Sprong and Marg. ’s Jans. Wit. Folkert and Annatje Douw.
bo. the 14th. Cornelia of Pieter W. Yates and Any Mary Helmer. Wit. Cornelis V. Schaak Jr., Engeltje Van Schaak.
May 19. bo. May 3. Melchert of Melchert Fyle and Elisab. Harssinger. Wit. Yzaac and Elisabeth V. Aarnem.
bo. the 17th. Hendrik of Hendrik Wendel and Maria Lansing. Wit. Abraham and Catharina Cuyler.
bo. April 11. Catharina of Philip G. Viele and Maria Bratt. Wit. Gerrit and Catharina Viele.
May 22. bo. Apr. 13. Jacobus of Pieter Vroman and Wyntje Redly. Wit. Pieter and Geertruy De Garmo.
May 26. bo. the 24. Alida of Hendrik Greveradt and Marytje V. Driessen. Wit. Elbert and Marytje Greveradt
May 30. bo. the 30th. Pieter of Willem (or Pieter) V Wie and Jannetje Lansing. Wit. Pieter and Cornelia V. Wie.
Willem of John Wendel and Elisabeth Young. Wit. Guy and Marytje Young.
Cornelis of Michael Besset, Jr., and Marytje V. Franken. Wit. Michel Besset, Engeltje V. Hoesen.
June 6. bo. the 2d. Willempje of Cornelis Ackerson and Rebecca Sandvoort. Wit. Staats and Willempje V. Sandvoort.
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June 10. bo. Apr. 18. Jacob of Jacob Van Aarnem and Annatje V. Franken. Wit. Hendrik and Margarita Waldrom.
June 12. bo. May 14. Jacob of Adam Vroman and Jannetje Sille. Wit. Pieter and Engeltje Zwart.
June 22. bo. May 28. Maria of Abraham Van Esch and Antje Ridder. Wit. Jacob V. Schaik, Geertje Ridder.
June 23. bo. the 19th. Folkert of Matheus Aarsen and Breggie Van Hoesen. Wit. Gerrit and Alida Van Hoesen.
bo. the 19th. Robert of Willem Dunbaar and Elisabeth Van Deusen. Wit. John Dunbaar, Lena Lansing.
bo. May 5. Hendrik of Francis Hoghil and Sara Young. Wit. Yzaac and Catharina Van Aarnem.
June 27. bo. May 6. Cathalyntje of Michiel Landman and Marytje Brouwer. Wit. Robert and Arriaantje Crennel.
bo. the 22d. Annatje of Edward Davis and Jannetje Duret. Wit. Johs. and Elisab. Fryer.
July 4. bo. June 7. Catharina of Daniel Winne and Catharina Hoogteling. Wit. Johs. Van Wie, Magdal. Loek.
bo. June 6. Johannes of Johs. V. d. Berg and Maayke Ouderkerk. Wit. Wynand and Maritje V. d. Berg.
Lydie of Johs. Snyder and Maria Cool.
July 7. bo. the 3d. Abraham of Hermanus A. Wendel and Christina V. d. Berg. Wit. Abraham and Tanneke Wendel.
Loth of Loth and Sara (slaves). Wit. Abraham and Pye.
Yzaac of Arent I. (?) Bratt and Jannetje Hoghing. Wit. Willem and Susanna Hoghing.
July 11. bo. June 5. Folkje of Lonys Van Woert and Catharyntje V. d. Berg. Wit. Adriaan and Folkje Qwakkenbusch.
July 16. bo. the 15th. Hendrik of Abraham Cuyler and Catharina Wendel. Wit. Johs. Beekman and Elisabeth Cuyler.
bo. the 10th. Geertruy of Abraham Schuyler and Eva Beekman. Wit. Eilardus Westerlo, Annatje Beekman.
bo. the 17th. Johannes of John Tingy and Maria Lutz. Wit. Philip and Geetruy Muller.
[page 23] 1773
bo. June 11. Magdalena of Jonas Kinter and Maria Ering. Wit. Michel, Elisabeth and Sara Ering.
bo. June 19. Jacob of Petrus V. Ostrander and Catharina Erig. Wit. Jacob and Jacomyntje Ostrander.
bo. June 11. Catharina of Harmen Ering and Elisabeth Wolff. Wit. Mathys and Magdalena Keeler.
bo. July 8. Catharina of Samuel Ering and Saartje Oostrander. Wit. Jonas Kniter, Marytje Ering.
bo. the 12th. David of David and Any Smith. Wit. Johs. and Annatje Husen.
bo. June 5. Cornelis of Franciscus Marshal and Geertruy V. Denzen. Wit. Cornelis and Lea V. Denzen.
July 25. bo. the 20th. Sara of Hendrik I. Lansing and Helena Winne. Wit. Gerrit and Hester V. Santen.
bo. June 26. Geertruy of Philip P. Schuyler and Annatje Wendel. Wit. Harmanus and Geertruy Wendel.
July 28. bo. the 27th. Rachel of Frans Winne and Anneke Viele. Wit. Daniel and Jannetje Winne.
bo. June 16. William of Nicholaas Staats and Maria Salisbury. Wit. William and Teuntje Salsbury.
bo. the 26th. Hibertje of Christoffer Lansing and Sara Van Schaik. Wit. Jacob I. Lansing, Willempje Winne.
Aug. 1. bo. July 31. Joseph of Rykert V. Santen and Sara Hilton. Wit. Hannes Redly and Annetje Flensburg.
bo. July 4. Geertruy of Abraham Boom and Dorothee Cunningam. Wit. Barent Staats, Elisab. Wendell.
Aug. 8. bo. the 7th. Lucas of Abraham Hoogkerk and Antje Hilton. Wit. Yzaac and Rachel Hoogkerk.
Aug. 18. bo. the 13th. Jacob of Pieter J. Bogert and Saartje Schaik. Wit. Jacob and Marytje Bogert.
Aug. 22. bo. July 25. Claasje of David Scott and Marytje Wendel. Wit. Yzaac and Elisabeth V. Aarnem.
bo. the 10th. Maria of Gerardus Beekman and Annatje Douwe. Wit. Hendrik and Margarita Van Dyk.
bo. the 20th. Jacob Glen of Abraham C. Cuyler and Jannatje Glen. Wit. John and Catharina Glen.
Aug. 25. bo. June 23. Johannes of Leendert Muller and Marytje V. Esch. Wit. Johs. and Sara Muller (at the Half Moon).
bo. July 11. Margarita of John Daniels and Jannetje Dennison. Wit. Harman and Catharina Levison.
[page 24] 1773
bo. July 3d. Sara of Thomas Andrew and Rachel Ostrander. Wit. Joks. Ostrander and Sara Concklin.
Sept. 1. bo. the 20th. Johannes Beekman of John McCrea and Eva Beekman. Wit. John I. and Debora Beekman.
Sept. 5. bo. the 1st. Cathalyntje of Philip Wendel and Geertruy Vosburg. Wit. John Groesbeek, Marytje Scott.
bo. the 2d. Rebecca of John Visscher and Elisabeth Bratt. Wit. William and Geertruy Groesbeek.
Sept. 12. bo. June 16. David of Pieter Bekker and Annatje Akkerson. Wit. David and Maria Bekker. (Baptized at Saratoga.)
Sept. 12. bo. Aug. 30. Annatje of Martinus V. d. Werken and Marytje Winne. Wit. Albert and Annatje V. d. Werken. (Baptized at Saratoga.)
bo. the 9th. Rebecca of Cornelis V. Vegten and Annatje Knickerbakker. Wit. Dirk and Alida Van Vegten. (Bp. at Saratoga.)
Sept. 15. Johannes of Hannes Wiesch and Maria Riesch. Wit. Guy Young, Dirkje Winne.
bo. the 9th. Sara of Frerik Meinarssen and Elisabeth Waldrom. Wit. Nicolaas Hieronymal, Jannetje Waldrom.
Sept. 19. bo. Aug 31. Jacob of Johs. Olfer and Marritje Siksby. Wit. Gerrit and Elsje Siksby.
Oct. 3. bo. the 28th. Aaltje of Albertus Bloemendal and Anna Harssen. Wit. Johs. and Geertje Pruin.
Oct. 15. bo. the 29th. James of Hendrik Jakson and Sara Knoet. Wit. Johs. and Jannetje Jakson.
Oct. 17. Evert of Gerrit Waldrom and Cath. V. d. Berg. Wit. Gerardus and Marytje Lansing.
bo. Sept. 7th. Helena of Eldert V. Woert and Elisab. Fonda. Wit. Johs. and Elisab. Fryer.
bo. the 14th. Johannes of John P. and Cornelia Qwakkenbusch. Wit. Johs. and Marg. Qwakkenbusch.
Oct. 24. bo. the 19th. Rachel of Thomas Hun and Baatje V. Denzen. Wit. Willem and Saratje Hun.
Oct. 27. bo. the 23d. Quiliaan of Guy Young and Dirkje Winne. Wit. Frans and Anneke Winne.
bo. the 19th. Catharina of Folkert V. d. Berg and Neeltje WaIdrom. Wit. Jacob and Baatje V. Yveren.
Oct. 31. bo. the 19th. John Daniels of John Cool and Annatje Daniels. Wit. John Daniels, Geertruy Daaschen.
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Nov. 3. bo. Oct. 11. Harmen of Jacob D. Fonda and Dirkje Visscher. Wit. Bastiaan and Saartje Visscher.
Nov. 7. bo. the 5th. Sybrand of John J. Bleeker and Gerritje V. Schaik. Wit. Wessel and Marytje V. Schaik.
bo. the 4th. Aaltje of Johs. A. Bratt and Maayke Fonda. Wit. Staats and Willempje Santvoort.
bo. Oct. 17. Annatje of Pieter W. Witbeek and Rachel V. d. Berg. Wit. Obadia and Annatje Cooper.
bo. Oct. 16. Alida of Rutger and Maria V. d. Berg. Wit. Gerrit W. and Alida V. d. Berg.
Nov. 10. bo. Nov. 3. Joseph of Robert Yates and Jan netje V. Nes. Wit. Gerrit J. and Jannetje Lansing.
bo. the Sth. Alida of John V. Benthuisen and Geesje V. Hoesen. Wit. Joks. V. Hoezen, Engeltje V. Deusen.
bo. the 6th. Folkert of Reynier V. Hoezen and Engeltje Cool. Wit. Gerrit and Alida Van Hoesen.
bo. Oct. 31. Magdalena of James Green and Margarita Smith. Wit. Dirk Ten Broek, Magdalena Stevenson.
Nov. 21. bo. Oct. 8. Evert of Pieter Waldrom and Antje Ouderkerk. Wit. Gerrit Waldrom, Cath. V. d. Berg.
Dec. 1. bo. the 27th. Hendrik of Hendrik V. Wie and Marytje Merthen. Wit. Pieter and Catharina Van Wie.
Dec. 5. bo. Oct. 27. Evert of Johs. E. Lansing and Maria Staats. Wit. Obadia Lansing, Cornelia V. Ben thuisen.
Dec. 12. bo. the 3d. Maria of Jacob Schermerhoorn and Annatje Stroop. Wit. Storm and Racheltje Bratt.
bo. the 11th. Alida of Casparus Pruin and Catharina Groesbeek. Wit. Johs. and Geertje Pruin.
Dec. 12. bo. Nov. 29. Johannes of Ephraim Bennet and Geertruy Bloemendal. Wit. John and Rebecca Foreest.
bo. Nov. 7. Sara of Abraham D. Fonda and Hendrikje Lansing. Wit. Abraham Verplank, Lena Lansing.
bo. Nov. 22. Alexander of Christoffer J. Yates and Catharina Lansing. Wit. Hendrik and Cornelia Schermer horn.
Dec. 22. bo. the 14th. Elisabeth of Wilhelmus Smith and Annatje Bratt. Wit. Jacob Bogardus, Cornelia Bratt.
1774, Jan. 9. bo. the 1st. Johannes of Gozen Van Schaick and Maria Ten Broek. Wit. Johs. and Elisabeth Ten Broek.
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bo. Dec. 31. Jacobus of Abraham Sikkels and Marytje Connel. Wit. Andries and Marytje Viele.
bo. the 6th. Theunis of Joks. I. Visscher and Annatje Peirce. Wit. Bastiaan and Dirkje Crugier.
Jan. 12. bo. the 7th. Abraham of Johs. Schram and Eva Valkenburg. Wit. Yzac D. Fonda, Susanna Foreest.
bo. Dec. 3. Maria of Johs. Goey and Maria V. Yveren. Wit. Andries Goey and Marytje Gardenier.
bo. the 9th. Jacob Lansing of Johs. Van Woert and Cathalyntje Lansmg. Wit. Jacob and Willempje Lansing.
Jan. 16. bo. the 1sth. Neeltje of Wouter De Foreest and Alida Cloet. Wit. Thomas Lansing, Neeltje Foreest.
bo. Dec. 17. Cornelia of Gerrit Lansing and Alida Fonda. Wit. Yzaac Fonda, Francyntje Cloet.
bo. Nov. 10. Matheus of Abraham K. Van Vlek and Margarita Conteyn. Wit. Peter and Elisabeth Conteyn.
Jan. 21. bo. Nov. 22. Margarita of Anthony Dark and Barbara Brues. Wit. Coenraad and Elisabeth Dark.
Jan. 21. bo. Dec. 19. Elisabeth of Coenraad Ham and Anne Morris. Wit. Carel Dark, Margarita Baals.
Jan. 26. bo. Nov. 19. Margarita of Gerrit Staats and Catharyntje Cunningham. Wit. Johs. and Eva Ganzevoort.
bo. the 23d. Gerrit of Yzaac Jansen and Annetje Rumny. Wit. Gerrit Jansen, Alida Van Schaik.
bo. the 18th. Maria of James Dunnewy and Elsje Smith. Wit. James and Margarita Green.
bo. Dec. 24. Albert of Abraham Slingerland and Rebecca Viele. Wit. Theunis and Christina Slingerland.
bo. the 11th. Cathalyna of Barent Staats and Antje Winne. Wit. Gerrit Staats, Dirkje Winne.
Feb. 3. bo. the 30th. Andries Witbeek of Daniel G. V. Antwerpen and Gerritje Witbeek. Wit. Pieter and Maayke Witbeek.
bo. the 29th. Marytje of John Berry and Catharina Pikket. Wit. Abraham and Antje Yates.
bo. Jan. 29. Jannetje of Philip Muller and Geertruy Goey. Wit. Andries and Glorena Goey.
bo. Jan. 27. Sara of Simon D. V. Antwerpen and Maria Dunbar. Wit. Johs. and Sara Bratt.
bo. the 1st. Jannetje of Barent Goey and Rachel Ostrander. Wit. Salomo Goey and Elisabeth Santvoort.
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Feb. 7. bo. Dec. 27. Christoffer of Abraham Coens and Annatje Hegeman. Wit. Christoffer Koens, Maria Coens.
Roelef of Johs. V. d. Werken, Jr., and Marytje DeVoe. Wit. Jurjen and Margarete Cremer.
bo. Jan. 29. Johannes of Hendrik Oostrander and Maria V. d. Berg. Wit. Petrus Ostrander, Lea Witbeek.
Feb. 7. bo. Jan. 16. Engeltje of Hans Conzalus and Machtel Heemstraat. Wit. Pieter Veder, Marytje V. d. Berg.
Feb. 16. bo. Aug. 4. William of John Downal and Lydia Donnam. Wit. Pieter and Annatje Mershal.
bo. the 2d. Barent of Casparus Witbeek and Geertruy V. d. Berg. Wit. Barent and Engeltje V. Valkenburg.
Feb. 20. bo. Jan. 21. Pieter of William Hoogteling and Marytje Bloemendal. Wit. Theunis and Lena Hoogteling.
bo. the 10th. Elisabeth of Nicolaas Hieralymon and Jannetje Waldrom. Wit. Harmen and Elsje Hun.
Feb. 23. Alida of Jacob V. Schaik and Marytje V. Buuren. Wit. John and Cathalyntje Groesbeek.
Feb. 27. Antje of Frederik Olfer and Catharina V. d. Berg. Wit. Gerrit and Wyntje Zeger.
Mar. 2. bo. Feb. 23. Gerardus of Nicolaas Mersselis and Margarita Groesbeek. Wit. Abrm. Ten Broek, Elisabeth Groesbeek.
Mar. 20. bo. Feb. 7. Elsje of Nicolaas Siksby and Cornelia Cooper. Wit. Evert and Elsje Siksby.
bo. the 17th. Hendrik of Cornelis Waldrom and Alida Goey. Wit. Hendrik Waldrom, Margarita V. Franken.
Mar. 23. bo. the 20th. Maria of Frans Strup and Catharina de Wever. Wit. Bastiaan and Engeltje Visscher.
bo. Feb. 20. Theuntje of Gerrit Rykman and Elisabeth V. Buuren. Wit. Gerrit G. V. d. Berg, Theuntje V. Buren.
Mar. 27. bo. Feb. 28. Roelef of Johs. V. d. Werken and Annatje Bogardus. Wit. Roelef V. d. Werken, Wyntje Bogardus.
Apr. 13. bo. the 12th. Johannes Hun of Philip Lansing and Elsje Hun. Wit. Thomas and Elisabeth Hun.
Apr. 13. bo. the 16th. Hendrikje of Yzac Slingerland and Eva V. Woert. Wit. Jelles and Tysje Winne.
bo. the 12th. Annatje of John Mersselis, Jr., and Margareta V. d. Berg. Wit. Gysbert and Annatje Marsselis.
Apr. 17. bo. Mar. 12. Margarita of Jeremias S. Jans and Loys Adams. Wit. Folkert V. Vegten and Geertruy Groesbeek.
[page 28] 1774
bo. the 16th. Catharina of Johs. V. Hoezen and Engeltje V. Deuzen. Wit. Arent V. Denzen, Elisabeth Dunbaar.
Apr. 24. bo. the 3d. Coenraad of Gerrit Brat and Lena Hoogteling. Wit. Daniel Winne, Cathar. Hoogteling.
bo. the 20th. Petrus of Daniel Marshal and Elisabeth Cachron. Wit. Pieter and Annatje Mershal.
Apr. 27. bo. the 27th. Meinert of Barent Vosburg and Annatje Gerritsen. Wit. Gysbert and Elsje Fonda.
May 8. bo. Apr. 4. Tobias of Jacobus and Jannetje V. Salsbergen. Wit. Hermanus and Tanneke V. Salsbergen.
bo. the 3d. Dirk of Cornelis and Elisabet V. Schelluine. Wit. Abraham Roseboom, Susanna Truex.
bo. Apr. 11. Lea of Samuel Hagedoorn and Sophia Rees. Wit. Johs. and Maria Knoet.
May 15. bo. Apr. 5. Rebecca of Hendrik Crennel and Jacomyna Bloemendai. Wit. Cornelis and Lea V. Deusen.
bo. the 17th. Rachel of Jurjen Steen and Lea V. Froef. Wit. Jacob and Rachel Loek.
May 29. bo. Feb. 11. Geertje of Hendrik V. Buuren and Annatje V. Schaik. Wit. Jacob and Geertje V. Schaik.
June 1. bo. May 29. Jothannes of Hermanus Cuyler and Elisabeth V. Bergen. Wit. Jacob and Catharina Cuyler.
June 5. bo. May 11. Willem of Jacob H. Lansing and Marytje Ouderkerk. Wit. Yzaac Ouderkerk, Elisabeth Bratt.
June 10. bo. Apr. 30. Elisabeth of Jan Hansen and Elisabeth V. d. Heide. Wit. Dirk and Elisabeth V. d. Heide.
June 15. bo. the 13th. Geertruy of Hendrik Ten Eyck and Margarita Douw. Wit. Wilhelmus and Annatje Mancius.
June 19. bo. May 13. Andries of Petrus Ham and Marytje Michell. Wit. David and Sara Groesbeek.
June 22. bo. May 31. Dirkje of Herms. V. Aalstein and Cathar. Beessinger. Wit. Adriaan and Celia Bratt.
bo. May 19. Hesther of Joseph V. Santen and Rebecca De Garmo. Wit. Albert Bratt, Elisab. V. Santen.
June 26. bo. the 19th. Annatje of Andries Abel and Annatje Mershal. Wit. Pieter and Annatje Mershal.
[page 29] 1774
Herry of Bill and Brit (slaves). Wit. Mink and Sanne Spek.
July 3. bo. June 28. Maria of Abraham T. Eik and Annatje Lansing. Wit. Jacob J. and Femmetje Lansing.
bo. the 1st. Cornelia of Baltes V. Benthuisen and Elisab. Rumney. Wit. Obadia and Cornelia Lansing.
July 17. Cathalyna of Jacobus Abeel and Ebbetje V. Buaren. Wit. Elbert and Cathalyna Willet.
bo. the 11th. Jannetje of Cornelis Douw and Catharina V. Schaik. Wit. Johs. and Jannetje Douw.
July 22. bo. the 17th. Johannes of Jacob Roseboom, Jr., and Hester Lansing. Wit. Jacob Roseboom, Machteld Rykman.
July 31. bo. the 13th. Maria of Evert Oothout and Marg. Davenpoort. Wit. Onfry and Maria Davenpoort.
July 31. bo. the 24th. Evje of John J. Beekman and Maria Sanders. Wit. Johs. and Evje Gansevoort.
bo. the 27th. Andries of Hendrik V. Woert and Catharina Eats. Wit. Jacob V. Woert, Jente Clement.
Aug. 6. bo. the 1st. Elisabeth of Nicolaas Claver and Susanna Merriday. Wit. Johs. Merselis, Neeltje Gardenier.
Aug. 9. bo. July 17. Jacobus of Hendrik V. Schoonhoven and Aaltje V. Esch. Wit. Dirk B. V. Schoonhoven Folkje V. d. Berg.
Aug. 13. Hermanus of Johs. V. d. Berg and Eva V. Aalstein. Wit. Hermanus and Cath. V. Aalstein.
Aug. 17. bo. July 22. Johannes of Anthony Briesch and Cath. Yates. Wit. Willem Staats and Elisab. Yates.
Aug. 21. bo. the 17th. Femmetje of Cornelis Zwits and Catharina Schuyler. Wit. Marten H. Beekrnan, Geertruy Roseboom.
Aug 28. bo. July 21. Maria of Marten and Annatje V. Buuren. Wit. Pieter M. and Maria V. Buuren.
bo. the 16th. Yzaac of Andries Peesinger and Jannetje Bratt. Wit. Johs. and Catharina Lansing.
bo. the 9th. Salomo Van Vechten of Hendrik V. Renselaar and Alida Bratt. Wit. Johs. and Elisabeth Vischer.
bo. the 23d. David of Lavinus Winne and Maria Lansing. Wit. David Groesbeek, Sara Winne.
Aug. 31. bo. the 4th. Daniel of Marten Foreest and Tanneke Winne. Wit. Jan and Marytje Winne.
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Sept. 4. bo. Aug. 17. Elisabeth of Jan Dox and Marytje De Voe. Wit. Christoffer Remsier, Catharina De Voe.
Sept. 11. bo. Aug. 2. Catharina of Daniel C. Winne and Alida V. d. Berg. Wit. Harmen and Cathar. Levison.
Sept. 11. bo. the 9th. Rebecca of Johs. J. Wendel and Alida Hoogkerk. Wit. Lucas and Rachel Hoogkerk.
bo. Aug. 12. Christiaan of Laurens Snyder and Elisab. Heggerty. Wit. Yzaac and Francyntje Fonda.
bo. the 9th. Daniel of Abrah. I. Yates and Jannetje Bratt. Wit. Anthony E. and Alida Bratt.
bo. the 9th. Pieter Edmund of Rutgert Bleeker and Catharina Elmendorp. Wit. John and Margarita Elmendorp.
Sept. 14. bo. Aug. 13. Neeltje of Cornelis and Fytje V. Salsbergen. Wit. Jonathan Cannik, Catharina V. Salsbergen.
Sept. 18. bo. Aug. 6. Rachel of Yzaac Valkenburg and Engeltje V. d. Berg. Wit. Casparus Witbeek, Geertruy V. d. Berg.
bo. Aug. 18. Abraham of James Flin and Jannetje Vroman. Wit. Jacobus and Geertruy Vroman.
Sept. 26. bo. the 22d. Elisabeth of Henry Louys and Mary Davids. Wit. John and Elisabeth Davies.
bo. the 19th. Sara of Gysbert V. Santen and Rebecca Winne. Wit. Willem and Alida V. Santen.
bo. the 18th. Jonas of Folkert Oothout and Jannetje Bogert. Wit. Hendrik and Elisab. Oothout.
Sept. 31. bo. Sept. 9. Petrus of Gerrit V. d. Berg and Rebecca Fonda. Wit. Gerrit Visser, Rachel V. d. Berg.
bo. Aug. 10. Evert of Johs. Zeger and Sara V. d. Hoef. Wit. Evert and Sara Zeger.
Oct. 7. bo. Sept. 13. Johannes of Wynand and Marritje V. d. Berg. Wit. Johs. and Maayke V. d. Berg.
Oct 14. bo. the 13th. Harmen of Yzaac Bogart and Cathalyntje Hun. Wit. Harmen and Elsje Hun.
Oct. 16. bo. Sept. 23. Rykert of Hendrik Waldrom and Margarita V. Franken. Wit. Rykert and Catharyntje V. Franken.
Oct. 19. bo. the 3d. David of John Danielson and Jenith Leen. Wit. John and Anna V. d. Werken.
bo. Sept. 17. Yzaac of Jelles V. d. Berg and Maayke Ouderkerk. Wit. Yzaac and Elisabeth Ouderkerk.
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Oct. 23. bo. Sept. 12. Annatje of Obadia V. Benthuisen and Annatje Rumney. Wit. Abrah. Cooper, Sara Benthuisen.
bo. the 16th. Rebecca of Jonathan Brooks and Elisabeth Bratt. Wit. Abrah. and Catharina Aets.
Oct. 30. bo. the 23d. Christina of Nicolaas Klein and Elisab. Coochler. Wit. David and Nancy Smith.
bo. the 6th. Annatje of Cornelis Vroman and Lena Huyk. Wit. Pieter Staats Zeger, Annatje Huyk.
Nov. 20. bo. Oct. 5. Marytje of Benjamin Overbach and Jenneke Oosterhout. Wit. Wilhelmus Oosterhout, Marytje Dekker.
bo. Oct. 20. Maayke of Pieter Levison and Marytje Fonda. Wit. Johs. Bratt, Maayke Fonda.
bo. the 9th. Rebecca of Willem Staats and Annatje Yates. Wit. Anthony and Tryntje Briesch.
Nov. 22. bo. the 18th. Meinard of Jelles Winne and Tietje Van Woert. Wit. Yzaac and Eva Slingerland.
Nov. 26. bo. the 24th. David of John Groesbeek and Cathalyna V. Schaik. Wit. David and Sara Groesbeek.
Nov. 30. bo. the 26th. Harmen of Barent and Sara Visscher. Wit. Theunis and Barbara Visser.
Dec 4. bo. Nov. 6. Maria of James Harrington and Christina Coens.
Dec. 19. bo. Nov. 2. Pieter of Johs. Lang and Christina Bratt. Wit. Piete and Margarita Bratt.
bo. the 13th. Bernardus of Hendrik Brat and Annatje Davids. Wit. Bernardus and Catharina Bratt.
bo. the 8th. Josyna of Anthony Halenbeek and Cornelia Cooper. Wit. Thomas and Margar. Cooper.
bo. Nov. 5. John of John Redly and Marytje Egmond. Wit. Hans and Catharyntje Redly.
1775, Jan. 1. bo. Dec. 29. Maria of Pieter Van Deuzen and Lena Van Wie. Wit. Hendrik and Maria Van Wie.
Jan. 4. bo. Dec. 12. Elisabeth of Abrahm. Cuyler and Margarita Wendel. Wit. Yzaac and Elisabeth Bekker.
bo. Dec. 28. Andries of John and Alida Van Wie. Wit. Abraham and Lena Van Wie.
Jan. 8. bo. Nov. 5. Catharina of Micheel Laner and Tanneke V. Buuren. Wit. Casper Laner, Catharina Snyder.
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bo. Nov. 15. Heiltje of Jeremias Muller and Catharina Moor. Wit. Folkert and Jannetje V. Vegten.
bo. the 5th. Rachel of Anthony Groesbeek and Cathal. De Foreest. Wit. Andries and Cathar. Douw.
Jan. 10. bo. Nov. 26. Elisabeth of Jacobus Zwart and Neely Whitaker. Wit. Eduard and Elisabeth Whitaker.
bo. the 10th. Petrus of Jacob Van Loon and Christina Schuyler. Wit. Dirk and Geertruy Schuyler.
Jan. 15. bo. the 7th. Yzaac of Abraham Staats and Cornelia Lansing. Wit. Yzaac and Eva Staats.
bo. Dec. 13. Susanna of Jacobus V. Schoonhoven and Elisabeth Knoet. Wit. Rutger Lansing and Susanna Fonda.
Jan. 18. bo. the 13th. Christina of Johs. Fryer and Elisabeth V. Woert. Wit. Willem and Christina Vosburg.
Jan. 22. bo. the 20th. Alida of Jacob Pruin, Jr., and Hendrikje V. Buuren. Wit. Samuel and Neeltje Pruin.
bo. the 20th. Hendrik of John V. Esch and Margarita V. Woert. Wit. Theunis and Cathalyntje Bratt.
Jan. 25. bo. June 5. Theunis of Gerrit and Egje Slinger land. Wit. Adriaan and Lydia Bratt.
bo. the 21st. Garritje of Maas Bloemendal and Lena Schermerhoorn. Wit. Cornelis and Lea V. Denzen.
bo. the 20th. Cornelis of Gerrit Van Wie and Cathar. Lansing. Wit. Cornelis and Cornelia Van Wie.
bo. the 24th. Leendert of Johannes and Sara Ten Broek. Wit. Leendert and Hester Ganzevoort.
Feb. 8. bo. the 1st. Daniel of Samuel Marll and Rachel Gardenier. Wit. Daniel Marll, Judik Qwakkenbusch.
Feb. 12. bo. Jan. 21. Jacob of Mathys Boom and Josyntje Zeger. Wit. Jacob Shutter, Elisab. Fight.
bo. Dec. 7. Johannes of John Voorhees and Jannetje V. Ist. Wit. Thomas and Arriaantje Burnside.
Feb. 15. bo. the 2d. Maria of Matheus V. Denzen and Cornelia V. Wie. Wit. John and Marytje V. Denzen.
Feb. 19. bo. the 12th. Marytje of Christoffer Yates and Cathar. Waters. Wit. John G. and Annatje Yates.
Mar. 5. bo. Feb. 18. Glen of Jacob Cuyler and Lydia V. Vechten. Wit. Abraham C. Cuyler, Jannetje Glen.
bo. Feb. 7. Abraham of Hendrik Oothout and Lydie Douw. Wit. Abrah. and Margarita Oothout.
Mar. 15. bo. the 10th. John Perry of Gerrit Witbeek and Immetje Perry. Wit. Yzac and Francyntje Fonda.
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Mar. 19. bo. the 15th. Marinus of Eduard Willet and Mary Galen. Wit. Elbert and Sara Willet.
bo. the 18th. Abraham of Abrah. Lansing and Elsje Rensselaar. Wit. Abrah. and Catharina Douw.
bo. the 15th. Petrus of Johs. M. Beekman and Elisabeth Douw. Wit. Petrus and Catharina Douw.
Mar. 26. bo. Feb. 23. Martinus of Bastiaan Crugier and Dirkje Fisscher. Wit. Pieter and Geertruy De Garmo.
bo. Feb. 6. Evert of Obadia Lansing and Cornelia V. Benthuisen. Wit. Christoffer Yaets, Catharina Lansing.
bo. the 22d. Lucas of Yzaac Hoogkerk and Rachel V. Santen. Wit. Abrm. Hoogkerk, Antje Hilton.
Mar. 29. bo. the 25th. Marytje of Nicolaas Halenbeek and Jannetje Willis. Wit. Willem and Marytje Willes.
Apr. 2. bo. Feb. 21. Annatje of Hendrik Bulsing and Neeltje Maas. Wit. Pieter and Geertruy Schuyler.
bo. Mar. 4. Geertruy of Cornelis V. Buuren and Mally Ofens. Wit. Hendrik and Magdal. V. Buuren.
Apr. 9. Johannes of Dirk V. d. Willegen and Saartje Larraway. Wit. John and Maaytje Bratt.
Apr. 14. bo. the 11th. Wouter of John Knoet and Sara V. Aarnem. Wit. Wouter De Foreest, Alida Knoet.
Apr. 16. bo. Mar. 19. Folkje of Gerrit V. Oostrander and Christina V. d. Berg. Wit. Adriaan Qwakkenbusch, Folkje V. Hoesen.
bo. the 11th. Catharina of Dirk Benson and Marytje Wyagaart. Wit. Gerrit and Geertje Vosburg.
Apr. 16. bo. Mar. 20. Maria of David Foreest and Elisabeth Witbeek. Wit. Johs. and Rebecca De Foreest.
Apr. 31. bo. Mar. 26. Gerrit of Joseph Boskerk and Santje Wendel. Wit. Cornelis and Cathar. Douw.
May 7. bo. Mar. 20. Aaltje of Abraham D. Fonda and Hendrikje Lansing. Wit. Pieter Levison, Maria Fonda.
May 10. bo. the 9th. Catharina of Gerrit Groesbeek and Jannetje V. Slyk. Wit. Jacob and Catharina V. Sthaak.
May 14. Pieter of Hendrik Riddeker and Elisab. Knoet. Wit. Salomon Bulsing, Geertruy Knoet.
bo. Apr. 11. Maria of John Sullivan and Elisabeth Cooper. Wit. Jacob Scotter, Annatje Cooper.
May 17. Pieter of Robert Winne and Hillegonda V. Franken. Wit. Pieter and Susanna Winne.
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May 21. bo. Apr. 2. Johannes of Johs. Fonda and Dirkje Winne. Wit. John and Saartje V. Buuren.
bo. the 19th. Robert of Johs. Lansing (5) and Catharyntje Burhans. Wit. Joks. J. and Cath. Lansing.
Hendrikus of John Schoonmaker and Aaltje Burhans. Wit. Hendrik Burhans, Tempe Demant.
May 28. bo. the 25th. Rachel of Andries Douw and Catharina De Foreest. Wit. Philip and Maayke De Foreest.
June 4. bo. Apr. 19. Dirkje of Jacob Fr. Lansing and Jannetje Visscher. Wit. Gerrit and Rachel Visscher.
June 11. Bregje of Hendrik Weeler and Bregje Boom. Wit. John O’Brian, Cathar. Boom.
bo. Apr. 24. Cornelia of Mathew Flensburg and Christina Snyder. Wit. Johs. and Cornelia Flensburg.
June 11. bo. May 23. Anthony of James Young and Anna Snyder. Wit. Adrian (?) Bratt, Elis Fight.
June 14. bo. May 7. Abraham of Hendrik Feero and Maria Vredenburg. Wit. Abrah. Vredenburg, Cathar.
Buys (?) bo. June 10. Gerrit of Jacob De Garmo and Fytje Bekker. Wit. Gerrit Bekker, Geertruy Soup.
June 18. bo. the 16th. Celia of Johs. V. Santen and Maria Wilkeson. Wit. Thoms. Barreuth, Elis. V. Santen.
bo. May 7. Elisabeth of William Pengburn and Elis. V. d. Bogert. Wit. Johs. and Elis. Davies.
bo. Mar. 23. Hendrikus of Salomo and Arriaantje Du Boy. Wit. Hendrikus Du Boy, Jannetje Hoogteling.
Mar. 27. John of Alexander Bulsing and Alida Oothoud. Wit. Evert Oothout, Margar. Davenpoort.
June 21. bo. Feb. 12. Francis of Abrah. Bloodgood and Elisab. V. Valkenburg. Wit. James and Lydia Bloodgood.
June 25. bo. the 7th. Barent Bratt of Philip G. Viele and Marytje Bratt. Wit. Nicolaas and Barbara Bratt.
bo. the 17th. Hester of Cornelis Brouwer and Elisabeth Visbach. Wit. Wendel Hildebrand, Geertruy Visbach.
July 9. bo May 24. Petrus of Thomas Ismy and Elis. Palmatier. Wit. Pieter Palmatier, Sara Swartwoud.
bo. Apr. 5. Elisabeth of John Hunter and Eva V. Aal stein. Wit. Hendrik and Marg. Zeger.
July 14. bo. the 11th. Elisabeth of Obadia Cooper and Annatje V. d. Berg. Wit. Thomas and Margar. Cooper.
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July 16. bo. the 15th. Annatje of Gerrit A. Lansing and Catharina Zwart. Wit. Evert W. and Maria Zwart.
July 20. bo. the 18th. Marritje of Jacob V. Denzen and Elsje Lansing. Wit. Anthony Bratt, Rachel V. Denzen.
July 30. bo. the 23d. Abraham Cuyler of Leendert Gansevoort and Hester Cuyler. Wit. Nicolaas and Jannetje Cuyler.
bo. the 27th. Jacob of Pieter and Sara Bogert. Wit. Jacob and Marytje Bogert.
bo. the 5th. Magdalena of Albert Bratt and Elisab. Chambers. Wit. Gerrit and Sophia Bratt.
bo. the 25th. Petrus of Franciscus Mershall and Geertruy V. Deuzen. Wit. Petrus and Annatje Mershall.
bo. the 25th. Geertruy of Dirk Schuyler and Mary V. Deuzen. Wit. Abrm. V. Deuzen. Neeltje Schuyler.
Aug. 6. Hilletje of Dirk A. V. d. Kar and Hilletje Muller. Wit. Yzac and Lena Dox.
bo. July 8. Maria of Jermy ’S Jans and Lena Adams. Wit. Johs. and Cathal. Groesbeek.
Yzac of Jesse Feerguil and Mary Gerritsen. Wit. William and Susanna Hoghing.
Aug. 13. bo. the 7th. Benjamin of Casparus Van Wie and Jannetje Winne. Wit. Lavinus and Hester Winne.
Aug. 20. bo. July 20. Lodewyk of Hannes Huyk and Lena Beekman. Wit. Lodewyk and Lena Huyk.
Aug. 27. bo. July 30. Philip Cortland of Stephen Schuyler and Lena Ten Eyk. Wit. Philip and Catharina Schuyler.
bo. the 13th. Hendrik of Gerrit Reyer and Jannetje V. Slyk. Wit. Balthus and Elisab. V. Benthuysen.
Sept. 16. bo. July 31. Jacobus of Jacobus Cool and Jannetje Witbeek. Wit. Eilardus and Catharina Westerlo.
Sept. 6. bo. the 3d. Hendrik of Yzac Vosburg and Cathar. Staat. Wit. Hendrik Staats, Geertje Vosburg.
Sept. 10. bo. the 8th. Hendrik of Abraham Schuyler and Eva Beekman. Wit. Dirk and Maria Schuyler.
Sept. 11. Bo. Apr. 21. Alida of Willem Seathon and Cathy Connik.
Sept. 17. bo. the 12th. Yzaac of Abraham Veder and Sara Hanssen. Wit. Johs. and Marytje Hanssen.
Sept. 20. bo. the 15th. Annatje of Reinier V. Yveren and Debora Viele. Wit. Hendrik Lansing, Anna V. Yveren.
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bo. the 17th. Arriaant e of Philip V. Rensselaar and Maria Sanders. Wit. Guiliaan and Maria V. Rensselaar.
bo. the 7th. Maria of Robert Hilton and Elisabeth Bontjes. Wit. Abrahm. and Antje Hoogkerk.
Sept. 24. bo. the 20th. Wouter of Johs. and Cornelia Qwakkenbusch. Wit. Wouter and Sophia Qwakkenbusch.
Sept. 27. bo. the 26. Abraham of Pieter W. Winne and Rykje V. Schaik. Wit. Abrah. and Catharina Douw.
bo. Aug. 24. Wyntje of Gerrit T. Briesch and Geertruy Groesbeek. Wit. Anthony and Tryntje Briesch.
Oct. 1. bo. the 23d. Adriaantje of Theunis Bratt and Cathalyntje V. Esch. Wit. Cornelis and Antje V. Santvoort.
Oct. 8. bo. Sept. 12. Pieter of Hendrik V. Santen and Catharina De Garmo. Wit. Rykert and Sara V. Santen.
bo. the 6th. Yzac of Philip Wendell and Geertruy Vosburg. Wit. Yzac and Cath. Vosburg.
bo. the 4th. Hendrik of Hendrik V. Hoesen and Elisabeth Evertsen. Wit. Philip Muller, Geesje V. Hoesen.
Oct. 8. bo. the 6th. Agnietje of Barent Bogart and Alida V. d. Berg. Wit. Wilhelmus and Agnietje V. d. Bergh.
Oct. 4 at home. bo. Sept. 2. Marytje of Cornelis Sprong and Mary ’S Jans. Wit. Christ. Abrahams, Cath. ’S Jans.
Oct. 5. bo. July 12. Barent of Abrah. V. d. Heide and Annatje Boorhas. Wit. Eilsa and Elisabeth Adams.
Oct. 13. bo. Aug. 30. Helena of Daniel Fr. Winne and Catharina Hoogteling. Wit. Gerrit and Lena Bratt.
bo. the 10th. Jacob Viele of Frans Winne and Annatje Viele. Wit. Jacob and Catharina Viele.
Oct. 15. Rebecca of Pieter Brooks and Francyntje Winne. Wit. Jacobus V. Santen, Phebe Wyngaart.
bo. the 13th. Lydia of Johs. Mersselis, Jr., and Margarita V. d. Berg. Wit. Cornelis V. d. Berg, Lydia Rykman.
Oct. 22. bo. the 16th. Thomas of Johs. Wilkes and Annatje Mershal. Wit. Thomas Wilks, Maria Wilkes.
Johanna of Theunis Bratt and Cathalina V. Esch. Wit. Johs. Ouderkerk, Anna V. Esch.
Oct. 25. Catharina of Johs. Redly and Maria Passagee. Wit. Willem Pemberton, Hester Willes.
Nov. 4. bo. Oct. 27. Gerardus of Gerardus Beekman and Annetje Douw. Wit. Harmen Gansevoort, Elisabeth Douw.
[page 37] 1775
bo Oct. 6. Petrus of Abrm. and Elisabeth V. Oostrander. Wit. Hendrik Ostrander, Maria V. d. Berg.
bo. Oct. 21. Jannetje of Arent Aarsen and Aaltje Qwakkenbusch. Wit. Stephen and Jannetje V. Schaak.
Nov. 8. bo. the 7th. Willem of Guy Young and Dirkje Winne. Wit. Zepherinus Peesinger, Marytje Young.
Nov. 12. bo. the 4th. Samuel of Eduard S. Willet and Sara Fryer. Wit. Elbert and Cathalina Willet.
bo. the 2d. Andries of Jelles Trouex and Nency McKinsy. Wit. Andries Trouex, Catharina Wyngaert.
Nov. 19. Nency of Daniel Cumming and Elisab. Grant.
Nov. 26. bo. Sept. 25. Johannes of Pieter W. Witbeek and Rachel V. d. Berg. Wit. Abm. and Annatje Witbeek.
George of James Warren and Mary Crosby. Wit. George McDonald, Mary Cumming.
Nov. 29. bo. Oct. 23. Stephanus of Abrm. Slingerland and Rebbeca Viele. Wit. Stephen and Jannetje V. Schaak.
bo. the 29th. Jannetje of Nicolaas Hieralymon and Jan netje Waldrom. Wit. Folkert and Jannetje V. Vegten.
Dec. 3. bo. Oct. 8. Andries of Pieter Vroman and Wyntje Redly. Wit. Gerrit and Cath. Viele.
bo. Oct. 21. Jonathan of Theunis and Lena Hoogteling. Wit. Willem and Marytje Winne.
Dec. 10. bo. the 7th. Cornelia of Albert Slingerland and Christina V. Franken. Wit. Yzac and Eva Slingerland.
bo. Oct. 31. Margarita of Abrahm. V. d. Poel and Dorothea Shutter. Wit. Melchert and Margar. V. d. Poel.
bo. Oct. 16. Nicolaas of Johs. P. Claas and Clara M. Cortin. Wit. Johs. Leonards, Cornelia Richters.
bo. Nov. 7. Daniel of Pieter Winne, Jr., and Maria Oosterhout. Wit. Daniel Winne, Jannetje De Foreest.
bo. the 8th. Wyntje of Cornelis Wendell and Annatje Lansing. Wit. Reynier V. Yveren, Cathalyna Lansing.
Dec. 13. bo. the 8th. Louys of Louys Obryen and Catharina Rendell. Wit. Martinus Rendell, Anna Young.
bo. the 11th. Geertruy of James Dunway and Elsje Smith. Wit. Pieter and Marytje Scherp.
bo. Oct. 29. Barbara of Augustinus Scherp and Maria V. Aalstein. Wit. Jurjen and Barbara Sherp.
Dec. 17. bo. the 7th. Abraham of Hendrik Wendel and Maria Lansing. Wit. Abraham Roseboom, Catharina Jieldon.
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Dec. 20. bo. the 13th. Elisabeth of Johs. I. Visscher and Annatje Persse. Wit. Andries and Elisabeth Trouex.
Dec. 31. bo. the 24th. Gerrit of Jacob G. and Femmetje Lansing. Wit. Gerrit and Jannetje Lansing.
bo. the 26th. Susanna of John Ostrander and Anna Wolssen. Wit. Abrahm. and Jannetje C. Cuyler.
bo. the 29th. Elias of Eduard Davids and Jannetje Droit. Wit. Johs. and Elisab. Fryer.
bo. the 23d. Maria of Pieter W. Yates and Ann Mary Helms. Wit. Benjamin Hilton, N. Hoaksly.
1776, Jan. 1. bo. Dec. 6. Adam of Jeremias Pemberton and Susanna Bratt. Wit. Samuel Lodeman, Elisab. Pemberton.
Jan. 7. bo. Dec. 22. Cornelia Lynch of Philip Schuyler and Catharina V. Rensselaar. Wit. Stephen J. Schuyler, Cornelia Livingston.
Jan. 14. bo. May 26. Ann of Willem Bell and Ann Wallis.
bo. Dec. 15. Martinus of Gerardus V. Olinde and Cath. Ostrander. Wit. Martinus V. Olinde, Sara V. Oost (or Voast) .
Jan. 21. bo. Dec. 7. Cathalyna of Hannes Bulsing and Mally Wilson. Wit. Hendrik and Cathalyntje Bulsing.
Jan. 21. bo. Dec. 24. Jacobus of Hendrik V. Schoonhoven and Aaltje V. Esch. Wit. Dirk B. V. Schoonhoven, Folkje V. d. Berg.
Jan. 23. bo. Dec. 15. Susanna of Piete Landman and Sara V. Santen. Wit. Harmen and Susanna Landman.
Jan. 28. bo. Dec. 8. Hendrik of Gerrit Staats and Catharina Cunningam. Wit. Johs. and Maria Beekman.
bo. the 20th. Yzac of Willem V. Wie and Jannetje Lansing. Wit. Yzac Lansing, Hester Roseboom.
bo. the 15th. Annatje of John V. Alen and Maria Lansing. Wit. Barent and Annatje V. Alen.
Helena of Hannes Wiesch and Marytje Riesch. Wit. Eduard Davis, Lally Bell.
Feb. 4. bo. the 1st. Catharina of Hendrik Staats and Maria Dumont. Wit. Johs. duMont, Catharina V. Deuzen.
Feb. 7. bo. the 2d. Anthony of James Halenbeek and Ytje Bratt. Wit. Anthony and Elisabeth Bratt.
Feb. 11. bo. Dec. 24. Alida of Eldert V. Woert and Elisab. Fonda. Wit. Gerrit and Rachel Visscher.
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Feb. 13. Christoffel and Adam of Christoffel Yates and Catharina Waters. bo. the 9th. Wit. Josef, Jannetje, Jan G. and Cathal Yates.
Feb. 13. bo. Jan. 5. Yzac of Abrah. and Alida Ouderkerk.
Elisabeth of Pieter Burnside and Maria de Lange.
Feb. 18. Petrus of Hans Meisserger and Antje V. d. Berg. Wit. Cornelis G. (?) and Elisab. V. d. Berg.
Feb. 2r. bo. the 14th. Annatje of Edmund Butler and Nency Tilson. Wit. Fredrik Meinerssen, Anna Flensburg.
Feb. 25. bo. Jan. 29. Adam of George Berringer and Elisabeth Been. Wit. Adam and Cathar. Been.
bo. Feb. 5. Evert of Nicolaas Siksby and Cornelia Cooper. Wit. Jacobus Valkenburg, Cathar. Siksby.
Feb. 28. bo. the 5th. Jacob of John Redlif and Marytje Egmond. Wit. David Gibson, Mary Egmond.
Mar. 3. bo. Feb. 6. Margarita of Thoms. Burnside and Arriaantje T. Eyk. Wit. Andries and Elis. Stoll.
bo. Feb. 1 0. Frina of Jacob Springer and Marytje Snyder. Wit. Hans and Cathar. Hoom.
Mar. 10. bo. Feb. 6. Anny of Yzac Fryer and Elisabeth Hilton. Wit. Mathys and Lydia Visscher.
Mar. 17. bo. the 11th. Willem of Casparus Pruin Catharina Groesbeek. Wit. Johs. and Cathalyntje Groesbeek.
Mar. 20. bo. the 19th. Pieter of Gerrit Rykman and Elisabeth V. Buuren. Wit. Marten and Sara Meinerssen.
bo. Feb. 29. Johannes of Gerrit Lansing and Alida Fonda. Wit. Lavinus Winne, Maryn Lansing.
Mar. 24. bo. Jan. 31. Bata of Johs. Conzalus and Machtel Heemstraat. Wit. Dirk and Annatje Knoet.
Mar. 31. bo. the 23d. Maria of Albertus Bloemendal and Anna Harssen. Wit. Philip V. Rensselaar, Maria Sanders.
(A leaf in the original had been bound wrong).
Apr. 7. bo. the 3d. Johannes of Wouter de Foreest and Alida Kloet. Wit. Johs., Jr., and Alida Kloet.
Apr. 7. bo. the 4th. Cornelis of Cornelis V. Zandvoort, Jr., and Cornelia V. Wie. Wit. Cornelis and Annatje V. Sandvoort.
bo. the 5th. Jacob of John V. Esch and Margarita V. Woert. Wit. Yzac and Annatje Lansing.
[page 40] 1776
Apr. 18. bo. Jan. 20. Mary of Alexander Chesny and Jane McMolly.
Apr. 17. bo. the 9th. Jurjen of Coenraad Sharp and Elisabeth Staats. Wit. Jurjen and Barbara Sharp.
Apr. 21. bo. the 12th. Susanna of Johs. Coen and Christina Brat. Wit. Jeren. Pemberton, Sus. Bratt.
Apr. 28. bo. the 19th. Robert of Matheus Aarsen (or Harsen) and Bregje V. Hoesen. Wit. Philip V. Rensselaer Maria Sanders.
bo. the 27th. Arent of Willem Ten Baar and Elisabeth V. Denzen. Wit. Arent and Engeltje V. Denzen.
bo. the 24th. Johannes of Pieter Qwakkenbusch and Maria Shifley. Wit. Wouter, Margarita and Catharina Qwakkenbusch.
May 5. Yzaac of Yzac Slingerland and Eva V. Woert. Wit. Theunis Slingerland, Geertruy Hanssen.
bo. Apr. 30. Margarita of Johs. N. Bleecker and Margarita V. Deuzen. Wit. Hendrik and Margarita Bleecker.
May 11. Jane of George Rodgers and Eleonore Morry.
May 12. bo. the 9th. Elisabeth of Henry Lewis and Marytie David. Wit. Johs. and Elisab. David.
bo. Mar. 22. Engeltje of Folkert Oothout and Jannetje Bogert. Wit. Hendirik and Dorothe Bogert.
bo. the 6th. Rensselaer of Eilardus Westerlo and Catharina Livingston. Wit. Stephen and Elisabeth Van Rensselaer.
May 19. bo. the 3d. Elisabeth of Hendrik Daniels and Maria McCowl. Wit. Willem Northen, Elisabeth McManus.
bo. the 6th. James of James Tounsel and Rachel Gardenier. Wit. Hans E. and Sara Zeger.
May 26. bo. the 19th. Sybrand of Gozen V. Schaik and Maria Ten Broek. Wit. Meinard and Maria V. Schaik.
bo. May 5. Geertruy of Michel Bessett and Marytje V. Franken. Wit. Gerrit and Geertruy V. Franken.
bo. May 1. Barent of Hendrik Oostrander and Maria V. d. Berg. Wit. Barent V. d. Berg, Marytje Ham.
June 5. bo. Dec. 3. Johannes of Hendrik Finke and Annatje Cocks.
bo. May 10. Jacobus of Jacobus Proper and Eva Althouser. Wit. Willem Bartel, Geertruy Rees.
[page 41] 1776
June 9. bo. May 12. Annatje of Petrus Ham and Marytje Michel. Wit. Barent V. d. Bergh, Marytje Ham.
bo. the 5th. Abeltje of John J. Bleicker and Ann Elisabeth Schuyler. Wit. Jacobus Bleecker, Abeltje Bleeker.
bo. the 5th. Maria of Nicolaas Mersselis and Margarita Groesbeek. Wit. Gerardus and Elisabeth Groesbeek.
June 19. bo. May 26. Elisabeth of Abraham Sickels and Maria Conner. Wit. John and Maria Beekman.
June 23. bo. May 14. Andries of Gerrit A. V. d. Bergh and Annatje ’S Jans. Wit. Barent V. d. Bergh, Maryke Ham.
bo. May 3. Theuntje of Hendrik V. Buuren and Annatje V. Schaik. Wit. Gerrit Rykman, Elisab. V. Deuzen.
June 24. bo. May 25. Willem of Willem Brazee and Elisab. Salsbury. Wit. Jacobus and Jannetje Salsbury.
June 26. bo. the 5th. Engeltje of Jacob Foreest and Tryntje Bratt. Wit. Jesse and Saratje Foreest.
July 7. bo. June r7. George of Hendrick Milton and Rachel Northen. Wit. Johs. and Margarita Jankins.
July 14. bo. June 17. Robert of Hendrik Crennel and Jacomyntje Bloemendal. Wit. Philip and Maayke de foreest.
bo. the 10th. Benjamin of Hendrik J. Lansing and Helena Winne. Wit. David Groesbeek, Sara Winne.
bo. the 7th. Elisabeth of Hendrik V. Wie and Maria Merthen. Wit. Eduard Willet, Elisabeth Merthen.
bo. the 8th. Margarita of Willem Adams and Hester Willis. Wit. Nicolaas Halenbeek, Margar. Pruin.
bo. the 10th. Pieter of Hendrick Jackson and Sara Knoet. Wit. Pieter Knoet, Margar. Jakson.
July 17. Jannetje of Thomas Pendell and Immetje Salsbury. Wit. Cornelis V. Salsburry, Fytje Salsburry.
July 21. bo. June 26. Antje of Reyer Schermerhoorn and Dirkje V. Buuren. Wit. Barent and Antje Staats.
bo. June 25. Barbara of Nicolaas Sherp and Lena Hogeboom. Wit. John and Magdalena V. Aalstein.
bo. the 15th. Pieter of Philip P. Schuyler and Annatje Wendell. Wit. Pieter Schuyler, Cornelia Livingston.
bo. the 18th. Margarita of Abraham Ten Broek and Elisabeth V. Rensselaer. Wit. John and Catharina Livingston.
July 28. bo. June 23. Wilhelmus of Johs. Oosterhout and Agnietje Winne. Wit. Wilhelmus Oosterhout, Marytje Decker.
[page 41] 1776
bo. July 6. Annatje of Christoffer I. Yates and Catharina Lansing. Wit. Jacob V. Aalstein, Annatje Lansing.
July 28. bo. July 5. Alida of Yzac J. V. Aarnem and Catharina V. Wie. Wit. Johs. and Alida Van Wie.
July 31. bo. the 27. Johannes of John D. Groesbeek and Cathalyntje V. Schaik. Wit. Johs. and Alida V. Schaik.
bo. the 4th. Cathalina of Pieter de Foreest and Pieterje V. Aalstein. Wit. Reignier and Cornelia V. Aalstein.
Aug. 4. bo. Aug. 1. Anna of Balthes V. Benthuisen and Elisabeth Rumny. Wit. Obadia V. Benthuisen, Anna Rumney.
bo. July 10. Elisabeth of Jan Dox and Marytje de Voe. Wit. Jan and Catharina devoe.
bo. June 29. Wessel of John Gerritse and Anna V. Schaik. Wit. Wessel and Maria V. Schaik.
Aug. 11. bo. the 6th. Abraham of Johs. Lansing and Elisabeth Fryer. Wit. Gerrit and Elisabeth Lansing.
Aug. 14. bo. the 12th. Barent of Hermanus Wendell and Barbara Bratt. Wit. Elisabeth Bleecker.
Aug. 18. bo. the 16th. Abraham of Frans Stuip and Catharine de Wever. Wit. Abraham and Annatje de Wever.
Aug. 21. bo. July 31. Susanna of Arent J. Vedder and Jannetje Hoghing. Wit. Marthen Hoghing, Jannetje V. Vechten.
bo. the 18th. Johannes of Cornelis Douw and Catharina V. Schaik. Wit. Johs. and Alida V. Schaik.
Johannes of John Wendell and Elisabeth Young. Wit. Guy Young.
Aug. 27. bo. the 25th. Annatje of Frerik Meinerssen and Elisabeth Waldrom. Wit. Frerik Meinerssen, Elisabeth V. Valkenburg.
Sept. 2. bo. Aug. 27. Sara of Johs. J. Wendell and Alida Hoogkerk. Wit. Johs. Wendell, Francyntje Broeks.
Sept. 2. bo. Aug. 21. Catharina of Cornelis Zwits and Catharina Schuyler. Wit. Abrahm. Schuyler, Eva Beekman.
Sept. 4. bo. Aug. 30. Salomon of Cornelis Waldrom and Alida Goey. Wit. Salomon and Marytje Goey.
bo. Aug. 11. Johannes of Alexander Green and Catharyntje Waldrom. Wit. Johs. Waldrom, Annatje Eneen.
[page 43] 1776
Sept. 8. bo. the 6th. Johannes Yates of Willem Staats and Annatje Yates. Wit. Cornelis V. Schaik, Rebecca Yates.
bo. Sept. 2. John of Connel Farguson and Mary McCarn.
Sept. 10. bo. Aug. 22. William of Stephen Bell and Elisabeth Kidny.
Sept. 22. bo. the 15th. Johannes of Jacob Roseboom and Hester Lansing. Wit. Barent H. Ten Eyk, Machtel Roseboom.
bo. the 18th. Yzac of Yzac Bogert and Cathalina Hun. Wit. Hendrik and Barbara Bogert.
bo. Aug. 5. Johannes of John J. Fonda and Fitje V. d. Zee. Wit. Johs. P. and Dirkje Fonda.
bo. Aug. 6. Catharina of Johs. V. Buuren and Annatje V. d. Poel. Wit. Matheus and Catharina V. d. Poel.
bo. the 20th. Jannetje of Hendrik Waldrom and Margarita V. Franken. Wit. Casparus and Jannetje V. Wie.
bo. Aug. 9. Jacobus of Gerrit Knoet and Sara Abel. Wit. Jurjen and Alida Abel.
Sept. 25. bo. the 21st. Engeltje of Harmen V. Hoezen and Catharina Witbeek. Wit. Cornelis V. Schaak, Elisabeth Yates.
Oct. 6. bo. Sept. 31. Elisabeth of Cornelis Brouwer and Elisab. Visbach. Wit. Wendel Hillebrand, Geertruy Visbach.
Oct. 6. bo. Sept. 6. Rebecca of Ephraim Bennet and Geertruy Bloemendal. Wit. Henry and Jacomyntje Crennel.
bo. Aug. 31. Yzac of Benjamin V. Etten and Catharina Ell. Wit. Maas and Catharina Bloemendal.
bo. Sept. 6. Jonathan of Hermanus V. Salsbergen and Janneke Canik. Wit. Jonathan Canik, Jannatje V. Buuren.
bo. Sept. 14. Sara of Johs. V. Benthuisen and Geesje (?) V. Hoesen. Wit. Harmen and Catharina V. Hoezen.
Oct. 9. bo. Aug. 31. Joseph of Hugh McChesny and Janna Plum.
bo. the 7th. Catharina of Eduard Connel and Sara Polten. Wit. Hans and Catharina Hoorn.
Oct. 13. bo. Sept. 18. Cornelia of Barent V. Yveren and Rebecca Bratt. Wit. Hannes and Sara Muller.
[page 44] 1776
Willem of Rykert V. Santen and Sara Hilton. Wit. Robert and Elisab. Hilton.
Oct. 21. bo. the 15th. Hubertje of Joks. V. Woert and Cathalyntje Lansing. Wit. Christoffer and Saartje Lansing.
bo. the 20th. Elisabeth of John. Tinky and Maria Luyts. Wit. Meinard and Maria Roseboom.
bo. the 15th. Petrus of Jacob Hilton and Sara Barrington. Wit. Pieter V. Denzen, Catharina V. Wie.
Margarita of Nicolas and Elisab. Ligthhall. Wit. Nicolas and Marg. Klein.
Nov. 3. bo. Oct. 6. Johannes of Salomo Goey and Elisabeth Santvoord. Wit. Johs. and Elisabeth Goey.
Johannes Bratt of Willem Hoogteling and Maria Bloemendal. Wit. Pieter and Vronwtje Bratt.
Nov. 3. bo. Sept. 17. Johannes of Jacob Forster and Jennith Jinkins. Wit. Johs. and Elisab. Jinkins.
Nov. 6. bo. the 23d. Abraham of Abraham Ten Eyck and Annatje Lansing. Wit. Coenraad and Charlotte len Eyck.
Nov. 10. Rebecca of Johs. Hoogkerk and Margarita Meerthen. Wit. Abrah. and Antje Eloogkerk.
Susanna of John Wilson and Marytje Bratt. Wit. Gerrit and Sofia Bratt.
bo. Oct. 5. Catharina of Johs. Witbeek and Catharina S’Jans. Wit. Hendrik and Claartje S’Jans.
Nov. 17. bo. Oct. 13. Douwe of Abrah. D. Fonda and Hendrikje Lansing. Wit. Yzac and Santje Fonda.
bo. Oct. 14. Margarita of Benjamin Post and Catharina V. Norden. Wit. Benjamin and Sara V. Norden.
bo. the 8th. Hendrik of Pieter V. Wie and Ebbetje V. d. Berg. Wit. Gerrit and Catharina V. Wie.
Lena of –– Zwaartveger and –– Hener. Wit. Jacob Hener, Mary Creller.
Nov. 24. bo. the 17th. Johannes of Samuel Pruin and Neeltje Hadfield. Wit. Jacob and Marytje Pruin.
bo. Oct. 26. Barent of Martinus V. Yveren and Cornelia V. Schaik. Wit. Cornelis and Cornelia V. Yveren.
Hester of Hendrik V. Aernem and Susanna Winne. Wit. Yzac V. Aarnheim, Catharina V. Wie.
bo. the 17th. Rachel of Lavinus Winne and Maria Lansing. Wit. .} acob and Willempje Lansing.
[page 45] 1776
bo. the 27th. Jacobus of Obadia Lansing and Cornelia V. Benthuisen. Wit. Abm. Cooper, Sara V. Benthuisen.
Nov. 24. bo. Oct. 19. Cornelia of Johs. Oos;trander and Marytje V. Aalstein. Wit. Cornelis and Cornelia V. Yveren.
Nov. 27. bo. Oct. 30. Willem of Zephrinus Peessinger and Marytje Young. Wit. Guy Young, Dirkje Winne.
Dec. 1. bo. Nov. 24. Gerrit of Anthony Halenbeek and Cornelia Cooper. Wit. Gerrit Halenbeek, Jennit Hellen.
bo. Nov. 12. Hendrik of Philip Look and Magdalena V. Wie. Wit. Hendrik and Marytje V. Wie.
bo. Nov. 27. Maria of Abraham Hoogkerk and Antje Hilton. Wit. Robert Hilton, Elisabeth Burgess.
Dec. 4. bo. Nov. 1. Jacobus of Gerrit Theunissen and Geertruy Groesbeek. Wit. Johs. and Elisabeth Visscher.
bo. Nov. 30. Sara of John Sabrisky and Leentje Lansing. Wit. John and Catharina Lansing.
Dec. 8. bo. the 5th. Nicolaas of Nicolaas Klein and Elisabeth Kohler. Wit. Hannes and Hilletje Miller.
Catharina of Abrah. Wendell and Elisabeth Winne. Wit. Abrm. N. and Margarita Cuyler.
bo. Nov. 15. Rachel of Mathias Bovie and Baatje V. d. Heiden. Wit. Gerrit and Geertruy V. Franken.
bo. Nov. 11. Yzac of Gerrit V. d. Berg. and Rebecca Fonda. Wit. Abrm. D. Fonda, Hendrikje Lansing.
bo. the 7th. Yzac of Johs. Hanssen and Geertruy Slinger land. Wit. Albert and Sara Hanssen.
Dec. 11. John Witbeek of Folkert V. Vegten and Elisab. V. d. Berg. Wit. John Witbeek, Lena V. Vechten.
Dec. 15. bo. Nov. 17. Rebecca of HenryWill and Magdalena Han. Wit. Paul and Elisab. Hoogstrasser.
Dec. 18. bo. the 14th. Catharina of Anthony Ten Eyck and Maria Egberts. Wit. Jacob C. and Catharina Ten Eyck.
bo. the 13th. Jacob of John Bleecker and Gerritje V. Schaik. Wit. Jacob and Margarita Bleecker.
bo. the 7th. Cornelia of Wilhelmus Smith and Annatje Bratt. Wit. Pieter and Geertruy Groesbeek.
bo. the 3d. Hilletje of Nicolaas Claver and Susanna Merriday. Wit. Hadriaan Bratt, Hilletje Merriday.
Dec. oo. bo. the 14th. Rebecca of Johannes Bratt and Maayke Fonda. Wit. Gerrit and Rebecca V. d. Berg.
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Dec. 22. bo. the 19th. Maria of Henry Height and Margarita Smith. Wit. Philip G. and Maria Viele.
Dec. 25. bo. the 1st. Robert of Gerrit Ten Baar and Cathalyntje Bratt. Wit. Jelles and Tietje Winne.
bo. Oct. 18. Alida of Meinard V. Hoezen and Geertruy Vinhagel. Wit. Johs. and Engeltje V. Hoezen.
Dec. 29. bo. the 6th. Margarita of Pieter Sharp and Catharina Berringer. Wit. Jacob and Marytje Berringer.
1777, Jan. 5. bo. the 1st. Johannes of Andries Abel and Annatje Marshal. Wit. Johs. Flensburgh, Annatje Marshal.
bo. the 1st. Dirk of Johannes Hoes and Maria Qwakkenbusch. Wit. Thoms. and Josina Witbeek.
bo. Dec. 31. Dirk of Dirk and Marytje Benson. Wit. John and Elisab. Fryer.
Jan. 8. John of Pieter McCluren and Margaret Thomson.
Jan. 10. bo. Sept. 11. Annatje of Arent Heens and Elisabeth Freelig. Wit. Jacob and Annatje Heens.
Jan. 12. bo. Dec. 2. Geesje of Jeremus Muller and Catharina Moor. Wit. John Prys and wife Cornelia.
bo. Oct. 4. Jobje of Johs. and Immetje Salsbury. Wit. Benj. and Cornelia V. Buren.
bo. Oct. 21. Evert of Abraham Oothout and Maria Dox. Wit. Evert and Margarita Oothout.
Jan. 15. bo. the 12th. Johannes of Samuel Marll and Rachel Gardenier. Wit. Johs. Marll, Rebecca Dox.
bo. the 8th. Rachel of Lucas Taylor and Celia Bratt. Wit. Hadriaan and Lydia Bratt.
bo. Nov. 21. Johannes of Hendrik Stronk and Elsje Harbich. Wit. Hendrik and Eva Plass.
Jan. 17. bo. the 7th. Catharina of John Bates and Mary Butler. Wit. Daniel Martin, Cath. Sullivan.
Jan. 19. bo. Sept. 22. Jacobus of Jeremias ’S Jans and Loys Adams. Wit. Jacobus and Elis. Vinhagel.
bo. Dec. 10. Gerrit of Cornelis V. Buren and Jannetje V. d. Poel. Wit. Gerrit V. d. Poel, Catharina Brodie.
bo. Dec. 17. Annatje of Martinus V. d. Werken and Geertje V. d. Berg. Wit. Gerrit Vosburg, Marg. V. d. Werken.
bo. Dec. 23. Pieter Nicolaas of Nicolaas Lonw and Sarah Low. Wit. Quiliaan V. Renselaar, Mary Low.
[page 47] 1777
Jan. 26. Marten of Daniel Roos and Baatje Ponk. Wit. Marten C. and Marytje Witbeek.
Jan. 29. bo. June 11. Cathalyntje of Gysbert V. Yveren and Mary Canke. Wit. Frederik and Johanna Canke.
Feb. 5. Margaret of John and Sara Jackson.
Feb. 9. bo. the 1st. Engeltje of Pieter and Vrouwtje Bratt. Wit. Bastiaan Visscher, Engeltje V. d. Berg.
Feb. 12. bo. Dec. 29. John of David Jamus and Mary V. d. Werken. Wit. Albert and Marytje V. d. Werken.
bo. the 8th. Alida of Barent and Sara Visscher. Wit. Jacob D. and Dirkje Fonda.
Feb. 16. bo. the 13th. Abraham of Hendrik V. Woert and Catharina Eyghts. Wit. Abraham Eights, Elisab. Hilton.
bo. Jan. 13. Alida of Salomo Bulsing and Geertruy Knoet. Wit. Gerardus and Alida Bulsing.
bo. Jan. 24. Benjamin of Richard Pengborn and Cathal. V. Etten. Wit. Hans and Rebecca V. Etten.
bo. Dec. 30. Fytje of Yzac Dox and Lena Devoe. Wit. Michel Fry, Fytje Devoe.
bo. the Sth. Hendrik of John Otts and Catharina de Ram. Wit. Hendrik and Elisab. Lychert.
Feb. 19. Maria of Frerick C. Neidhart, and Maria Stronk. Wit. Hendrik and Maria Stronk.
bo. Jan. 25. Jochum of Nicolaas Staats and Maria Salsbury. Wit. Barent and Antje Staats.
Maria of Joseph Teabear and Debora Smith.
Feb. 22. bo. Dec. 14. Elisabeth and Margaret of James McKee and Mary Logan.
Feb. 23. bo. Dec. 22. Neeltje of Yzac Ouderkerk and Annatje Rodgers. Wit. Jacob and Neeltje Ouderkerk.
bo. Jan. 30. Andries of Hendrik Oothout and Lydie Douwe. Wit. Andries and Cathar. Douw.
Feb. 23. bo. Dec. 27. John of John Hannway and Hester Hampton (?). Wit. Johs. Mahon (?), Elis. Greene.
Feb. 24. bo. Apr. 8. Hester of Yzac V. Aarnem and Freela (?) Runnels. Wit. Benj. and Rachel Winne.
Feb. 27. bo. Jan. 31. Marya of Jacob V. Schaik and Marytje V. Buuren.
Cornelis and Catharina Douw.
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bo. the 22. Pieter of Gerrit Rykman and Elisabeth V. Buren. Wit. Marten Meinerssen, Sara Rykman.
bo. the 23d. Anthony of Wouter V. d. Zee and Marytje Peek. Wit. Anthony V. d. Zee, Annatje V. Esch.
Mar. 2. bo. Feb. 5. Anneke (or Tanneke) of Tobias and Jannetje V. Buren. Wit. Harms and Tanneke V. Buren.
Mar. 5. bo. Dec. 29. Maria of Hendrik Staaf and Maria Jones.
Mar. 9. bo. Dec. 28. John of Timothy Hutton and Jane McCherny. Wit. George and Mary Hutton.
bo. Jan. 9. Josia of Hosea Lincoln and Else Corral. Wit. Neal Shaw and Mary de Klein.
Mar. 12. bo. the 10th. Elisabeth of Obadia V. Benthuisen and Annatje Rumny. Wit. Baltes and Elisabeth V. Benthuisen.
bo. the 2d. Jacob of Jacobus Bleecker, Jr., and Elisabeth Wendel. Wit. Johs. H. Ten Eyck and Geertruy Wendell.
Mar. 16. bo. the 8th. Egbert of Anthony E. Bratt, Alida Hoghing. Wit. Egbert and Elisab. Bratt.
Mar. 17. bo. Nov. 20. Elisabeth of Patrik Farguson and Anna Forbes.
Mar. 23. bo. the 18th. Jenny of Mathias de Camp and Mary Mollens. Wit. Elisabeth Smith.
Mar. 23. bo. Dec. 4. Jane of William Dale and Catharina M. Gurrah.
Mar. 26. bo. Jan. 26. Martha of Robert Henry and Elisabeth Vernor.
Mar. 31. bo. the 27th. William of William and Mary Thomson.
Apr. 2. bo. Feb. 25. William of William Burnside and Mary Hudson.
Robert of James Boyd and Jane McMaster.
Apr. 5. bo. the 4th. John of William Luteridge and Anna de Wever. Wit. Jurrie (?) or Janus and Catharina Struys.
Apr. 13. bo. Mar. 1. Sara of Benjamin Overbach and Jenneke Oosterhout. Wit. Hendrik and Annatje Oosterhout.
bo. Dec. 31. Caspar of Jacobus and Jannetje Salisbury. Wit. Richard Cook, Geertruy Salsbury.
Apr. 16. bo. the 12th. Maria of Hendrik Muller and Catharina V. Ostrander. Wit. Philip Muller, Geesje V. Hoesen.
[page 49] 1777
Apr. 20. bo. Mar. 10. Johannes of Philip Luke and Aitje Vander Spaan. Wit. Johannes Luke, Gteesje La Grange.
Apr. 23. bo. the 17th. Sara of Jellis Winne and Fytje V. Woert. Wit. David and Sara Groesbeek.
bo. the 21st. Elisabeth of Barent Vosburg and Annatje Gerritse. Wit. Thomas T. (?) and Elisabeth Hun.
bo. Mar. 13. Abraham of John E. Lansing and Maria Staats. Wit. Abrahm and Elisab. Staats.
May 4. bo. Apr. 18. Gerritje of Barent Staats and Antje Winne. Wit. Nicolaas and Maria Staats.
May 4. bo. the 1st. Tanneke of Cornelis and Fytje V. Salsbergen. Wit. Tobias and Jannetje V. Buuren.
bo. the 14h. Cathalyntje of Alexander Bulsing and Aaltje Oothout. Wit. Hendrik Bulsing, Cathalyntje Green.
bo. the 2d. Johan Georg of John and Susanna Kernel. Wit. Coenraad and Sara Rubse.
May 8. bo. Mar. 14. David of William Pangburn and Elis. Bogert.
bo. Apr. 28. John of William Geberis and Hester Nelson.
bo. the 3d. Elsje of Pieter de Reemer and Elsje Barrington. Wit. Henry and Mary Greveraad.
May 11. bo. Apr. 17. Anna of Johs. Bulsing and Mally Wilson. Wit. Gerard and Marytje Lansing.
bo. Apr. 18. Marytje of Maas V. Buuren and Rebecca Bogart. Wit. Abrm. and Magdal. Verplank.
May 14. bo. May 13. Anna of Wilhelmus Mancius and Anna Ten Eyck. Wit. Henry and Anna Ten Eyck.
bo. Apr. 18. Catharina of Nanning Fisher and Agnietje Van Beuren. Wit. John Nanning Fisher, Geesje Wendell.
bo. Apr. 13. James of Jonathan Petit and Agnes Riddle.
May 18. bo. Apr. 26. Margariet of John Leenders and Cornelia Rechteren. Wit. Charles and Christina Newman.
bo. Apr. 14. Andries of Andries Meyer and Cath. Ron kel. Wit. Andries and Maria Meyer.
bo. Apr. 31. Nicolaas of Hendrik Riddekel and Elisab. Knoet. Wit. Nicolaas Knoet, Rose Hervey.
May 19. bo. Apr. 14. Petrus of Petrus Ostrander and Catharina Ering. Wit. Johs. V. Oostrander, Marytje V. Denzen.
[page 50] 1777
bo. Apr. 19. Neeltje of Jacob V. Olinde and Elisab. Schermerhoorn. Wit. Cornelis Schelluine, Tanneke Truex.
May 26. bo. Apr. 20. Johannes of Herhert Lansing and Maria Fisher. Wit. Johans. Fisher, Eva Snyder.
bo. Apr. 30. Cornelius of Simeon Veele and Neeltje Palmatier. Wit. Cornelius Veele, Arriaantje Hageman.
May 21. bo. the 19. John of James and Elisabeth Livingston. Wit. John Ten Eyck, Catharina Livingston.
May 22. bo. Apr. 25. Elisabeth of Daniel V. Olinde and Marytje V. d. Werken. Wit. Martinus de Voe, Marytje V. Olinde.
bo. Apr. 27. Elisabeth of Petrus Scheer and Catharina De Voe. Wit. Matheus and Christina Scheer.
May 29. bo. the 24th. Cathalyna of Hermanus Ten Eyck and Margarita Bleecker. Wit. Hendrik and Cathalyna Bleecker.
bo. Apr. 27. Susanna of Cornelis V. d. Berg and Maayke Ouderkerk. Wit. Yzac and Susanna Fonda.
June 5. bo. May 31. Geertruy of Barent Goey and Rachel Ostrander. Wit. Philip and Heiltje Muller.
bo. May 27. Philip of Hendrik Q. V. Rensselaer and Alida Bratt. Wit. Leendert Gansevoort, Maria V. Rensselaer.
bo. the 4th. Elsje of Hendrik T. Eyck and Margarita Douw. Wit. Gysbert and Lyntje Fonda.
bo. May 31. Rebecca of Joseph Fairchild and Marytje Gerritsen. Wit. Nicolaas and Jannetje Hieralymon.
June 8. bo. May 31. Hendrik of Johs. and Alida Van Wie. Wit. Gerrit and Catharina V. Wie.
June 9. Abraham of Pieter Janssen and Elisabeth Huik. Wit. Cornelis Janssen, Lydia Car.
bo. May 18. Rebecca of Salomo and Arriaantje du Bois. Wit. Johs. de Boy, Rebecca Tapper.
June 19. bo. May 25. Heiltje of John De Voe and Margarita Redly. Wit. Johs. de Voe, Magdalena Fyle.
bo. the 16th. Pieter Sanders of Philip V. Rensselaer and Maria Sanders. Wit. John and Elisabeth Sanders.
bo. the 14th. Cornelis of Pieter Rykman and Lydia V. d. Berg. Wit. Folkert and Maria V. d. Berg.
bo. May 12 . Geertruy of Midbury V. Hoezen and Antje Bevings. Wit. Jacobus and Geertruy Vroman.
[page 51] 1777
June 23. Jannetje of Johs. Schermerhoorn and Margarita Folksby. Wit. Jacobus and Catharina Folksby.
June 25. bo. Jan. 26. Gerrit of John Winne and Susanna Ridder. Wit. Petrus and Rachel V. Woert.
June 26. bo. May 16. Neely of Jacob Pest and Jannetje Vredenburg. Wit. Pieter Bartel, Nelly Vredenburg.
June 28. bo. the 16th. John of Joseph Hall and Johanna Patterson.
Aug. 17. bo. the 2d. James of David and Maria Gibson. Wit. William and Hester Adams.
bo. July 8. Christina of Joost Herwich and Christina Philip. Wit. Hendrik and Marytje Strong.
bo. July 18. Elisabeth of Philip Harwich and Susanna Walton. Wit. Hendrik and Elisabeth Strong.
Aug. 20. bo. July 9. Lena of Williams Flensburg and Christina Bakker. Wit. Pieter Flensburg, Saartje V. Santen.
Aug. 20. bo. June 20. Marten of Lucas Salsbury and Marytje V. Buren. Wit. Marten and Theuntje V. Buren.
Aug. 24. bo. the 13. Pieter of Gysbert Bosse and Hester Ryke. Wit. Jacob and Maria Cool.
bo. June 24. Leendert of Johs. H. Beekman and Hendrik V. Buren. Wit. Leendert and Sara Van Buuren.
Aug. 31. bo. the 4th. Franciscus of Jacob Fr. Lansing and Jannetje Visscher. Wit. Franciscus and Marritje Lansing.
bo. the 29th. Johannes of Wendel Hillebrand and Geertruy Visbach. Wit. Jurgen and Elsje Hildebrands.
Sept. 28. bo. the 18th. Johannes of Hendrik Bratt and Annatje Davids. Wit. Johs. and Elisabeth Davids.
Jacobus of Johs. Vinhagen and Baatje Valk. Wit. Jacobus and MarYtje Vinhagen.
Maayke of Pieter Bogert and Saartje V. Schaik. Wit. Gosen and Maayke Van Schaik.
bo. the 8th. Johannes of Johs. V. Esch and Margar. V. Woert. Wit. John and Annatje Ouderkerk.
bo. the 9th. Robert of Abraham Cuyler and Margareta Wendel. Wit. Robert and Catharina Wendel.
bo. the 4th. Petrus of John Fort and Elisab. Kwakkenbusch. Wit. Petrus and Marytje Benneway.
Oct. 1. bo. Apr. 8, 1775. Cornelia of Nicolaas Brouwer and Sara Drake. Wit. William Conklin, Jane Brouwer.
[page 52] 1777
bo. May 10. Nicolaas of William Concklin and Jane Brouwer. Wit. Thomas and Ann Hilton.
bo. the 28th. Annatje of Andries Gardenier and Sara Hansen. Wit. Theunis and Cathalyntje Bratt.
Oct. 1. bo. the 27th. Petrus of Leendert Muller and Annatje V. Esch. Wit. Gerrit and Elisabeth Rykman.
bo. the 28th. Geertruy of John Cool and Annatje Daniel. Wit. Folkert Daarsen, Nency Hilton.
Oct. 5. bo. Sept. 12. Hendrik of Anthony Vroman and Margarita Arnel. Wit. Jacob and Anna Arnel.
bo. Sept. 14. Hester of Gysbert V. Santen and Rebecca Winne. Wit. Gerrit and Hester Van Santen.
bo. Sept. 12. Petrus of Petrus Ostrander and Antje Denmarken. Wit. Johs. and Catharina Van Oostrander.
bo. Aug. 28. Wilhelmus of Pieter Winne and Maria Osterhout. Wit. Wilhelmus Osterhout, Marytje Dekker.
bo. Sept. 10. Cornelis of Meinert Oothout and Maria Siksby. Wit. Yzac and Eva Slingerland.
bo. the 3d. Ludovicus of Stephanus Viele and Sara Toll. Wit. Ludovicus Viele, Eva Toll.
Oct. 8. bo. Sept. 29. Maria of Frerik Meinerssen and Machtel Witbeek. Wit. Hendrik Ostrander, Marytje V. d. Berg.
bo. Sept. 14. Zacharias of Zacharias Fuller and Femmy de Foy. Wit. Michel Diderick, Cath. Fallor.
Nov. 2. bo. Oct. 30. Judike of Theunis V. Vechten and Elisab. de Wandelaar. Wit. Theunis V. Vechten, Judike Ten Broeck.
Nov. 6. bo. Oct. 10. Cornelia of Obadia Cooper and Annatje V. d. Berg. Wit. Cornelis and Cornelia V. d. Berg.
Nov. 9. bo. Oct. 27. Willem of Johs. Fryer and Elisab. V. Woert. Wit. Dirk and Marytje Benson.
bo. Oct. 27. Franciscus of Nanning Visher and Lena Lansing. Wit. Lavinus Lansing, Catharina V. d. Berg.
Nov. 9. bo. Oct. 2. Geertruy of Lavinus Dunbar and Margarita Hanssen. Wit. Andries and Sara Gardenier.
bo. Aug. 23. Hendrik of Andries Bratt and Annatje V. d. Kar. Wit. Hendrik and Tempe Burhans.
bo. the 2d. Rachel of Casparus Van Wie and Jannetje Winne. Wit. Gysbert and Rebecca Van Santen.
[page 53] 1777
Marytje of Hendrik Hendermond and Baatje Smith. Wit. Pieter Sharp.
Cornelis of Willem Groesbeek and Catharina V. Denzen. Wit. Cornelis Groesbeek, Marytje Schuyler.
bo. Sept. 2. Lena of Johs. Burhans and Tempe V. Northen. Wit. Philip and Lena Look.
bo. the 4th. Tobias V. Vechten of Jacob Cuyler and Lydia V. Vechten. Wit. Gosen and Maria Van Schaik.
Nov. 14. bo. July 13. Benjamin of William Carr and Sara Wilson. Wit. Joseph Taylor, Mary Sloan.
bo. the 9th. Daniel of Cornelis V. Aalstein and Maria Goey. Wit. Daniel and Annatje V. Aalstein.
Nov. 17. bo. Sept. 1. Johannes of Johs. W. Wendel and Maria Tratter. Wit. Anthony Bratt, Annatje Tratter.
bo. Nov. 11. Johannes of Pieter Broeks and Francyntje Wendel. Wit. John I. and Alida Wendell.
bo. Oct. 15. Anna of Hendrik Koch and Maria Young. Wit. Johs. and Anna Huson.
Tobias of Dick and Maria (Slaves) Tobias and Beth.
Nov. 26. bo. Oct. 17. Geertruy of James Douway and Elsje Smith. Wit. Abrahm and Alida Fonda.
Nov. 23. bo. the 21st. Gerrit of Ary Le Gransy and Maria V. Antwerpen. Wit. Abrahm and Jannetje Yates.
bo. Apr. 29. Willem of Timotheus Bushing and Jannetje Crosby.
Nov. 26. bo. the 23d. Sara of Robert Hilton and Elisa beth Burges. Wit. John and Maria Burges.
Nov. 29. bo. Aug. 9. John of Hugh and Rosanna Mc Muller. Wit. Johs. McMuller, Nancy McGregor.
Nov. 30. bo. the 1st. Cornelia of Stephen J. Schuyler and Lena Ten Eyck. Wit. Pieter Schuyler, Geertruy Lansing.
Dec. 3. bo. Nov. 14. Isabella of Pieter Atkison and Ann Griffin. W. it. John Watson, Isabella White.
Dec. 12. Elisabeth of Arent V. Deuzen and Mary Mc Cloud. Wit. Frans Marshal, Geertruy V. Deuzen.
Dec. 14. bo. the 13th. Hendrik Du Mont of Hendrik Staats and Maria Du Mont. Wit. Jochum Yz. and Elisa beth Staats.
Mathias of Mathys Boom and Syntje Zeger. Wit. Conread Coen, Elly Watson.
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bo. the 6th. Abraham of Gerrit A. Lansing and Elisa beth Wynkoop. Wit. Abraham and Elisabeth Lansing.
Dec. 25. bo. the 21st. Cathalina of Philip Wendel and Geertruy Vosburg. Wit. John and Cathalina Groesbeek.
bo. the 23d. Jacobus of Jacob V. Loonen and Cathalyntje Schuiler. Wit. Abrm. and Eva Schuyler.
Dec. 26. bo. Oct. 24. Jane of Alexander Forfeight and Mary Fraser.
Dec. 28. bo. the 5th. Andries of Abrah. V. Wie and Jacomyntje Burhans. Wit. Johs. and Alida V. Wie.
Dec. 28. bo. the 23d. Rebecca of Abrahm. Eights and Catharyntje Brooks. Wit. Jacobus V. Santen, Phebe Brooks.
1778, Jan. 2. Jelles of Evert Janssen and Antje Le Gransy. Wit. Jelles and Annatje Legransy.
bo. Dec. 17. Christiaan of Andrew Downall and Cath. Thompson.
bo. Nov. 5. William Abraham of William Cane and Elisabeth Dox.
Jan. 4. bo. Oct. 20. Abraham of John Schoonmaker and Aaltje Burhans. Wit. Abrahm. V. Wie, Jacomyntje Burhans.
bo. Dec. 29. George of David Patterson and Phebe Cox.
bo. Dec. 17. Margaret of John Brown and Marg. Wilson.
bo. the 1st. Folkert of Andries Douw and Catharina Foreest. Wit. Hendrik Oothout, Rachel Douw.
bo. the 2d. Jane Ann of Udny (?) Hay and Margriet Smith.
Catharina of Nicholas Sigsby and Cornelia Cooper.
Jan. 11. bo. Dec. 12. Anthony of Daniel Brad and Christina Beekman. Wit. Jonathan and Elizabeth Brooks.
Willempje of Barent Bogert and Alida Van de Bergh. Wit. Amos Van Beuren, Willempje Bogert.
Jan. 12. bo. Jan. 7. Matheus of Collin Gibson and Ellin Story.
bo. Sept. 7. Lydia of Jacob Zeger and Maria Crosby. Wit. Roelef and Lydia Zeger.
Jan. 14. bo. Dec. 13. Geertruy of David Foreest and Elisabeth Witbeek. Wit. Gerrit and Immetje Witbeek.
[page 55] 1777—1778
bo. Nov. 19. Rachel of Jacob Qwakkenbusch and Catharina De Voe. Wit. Jan De Voe, Catharina Qwakkenbusch.
bo. Nov. 8. Catharina of Gerardus Knoet and Sara Abel. Wit. Johs. Knoet, Lena Lyn.
bo. Dec. 18. Jacob of Willem V. d. Werken and Marytje Bogardus. Wit. Jacob and Marytje Lansing.
bo. Sept. 6. Alexander of George Dool and Catherina Zeger. Wit. Adriaan and Lydia Bratt.
Jan. 15. bo. Nov. 28. Elisabeth of Marten Auringer and Christine Sheer. Wit. Maas V. d. Berg, Cath. Sheer.
bo. Aug. 28. Maria of Samuel Bell and Jane McChesnee. Wit. Maas V. d. Berg, Cath. Sheer.
Jan. 18. bo. Dec. 14. Elisabeth of Theunis and Lena Hoogteling. Wit. Willem Hoogteling, Maria Bloemendal.
Jan. 19. bo. the 16th. Lucretia of John Bartel and Elisab. Trouex. Wit. Pieter and Mally Bartel.
Jan. 21. Allen of Ezechiel Ensign and Abigail Gibbs. Wit. John Graham, Mary Loodman.
bo. the 2d. Ralf of Lucas Cassiday and Rachel Cool. Wit. John and Engeltje Cool.
bo. July 23, 1776. Hannah of Ralph Watson and Hannah Hart. Wit. Thomas Smith Diamont.
Jan. 24. bo. Jan. 8. Nancy of Thomas Patridge and Mary McGuire. Wit. Mary Davis.
Jan. 31. bo. Oct. 21. Hannah of John Hartwell and Mary Holiday.
Feb. 1. bo. the 31 st. Harmen of Philip Muller and Geesje V. Hoesen. Wit. Harmen Muller, Sara Downer.
Catharina of Lodewyk Obrian and Catharina Rendel. Wit. Coenraad and Sara Rubie.
bo. Dec. 2 8. Gerrit of Philip G. Viele and Manytje Bratt. Wit. Catharina Viele.
bo. the 30th. James of James Smith and Elisabeth Allen.
Feb. 4. bo. the 1st. Johannes of Johs. Van Santen and Margarita Wilkeson. Wit. Thomas Bareith, Elisabeth V. Santen.
Annatje of Johs. Ostrander and Marritje V. Deuzen. Wit. Hendrik and Annatje Van Deuzen.
Sara of Johs. Ten Broek and Sara Ganzevoort. Wit. Cornelis D. Wynkoop, Catharina Gansevoort.
Feb. 8. Maria of Franciscus Marshal and Geertruy V. Denzen. Wit. Wilhelrnus and Maria V. Deuzen.
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Feb. 11. bo. Jan. 13. Cathalyntje of Daniel Winne and Catharina Hoogteling. Wit. Johs. and Cathalyntje Winne.
Feb. 15. bo. the 10th. Hendrik of Johannes Bleecker and Margarita V. Deuzen. Wit. Willem and Catharina V. Denzen.
bo. the 9th. Annatje of Eduard S. Willet and Sara Fryer. Wit. John Fryer, Lydia Fisscher.
bo. the 12th. William of Bernardus Everssen and Martina Hoghen. Wit. William and Susanna Hoghen.
Feb. 22. bo. Jan. 10. Jacob of Coenraad and Charlotte Ten Eyck. Wit. Abraham and Annatje Ten Eyck.
bo. the 13th. Maria of William B. Hilton and Margarita Gladdon. Wit. Dirk and Maria Schuyler.
Feb. 22. bo. Jan. 3. Petrus of Johs. Wiesch and Maria Rees. Wit. John and Maria Think.
Feb. 25. bo. Jan. 22. Adam of Jurjen Hansikker and Anna Smith. Wit. Samuel and Rebecca Hainer.
bo. the 24th. Johannes of Hendrik V. Hoesen and Elisabeth Evertsen. Wit. Bernardus and Susanna Eversen.
bo. Jan. 26. Johannes of Marten Egbertson and Josina Schermerhoorn. Wit. Jacob Schermerhoorn and Lena Bloemendal.
bo. Jan. 10. James of Abraham Bloodgood and Elisabeth V. Valkenburg. Wit. John and Margarita Taylor.
Mar. 1. Cornelis of John W. Schermerhoorn and Cathalyntje Valkenburg. Wit. Jacob and Gerritje Schermerhoorn.
bo. Feb. 17. Maria of Leendert Ganzevoort and Maria V. Rensselaer. Wit. Johannes Ganzevoort, Maria Van Rensselaer.
Mar. 11. bo. Feb. 28. Maria of Reignier Ja V. Yveren and Rebecca De Foreest. Wit. Philip and Maria de Foreest.
Ann of Jacob and Anna Wennel. Thomas Hume, Mary Whitvoot, Marg. Davids.
Mar. 15. bo. Jan. 22. James of James Bell and Mary McCarly.
Mar. 20. bo. the 19th. John of John Squince and Jane Nixon. Wit. Davis Whitley, Johs. Rob, Elisabeth Willis.
Mar. 25. bo. the 17th. Catharina of Jacob and Elisabeth V. Schaik. Wit. Willem and Elisabeth Elzevoort.
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Mar. 29. bo. the 3d. Samuel of Mathew Hall and Jane Young.
bo. the 18th. Jany of Gregory Grant and Margareth Echad.
Apr. 1. bo. Mar. 19. Tabitha of Gerrit Heyer and Jannetje V. Slyk. Wit. John V. Benthuisen, Cathalyna V. Slyk.
bo. Mar. 24. Catharina of Pieter Webber and Catharina Warn. Wit. John and Cornelia Prys.
bo. the 27th. Eva of James Bloodgood and Lydia Valkenburg. Wit. John Verner, Margarita Taylor.
Apr. 12. bo. Mar. 11. Jacob of Andries Miller and Margarita Kets. Wit. Jacob and Catharina Foreest.
bo. Mar. 19. Lea of Joseph Boskerk and Susanna Wendel. Wit. Cornelis and Catharina Douw.
Mar. 1. George of Jeroom Vallensby and Elis. Witbeek. Wit. George Valensby, Jannetje V. Valkenburg.
bo. Mar. 10. Johannes of Wouter Mol and Cornelia Cool. Wit. Jacobus and Hendrikje Mol.
Sara of Timotheus Bushing and Jannetje Crosby. Wit. Edmund Kingsland, Marten Norwich.
bo. Sept. 12. James of John Graham Obryan and Nancy Davenpoort. Wit. Elisabeth Thompson.
Apr. 19. Arriaantje of Johs. Arnoud and Elisab. Buis. Wit. Cornelis and Antje V. Santvoort.
Apr. 25. bo. Mar. 25. Abraham of Abraham V. d. Poel and Marytje Bekker. Wit. Philip Shever, Rachel Valkenburg.
Apr. 26. bo. the 22. Nicolaas of Nicolaas Hieralomon and Jannetje Waldrom. Wit. Hendrik and Maria Van Wie.
bo. the 24h. Cathalina of Jacob Pruin and Hendrikje V. Buuren. Wit. Barent and Cathalyntje Van Buuren.
May 3. bo. Mar. 23. Catharina of Coenraad Harwig and Magdalena Meyer. Wit. Philip and Susanna Herwig.
May 6. bo. Apr. 19. Willem of Gerrit Staats and Catharina Cunningham. Wit. Jochum and Geesje Staats.
bo. the 4th. Pieter of Johs. De Wandelaar and Gerritje Gansevoort. Wit. Pieter and Annatje De Wandelaar.
May 2. bo. Apr. 1. Alida of Johs. Springer and Jannetje Bont. Wit. John Siksby, Geesje Bont.
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William of Willem Smith and Mary Corker. Wit. William Morris, Susanna Noble.
May 13. bo. Apr. 22. Geertruy of Samuel Witbeek and Rebecca Buys. Wit. Gerrit R. and Geertruy Gerritsen.
May 15. bo. Dec. 12. Sara of Nicolaas Clement and Rachel Garmo. Wit. Johs. and Neeltje Mersselis.
May 16. bo. Apr. 23. Alexander of Alexander Zegers and Mary Potter.
May 12. bo. 11th. Jenet and Isabel of William Faulkner and Margarita Anderson.
May 20. bo. May 13. Annatje of John A. Lansing and Flisabeth Fryer. Wit. Isaac and Annatje Fryer.
bo. May 17. Lyntje of Peter W. Douw and Ryckie Van Schaik. Wit. Abraham Douw, Elsje Fonda.
bo. the I sth. Cortland of Philip Schuyler and Catharina V. Rensselaer. Wit. Robert V. Rensselaer, Geertruy Cochron.
bo. Jan. 23. Guy of Stephen Tuttle and Mary Graham. Wit. Marten Gerritse, V. Bergen, Sara Trotter.
May 24. bo. the 1st. Margarita of Abrahm. V. d. Poel and Dorothea Shutter. Wit. Melchert and Margarita V. d. Poel.
bo. the 10th. Helena of Elisa Smith and Alida Bulsing. Wit. Hendrik and Cathalina Bulsing.
bo. Apr. 12. Maria of John Wally and Sibylla Appelis. Wit. Jacob and Margarita Henry.
May 31. bo. the 16th. John of Zachariah Sickels and Catharina Sheers. Wit. David Scot, Mary Wendal.
June 12. bo. May 22. Margaret of Cornelius Cummings and Hanna Swels. Wit. John Duncan, Nelly Bros.
June 15. Thomas of James and Jenny Stuart.
bo. the 15th. Folkert of Johs. Van Hoesen and Engeltje V. Deusen. Wit. Harmen and Tryntje V. Hoesen.
June 24. bo. Feb. 24. Maria of Jan de Voe and Lena Fyle. Wit. George and Maria Hutton.
bo. the 5th. Johannes of Willem Lappius and Alida V. Deusen. Wit. Johs. V. Ostrander, Marritje V. Deusen.
bo. the 23d. Lucas of Gerrit Witbeek and Immetje Perry. Wit. Lucas and Geertruy Witbeek.
June 28. bo. May 8. Jacob of Eldert V. Woert and Elisabeth Fonda. Wit. Jacob V. Woert, Elisabeth Fryer.
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July 1. bo. the 27th. Jelles of Jacob Winne and Susanna Evertse. Wit. Jelles and Fietje Winne.
July 5. bo. June 14. Jan of Jan Voorhees and Jannetje V. Ist. Wit. Jan and Saartje Van Ist.
July 6. John of William Brown and Jane Ridder.
July 8. Isabell of Duncan Farguson and Isabella Erneston.
July 12. bo. the 8th. Sara of Johs. V. Woert and Cath alyntje Lansing. Wit. Jacob and Sara V. Woert.
July 17. bo. June 24. Willem of Abrm. Sickels and Maria Connal. Wit. Nicolaas Ietzal, Maria Casey.
July 15. bo. the 11th. Yzac of Willem V. Wie and Jannetje Lansing. Wit. Yzac and Arriaantje Lansing.
July 22. bo. the 18th. Rachel and Elisabeth of Jacob V. Deuzen and Elsje Lansing. Wit. Stuart Deane, Rachel V. Deuzen, Gerrit and Elisabeth Lansing.
Catharina of William Coeny and Elisabeth King. Wit. Wouter V. d. Zee, Margarita Coony.
Pieter Sanders of Philip V. Rensselaer and Maria Sanders. Wit. Hendrik Q. and Alida V. Rensselaer.
July 28. bo. the 9th. Laurens of Laurens Chambers and Fenny Thoff.
July 29. bo. the 28th. Johannes of John D. Groesbeek and Cathalyntje V. Schaik. Wit. Johs. and Alida V. Schaik.
bo. the 23d. Hans Burhans of Johs. V. Lansing and Catharina Burhans. Wit. Robt. Lansing, MarYtje Wendell.
bo. the 27th. John of John Berry and Elisabeth Meinerssen. Wit. John and Marytje Berry.
July 30. bo. May 30. Margarita of John Wards and Margarita Burnsides.
Aug. 5. Thomas of John Corrny and Brejge Zeger. Wit. Thomas and Judike Zeger.
Aug. 6. bo. July 11. Jane of William Deal and Caty McGaharry.
Aug. 8. bo. Mar. 13. Guy of Abraham Mills and Margt. Briston.
Aug. 9. bo. the 4th. Christina of John Thompson and Jennet Wilson.
bo. the 2d. Willem of Volkert Dawson and Geertruy Hilton. Wit. Jacob and Sara Hilton.
[page 60] 1778
bo. July 1. Cornelis of Hendrik Schermerhoorn and Cornelia Lansing. Wit. Joh. and Marytje Lansing.
Aug. 12. bo. July 9. Andries of Thoms. Burnside and Arriaantje Ten Eyck.
Aug. 14. bo. July 22. John of Samuel Beety and Catharma Clensy.
Aug. 16. bo. the 7th. Gerrit of Jacob Roseboom and Hester Lansing. Wit. Leendert Ganzevoort, Gerritje Bratt.
bo. the 8th. Gerrit of Yzac Hoogkerk and Rachel V. Santen. Wit. Ryckert V. Santen, Saartje Hilton.
Marytje of Jacob C. and Gerritje Schermerhoorn. Wit. Philip Schermerhoorn, Dorothea Muller.
bo. the 14th. Cornelis of Eduard Davis and Jannetje Dreit (?). Wit. Staats and Willempje Santvoord.
bo. the 14th. Nicolass of Nicolass Clein and Elisabeth Cogby. Wit. David and Nanny Smith.
Aug. 19. bo. the 16th. Elisabeth of John Finky and Maria Luits. Wit. Lavinus and Maria Winne.
bo. July 22. John of Hugh Deniston and Rachel V. Valkenburg. Wit. John and Margret. Taylor.
bo. the 21st. Maayke of Martinus V. Yveren and Cornelia V. Schaik. Wit. Gosen and Maayke V. Schaik.
bo. the 18th. Elisabeth of Johs. Hoogkerk and Margarita Marten. Wit. Hendrik V. Wie, Marytje Marten.
Aug. 26. bo. Aug. 23. Catharina of Eilardus Westerlo and Catharina Livingston. Wit. Johannes Ten Eyck, Sara Ten Broek.
Sept. 2. bo. Aug. 8. Rachel of Christoffer Oly and Eleonoor Kern. Wit. Thomas and Rachel Christiana Whitbeek.
bo. Aug. 25. Jurjen of Coenraad Sherp and Elisabeth Staats. Wit. Augustinus and Marytje Scherp.
Sept. 5. bo. Aug. 6. George of James Colwell and Elisabeth Barents.
Sept. 6. bo. Aug. 10. Jannetje of Hannes V. Buuren and Annate V. d. Poel. Wit. Cornelis and Jannetje Van Buuren.
bo. Aug. 12. Daniel of Jurjen Stark and Jannetje V. Buuren. Wit. Matheus and Elisabeth Poel.
bo. Aug. 2. Daniel of Mathys Flensburg and Christina Snyder. Wit. Daniel Flensburgh, Sara V. Santen.
[page 61] 1778
bo. Aug. 31. Willem of Pieter Hilton and Elisabeth Eights. Wit. Willem and Margarita Hilton.
Sept. 9. bo. July 13. Hendrik of Christiaan Cooper and Anna Marg. Strong. Wit. Hendrik and Elsje Strong.
Sept. 13. bo. Aug. 24. Catharina of Jacobus V. Franken and Geertje Fonda. Wit. Hendrik Fonda, Annatje Visscher.
bo. Aug. 18. Annatje of Jeremie S’Jans and Loys Adams. Wit. Gerrit and Annatje V. d. Berg.
bo. Aug. 21. Catharina of Petrus Ham and Marytje Michel. Wit. Johs. and Catharina Witbeek.
Sept. 16. bo. Aug. 23. Joachim of Nicolaas Staats and Maria Salsbury. Wit. Barent and Antje Staats.
bo. Aug. 26. Catharina of Benjamin V. Etten and Catharina Erl. Wit. Jurjen and Annatje Housekker.
Sept. 19. bo. the 10th. John of Thomas Brown and Jane Mordan. Wit. John and Any Allen.
Sept. 20. bo. the 9th. Elisabeth of Hendrik V. Ostrander and Maria V. d. Berg. Wit. Abraham and Elisabeth V. Ostrander.
bo. Aug. 27. Annatje of Daniel Young and Elisabeth V. d. Kar. Wit. Andries Bratt, Annatje V. d. Kar.
bo. the 8th. Sara of Johannes Muller and Sara V. Yveren. Wit. Martinus and Cornelia V. Yveren.
bo. Apr. 8. Archibald of Archibald Kemmel and Christina Starrenberg.
Sept. 27. bo. the 4th. Gerrit of Obadia Lansing and Cornelia Benthuisen. Wit. Jacob and Annatje Van Aalstein.
bo. the 2d. Coenraad of Jurjen Berringer and Elisabeth Beem. Wit. Philip and Christina Berringer.
Oct. 6. bo. Sept. 12. Sara of Hendrik V. Schoonhoven and Aaltje V. Esch. Wit. Jacob V. Woert, Sara V. Esch.
Oct. 14. bo. Sept. 27. George of George Rodgers and Eleonore Murray.
bo. Sept. 19. Yzac of Gerrit Lansing and Alida Fonda. Wit. Yzac Fonda and Cornelia Hun.
Oct. 18. bo. the 7th. Cathalyntje of Christoffer Lansing and Sara V. Schaik. Wit. John Groesbeek, Cathalyntje V. Schaik.
Rebecca of John Northen and Elisabeth De Voe. Wit. Hugo and Rebecca McManus.
[page 62] 1778
bo. Sept. 11. Maria of Philip P. Schuyler and Annatje Wendel.
bo. Sept. 29. Maria of Stuart Deane and Pieterje Bratt. Wit. Anthony Bratt, Marytje Conynton (or Compton).
bo. Sept. 26. Andries of Hendrik Oothout and Lydia Douw. Wit. Andries and Catharina Douw.
Oct. 18. bo. the 12th. Cathalyna of Hermanus Ten Eyck and Margarita Bleecker. Wit. Hendrik and Cathalyna Bleecker.
bo. the 9th. Hermanus of Jacob Bleecker and Elisabeth Wendel. Wit. Hermanus and Barbara Windel.
Oct. 25. bo. the 2rst. Hendrik of Willem Staats and Annatje Yaets. Wit. Hendrik and Elisabeth Staats.
bo. the 22d. Hester of Theunis Slingerland and Rachel Bogert. Wit. Wouter and Hester Slingerland.
bo. the 1st. Helena of Johs. Oosterhout and Agnietje Winne. Wit. Daniel Winne, Catharina Hoogteling.
Oct. 26. bo. the 20th. William of Pieter Sharp and Marg. Donneway.
bo. Sept. 2. Marytje of Johs. Bulsing and Mally Wilson. Wit. Pieter Schuyler, Geertruy Lansing.
Oct. 28. bo. Sept. 22. Cornelis of Willem Waldrom and Margarita V. d. Werken. Wit. Pieter Waldrom, Vroutje Bratt.
bo. the 26th. Alida of Reynier V. Hoesen and Engeltje Cool. Wit. Matheus and Bregje Aarssen.
Rachel of Lonys V. Woert and Catharina V. d. Berg. Wit. Adriaan and Folkje Quakkenbusch.
bo. the 26th. Joseph of John Brogden and Margaret Kelly. Wit. William Colbeth, John Rendell, Catharina Fairchild, Isabella Watson.
Oct. 30. bo. Sept. 31. Maria of Johs. Weeler and Marytje Cooper. Wit. Thomas Orchard, Bregje Zeger.
Nov. 1. bo. Oct. 22. William of James Green and Margarita Smith. Wit. Pieter W. Yates, Maria Holiday.
bo. Sept. 28. Pieter of Jan Dox and Marytje Devoe. Wit. Samuel Dox, Jannetje V. d. Kar.
Nov. 1. bo. Oct. 11. Lydia of John Denny and Penella Lydie. Wit. Abm. and Anna Ten Eyck.
bo. Oct. 25. Annatje of Mathew Visscher and Lydia Fryer. Wit. John Fryer, Sara Wyllet.
[page 63] 1778
Nov. 2. bo. Oct. 25. William of Jack (?) Donaldson and Margret Richey.
Nov. 8. bo. the 6th. Cornelis of Cornelis Brower and Elisabeth Visbach. Wit. Gysbert and Lyntje Fonda.
bo. the 6th. Arent of Willem Ten Baar and Elisabeth V. Deusen. Wit. Arent and Engeltje V. Deusen.
Nov. 22. bo. Nov. 11. Arriaantje of Abraham A. Lansing and Elsje V. Rensselaer. Wit. Guiliaan and Maria V. Rensselaer.
bo. Oct. 20. Salomo of Adam Potman and Catharina Meyers.
Nov. 28. bo. the 10th. James of John Crosier and Agnes Darrich.
Nov. 29. Arent Leendert of Arent Aarssen and Aaltje Qwakkenbusch. Wit. Leendert Bleeker, Gerritje Lansing.
bo. the 27th. Willem of Petrus Qwakkenbusch and Maria Shipfield. Wit. Wouter and Cornelia Qwakkenbusch.
bo. the 20th. Benjamin of Baltes V. Benthuisen and Elisabeth Rumney. Wit. Hendrik and Maria Fonda.
bo. the 18th. Dirk of Johs. V. Petten and Wyntje Knoet. Wit. Arent and Fytje Vedder.
Dec. 2. bo. Oct. 13. Catharina of Pieter Claas and Clara Marg. Courdin. Wit. Jacob, Jr., and Anna Mook.
Dec. 4. bo. Oct. 8. Annatje of Coenraad Coert and Anna Stafford.
Dec. 6. Richard of Richard Tilman and Sara Marel. Wit. Hendrik and Annatje Bratt.
Dec. 16. bo. the 7th. Gerrit of Pieter Van Wie and Egbertje V. d. Berg. Wit. Theunis and Marytje V. d. Bergh.
Geertruy of Abrahm. Kip and Saartje Hanssen. Wit. Pieter and Marytje Veder.
bo. Nov. 29. Margarita of Albert and Engeltje Hanssen. Wit. John Hanssen, Geertruy Slingerland.
Dec. 20. bo. Oct. 23. Elsje of Jacobus Valkenburgh and Catharina Sixby. Wit. Nicholas and Cornelia Sixby.
bo. Dec. 15. Pieter of Philip Lansing and Elsje Hun. Wit. Gerardus and Margaret Lansing.
bo. Nov. 18. Andries of Johannes Radley and Maritje Egmont. Wit. John Ward, Wyntje Radley.
Dec. 27. bo. Nov. 8. Sarah of Gerrit Theunis Breese and Geertruid Groesbeek. Wit. David and Sarah Groesbeek.
[page 64] 1778—1779
Dec. 30. bo. Oct. 11. James White of Lewis Barrington and Jane White. Wit. Volkert and Geertruy Dawson.
bo. Dec. 27. Annatje of Jacob Lansing and Susanna Fonda. Wit. Isaac and Annatje Lansing.
bo. Dec. 21. Petrus of Isaac Slingerland and Eva Van Woert. Wit. Jacob Winne, Sussanna Evertse.
Dec. 16. bo. Aug. 7. Maria of Coenraad Legrange and Ann Legrange. Wit. Cornelis V. Santvoort, Arriaantje Gready.
Dec. 26. bo. the 3d. Jacomyntje of Jonathan Oostrander and Lea Ostrander. Wit. Jacob and Jacomyntje V. Ostrander.
Dec. 29. bo. Nov. 29. Marten of Pieter Foreest and Pietertje V. Aalstein. Wit. Martin and Janneke Foreest.
Dec. 30. Jacob Hendrik of Hendrik Kescher and Maria B. Schaltren. Wit. Jacob Foett, Margar. Hoop.
1779, Jan. 3. bo. Dec. 30. Johs. V. Wie of Philip Loek and Magdalena V. Wie. Wit. Hiskia V. Norden, Engeltje Look.
bo. Nov. 16. Cornelis of Johs. V. d. Berg and Eva V. Aalstein. Wit. Andries and Jannetje V. Aalstein.
Jan. 6. bo. the 3d. Rebecca of John V. Esch and Margarita V. Woert. Wit. Jacob and Marytje Bogert.
Jan. 9. bo. Oct. 29. Gerrit of Robert Gray and Susanna Legrange.
Jan. 10. bo. the 4th. Pieter of Willem Low and Elisabeth Daniels. Wit. Pieter and Annatje Daniels.
Jan. 13. bo. Dec. 3. Cornelis of Cornelis V. d. Berg and Rebecca Fonda. Wit. Petrus V. d. Berg, Marytje Fort.
bo. Dec. 6. Cornelis of Andries Ouderkerk and Annatje Fero. Wit. Yzac Ouderkerk, Elisabeth Bratt.
bo. the 8th. Obadia of Anthony Halenbeek and Cornelia Cooper. Wit. Obadia and Saartje Cooper.
Jan. 16. bo. the 11th. William of Robert McChesnut and Mary Cannum.
bo. Nov. 15. Yzac of Hugh McChesnut and Johanna Plumb.
Jan. 17. bo. the 11th. Hendrik of Lavinus Winne and Maria Lansing. Wit. Jacob and Lena Lansing.
[page 65] 1779
bo. the 9th. Geertruy of Wendell Hillebrand and Geertruy Visbach. Wit. Cornelis and Elisabeth Brower.
Caty of Alexander Clark and Nency Clark. Wit. Duncan McMullan, Nency Stuart, Jennie Grant.
Jan. 20. bo. the 10th. Joseph of Charles Follet and Mary Bloodgood. Wit. Thoms and Mary Diamond.
bo. Dec. 29. Cornelia of Evert V. d. Berg and Jannetje V. Schaik. Wit. Cornelis and Cornelia V. d. Berg.
bo. the 6th. Catharina of Johs. Stevenson and Magda lena Douw. Wit. John and Mary Douw.
Jan. 21. Christina of James Mitchel and Mary Cameron. Wit. Hugh and Mary Frazier.
Jan. 22. bo. the 16th. James of John Easton and Janet Rutherford.
Jan. 24. bo. the 19th. Stephanus of Frans Winne, Jr., and Annake Viele. Wit. Willem and Saraatje Hun.
bo. Dec. 28. Cornelia of John and Jannetje Salsbury. Wit. Cornelis and Jobje Salsbury.
Jan. 27. bo. the 26th. John of Johannes J. Wendell and Alida Hoogkerk. Wit. Abraham and Anatje Hoogkerk.
bo. the 23d. Pieter Martin of Hendrick Van Wey and Maria Martin. Wit. Johs. Hoogkerk, Janet Martin.
bo. the 24h. Ann of John Williamson and Mary Love. Wit. David and Ann Smith.
Jan. 29. Robert of Collin and Mary Farguson.
Jan. 30. bo. Oct. 8. Jane of William Ebbet and Mary Jackson.
Feb. 7. bo. the 2d. Theunis of Albert Slingerland and Christina V. Franken. Wit. John Hanssen, Geertruy Slingerland.
bo. June 15. Meinard of Barent V. Yveren and Rebecca Bratt. Wit. Meinard V. Yveren, Sara Muller.
Feb. 10. bo. Aug. 29. Thomas of Pieter and Susanna Johnson.
Feb. 14. bo. Jan. 1. Anneke of Abraham D. Fonda and Hendrikje Lansing. Wit. Yzac and Annatje Lansing.
Feb. 17. bo. the 13th. Theunis of Johannes T. Visscher and Annatje Pierce. Wit. Gerrit and Rachel Visscher.
bo. Jan. 31. Sara of Johs. Grahams and Maria Fryer. Wit. William de Wit, Sara Graham.
Feb. 21. bo. the 19th. Elsje of Hendrik Ten Eik and Margarita Douwe. Wit. Gysbert and Elsje Fonda.
[page 66] 1779
Feb. 23. bo. Jan. 14. John Frerik of Frerik Santhagen and Charlotte Ross. Wit. Francis McKinzy, Ally Watson.
Feb. 24. bo. Feb. 9. Henry of John Bancker and Geertruy Jacobi. Wit. Jacob Kidney, Elisabeth Jacobi.
bo. Jan. 14. John Frerik of Frerik Santhagen and Charlotte Ross. Wit. Francis McKinsy, Ally Watson.
(Repetition in the record.)
Feb. 28. bo. Jan. 30. Jan Dirkson of Yzac V. Aarnem and Catharina V. Wie. Wit. Abrahm. V. Aarnem, Anneke Rogers.
bo. the 23d. Niccolaas of Samuel Marll and Rachel Gardenier. Wit. Nicolaas Gardenier, Cathalyntje Bogert.
bo. Feb. 5. Hendrik of Laurens V. Cleef and Cathalyntje Jackson. Wit. Hendrick and Sara Jackson.
bo. Jan. 5. Agnes of James Boyd and Jane McMaster.
Mar. 3. bo. Jan. 4. Willem of Pieter Levison and Maria Fonda. Wit. Wilhelmus and Agnietje V. d. Berg.
bo. Feb. 23. Maria Van Rensselaer of Abraham Ten Broek and Elisabeth Van Rensselaer. Wit. Stephen Van Rensselaer, Maria Groesbeek.
Mar. 7. bo. Jan. 19. Bernardus Brat of Thomas Lottridge and Mary Brat. Wit. John B. and Margaret Brat.
bo. Mar. 6. Maus of Hendrik Waldron and Margareta Van Vrancken. Wit. Maus R. and Christina Van Vrancken.
Mar. 7. bo. Feb. 23. George of Richard Welch and Eva Great. Wit. George and Hannah Rider.
Mar. 10. bo. Mar. 4. Johannes Lansing of John Jacob Zabriskie and Lena Lansing. Wit. Nicolas J. and Elsje Lansing.
bo. the 5th. Catharina of William Brown and Mary Cadogan. Wit. Bernard Cadogan, Catharina McFarling.
bo. Feb. 18. Anatje of John Vischer and Elisabeth Brat. Wit. John R. and Elisabeth Bleeker.
Mar. I7. bo. the 12th. Andries of Andries Abel and Annatje Marshal. Wit. Daniel and Elisabeth Marshell.
bo. the 11th. Susanna of Pieter Broeks and Francyntje Wendel. Wit. Johs. and Elsje Wendel.
Mar. 21. bo. the 9th. Abraham of William Lothridge and Anna de Wever. Wit. William Crennel, Martitje de Wever.
Mar. 24. bo. the 15th. Willem of Frederick Myndertse and Elisabeth Waldron. Wit. Willem Van Wie, Jannetje Lansing.
[page 67] 1779
bo. Feb. 12. David of Peter Winne and Maria Oosterhout. Wit. David Winne, Neeltje Deforeest.
bo. Feb. 7. Sussanah of Staats Brat and Maria Zeeger. Wit. Gerrit Zeger, Mary Pangburn.
Mar. 26. bo. Feb. 27. Hannah of Robert McCallan and Jane Williams.
Alexander of David Allan and Jennet Steward.
Mar. 28. Robert of Robert Wildring and Nency Herrington. Wit. John Cary, John Skeffington, Mally Miller.
Mar. 30. bo. Feb. 15. Albert of David Chambers and Margarita V. d. Werken. Wit. Albert and Maarytje Van Der Werken.
Apr. 1. Margaret of Robert Campbell, Sara McDavid.
Apr. 2. bo. the 22d. Neeltje of Andries H. Gardenier and Sara Hanssen. Wit. Andries and Catharina Douw.
bo. the 26th. Maria of Albertus Bloemendal and Anna Hanssen. Wit. Philip and Maria V. Rensselaer.
Apr. 4. bo. Jan. 9. Samuel of Timothy Hutton and Jane May Chestny. Wit. Joseph Maychestney, Elisabeth Phile.
Apr. 7. bo. Mar. 27. Johannes of John Redlif and Margarita Passagie. Wit. Joseph Passagie, Elisabeth Jacobi.
bo. Feb. 27. Thomas of William de Wit and Hester Dykman. Wit. John Graham, Mary Fryer.
bo. the 6th. William of Daniel McBead and Rachel McCantisch.
Apr. 9. bo. Apr. 1. Margareth of Robert Campbell and Sara M. David.
Apr. 10. bo. Mar. 6. Susanna of Thomas Roes and Catharina Saranto. Wit. Robert Davis, Mary Zeger.
Apr. 11. bo. Mar. 15. Catharina of Gerrit V. d. Berg and Annatje s’Jans. Wit. Hendrik ’Jans, Catharina J’ans.
bo. Mar. 23. Jonathan of Johs. Witbeek and Catharina J’ans. Wit. Jonathan and Gerritje Witbeek.
Apr. 14. bo. Mar. 22. Johannes of Hendrik Crennel and Jacomyna Bloemendal. Wit. Johs. Crennel, Fytje Marsselis.
Apr. 14. bo. Feb. 17. Catharina of Cornelis V. Buuren and Jannetje V. d. Poel. Wit. Gerrit and Catharina Poel.
[page 68] 1779
Apr. 17. bo. Sept. 19, 1778. Jane of Philip Gregory and Margaret Herring.
Apr. 18. bo. Mar. 19. Nicolas of John Leonart and Cornelia Rechter. Wit. Johs. and Else Hillingbrand.
Margaret of Daniel Cummings and Abigail Grant.
Apr. 22. bo. Mar. 1. Johannes of Carel Shever and Sara Redly. Wit. John de Voe, Magdalena File.
Apr. 24. Martha of John McClesky and Mary Nengels.
Apr. 26. bo. the 21st. Anthony of John G. and Annatje V. Schaik. Wit. Anthony and Christina V. Schaik.
bo. the 1st. Johannes of Sobrinus Peesinger and Marytje Young. Wit. Johs. Miller, Marytje Fonda.
Robert and Duncan of James Paal and Anna McEwen.
Apr. 29. bo. Mar. 16. John of Robert Gray and Elisabeth Drummer.
Apr. 28. bo. the 20th. Elisabeth of Gerrit Rykman and Elisabeth V. Buren. Wit. Yzac and Cathalyntje Bogert.
May 2. bo. Apr. 3. Rebecca of Willem Hoogteling and Maria Blooomendal. Wit. Gerrit Hoogteling, Annatje Oosterhout.
May 3. Francis of William David and Ruth North. Wit. Francis Dougten.
bo. Apr. 9. Margarita of Nicolaas Sherp and Lena Hogeboom. Wit. Johs. and Maria Lewis.
May 5. bo. Mar. 16. Maria of Johs. V. d. Heiden and Annatje Price. Wit. Isaac Price, Maria V. Schaak.
bo. Apr. 7. Hermanus of Hermanus V. Aalstein and Catharina Peessing. Wit. Gerrit Bratt, Lena Hoogteling.
bo. Jan. 3. Magdalena of Johs. Rosenberg and Annatje Crespsel. Wit. Johs. and Christina Lang.
May 7. bo. Feb. 6. Elisabeth of Johs. Sherp and Jerissa (?) North. Wit. Herms. Salsbery, Alida Sherp.
May 9. Gerrit of Michel Besset and Marytje V. Franken. Wit. Gerrit and Susanna V. Franken.
bo. the 2d. Catharina of Johan Otto Ram and Catharina Hoogstrasser. Wit. Johs. and Sara Knoet.
May 12. bo. the 2d. Simon of Louis Grant and Margaret Frasier.
May 15. bo. the 2d. Christina of Dirk Benson and Marytje Wyngaart. Wit. Willem and Christina Vosburg.
May 16. Christina of Nen (Slaves) Jack and Jenne.
[page 69] 1779
bo. the 19th. Barent of Jacob Y. and Geertruy Schermerhoorn. Wit. Meinard and Marytje Roseboom.
bo. Apr. 3. Hendrik of Hendrik Bulsing and Neeltje Marus. Wit. Cornelis V. Aalstein, Maria Goey.
bo. the 12th. John of John Jackson and Sara Lundy.
May 19. bo. the 14th. Johannes of Jonathan Brooks and Elisabeth Bratt. Wit. Johs. Bratt, Saartje V. Santen.
bo. Apr. 6. Johannes of Leendert Weyland and Agnietje Muller. Wit. Johs. and Sara Muller.
May 23. Cornelia of Johs. Olfer and Catharina V. d. Berg. Wit. Johs. Olfer, Antje Zeger.
May 30. bo. the 3d. Elisabeth of Barent J. Staats and Antje Winne. Wit. Philip and Annatje Staats.
May 30. bo. the 26th. Willem Barrinton of Jacob Hilton and Sara Barrinton. Wit. Thoms. Hilton, Catharina Druly.
bo. the 29th. Judike of Abrah. Hoogteling and Antje Hilton. Wit. Johs. Hoogkerk, Margarita Meerthen.
bo. Apr. 18. Egbert of Anthony Ten Eyck and Maria Egbertson. Wit. Benjamin and Maria Egberts.
bo. Apr. 11. Willem of Reyer B. Schermerhoorn and Marytje Beevers. Wit. Leendert and Neelte Schermer hoorn.
bo. the 21st. Catharina V. Denzen of Willem Groesbeek and Catharina V. Deusen. Wit. Willem and Cornelia V. Denzen.
bo. the 27th. Nency of Johs. Stuart and Jane Kemmel.
bo. the 24th. John Kemmel of Alexander Kemmel and Mary McMullen.
June 2. bo. Mar. 23. Susanna of Dirk and Cathalyntje Schermerhoorn. Wit. Marten and Cathalyntje Egbertson.
bo. May 14. Catharina of Hendrik Feero and Maria V. Vredenburg. Wit. Christiaan Feero, Catharina Levison.
bo. May 10. Christoffer of Christoffer J. Yates and Catharina Lansing. Wit. Willem Seebry, Rebecca Yates.
bo. May 9. Cathalyntje of Jacob V. Aalstein and Annatje Lansing. Wit. Reignier and Cornelia V. Aalstein.
June 6. bo. Apr. 10. Johannes of Cornelis and Fytje V. Salsbury. Wit. Hermanus V. Salsbury, Hannah Kannel.
June 6. bo. May 17. Catharina of Matheus Poel and Elisabeth Shutter. Wit. Gerrit and Annatje Poel.
Margaret of Johs. Erwin and Mary Thomson.
[page 70] 1779
June 9. bo. May 6. Willem of Jurjaan Hoghing and Annatje White. Wit. Willem Hoghing, Annatje Everssen.
bo. May 20. Maria of Meinard V. Hoesen and Geertruy Vinhagen. Wit. Johannes and Baatje Vinhagen.
bo. Feb. 13. Dirk of John McMichell and Engeltje Kidney. Wit. Felix Meyer, Phebe Wyngaert.
June 10. bo. Apr. 25. Sara of Stephen Turtle and Maria Grahams. Wit. Leendert Ganzevoort, Jr., Debora Grahams.
June 13. bo. the 7th. Pieter of Cornelis Waldron and Alida Goey. Wit. Pieter and Vrouwtje Bratt.
bo. May 22. Alida of Jonathan Kannik and Margarita Perry. Wit. Willem Burwell, Annatje Perry.
bo. the 7th. Marytje of Anthony Groesbeek and Cathalyntje Foreest. Wit. Pieter and Annatje de Wandelaar.
June 20. bo. May 24. Johannes of Johs. Heemstraat and Elis. Bovie. Wit. Michel and Marytje Besset.
bo. the 16th. Karel of Frans Snip and Cath. de Wever. Wit. William and Annetje Lotteridge.
bo. the 11th. Sofia of Johs. Bras and Lena Shafner. Wit. Hendrik and Maria Koek (?) June 23.
bo. the 19th. Engeltje of Pieter and Vrouwtje Bratt. Wit. Bastiaan and Machtelt Visscher.
June 31. bo. the 4th. Neeltje of Reignier V. d. Berg and Elisabeth Vinhagen. Wit. Johs. Vinhagen, Baatje Valkenburgh.
July 8. Elisabeth of Yzac Sturges and Sally Hardy.
July 10. bo. June 25. Abraham of John Sullivan and Elisabeth Cooper. Wit. Abraham Cooper, Lena V. Buuren.
June 13. Yzac of Johs. W. Trouex and Magdalena Huiser. Wit. Yzac and Marytje Trouex.
bo. the 8th. Catharina V. Deuzen of William Koolbrat and Hester V. Deusen. Wit. Willem and Maria V. Deusen.
July 14. bo. the 7th. Marytje of Wouter V. d. Zee and Marytje Peet. Wit. Dirk and Jannetje Zwart.
July 15. bo. June 28. Robert of John Willis and Jane Brett.
Aug. 11. bo. July 4. Yzac Hegeman of Thoms. Esmy and Elisabet. Palmetier. Wit. Yzac Hegeman, Neeltje DeGraef.
[page 71] 1779
bo. June 12. Arrizantje of Simon Viele and Neeltje Palmetier. Wit. Reinert (?) Viele, Annatje Palmetier.
Aug. 14. bo. Sept. 7. Debora of Christoffer Sickel and Neeltje Fynhout. Wit. Hannes and Hester Sikkels.
bo. June 9. Elisabeth of William Collen and Elisabeth Brett.
Aug. 16. bo. July 5. John of Samuel Bell and Jane Mc Chesnut.
Aug. 17. bo. Apr. 18. Jan of Jacob Buis and Gouda Annis. Wit. Jan and Catharina Bratt.
Aug. 18. bo. June 18. Meinert of William Pengburn and Elisabeth V. d. Bogert. Wit. Meinert and Rachel Swarthout.
bo. Nov. 27. Lydia of John Gavin and Mary Pengburn. Wit. Hans. Nostrand, Lydia Pengburn.
Aug. 18. bo. the 17th. Hester of Barent Vosburg and Annatje Gerritse. Wit. Yzac Foreest, Marytje Greveraad.
bo. July 23. Marthen of Philip Foreest and Annatje V. Deusen. Wit. Marthen and Janneke Foreest.
bo. the 19th. Rebecca of Josua Colwell and Annatje Broadin. Wit. Dirk and Marytje Schuyler.
Aug. 22. bo. July 3. Anna Catharina of Hendrik Perkley and Anna Cooglar. Wit. Jacob Perkley, Catharina Hendriks.
Cathalyne of Nicolaas Richter and Maria Hindermond. Wit. Casparus and Catharina Pruin.
bo. the 14th. Anna of Thomas Hilton and Nency Cadoghan. Wit. Pieter and Elisabeth Hilton.
Aug. 25. bo. July 21. John of Philip Rees and Eleonora Calligon. Wit. John Collinger, Elisabeth Colwell.
July 16. bo. June 11. Gerrit of John V. Alen and Maria Look. Wit. Willem and Catharina V. Alen.
bo. the 2d. Debora of Joseph Hall and Johanna Patterson. Wit. Daniel and Maria V. Antwerpen.
July 18. bo. June 24. Elisabeth of George McDool and Catharina Zeger. Wit. Johs. and Cornelia Leonard.
bo. June 6. Christina of Zacharias Berringer and Anna Faller. Wit. Philip and Christina Berringer.
bo. June 21. Elisabeth of Salomo Bulsing and Geertruy Cnoet. Wit. Hendrik and Elisabeth Riddeker.
July 21. bo. the 19th. Maria of Jacob G. and Femmetje Lansing. Wit. Jacob Lansing, Lena Rensselaer.
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Daniel of Eduard Conner and Sara Proeltenry. Wit. Daniel and Jannetje Winne.
July 25. bo. the 22d. Annatje of Elia Arnold and Geertruy Groesbeek. Wit. Gysbert Groesbeek, Annatje V. Antwerpen.
bo. June Ig. Elisabeth of Jan de Voe and Annatje Conner. Wit. Hendrik and Geertruy V. d. Kar.
bo. the 19th. Susanna of Jesse Fairchild and Marytje Gerritsen. Wit. Jurjen and Elsje Hoghen.
bo. June 25. Catharina of Benjamin Sevenbach and Jenneke Oosterhout. Wit. Christiaan Service, Catharyntje Hoevenbael.
bo. June 15. Albert of Hendrik Bratt and Marytje Arnold. Wit. Albert Bratt, Annetje Arnold.
July 28. bo. the 20th. Gerrit of Jacob Halenbeek and Ytje Bratt. Wit. Gerrit and Cornelia Halenbeek.
Aug. 1. bo. July 29. Hendrik of Cornelis V. Santvoort, Jr., and Cornelia V. Wie. Wit. Pieter V. Wie, Ebbetje V. d. Bergh.
Aug. 8. bo. June 22. Alexander of Alexander Bulsing and Alida Oothout. Wit. Evert and Jannetje V. d. Bergh.
bo. July 16. Catharina of Benjamin Post and Catharina V. Northen. Wit. Andries and Elisabeth V. Wie.
Aug. 25. bo. the 20th. Joseph of Cornelis Cuyler and Jannetje Yates. Wit. Jacobus and Maria Taylor.
bo. the 16th. Thomas of James Donneway and Elsje Smith. Wit. Eduard Wallet, Saartje Willer.
Aug. 29. bo. the 21st. Elisabeth of Hendrik V. Woert and Catharina Agths. Wit. Gozen V. Schaick, Catharina Ten Broeck.
bo. the 26th. Anthony of Johs. Brat and Sara Wendel. Wit. Theunis and Cathalyntje Bratt.
bo. July 25. Johan Joost of Hendrik Strunck and Elsje Harwich. Wit. Joost and Christina Harwich.
Aug. 29. bo. July 22. Margarita of Jacobus Abeel and Egbetje V. Buuren. Wit. David and Catharina Abeel.
Sept. 4. bo. July 16. Susanna Hains of James Aherrin and Mary Hains.
bo. Aug. 29. Catharine of Hugh McKinsey and Maron McCloud.
bo. Aug. 15. Magdalena of Cornelis V. Buuren and Maria Owen. Wit. Pieter and Dorothea V. Buuren.
[page 73] 1779
bo. Aug. 26. Lena of Abraham Ten Eyck and Annatje Lansing. Wit. Jeremie and Lena V. Rensselaer.
bo. Aug. 28. Neeltje of Efraim V. Vechten and Susanna Hoghen. Wit. Hendrikus and Lydia V. Vechten.
bo. July 28. Elisabeth of Jacobus V. Schoonhoven and Elisabeth Knoet. Wit. Garardus and Annatje Knoet.
Sept. 29. bo. Aug. 28. Johannes of Hendrik V. Renssel aer and Alida Bratt. Wit. Joks. and Elisabeth Visscher.
Sept. 30. bo. July 17. Johs. of Salomo and Arriaantje duBoy. Wit. Johs. duBoy, Rebecca Tapper.
bo. the 28th. William of James Fuller and Jane Keitl.
Oct. 3. Johannes of Arent Bratt and Jannetje Hoghen. Wit. John and Geertruy Veder.
bo. Sept. 1. Jelles of Evert Janssen and Antje Le Gransy. Wit. Jelles and Annatje Legransy.
bo. Sept. 12. Harmen of Pieter Ganzevoort and Catharina V. Schaik. Wit. Harmen and Santje Ganzevoort.
bo. Sept. 15. Antje of Rykert V. Santen and Sara Hilton. Wit. Johs. and Cornelia Flensburg.
Oct. 3. bo. Aug. 24. Sara of Manning Visscher and Agnietje V. Buuren. Wit. Johs. and Sara V. Buuren.
bo. Sept. 3. Catharina of Matheus V. Deusen and Cornelia V. Wie. Wit. Pieter and Catharina V. Buuren.
bo. Sept. 24. Daniel of Hendrik Bratt and Annatje Davids. Wit. Daniel and Willempje Bratt.
bo. Sept. 28. Gosen of Pieter Bogert and Sara V. Schaik. Wit. Gosen and Maayke V. Schaik.
bo. Sept. 28. Robert of William Talbot and Annatje Young. Wit. Philip Young, Sosky Merriday.
Christiaan of Johs. Legrange and Maria Knoll. Wit. Ary and Jacomyntje Legrange.
Oct. 4. Martha of Elisa Hungerfor and Cosia (or Sofia) Conger.
Oct. 6. bo. Aug. 23. Martinus of Hannes V. Ostrander and Marritje V. Aalstein. Wit. Martinus and Cornelia V. Yveren.
bo. Sept. 21. Christina of Willem Breezy (?) and Catharina V. Deuzen. Wit. Wilh. and Christiana V. Deuzen.
Oct. 17. bo. Sept. 23. Abraham of Abrahm. Lansing and Annatje V. d. Berg. Wit. Abraham and Rachel V. d. Berg.
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bo the 9th. John of Bethuel Wasburn and Gerritje Lansing. Wit. Anthony and Alida Bratt.
bo. Sept. 2. Jacob of John Wolly and Sibilla Apley. Wit. Mathys Coegler, Catharina Henry.
bo. Sept. 20. Lydia of Lucas Taylor and Celia Bratt. Wit. Adriaan and Eva Bratt.
bo. Sept. 14. Annatje of Nicolaas Siksby and Cornelia Cooper. Wit. Jacobus Olfer, Annatje Cooper.
Oct. 17. bo. the 3d. Jannetje of Abrahm. V. Wie and Jacomyntje Burhans. Wit. Hendrikus Burhans, Tempe De Mont.
bo. Sept. 15. John of Benjamin Bulsing and Elisab. Moor. Wit. Hendrik and Neeltje Bulsing.
Oct. 22. bo. the 20th. Jacob of Christoffer Bogert and Rebecca Winne. Wit. Jacob and Marytje Bogert.
Oct. 12. bo. Aug. 14. James of George Bradshaw and Elisab. M. Killips., at Stillwater.
Oct. 24. bo. the 22d. Christoffer of Hendrik J. Lansing and Helena Winne. Wit. Christoffer and Sara Lansing.
bo. Sept. 10. Ann of Efraim Hudson and Hanna Claus. Wit. Moses Hudson, Susan Claus.
Oct. 31. bo. the 26th. Lyntje of Pieter W. Douw and Rykje V. Schaik. Wit. Folkert and Maria Douw.
bo. the 24th. Hermanus of Jacob Bleecker, Jr., and Elisabeth Wendel. Wit. Hermanus and Barbara Wendell.
bo. Sept. 9. Mary of Patrick Kellinic and Susanna Raw. Wit. Helmus and Charity Raw.
bo. the 15th. Frederik of George Visscher and Maria Ruthen. Wit. Hendrik and Maria V. Wie.
Nov. 3. bo. the 22d. Elisabeth of John Malony and Elisabeth Erskine. Wit. Anthony Custika, Polly Holliday.
Thomas of Thomas Clum and Margarita Davies. Wit. Bernard and Elis. Winterskeer.
Margaret of James Foot and Elisabeth Williams. Wit. Thomas and Margaret Clumm.
Nov. 14. bo. Oct. 26. Cattrina of Abraham Sikels and Maria Connor. Wit. Peter Gansevoort, Cattrina V. Scholick.
Nov. 14. bo. the 12th. John of John Wilkkinson and Hanna Marshal. Wit. Johannis Radly, Elizabeth V. Zante.
bo. Oct. 25. Helena of Johannis Oosterhoud and Ange nitie Winne. Wit. Daniel Winne, Cattrina Hoogteling.
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bo. Oct. 19. Harman of Timothy Bussing and Jane Crossby.
Nov. 21. Margarita of John Everts and Nency Howard. Wit. Jacob S. Hutter, Margarita Howard.
bo. the 20th. Catharina of John Ten Broeck and Sara Ganzevoort. Wit. Cornelis and Magdalena Ten Broeck.
bo. Oct. 21. Elisabeth of Folkert Oothout and Jannetje Bogert. Wit. Abrahm. and Margarita Oothout.
Dec. 5. bo. Oct. 25. James of William Karr and Sara Wilson.
bo. Nov. 23. Annatje of Johs. Lansing and Elisabeth Fryer. Wit. Ysac and Annatje Fryer.
bo. the 1st. Maria of Johs. de Wandelaar and Gerritje Ganzevoort. Wit. Pieter and Gerritje Ganzevoort.
bo. Nov. 22. Jennet of Jacob V. d. Heiden and Jennet Livingston. Wit. Samuel and Rachel Stringer.
Dec. 12. bo. the 7th. Henry of John and Thelia Young. Wit. Henry and Maria Coch.
Dec. 23. Maria of Bartholomeus Sleighter and Catharina Boyt. Wit. John Ruthel, Johs. Former, Mally Brown.
Dec. 25. bo. the 8th. Benjamin of Cornelis V. Aalstein and Marytje Goey. Wit. Cornelis and Alida Waldrom.
bo. the 9th. Tobias of Gosen V. Schaik and Maria Ten Broek. Wit. Jacob and Lydia Cuyler.
Dec. 25. bo. the 11th. Samuel of Abrah. Halenbeek and Maria Pruin. Wit. Samuel and Neeltje Pruin.
bo. the 10th. Jacob Ten Eyck of Wilhemus Mancius and Annatje Ten Eyck. Wit. Hermanus and Margarita Ten Eyck.
bo. Oct. 31. David of Gerrit Hoogteling and Annatje Oosterhout. Wit. Theunis and Lena Hoogteling.
bo. No. 14. John of John Flynn and Catharina Keerselbers. Wit. Christoffer and Annatje Miller.
bo. Sept. 25. Catharina of Maria Wendell and Marytje Winne. Wit. Robert and Catharina Wendell.
Dec. 26. bo. the 18th. Anna of John and Cornelia Qwakkenbusch. Wit. Hendrik and Elisabeth Qwakken busch.
Dec. 31. bo. Nov. 15. Nency of Robt. Thomson and Agnes Webner.
bo. Oct. 10. Mary of Alexander Breace and Elisabeth Cavel.
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Scanned and edited by D. Pane-Joyce
May 2000. All rights reserved
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