Table of Contents | |
Marriage record | pages 1-9 |
Baptismal record | pages 10-77 |
Index | pages 78-100 |
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1780, Jan. 9. William W. Crennell and Mary Eman.
Jan. 9. Daniel McMollen and Sara Words.
Feb. 6. Francis Hoghil and Cornelia De Foreest.
John V. Salsbergen and Margarita V. Salsbergen.
Feb. 14. Johs. Brower and Marytje De Wever.
Feb. 20. Hendrick Huick and Rachel Barheat.
Feb. 27. David Foreest and Rachel V.d.Heide.
Feb. 28. David Winne and Maria Spaan.
Mar. 5. Dirck V. Vechten and Catharina Spoor.
Mar. 11. Bastiaan Visscher and Anna Grahams.
Mar. 12. George Hodson and Elisabeth McBenton.
Apr. 8. Gerrit Poel and Margarita Wilson.
Apr. 10. Joseph Dennison and Maria Schoonmaker.
Nicolas Christman and Maria Christman.
Tohs. V. d. Poel and Geertruy V. Buuren.
Apr. 16. Gerrit Becker and Maria Wynkoop.
Apr. 27. Thoms. Ashley and Margareth Gibson.
May 9. Ebenezer Wands and Mary Hunter.
May 10. Ruben Conger and Lena de Voe.
May 12. Gerrit Brower and Antje Zeger.
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May 14. John V. Emburgh and Annatje Flensburg.
May 21. Alexander Kirkland and Catharina Steel.
May 28. Wynand V. d. Berg and Annatje Cooper.
June 4. Cornelis Brower and Jacomyntje Meck.
Willm. McCloghlin and Rachel Cole.
July 25. David Winne and Geertruy Groesbeck.
Aug. 4. Yzac V. Wie and Neeltje Ooosterhout.
Aug. 7. Jannes Philips and Margarita Passagie.
Aug. 12. Hendrik V. Deusen and Neeltje Brummetje.
Sept. 24. John Staets and Jane McClannen.
Sept. 25. Pieter Adir, of Schenectady, and Alida Van Slyck, of Cocksackie.
Oct. 1. Jeremia Lansing and Helena Wendel.
Oct. 1. John Sheer and Catharina Qwakkenbush.
Oct. 8. Stephen Durham and Susanna Cool.
Oct. 14. Thomas Reed and Hanna Edgar.
Oct. 15. Lavinus Lansing and Maria Parssen.
Oct. 22. Hendrik Huyk and Mary Bell.
Oct. 29. Jacobus Peek and Catharina Meeby.
Nov. 12. John Norris and Mary Herod.
Nov. 15. Charles Bodeman and Nency Holles.
Nov. 19. John V. Sant and Elisabeth V. Sant.
Marr. with Banns:
Nov. 20. Nicholaas V. Rensselaer and Elsje V. Buuren.
Nov. 24. Robert Haswell and Sara Mark.
Yzac Mark and Mary Haswell.
Nov. 27. Robert Dunbar and Annatje Slingeland.
Dec. 14. Richard Lush and Lyntje Fonda.
Colonel Alex. Hamilton and Elisabeth Schuyler.
Dec. 17. John Schulter and Margarita Jacobi.
Marthin Kuyler and Margarita Hargans.
Yzaac D. Verplank and Helena Hoogteling.
1781, Jan. 1. Thomas McMoris and Chrysill Schott.
Jan. 7. Elisa Crane and Ruth Philips.
Jan. 14. Henry New Meyer and Mary Forlow.
Jan. 14. Dirk Foreest and Rebecca Bratt.
Jan. 21. John Thompson and Janny McFarson.
Feb. 11. Hendrik Loodwyk and Leena Huyck.
Feb. 18. John V. d. Poel and Isabell Daggelis.
Coenread F. Ten Eyck and Geertje Ten Eyck.
Feb. 21. John Berhart and Mary Wheeler.
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Mar. 12. James McCogtreen and Dolly Ramsey.
Apr. 8. John Andrie and Jenny McClarming.
Pieter Dox and Nency Rendell.
John Lansing and Cornelia Ray.
Apr. 16. Arthur Banks and Sara Lommis.
Apr. 29. John Waters and Dorothea V. Benthuisen.
May 20. Pieter Chadden and Sara Hoogteling.
June 8. Obadia Cooper and Lena Albrecht.
June 10. Willem Touper and Maria Hilton.
Jurjen Poel and Jannetje Brezie.
June 22. Andries Wessels and Geertruy Cloet.
June 24. Evert Olfert and Rebecca Cooper.
June 28. Obadia Cooper and Lena Helbrig.
July 4. Dirk Hanssen and Lysie Low.
Karel Racosham and Sara Becker.
July 8. Jacobus McChesny and Cornelia Ten Baar.
John Boom and Sibyll Johnston.
July 18. John Folsom and Elisabeth File.
July 29. Thomas V. Aalstein and Arriaantje V. Deusen.
Aug. 19. Arthur Hasswell and Mary Coghtree.
Sept. 6. Jonathan Butler and Martha Williams.
Nov. 11. John Johnson and Abigail Collins.
Nov. 22 (?). Thomas Watt and Christina Webster.
Nov. 12. Andrew Conyn and Charlotta McHay.
Nov. 18. Jacobus Pearse and Maria V. d. Berg.
Dec. 2. John Stuard and Henry [sic] Stuard.
Dec. 16. George Grant and Margareth Killy.
Dec. 25. Pieter V. Antwerp and Susanna Band.
1782, Jan. 20. John Ten Eyck and Maria Douw.
Jan. 30. Adam Rosman and Annatje Decker.*
John Hay and Margarita Hutton.*
Feb. 12. Silvester Ryly and Thige (?) Schermerhoorn.
Feb. 17. Benjamin Fox and Martha Andries, widow.
Mar. 4. Abrm. V. d. Kar and Margarita V. d. Kar.
Mar. 31. Matheus V. Aalstein and Rachel De Foreest.
Apr. 21. Hendrick V. d. Poel and Tanneke Mulder.
May 13. Carl Fred. Salomo Frederic, V. D. M., and Sara Zieglern.
June 24. Moses Dearling and Jenny (or Fenny) Fletter
June 29. Johs. Rose and Margaret Mill.
* In the Manor of Livingston.
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Aug. 17. David Flensburg and Maria Smitt.
Oct. 6. John V. Sante and Mary Burgess.
John Segers and Rebecca Witbeek.
Oct. 25. James Wilks and Catharina Schoonmaker.
Henry Hart and Elisabeth Visscher.
Nov. 3. Robert Clerk and Agness Cogtrie.
Nov. 18. Jacobus Bleecker and Rachel V. Sant.
Nov. 28. Storm Hoogteeling and Jannetje V. d. Willigen.
Dec. 8. Dirk Hunn and Annatje Lansing.
Dec. 29. Nicolaas V. d. Bogert and Margarita Flensburg.
1783, Jan. 26. William Winne and Maria Bekker.
Jan. 27. Jacobus V. d. Poel and Maria Mulder.
Simon Belsah and Debora Davis.
Feb. 9. Joseph Juwell and Nency Dennels.
John Godfreed and Bridged Boom.
Feb. 10. Adam V. Ostrander and Catharina Proper.
Pieter Proper and Maria Hays.
Feb. 23. Maas V. Franken and Geertruy Veder.
Feb. 24. James Hunter and Catharina Cassen.
Mar. 16. William Foreest and Abigail Foreest.
Apr. 27. Jonathan Hilton and Cornelia V. Antwerpen.
May 4. Jacobus Lagrance and Arriaantje Truex.
May 26. Hendrik Brezier and Cornelia V. Buren.
June 5. Casparus Witbeek and Cornelia Dunbar.
June 11. James Wand and Margaret Burnside.
June 16. Andrew Hannah and Elisabeth Rickert.
July 13. William Loudon and Mary Dickins.
July 20. Henry Wheeler and Margarita Blancker.
Aug. 18. Pieter Cooper and Anna Strong.
Aug. 30. Jacobus Fonda and Willempje Bogert.
Sept. 2. Hendrik Eversson and Hendrikje Winne.
Sept. 10. Martinus Reess and Lena Jacobi.
Sept. 13. John Boom and Annatje Brower.
Oct. 13. Harpert Witbeek and Geertruy Wendell.
Oct. 19. John Fonda and Cornelia Hunn.
William Papham (Popham?) and Mary Morris.
Oct. 26. Jacob Miller and Geertruy Veeder.
Nov. 5. Johs. Freer and Annatje Eyly.
Nov. 9. Jacobus Redliff and Maria Otman.
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Nov. 24. Jurjen Springsteen and Sara Springsteen.
Nov. 30. David Wever and Elisabeth Collington.
Dec. 4. Cornelis Groesbeek and Annatje V. Antwerp.
Dec. 20. William Camble and Rhode Philips.
Dec. 22. Pieter Ginter and Elisabeth Frisby.
Dec. 24. Pieter Flensburg and Maria Becker.
Wlm. McIntosh and Heron.
1784, Jan. 1. Gysbert Groesbeek and Cornelia Valkenburgh.
Jan. 11. Jeremia Pennel and Annatje Hilton.
Cornelis V. Schaak and Willempje Hanssen.
Jan. 18. Johs. Vollumsbury and Catharina V. Schaik.
William McMaris and Mary Fare.
Jan. 22. Coenraad Noorman and Catharina Tayler.
Jan. 23. Andries Beveridge and Isabella Cumming.
Feb. 1. Yzac Moll and Jannetje Schermerhoorn.
Reinier Van Yveren and Elisabeth Ostrander.
Feb. 4. Jacob A. Lappius and Maria De Foreest.
Feb. 8. Abraham Lansing and Maria Bloodgood.
William Davie and Jannetje Relyea.
Feb. 19. Ysaac Bell and Maria V. Buren.
Feb. 20. Geertruy Miller (?) and Geertruy Warner.
Jacob Arnhout and Maria Slingerland.
Mar 22. Wouter Hoogteling and Jannetje Adering.
Mar. 24. Johs. Bloemendal and Catharina Sharp.
Abraham V. Buuren and Neeltje V. d. Bergh.
Apr. 4. Jacob Fonda and Aletta Willet.
Apr. 9. Leendert Muller and Maria Strong.
Apr. 22. Nicholas Lansing, preacher in the Manor of Livingston, and Dorcas Sara Dickinson.
May 4. Henry Ridliff and Elisabeth Jacobs.
Joseph Hagemans and Rebecca Coenes.
May 16. Frans Winne and Leena Flensburg.
May 18. Cornelis Bloemendal and Lena Reisdorp.
May 20. Abraham V. Vechten and Catharina Schuyler.
May 30. Daniel Clement and Rachel Milton.
June 9. Jonathan Freeman and Mary Haines, widow Haren.
July 18. Barent Ridder and Nency Ryn.
July 22. Pieter Davies and Elisabeth Calwell.
July 25. Cornelius Ray and Elisabeth Elmendorp.
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Aug. 15. John Hilton and Elisabeth Bleek.
Aug. 22. Nicholaas Hoghil and Catharina Valkenburgh.
Aug. 28. Johr, Rumney and Rachel Meinerssen.
Oct. 4. William Robeson and Dirkje V. Hoesen.
Oct. 8. Yzaac I. Fryer and Catharina V. Wie.
Oct. 14. Thomas Farmer and Catharine Manson.
Oct. 24. Dirk J. De Foreest and Maria Fonda.
Nov. 4. Richard Fin and Margaret Black.
Nov. 10. Jacobus Redlif and Susanna Claas.
George Remsay and Grisswell Coultrek.
Nov. 11. Jacob Albrecht and Anna Arnhout.
Nov. 12. Samuel McGiffy and Susanna Robison.
Dec. 14. John Gillifs and Jane Cannell.
Dec. 18. Sybrand Quackenbusch and Elisabeth V. Schaak.
Dec. 26. Alexander M. Donaldson and Jane Mitchell.
Dec. 27. Alexander Lavety and Elisabeth Riddel.
1785, Jan. 2. Pieter Slingeland and Maria V. d. Werken.
Jan. 11. Storm Hoogteeling and Martha Watson.
Feb. 8. John McPherson and Jane Mill, wid. Henry.
Feb. 12. Cornelis V. Wie and Nancy Schenklin.
Feb. 16. 1ohs. Hoogteling and Catharina Van Alen.
Feb. 17. James Hall and Mary Malword.
Feb. 27. Henrikus Oosterhout and Catharina Warrant, wid. of James Burnside.
Mar. 10. John Brat and Wyntje Bratt.
Mar. 26. Hermanus A. Wendell and Catharine H. Wendell.
Apr. 21. Nanning Visscher and Alida Fonda.
Apr. 26. William Reside and Janny McDaniel.
May 2. Richard Sill and Elisabeth Nicols.
May 4. Hendr. V. Ist and Maria Ten Eyck.
May 9. John V. Aernem and Hester V. Aarnem.
May 16. Moses Woodworth and Maria Northen.
May 17. Philip Berringer and Catharine Meyers.
May 21. Michael Levy and Bata Heemstraat.
June 21. Abraham V. Fyn and Hester Carpenter
July 7. Gerrit Poel and Cornelia Muller.
July 11. Johs. M. Flensburg and Catharina Becker.
July 16. Thomas MeLoy and Wyntje Snyder.
Aug. 14. Samuel Hannan and Agness Malhilh.
Oct. 15. John Foet and Loys Cummins.
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Nov. 14. Hendrik V. Aalstein and Rebecca Van Aalstein.
Nov. 29. Hendrik Bratt and Elisabeth V. d. Berg.
Dec. 8. John Henry and Christy Henrys.
Dec. 11. William Henry and Anna Alexander.
Dec. 14. Hendrik Benthuisen and Cathalina Hunn.
Dec. 18. Pieter Fero and Jane Van Deusen.
1786, Jan. 3. Arent Slingerland and Annatje Aarnout.
Jan. 4. Mathias Falkenburg and Bertha Bratt.
Jan. 19. John Price and Annatje Peesinger.
Henry Yates and Rachel V. Zanten.
John Wards and Mary Warren.
Feb. 12. Johannes V. d. Werken and Catharina Slingerand.
Feb. 23. Philip Redlif and Newman Hall.
Mar. 4. Nicolaes H. Groesbeek and Jacomyntje Fort.
Mar. 6. Jacob I. Scherrnerhoorn and Rachel Gardenier.
Mar. 14. Hendrik Slingerland and Eva Van der Zee.
Mar. 17. Jacob I. Pruin and Neeltje Foreest.
Apr. 29. Nicolas Tiets and Elisabeth Johnson.
May 28. Hendrik H. V. Rensselaer and Cornelia V. Aalstein.
June 5. Abraham Vrydag and Hannah Beeby.
June 26. Gillis Bett and Sara V. Yveren.
June 22. John Daniel Winne and Agness V. Wie.
Aug. 7. Evert Mersselis and Sara V. Benthuisen.
Sept. 6. Thomas Coeper and Lea Cooper.
Sept. 13. William Thomson and Isabell Frasier.
Sept. 15. Anthony V. Santvoort and Maria Roff.
Sept. 17. Yzaac Huyk and Hanna Platt.
Oct. 3. Theodorus V. Wyk Graham and Magdalena Ten Broeck.
Reinier Pruin and Jannetje Goey.
Nov. 20. Matthew Halliday and Catharina Cooper.
1787, Jan. 23. Hendrik Visscher and Alida Lansing.
Jan. 31. Gerrit Marsselis and Machteld Visscher.
Feb. 11. Pieter Bloemendal and Barber Sherp.
Feb. 13. Michael Parkley and Anna Warner.
Feb. 27. Dirk Hogeboom and Jemima Keane.
Mar. 4. Jacob Veeder and Catharine Spaan.
Mar. 14. John Roberts and Catharine Smith.
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Apr. 8. Anthony Bradt and Geertruy V. d. Bergh.
Apr. 16. Benjamin Winne and Elisabeth Basset.
Apr. 21. Gerrit J. Lansing and Maria V. Aernem.
Apr. 24. Jurjen Pickert and Maria Freeligh.
May 28. Gerrit Goey and Egje Look.
June 5. Nicolaas Halenbeek and Maria Shutt.
Aug. 5. Benjamin V. Santen and Sarah Visscher.
Aug. 9. Jacob Chr. Lansing and Rachel Verplank.
Aug. 30. John G. V. Santen and Leentje Lansing.
Sept. 2. Gerrit R. Lansing and Alida Foreest.
Sept. 18. John B. Schuyler and Elisabeth V. Rensselaer.
Nov. 7. Abraham Vosburgh and Sara Bulsingh.
Nov. 11. William Capron and Mary Northen.
Dec. 2. Martin C. V. Buuren and Theuntje V. Buuren.
Barent Bleecker and Sara Lansingh.
Dec. 9. Pieter W. Witbeek and Marritje Pruyn.
Dec. 23. John De P. Douwe and Deborah Beekman.
Dec. 25. Jacob Fryer and Agnietje Muller.
1788, Jan. 1. Christiaan Arnhout and Phebe Wary.
Mar. 3. James Waldrom and Ytje Ten Eyck.
Mar. 14. Andries Bartell and Sophia Bartell.
Mar.16. Yzac Trouex and Tanneke Bleecker.
Mar. 18. Abraham Groot and Margarita Zeeker.
May 19. Hermanus Vedder and Elisabeth Bassett, by Certif. from Rev. Mr. Romaine, of Schenectady.
May 21. Adam Long and Eleanor Groesbeek, by Certif. from their parents.
May 25. William Vrendenburgh and Dorothea Turell, by certif. of publication in Albany.
May 25. John Gui and Petritie Jerolomon, by certif. of their respective parents.
June 2. Guliam D. Winne and Sarah Connolly, by consent of Guardians.
July 7. George Ramsay and Christian Smith, Certif.
July 9. John Jac. Lansingh and Arriaantje Verplank.
Aug. 18. Garret Groosbek and Widow Abraham Verplank.
Aug. 12. Micheel Halenbeek and Neeltje Hoogteeling.
Aug. 16. Arent Tinhout and Catharina Tonser.
Sept. 29. Abraham Quakkenbush and Elisabeth Legrange.
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Oct. 18. Cornelis V. d. Bergh and Anna V. Woert.
Nov. 2. Abraham Wieler and Maria Bernhard.
Nov. 4. Johannis Proper and Charity Lint (?).
Nov. 13. Nathan Wood and Neby Hynds.
Nov. 17. Charles Morgan and Sarah Heyer.
Dec. 3. Theunis Visscher, Widr., and Elsje Roseboom, wid.
1789, Jan. 31. Isaac Bogart and Tina Vischer, by cons. of Pars.
Feb. 6. John T. Cuyler and Jenny Ray.
Mar. 25. Barent Staats and Catharina Cuyler.
Mar. 26. Aaron Asburn and Mary Wels.
Apr. 2. James V. Schoonhooven and Mary Spoor.
Apr. 9. Jacob Sharp and Arriaantje V. Yveren.
Apr. 27. Archelaus Lint and Elisabeth Proper.
July 1. John Jauncey and Elsey (?) Cuyler.
Philip Schuyler and Miss Van den Bergh.
July 13. John V. Deursen and Antje Witbeek.
Aug. 14. John Johnson and Helena Lottrige.
Sept. 1. Christoffer Lang and Maria Raff.
Sept. 6. Jacobus Hilton and Catharina Friar.
Sept. 26. Gerrit V. Alen and Magdalena Van Wie, wid. of Philip Look.
Oct. 1. Willem Stover and Elisabeth Halenbeek.
Oct. 14. John McMullan and Jennet Wands.
Oct. 15. Peter De Foreest and Barbara V. Aalstein.
Nov. 9. Henry Truax and Miss Yeates.
Nov. 12. William Crennel and Catharina Valentyn.
Nov. 13. John Slingerland and Hester Slingerland.
Nov. 17. Johannes Klabert and Christina Strunk.
Nov. 24. Isaac Crennel and Maria Morris.
Dec. 2. Peter Schuyler and Caty Cuyler.
Dec. 6. Charles Winne and Hannah Switz.
Dec. 9. William Robertson and Elhanah Freyeer.
Saunders Lansing and Caty Ten Eyck.
Dec. 12. Cornelius Winkoop and Miss Forcey.
Dec. 14. James Seger and Maria Trooper.
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1780, Jan. 2. bo. Nov. 29. Annatje of John Beekman and Hendrikje V. Buuren. Wit. Johs. M. Beekman, Elisabeth Douw.
Jan. 16. bo. Dec. 6. Yzac of Yzac Fonda Yz. and Antje V. Santvoort. Wit. Yzac and Francyntje Fonda.
Jan. 17. bo. Dec. 13. David of James Mc Alpin and Margarita Bratt.
bo. the 1st. Jacomyntje of Johs. V. Ostrander and Marritje V. Deuzen. Wit. Jacob and Jacomyntje V. Ostrander.
Jan. 23. bo. Dec. 11. Lydia of Christisan Boonards and Annatje Freelich. Wit. Dirk and Sara V. d. Willigen.
bo. Dec. 23. Mary of Robert Venton and Margaret Adams. Wit. Thomas and Mary Venton.
bo. the 20th. Ann of Hunlock Woodruff and Maria Lansing. Wit. Abraham and Annatje Ten Eyck.
Jan. 24. Mary of Alexander Young and Elisabeth Sneed.
jan. 29. Ann of James Milligan and Isabella Kemmel.
Jan. 30. bo. Dec. 23. Sofia of Rykert Kerkenaer and Annatje V. Aalstein. Wit. Eduard Brant, Margarita Kerkenear.
Feb. 3. bo. Jan. 13. George of Jonathan Pettit and Agness Riddle. Wit. Henry Finn.
Feb. 6. bo. Jan. 18. Maria of Abrahm. Eiaht, and Catharina Brooks. Wit. Hendrik and Catharina V. Woert.
bo. Jan. 7. Jacob of Daniel Schermerhoorn and Maria V. d. Poel. Wit. Jacob and Gerritje Schermerhoorn.
bo. Jan. 24. Cornelia of Obadia V. Benthuisen and Hanna Rumney. Wit. Obadia and Cornelia Lansing.
bo. Jan. 8. Hendrik of Johannes Aarnout and Elisabeth Buys. Wit. Pieter and Geertruy de Garmo.
bo. Jan. 4. Annatje of Wilhelmus Rouw and Geertruy Schunk. Wit. Pieter Raeuw, Marytje Schuuk.
Feb. 18. bo. Jan. 1. John of John Haswell and Mary Holliday.
Feb. 20. bo. Jan. 30. Stephanus of Jeremie Muller and Catharina Moor. Wit. Stephanus and Catharina Muller.
bo. Jan. 12. Gerrit Theunissen of Folkert V. Vechten and Elisabeth V. d. Berg. Wit. Gerrit and Margarita V. d. Berg.
[page 11] 1780
bo. Feb. 4. John Henry of Eduard Compstead and Mary V. Schaik. Wit. Anthony and Alida Bratt.
Feb. 20. bo. the Sth. Rebecca of John V. Esch and Margarita V. Woert. Wit. Cornelis and Cathalyntje V. d. Berg.
bo. Jan. 16. Eva of Gysbert V. d. Berg and Jannetje Witbeek. Wit. Hannes and Eva Witbeek.
bo. the 18th. Jannetje of Abraham G. Lansing and Tanneke Yates. Wit. Jacob G. and Femmetje Lansing.
Coenraad of Coenraad Burger and Catharina Mook. Wit. Hendrik and Elisabeth Mook.
bo. Dec. 17. Margarita of Cornelis V. d. Zee and Annatje Veder. Wit. Jacob and Alida Look.
bo. Dec. 23. Nicolaas of Daniel Bratt and Christina Beekman. Wit. Christoffer and Maria Beekman.
Pemberton of John Cool and Annatje Daniels. Wit. William Pemberton, Geertruy Dawson.
Feb. 21. Sara of John Ross and Mary Russel. Wit. Abrm. Sunts, Rachel Clement.
bo. Jan. 16. Abraham of Hendrik Muller and Cath. V. Ostrander. Wit. Abraham and Elisabeth Ten Broeck.
Rachel of Denys McCarty and Nency Homes. Wit. Abraham and Elisabeth V. Denzen.
bo. July 15. Elisabeth of Samuel Lancaster and Sara Warren.
Feb. 27. bo. Dec. 15. Sara of Tudlow Cranker and Neeltje De Garmo. Wit. Johs. E. and Maria Lansing.
bo. Jan. 5. Geertje of Eldert V. Woert and Elisabeth Fonda. Wit. Jacob and Geertie V. Franken.
bo. Feb. 21. Philip of John Foreest and Elbertje V. Aalstein. Wit. Philin Foreest, Maria Bloemendal.
Feb. 27. bo. Feb. 2. Gerritje of Frerik Meinerssen and Machteld Witbeek. Wit. Jonathan and Gerritje Witbeek.
bo. Dec. 27. Nicolass of George Rees and Anna Bulloks. Wit. Philip Rees, Nelly Calligan.
bo. Jan. 31. Immetje of Franciscus Marshal and Geertruy V. Deuzen. Wit. Daniel and Elisabeth Marshall.
Mar. 5. Hendrik of Johs. Albrecht and Rosina Buis. Wit. Johs. and Rebecca V. Etten.
Mar. 19. bo. the 5th. Jan Dirkse of Abrahm. Y. V. Aarnem and Anneke Bogert. Wit. Jacob Lansing, Willempje Winne.
[page 12] 1780
bo. the 13th. Mary and Jennet (twins) of Alexander McGriger and Ebbie McVie.
Mar. 26. bo. the 22d. Helena of Johs. V. Woert and Cathalyntje Lansing. Wit. Hendrik and Helena Lansing.
bo. the 1st. Samuel of Joseph McChesney and Mary Monnex.
Mar. 27. bo. Feb. 11. Johan Pieter of Samuel Roos and Elisabeth Rees. Wit. Johs. and Elisabeth Kemp.
Apr. 2. bo. Feb. 28. Annatje, of Gysbert V. Santen and Rebecca Winne. Wit. John and Lydia Fryer.
bo. Mar. 3. Rachel of Christoffer Oly and Cornelia Kerl. Wit. Johs. and Rachel Witbeek.
bo. Feb. 25. Christina of Gerrit Ostrander and Christina V. d. Berg. Wit. Hendrik V. Hoesen, Elisabeth Eversen.
Apr. 9. bo. the 1st. Arriaantje of John N. Bleecker and Margarita V. Denzen. Wit. Johs. M. V. Harlingen, Elisabeth V. Denzen.
bo. Mar. 10. Catharina of Andries Beessinger and Jannetje Bratt. Wit. Hermanus and Catharina V. Aalstein.
Apr. 9. bo. Mar. 22. Christina of Saml. Witbeek and Rebecca Buis. Wit. Zacharias and Christina Shoek.
bo. the 4th. Jacobus of Jacob V. Loon and Christina Schuyler. Wit. Johs. V. Loon, Maria Schuyler.
Apr. 16. bo. Mar. 15. Jacobus of Obadia Lansing and Cornelia V. Benthuisen. Wit. Baltes and Elisabeth V. Benthuisen.
bo. Mar. 4. Elisabeth of Andries Trouex and Cathal. Wyngaerd. Wit. John and Elisabeth Davis.
bo. the 6th. Pieter of Gerrit V. Wie and Cath. Lansing. Wit. Pieter V. Wie, Egbertje V. d. Berg.
Apr. 16. bo. Jan. 17. Catharina of Evert Oothout and Margarita Davenpoort. Wit. Gerrit and Immetje Witbeek.
Margarita of Andries Ouderkerk and Annatje Fero. Wit. David Fero, Margarita Freelig.
Hendrik of Hendrik Hindermond and Baatje Smith. Wit. Hendrik and Tempe Burhans.
bo. Mar. 14. Jacob of Benjamin Van Etten and Catharina Earl. Wit. Jacob and Lea Elmendorp.
Apr. 23. bo. Mar. 12. Antony of Anthony Briesch and Cathalina Yates. Wit. Adam and Neeltje Fonda.
[page 13] 1780
bo. Mar. 9. Gerrit of Jacobus V. Valkenburg and Catharina Siksby. Wit. Gerrit Siksby, Marritje Olfer.
bo. Feb. 15. Reinier of John Reyley and Cathalina V. d. Berg. Wit. Reinier V. d. Berg, Elisabeth Vinhagen.
Apr. 26. Hendrik of Eldert Groot and Alida Gerritsen. Wit. Barent and Annatje Vosburg.
Apr. 30. bo. Mar. 9. Marytje of Johs. Bulsing and Mally Wilson. Wit. Archibld and Grace Rutherford.
Apr. 30. bo. the 23d. Cornelis of Arent V. Deuzen and Margarita McCloud. Wit. Cornelis and Lea V. Denzen.
bo. Mar. 30. Jurjen of Augustinus Sharp and Marytje V. Aalstein. Wit. Coenraad and Elisabeth Sharp.
May 7. bo. Apr. 10. Catharina of Nicolaas Claver and Susanna Merridith. Wit. Andries Viele, Cathalyntje Hanssen.
May 14. bo. the 3d. Pieter of Pieter Broeks and Francyntje Wendel. Wit. Mathew and Lydia Visscher.
bo. the 12th. Sara of John Grahams and Debora Staats. Wit. Gerrit and Catharina Staats.
bo. Apr. 12. Barent of Stephen J. Schuyler and Lena Ten Eyck. Wit. Johs. Ten Eyck, Sara Ten Broeck.
May 21. Antje of Gerrit V. d. Poel and Margarita Wilson. Wit. Matheus and Elisabeth V. d. Poel.
bo. the 15th. Annatje of Pieter Groesbeek and Alida V. Aarnem. Wit. Albert and Marytje Slingerland.
bo. the 6th. Tryntje of John and Alida V. Wie. Wit. Casparus and Tryntje Conyn.
bo. the 15th. Lena of John Passagie and Margarita Crumm. Wit. Johs. and Margarita Redly.
bo. the 1st. Tanneke of Jurjen Herrick and Jannetje V. Buuren. Wit. Pieter and Dorothea V. Buuren.
bo. the 7th. Cornelis of Jacob Cuyler and Lydia V. Vechten. Wit. Cornelis and Jannatje Cuyler.
May 28. bo. the 21st. Christina of Dirck Benson and Marytje Wyngaard. Wit. Eduard and Jannetje Davies.
June 4. bo. May 27. Catharina of Hendrik Will and Margarita Haan. Wit. John and Catharina Maley.
June 11. bo. May 14. Philip of Hans Berringer and Annatje Valentyn. Wit. Philip and Christina Berringer.
June 18. bo. the 14th. Catharine of Eduard S. Willet and Sara Fryer. Wit. Marinus and Maria Willet.
[page 14] 1780
bo. the 13th. Susanna of Ary Evert Everssen and Elisabeth Goey. Wit. Ary and Maria Le Grange.
bo. Jan. 5. Andries of Casp. Halenbeek and Hilletje Sharp. Wit. Andries and Elisabeth Sharp.
bo. May 14. Thomas of Efraim Bennet and Geertruy Bloemendal. Wit. David and Elisabeth Foreest.
June 25. bo. May 27. Margarita of Johs. Schoonmaker and Aaltje Burhans. Wit. Hendrikus and Tempe Burhans.
bo. May 24. Susanna of Johs. Lang and Christina Bratt. Wit. Staats and Marytje Bratt.
bo. the t9th. Margarita of Nicolaas Mersselis and Margarita Groesbeek. Wit. Johs. and Annatje Mersselis.
June 27. bo. May 24. Johannes of Jurjen Steen and Lea Van Roef. Wit. Joh. and Annatje Zeger.
June 28. bo. Apr. 27. Catharina of Edmund Pengburn and Maria V. Ostrander.
July 2. bo. June 23. Sara of Hendrik Koek and Maria Young. Wit. Marten and Sara Meinerssen.
bo. May 6. Catharina of Jacob Johs. V. Schaik and Marytje V. Buuren. Wit. Cornelis Douw, Catharina V. Schaik.
July 7. bo. June 7. Abraham of Pieter Dox and Cathalyntje Lansing. Wit. Garrit Mersselis, Rebecca Dox.
July 8. bo. Feb. 9. Elisabeth of Daniel Owens and Elisabeth Springsteen. Wit. Johs. Orwort, Ebigl. Clenzy.
July 9. bo. June 16. Matheus of Hannes Conzalus and Machtel Heemstraat. Wit. Matheus and Lydia Visscher.
July 10. bo. June 15. John of James Boyd and Jane McMaster.
July 16. bo. the 6th. Abraham of John Siksby and Lea Davenpoort. Wit. Yzac and Catharina V. Aarnem.
bo. the 10th. Pieter of Theunis Th. V. Vechten and Elisabeth de Wandelaar. Wit. Pieter and Annatje de Wandelaar.
bo. the 6th. Nicolaas of Christoffer Beekman and Maria Thowman. Wit. Daniel and Christina Bratt.
bo. the 10th. Lucas of Johs. Hoogkerk and Margaritha Marthen. Wit. Yzac and Rachel Hoogkerk.
bo. the 8th. Johannes of Bernardus Everssen and Martina Hoghing. Wit. Evert and Elisabeth Evertsen.
July 23. bo. June 28. Hendrik of Johs. Milton and Rosina Shoekat. Wit. Hendrik Milton, Rachel Northen.
[page 15] 1780
bo. June 20. Eduard of Hendrik Chambers and Rachel V. Santen. Wit. Eduard Bratt, Margar. Kerkenaer.
July 26. bo. May 30. Sara of Willm. Johnson and Margarita Knets (?). Wit. Christoffer and Catharina Rof.
July 30. Maria of Jacob Kim and Elisabeth Fort. Wit. Wendell Hildebrand, Marytje Kim.
bo. the 22d. Johannes Evertsen of Jacob Winne and Susanna Everssen. Wit. Johs. Evertsen, Hendrikje Winne.
bo. the 29th. Cornelia of Barent Bogert and Alida V. d. Berg. Wit. Cornelis and Geertje V. d. Berg.
Aug. 1. bo. July 9. Richard of Thomas Sickels and Mary Norwood.
bo. July 15. Mary of Francis Rawert and Carolina Beever.
Aug. 13. bo. July 20. Sara of Thomas Hook and Catharina Crane. Wit. Thomas and Elisab. Cunningham.
bo. the 1st. Cornelis of Gerrit Staats, Jr., and Elisabeth Low. Wit. Barent and Antje Staats.
bo. the 6th. Geertruy of Harmen V. Hoesen and Catharina Witbeek. Wit. Gysbert and Jannetje V. d. Berg.
bo. July 17. Nicolaas of Andries Bratt and Annatje V. d. Kar. Wit. Albert and Marytje V. d. Zee.
Aug. 20. bo. July 25. Jacob of Joh. Voorhees and Jannetje V. Ist.
bo. the 11th. Johs. of John Coldin and Alida V. Wurmer. Wit. Cornelis V. Wurmer, Alida Nesbith.
bo. the 13th. Catharina of Barent Goey and Rachel V. Ostrander. Wit. Johs. and Marytje Muller.
bo. July 22. Arriaantje of Hendrik Mook and Elisabeth Heller. Wit. Jacobus and Annatje Arnhout.
bo. the 12th. Judike of John Cormey and Bregje Zeger. Wit. Samuel Veeder, Neeltje Coen.
bo. June 21. Tanneke of Johs. Fonda and Dirkje Winne. Wit. Marten and Tanneke Foreest.
Aug. 24. bo. the 3d. Yzac of Petrus Sheer and Cath de Voe. Wit. Jan and Jannetje De Voe.
bo. the 12th. Daniel of Cornelis Caghill and Hanna Russell. Wit. Rachel Clement.
Aug. 27. bo. the 21st. Wynand of Hendrik V. Hoesen and Elisabeth Evertsen. Wit. Martinus Sharp and Sara Downing.
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Aug. 27. bo. the 22d. Margarita of Jan Miller and Annatje Bratt. Wit. Johs. and Sara Knoet.
bo. the 20th. Rebecca of Pieter W. Yates and Anna M. Helmes. Wit. Pieter Fiers, Mary Mag. Tibout.
bo. the 20th. Gosen of Jacob and Elisabeth V. Schaik. Wit. Gosen and Elsje V. Schaik.
bo. the 6th. Magdalena of Coenraad Harwich and Magdalena Meyer. Wit. Philip Meyer, Vrome Walter.
bo. Aug. 26. Arriaantje of Leonard Gansevoord, Jr., and Maria V. Rensselaer. Wit. Abrahm. A. and Elsje Lansing.
Aug. 31. bo. the 19th. Mary of Hugh McAdams and Catharina Gerritson.
Sept. 3. bo. the 27th. Elisabeth of Thomas Easterly and Bata V. Woert. Wit. Theunis and Elisabeth V. Woert.
Sept. 17. bo. Aug. 13. Rebecca of Philip Viele and Marytje Bratt. Wit. Cornelis and Eva V. d. Berg.
bo. Aug. 29. Maria of John Fingy and Maria Finky. Wit. Hannes and Marytje Muller.
bo. Aug. 24. Cornelia of Barent V. Yveren and Rebecca Bratt. Wit. Cornelis and Cornelia Van Yveren.
bo. the 8th. Maria of Jacob Yz. Lansing and Susanna Fonda. Wit. Abraham and Maria Fonda.
Sept. 21. bo. Apr. 18. Nicolaus of Theodorus Smith and Caty Simson. Wit. George Starr, Lena Samson.
Sept. 22. bo. July 5. Catharina of Willem Tiets and Maria M. Cregeler. Wit. Jacobus Tiets, Maria Cregeler.
Sept. 23. bo. the 19th. Christina of John McVie and Mary M. Donald.
Sept. 24. bo. Aug. 14. Andries of Hermans V. Salsbergen and Alida Scherp. Wit. Andries and Elisabeth Scherp.
bo. the 4th. Maria of Pieter Webber and Catharina Ward. Wit. Johs. and Catharina Qwakkenbusch.
bo. Aug. 27. Gerrit of Lucas Salsbergen and Marytje V. Buuren. Wit. Cornelis and Fytje V. Salsbergen.
bo. Aug. 27. Pieter of Johs. Poel and Geertruy V. Buuren. Wit. Pieter and Maria V. Buuren.
Jennet of Willem Love and Elisabeth Danielson. Wit. Andries Viele, Susanna Claver.
Oct. 1. bo. Sept. 18. Maria of Rutger Bleecker and Catharina Elmendorp. Wit. Petrus and Maria Elmendorp.
bo. Sept. 19. Bernardus of Frans Harssen and Rebecca Spoor. Wit. Albertus and Anna Bloemendal.
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bo. Sept. 24. Susanna of Nicolaas Hieralymon and Jannetje Waldrom. Wit. Johs. and Engeltje V. Hoesen.
bo. Aug. 24. Marytje of Pieter Zeeger and Annatje Huik. Wit. Staats and Marytje Bratt.
Oct. 5. bo. Aug. 11. John of William Loth and Nency Jackson.
Oct. 8. bo. Sept. 14. Sara of Hendrik and Annatje Zeger. Wit. Evert Zeger, Bregje Zeeger.
Oct. 15. bo. Sept. 26. Annatje of John Grahams and Mary Fryer. Wit. Eduard and Sara Willet.
bo. June 30. Pieter of James Flyn and Jannetje Vroman (?). Wit. Pieter and Lena Winne.
bo. Sept. 8. Anthony of Johannes Bratt and Saartje Wendel. Wit. Theunis and Cathalyntje Bratt.
Oct. 17. bo. July 4. Jacob of Jacobus Springsteen and Rachel Cole.
Oct. 22. bo. Sept. 25. Johannes of Gerrit Staats and Catharina Cunningham. Wit. Johs. Grahams and Debora Staats.
Oct. 25. Rebecca of Andries Bouman and Lea Oosterhout. Wit. Gerrit and Annatje Visscher.
Oct. 29. bo. Sept. 20. Willem of Pieter V. Wie and Ebbetje V. d. Berg. Wit. Willem and Jannetje V. Wie.
bo. the 27th. Margarita of John Banker and Geertray Jacobs. Wit. Lavinus and Catharina Winne.
bo. the 26th. David of Nicolaas Cleyn and Elisabeth Cougler. Wit. David and Nenny Smith.
Oct. 31. bo. Sept. 2. Jacob Truex of Johs. Evertsen and Jennet White. Wit. Nency Burhans.
Nov. 5. Annatje of Johs. Fletcher and Syntje Zeeger.
Wit. Hendrik and Annatje Zeger.
Nov. 12. bo. the 6th. Maria of Johs. Brouwer and Marytje de Wever. Wit. Saml. and Lydia Stringer.
bo. Sept. 10. Jacobus of Cornelis Vroman and Lena Hogh. Wit. Jacobus and Geertruy Vroman.
bo. the 11th. Mary of Joh. Blackny and Marg. McCay.
bo. July 22. Alida of Pieter Bratt and Margarita Fery. Wit. Andries and Aaltje Bratt.
Nov. 19. bo. the 9th. Rachel of Zacharias Sickles and Catharina Sheerum. Wit. Nanning and Rachel Visscher.
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Nov. 24. bo. Apr. 27. Pieter of Benjamin Bruster and Margarita Goey. Wit. Pieter Goey, Mary Young.
Nov. 26. bo. Oct. 21. Bastiaan of Willem Goodbrood and Barbara Coen. Wit. Martin and Elisabeth Heeugier.
bo. the 21st. Wouter of Jesse De Foreest and Rebecca V. Santen. Wit. Wouter and Neeltje de Foreest.
bo. Oct. 7. Nicolaas of Cornelis Brouwer and Cathalyntje McManus. Wit. Johs. and Marritje Brouwer.
bo. Oct. 24. Quiliaan of Philip V. Rensselaer and Maria Sanders. Wit. Abraham and Elsje Lansing.
Dec. 3. bo. No. 2. Timotheus of Timothy Huston and Jane McChesny. Wit. Yzac and Antje Fonda.
bo. Nov. 21. Anthony of Anthony Halenbeek and Cornelia Cooper. Wit. Eduard Willet and Ytje Brett.
Dec. 6. bo. Oct. 1 0. Sara of Christiaan Pender and Elisabeth Cramer. Wit. Henry Newman, Sara Zyler.
Dec. 7. bo. Nov. 2. Cathalyntje of Gerrit Wendel and Machtel Heemstraat. Wit. Gerrit and Aaltje Lansing.
bo. Nov. 15. Sara of Martinus Cruger and Cathalyntje Foreest. Wit. Bastiaan and Dirkje Crugier.
Dec. 9. bo. Nov. 21. Willem of Petrus Qwakkenbusch and Mary Sheffield. Wit. Wouter and Cornelia Qwakkenbusch.
bo. Nov. 30. Joseph of Lodewyk Obryan and Catharina Rendell. Wit. Joseph and Elisabeth Clyn.
bo. Nov. 17. Stephen of Philip P. Schuyler and Annatje Wendell.
Dec. 13. bo. Nov. 10. Eduard of Frans Hoghil and Cornelia Foreest. Wit. Reynier and Annatje V. Yveren.
Dec. 17. bo. the 10th. Arriaantje of William Winzelo Crannel and Marytje Emans. Wit. Robert and Arriaantje Crennel.
bo. Nov. 16. Maria of Evert V. d. Berg and Janetje V. Schaik. Wit. Gerrit Witbeek, Maria V. Schaik.
bo. Nov. 14. Helena of Jacob I. Lansing and Jannetje Visscher. Wit. Lavinus and Maria Lansing.
Dec. 22. bo. Nov. 16. Anna Margarita of Abrahm. Hoogteling and Annatje Buys. Wit. Hannes and Anna M. Muller.
Dec. 24. bo. the 16th. Agnietje of Casparus V. Wie and Jannetje Winne. Wit. Hendrikus and Maria Bratt.
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bo. the 22d. Abraham of Jacob V. Denzen and Elsje Lansing. Wit. Abraham Lansing, Engeltje V. Deusen.
bo. Nov. 28. Abraham of Theunis E. Slingerland and Margarita Hanssen. Wit. Abraham and Rebecca Slingerland.
bo. Nov. 7. Catharina of Jacob V. Olinda and Elisabeth Schermerhoorn. Wit. George Ray, Catharina T. Broek.
bo. the 20th. Anthony of Stuart Dean and Pietertje Bratt. Wit. Anthony and Alida Bratt.
Dec. 26. bo. Oct. 27. Frederik of Nicolaas and Maria Christman. Wit. Frederik Raff (?), Elisabeth Pillington.
bo. Nov. 28. Pieter of Hans Christman and Cath. Docksteder. Wit. Pieter and Geertruy Schuyler, Hendrik and Elisabeth Lycher.
bo. Nov. 4. Margarita of Johs. Burk (?) and Elisabeth Riemsnyder. Wit. Fred Wals, Marg. Kerker (?).
Dec. 29. bo. Oct. 30. Isabella of Hugh McChesay and Johanna Plumb (?).
bo the 5th. Samuel of John McChesoy and Cat. Heens.
bo. the 6th. Adam Winne of Hans Yan Aalstein and Dirkje Winne. Wit. Adam and Catharina Winne.
Dec. 29. bo. Oct. 22. Catharina of Stephen Derham and Susanna Cool. Wit. David Chatfield, Nency Cunningham.
bo. Nov. 19. Job of Uzia Congel and Mary Hungerford.
Dec. 30. bo. Nov. 8. Hugh of Mordac McCloud and Christina Rose. Wit. Hugh and Marg. Frasier.
Dec. 31. bo. Nov. 25. Elisabeth of Zepherinus Koch and Elisabeth Hall. Wit. Hendrik and Maria Koch.
bo. Oct. 14. Andries of Wilhelmus Heermans and Antje Snissen. (?). Wit. Wynand and Annatje V. d. Berg.
1781, Jan. 7. bo. Nov. 30. Maria of Johs. Oosterhout and Agnetje Winne. Wit. Pieter Winne, Marytje Oosterhout.
bo. Nov. 13. Jannetje of Thoms. Brown and Sara Fairchild. Wit. Christiaan and Elizabeth La Gtange.
bo. Dec. 24. Annatje of Andries Douw and Catharina Foreest. Wit. Anthony and Cathalyntje Groesbeek.
Jan. 10. bo. Dec. 14. John of Thoms. Burghes and Mary Geyer. Wit. John and Mary Burghes.
Jan. 11. bo. Nov. 31. James of John McClosky and Mary Nengels.
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Jan. 14. bo. Dec. 27. Elisabeth of Gerrit Heyer and Jannetje V. Slyk. Wit. Theunis and Sofia V. Slyk.
bo. the 7th. Annatje of Cornelis Brouwer and Elisabeth Visbach. Wit. Gerardus and Annatje Beekman.
bo. Jan. 5. Judike of John J. Wendell and Alida Hoogkerk. Wit. Matheus and Lydia Visscher.
bo. Nov. 25. Jannetje of David Winne and Marytje Spaan. Wit. Daniel and Jannetje Winne.
Jan. 15. bo. Dec. 15. Mary of John Cummings and Isabella McCay.
bo. May 9, 1779. William of Normand and Elenor McDonald.
Jan. 19. bo. Jan. 1. Elisabeth of Wilm. Hardin and Any Dodg. Wit. Johs. and Elisabeth Hood.
Feb. 18. bo. the 11th. Anthony of Pieter and Vrouwtje Bratt. Wit. Johs. and Sara Bratt.
bo. July 30. Yzac of Milbury V. Hoezen and Antje Beeving. Wit. Adam and Santje Vroman.
Feb. 19. bo. Nov. 6. Margaret of Willem Ebbet and Mary Jackson.
bo. Jan. 17. James of James Pawl and Ann McEwan.
Feb. 22. bo. Apr. 27, 1780. Johs., of David Allen and Janet Stuart.
Feb. 25. bo. Jan. 26. Pieter of Judlof Krankert and Neeltje Gardenier. Wit. Hendrik Schermerhoorn, Cornelia Lansing.
bo. Jan. 27. Wilhelmus of Gerrit Hoogteling and Annatje Oosterhout. Wit. Wilhelmus and Marytje Oosterhout.
bo. the 22d. Maria of Willem Staats and Annatje Yates. Wit. Jochum Staats, Annatje Mersselis.
bo. the 11th. Daniel Flensburg of Daniel Marshall and Elisabeth Cochran. Wit. Franciscus and Geertruy Marshall.
bo. Oct. 18. Mary of Leonard Chambers and Fenny Kief. Wit. Arthur Kief, Caty Obryan.
Feb. 26. bo. Dec. 23. Jeremia of Joseph Springsteden and Elisabeth Matthews. Wit. Jeremia and Christina Springstede.
Feb. 26. bo. Jan. 22. Elisabeth of George Rodgers and Eleonor Murray.
bo. the 16th. Lavaroke of John Way and Hilletje Muller. Wit. Hendrik and Marytje Gardenier.
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Mar. 3. bo. Dec. 20. Alexander of John McMullen and Agness Gordon.
Mar. 4. Catharina Rensselaer of Philip Schuyler and Catharina Rensselaer. Wit. Genl. Washington, James Rensselaer, Mrs. Washington, Margarita Schuyler.
bo. Jan. 24. Rebecca of Hendrik V. d. Kar and Antje Williams. Wit. Dirck V. d. Kar, Catharina de Voe.
Mar. 5. bo. Feb. 16. Roelef of Stephen Bell and Elisabeth Kidney.
Jan. 21. Gerrit of Abraham Staats and Cornelia Lansing. Wit. Garrit and Annatje Lansing.
bo. the 11th. Susanna of David Fonda and Catharina Ten Broek. Wit. Yzac and Susanna Fonda.
bo. Dec. 22. Margarita of George Berringer and Elisabeth Been. Wit. Pieter and Catharina Shirp.
bo. Dec. 8. Rosina of Balthes Bratt and Rosina Fullering. Wit. Hendrik and Elisabeth V. Hoesen.
bo. Oct. 17. Johannes of Joseph V. Santen and Rebecca Garmo. Wit. Hendrik and Tempe Burhans.
Feb. 1. bo. Jan. 8. Yzac of Nicolaas Muller and Cathal. Gardenier. Wit. Johs. and Elis. Muller.
Feb. 2. Sofia Regina of Hendrik Riddeker and Elis. Kloet. Wit. Pieter and Sofia Riddeker.
Feb. 4. bo. Jan. 20. Abraham of Johs. Visscher and Annatje Pearce. Wit. Lavinus and Marytje Lansing.
Feb. 4. bo. Jan. 28. Antje of Gerrit Witbeek and Immetje Perry. Wit. John L. Witbeek, Maria Perry.
bo. Jan. 31. Franciscus of Jacob Pruin and Hendrikje V. Buren. Wit. Casparus and Catharina Pruin.
bo. Dec. 28. Gosen of Martinus V. Yveren and Cornelia V. Schaik. Wit. Gosen and Marytie V. Schaik.
Feb. 5. bo. Oct. 5. Robert of Johs. Warns and Marg. Burnside. Wit. Daniel and Lena Hoogteling.
bo. Jan. 5. David of Daniel Winne and Cath. Hoogtehog.
Feb. 11. bo. Jan. 6. Eva of Gerrit Becker and Marytje Wynkoop. Wit. Jacob and Fytje Garmo.
bo. the 9th. Jacob of Hermanus T. Eick and Margarita Bleecker. Wit. Hendrik T. Eyck, Annatje Mancius.
bo. Dec. 25. Lyne of Abraham Bloodgood and Elisab. V. Valkenburg. Wit. Hugh and Rachel Denison.
bo. Dec. 25. Neeltje of Johs. Schermerhoorn and Bata V. Valkenburg. Wit. Meinard and Geertruy V. Hoesen.
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bo. Jan. 16. Catharina of Folkert V. d. Berg and Marytje Vinhagen. Wit. Abraham and Catharina Vinhagen.
Feb. 12. bo. Oct. 2. Caty of Efraim Holbrook and Esther Johnson. Wit. Jeremia and Christoffer Springsteede.
Feb. 16. bo. Oct. 2. Daniel of Neal Gillazny and Mary Jackson.
Mar. 11. bo. Feb. 27. Maria of Willem Groesbeek and Catharina V. Denzen. Wit. Dirk and Maria Schuyler.
bo. Feb. 12. Marytje of Gerrit Lansing and Alida Fonda. Wit. Noah Jellet, Lena Lansing.
Mar. 14. Margarita of James Flored and Margarita Steen. Wit. Hendrik and Annatje Zeeger.
Mar. 17. bo. the 1st. Mary of Robt. Haswell and Sarah Mark.
Mar. 18. bo. the 10th. John of John Daniels and Sofia Hilton. Wit. Folkert and Geertruy Dashon.
bo. the 11th. Jannetje of Cornelis Douw and Catharina V. Schaik. Wit. Folkert Oothout, Dorothea Zabrisky.
Mar. 25. bo. the 9th. John of Thoms. Lotteridge and Maria Bratt. Wit. William and Mary Philips.
Apr. 1. bo. Mar. 18. Maria of John Berry and Elisabeth Meinerssen. Wit. Frerik and Machteld Meinerssen.
bo. Mar. 29. Hermanus of Cornelis Wendel and Annatje Lansing. Wit. Johs. H. and Geertruy Wendell.
Apr. 7. bo. Mar. 26. Thomas of James Green and Margarita Smith. Wit. Thomas Bareuth, Elisab. Hilton.
bo. Feb. 25. Maria of Johs. E. Lansing and Maria Staats. Wit. Christoffer and Catharina Yates.
bo. Feb. 11. Hendrik of Hendrik Oothout and Lydia Douw. Wit. Folkert and Jannetje Oothout.
bo. the 5th. Johannes of Wendel Hildebrand and Geertruy Visbach. Wit. Cornelis and Elisabeth Brouwer.
bo. Mar. 23. Geertray of John Martins and Cath. Beemus. Wit. Philip Meyer, Geertruy Bovie.
Apr. 4. bo. Mar. 2. Dirk of Carel Heemstraat and Geertruy V. d. Werken. Wit. Johs. and Rachel V. d. Werken.
Apr. 15. bo. the 14th. Sara of Lavinus Winne and Maria Lansing. Wit. David and Sara Groesbeek.
Apr. 15. bo. Mar. 8. Lena of Willem Hoogteling and Maria Bloemendal. Wit. Johs. and Arriaantje Hoogteling.
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bo. the 13th. Angus of Alexander Kemmel and Mary McMuller.
Apr. 16. bo. the 13th. Pieter of Jeremie Lansing and Lena Wendell. Wit. Pieter and Elisabeth Lansing.
Apr. 21. bo. Nov. 3. Elisabeth of John Nightingale and Elisabeth Neithhall.
Apr. 22. bo. Jan. 10. Evert Swart of Willem V. Benthuisen and Margarita Conklin. Wit. Baltes V. Benthuisen, Elisabeth Rumney.
bo. Mar. 20. Alida of Gerrit V. d. Berg and Rebecca Fonda. Wit. Jacob and Dirkje Fonda.
bo. the 18th. Lena of Jacob Roseboom and Hester Lansing. Wit. Barent H. and Lena Ten Eyck.
bo. Mar. 7. John of Jurjaan Hoghing and Annatje Wite. Wit. Jacob Look and Violet White.
bo. the 18th. Margaret of Francis McKinsy and Ellison Watson.
Apr. 26. bo. Mar. 19. Andries of Maas V. d. Berg and Catharina Sheer. Wit. Andries and Elisabeth Sheer.
Apr. 28. bo. Feb. 9. William of Henry Millar and Mary McCarty. Wit. Abigail Clench.
April 29. bo. Mar. 26. Yzac of Abraham Lansing and Annatje V. d. Berg. Wit. Jacob and Susanna Lansing.
bo. the 4th. Douwe of Theunis W. Slingerland and Rachel Bogert. Wit. Barent and Willempje Bogert.
bo. the 21st. Aaltje of John D. Groesbeek and Cathalyntje V. Schaik. Wit. Yzac and Elisabeth V. Aarnem.
Apr. 29. bo. the 24th. Arriaantje of Abrahm. A. Lansing and Elsje V. Rensselaer. Wit. Quiliaan and Maria V. Rensselaer.
May 6. bo. Mar. 13. Abraham of Pieter V. Buuren and Dorothea Shutter. Wit. Matheus and Elisabeth Poel.
bo. the 1st. Harmen of Samuel Marl and Rachel Gardenier. Wit. Harmen Qwakkenbusch, Elisabeth Fyle.
bo. Mar. 27. Robert of Robt. Kemmel and Sara McDavid.
May 12. bo. the 9th. Alida of Johs. V. Hoesen and Engeltje V. Deusen. Wit. Matheus and Bregje Aerssen.
bo. Apr. 11. Eva of Willem Witbeek and Catherina Foreest. Wit. Pieter and Rachel Witbeek.
May 25. bo. Mar. 20. Jacob of Jacob McDonald and Lydia Pengburn.
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May 27. bo. Mar. 26. Simon of Hendrik Zeger and Marg. Coen. Wit. John Cortney (?), Annatje Zeger.
bo. Apr. 15. Maria of John de Voe and Annatje Conner. Wit. Ned Davies and Marytje Conner.
bo. Mar. 20. Jacob of Jacob McDonald and Lydia Pengburn. (Repetition.)
bo. Apr. 21. Thomas of Thoms. Haslet and Margt.
bo. Apr. 15, 1776, Alexander; bo. Feb. 1, 1778, Margaret; bo. Dec. 4, 1780, William, of Price Kemmel and Margaret Clark.
June 2. bo. Apr. 31. Helena of Yzac V. Wie and Neeltje Oosterhout. Wit. Yzac and Catharina V. Aernem.
bo. Mar. 20. John of Elias Willard and Catharina Livingston. Wit. Johannes and Sara Ten Eyck.
June 2. bo. May 7. Catharina of Matheus Poel and Elisabeth Shutter. Wit. Gerrit and Margarita Poel.
bo. May 10. Petrus of Hendrik Crennel and Jacomina Bloemendal. Wit. Nicolaas Hoghen, Annatje Crennel.
June 8. bo. Apr. 13. William of Alexander Kemmel and Catharina Steel.
June 10. bo. May 31. Agnietje of Cornelis and Cathalyntje V. d. Berg. Wit. Wilhelmus and Agnietje V. d. Berg.
June 15. bo. Jan. 21. Elisabeth of Thoms. Mackelwayn and Jenny Mackelwayn.
June 19. bo. the 14th. Jenny of John Stuart and Jane Kemmel.
June 20 or 23. bo. Apr. 16. William of Joseph Stalker and Anna Albrecht.
bo. May 9. Hilletje of Ruben Conger and Lena de Voe.
bo. Jan. 30. Lydia of Job Shawman and Any Conger.
June 24. bo. the 22d. Catharina of Hendrik V. Wie and Maria Merthen. Wit. Cornelis J. and Ytje V. Wie.
Maria of Willem de Wit and Hester Rykman. Wit. Pieter and Mary Qwakkenbusch.
June 28. bo. Aug. 20. John of Neal McCay and Catharine McKinzy. Wit. John Grant and Nency McDonald.
July 1. bo. June 1. Hendrik of Cornelis Huyk and Hester Gardenier. Wit. Hendrik and Maria Huyk.
July 3. bo. June 12. Mary of Pieter Sharp and Mary Donneway.
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July 4. Annatje of Thoms. King and Jannetje Krankheit. Wit. Stephen and Elisab. Bell.
July 8. bo. June 12. David of Christiaan Fero and Catharina Levison. Wit. Hendrik and Maria Fero.
bo. the 1st. Abraham Trouex of Albert Slingerland and Christina V. Franken. Wit. Mass V. Franken, Marytje Slingerland.
July 15. bo. the 5th. Joachim of John Steats and Jenny McClallen. Wit. Philip and Annatje Staats.
July 22. bo. June 31 (?). Ann of Alexander Thomson and Nelly Grant. Wit. John Thomson, Barbara Grant.
bo. the 15th. John of Joseph Hall and Johanna Pettison.
bo. June 22. Jacob of George McDoles and Catharine Zeger. Wit. Jacob and Rachel Look.
Alexander of Daniel McClance (?) and Rachel McKentisch. Wit. Gregor Grant.
bo. the 20th. Malcom of Pieter McDougal and Catharina Thomson.
Catharina of John and Sara Cregg. Wit. Jacob Banh, Hanna Bacchus.
July 29. bo. the 25th. Elisabeth of John Gates and Geertruy V. Franken. Wit. Michel and Marytje Besset.
bo. the 20th. Hendrik of Balthes V. Benthuisen and Elisabeth Rumney. Wit. Hendrik V. Benthuisen, Catharyntje Winne.
bo. the 4th. Evert of Wynand V. d. Berg and Annatje Cooper. Wit. Evert and Jannetje V. d. Bergh.
bo. the 8th. Reinier of Pieter Foreest and Pietertje V. Aalstein. Wit. Reinier and Cornelia V. Aalstein.
July 29. bo. the 24th. Theunis of Dirk de Foreest and Rebecca Bratt. Wit. Theunis and Cathalyntje Bratt.
bo. the 26th. Gysbert of Elia Arnold and Geertje Groesbeek. Wit. Gysbert and Sara V. Brakelin.
Aug. 12. bo. July 6. Elisabeth of Abrah. Veder and Neeltje Schuyler. Wit. Simon Veder, Susanna Roseboom.
bo. July 19. Elisabeth of Meinard V. Hoesen and Geertruy Vinhagen. Wit. Gerrit Marsselis, Rebecca Dox.
bo. June 25. John of Salomo Sharp and Rachel Halenbeek. Wit. Andries Sharp, Elisabeth Goey.
Aug. Igth. bo. the 15th. Cornelis of Cornelis Cuyler and Jannetje Yates. Wit. Jacob and Lydia Cuyler.
[page 26] 1781
bo. the 16th. Sara of Pieter de Riemer and Elsje Barbington. Wit. Pieter Wabber, Sara Barbington.
bo. the 5th. Marytje of Nicolaas V. d. Berg and Catharina Waldron. Wit. Gerrit and Marytje Waldrom.
bo. the 17th. Theunis of Johs. Hanssen and Geertruy Slingerland. Wit: Abraham and Rebecca Slingerland.
bo. July 28. Maria of Reynier V. Hoesen and Engeltje Cool. Wit. William and Rachel McGlochum.
Sept. 2. bo. Aug. 24. Andrew Van Schaak of Eduard Compstone and Mary V. Schaak. Wit. Anthony Bratt (or V. Schaak), Alida Bratt.
bo. Aug. 2. Willem of Hendrikus Burhans and Tempe Du Mont. Wit. John B. and Neeltje Du Mont.
bo. Aug. 23. John Sanders of John Jac. Beekman and Maria Sanders. Wit. John, Jr., and Debora Sanders.
bo. Aug. 19. Andries of Yzaac J. V. Aarnem and Catharina V. Wie. Wit. Abraham and Jacomyntje Van Wie Sept. 4. bo. Aug. 29. Elisabeth of Alexander Clark and Nency Grant. Wit. John Grant, McCovie, Caty McMuller.
Sept. 9. bo. the 1st. Jannetje of Obadia Cooper and Annatje V. d. Berg. Wit. Abrah. Cooper, Marytje Veder.
bo. Aug. 9. Johannes of Jacob J. Lansing and Maria Knipp. Wit. Lavinus and Maria Winne.
bo. Aug. 3. Maria of Charles McCoy and Maayke Ouderkerk.
bo. July 18. Nency of William McCullogh and Elisabeth Bride.
Sept. 16. bo. Aug. 24. Christina of Philip de Foreest and Annatje V. Deusen. Wit. Wilhelmus and Christina V. Deuzen.
bo. the 9th. Maria of William Talbert and Annatje Young. Wit. Frans and Rebecca Harssen.
bo. the 10th. Harmen of Johs. de Wandelaar, Jr., and Gerritje Gansevoort. Wit. Theunis and Elisabeth V. Vechten.
Sept. 20. bo. the 16th. Christina of Daniel McDonal and Nency McGrieger. Wit. Gregory Grant, Margaret Orchard.
Oct 6. bo. Sept. 29. James of James Mitcher and Mary McGrieger.
[page 27] 1781
bo. Sept. 25. Neeltje of Frerik Meinerssen and Elisabt. Waldrom. Wit. Folkert and Jannetje V. Vechten.
bo. Sept. 23. Elisabeth of Johs. V. Imburg and Annatje Flensburg. Wit. Nicolaas and Jannetje Jeralemons.
bo. Aug. 27. Abraham of Alexander Bulsing and Alida Oothout. Wit. Jellis and Tietje Winne.
Oct. 14. bo. the 12th. John of Richard Leish and Syntje Fonda. Wit. Stephen Lush, Elsje Fonda.
Oct. 16. bo. Sept. 8. Elisabeth of Ebenezer Ward and Marytje Hunter.
Oct. 21. bo. Sept. 8. Catharina of Robert Winne and Hillegond V. Franken. Wit. Albert and Christina Slingerland.
bo. the 14th. Wouter of Pieter Groesbeek and Alida V. Aarnem. Wit. David and Geertruy Winne.
bo. the 18th. Abraham of Abrahm. Hoogkerk and Antje. Hilton. Wit. Abraham and Jannetje Yates.
bo. Sept. 12. Cornelis of Yzac Fonda and Antje V. Santvoort. Wit. Cornelis and Willempje V. Santvoort.
Oct. 23. bo. Sept. 15. William of Joseph McChesny and Margarita Mullenhicks.
Oct. 28. bo. Sept. 25. Coenraad of Jacob Elmendorp, Jr., and Lea Bloemendal. Wit. Coenrasd and Sara Elmendorp.
Oct. 31. bo. Sept. 27. John of Joseph Haswell and Mary Mark.
Nov. 11. bo. Oct. 13. Anna of Abraham Fonda and Hendrikje Lansing. Wit. Yzac Lansing, Annatje V. Woert.
Lucas of Andries Wesselsen and Geertruy Knoet. Wit. Lucas and Annatje Wesselsen.
bo. the 10th. Cornelia of Gerrit Rykman and Elisabeth V. Buren. Wit. John and Cornelia Price.
bo. Oct. 6. Annatje of John Droit and Sara Revison. Wit. Jacob V. Woert, Cornelia V. Antwerpen.
bo. Oct. 1. Hendrik of Folkert Oothout and Jannetje Bogart. Wit. Cornelis V. Schaak, Marytje Comstone.
bo. Oct. 27. Charlotte of Daniel Young and Elisabeth V. d. Kar. Wit. Hans Muller, Marytje Fonda.
Nov. 12. July 24. John of James McCastry and Dolly Ramser.
[page 28] 1781—1782
Dec. 3. Hendrikje of Johs. V. Woert and Cathalyntje Lansing. Wit. Jelles and Fytje Winne.
bo. the 26th. Gerrit of Cornelis Waldrom and Alida Goey. Wit. Gerrit Goey, Gerritje V. d. Berg.
Dec. 13. bo. Nov. 26. Gerritje of John N. Bleecker and Margarita V. Deuzen. Wit. Nicolaas and Cathalyntje Bleecker.
bo. Nov. 23. Wessel of Pieter Gansevoort and Catharina V. Schaik. Wit. Wessel and Marytje V. Schaik.
bo. Nov. 20. Anna of Albertus Bloemendal and Anna Harssen. Wit. .Frans and Rebecca Harssen.
Dec. 16. bo. Nov. 10. David of Andries Ouderkerk and Annatje Fero. Wit. Christiaan Fero, Catharina Levison.
bo. Nov. 4. Jacobus of Jacobus V. Schoonhoven and Elisabeth Kloet. Wit. Jacobus and Alida Fonda.
Dec. 18. Catharina of Price Kemmel and Margarita Clark.
bo. Nov. 22. Maria Lansing of Hunlok (?) Woodruff and Maria Lansing. Wit. Jacob Lansing, Lena V. Rensselaer.
Dec. 18. bo. Nov. 26. Elisabeth of James Burnside and Catharina Warren.
bo. Nov. 9. Jane of Thoms. Burnside and Arriaantje T. Eyck.
Dec. 23. bo. the 21st. Johannes of Jacob V. Woert, Jr., and Sara V. Esch. Wit. Philip and Maayke Foreest.
Dec. 27. bo. Nov. 10. Lena of John Benson and Cathal. V. Aalstein. Wit. Gerrit Peek, Marytje V. Aalstein.
Dec. 30. bo. Oct. 19. Stephen of William Colbrecht and Esther V. Denzen. Wit. Aaron Aarsen, Cornelia V. Denzen.
bo. the 21st. Jacob Sanders of Jacob G. and Femmetje Lansing. Wit. Jacob and Elsje Lansing.
Dec. 25. bo. the 23d. George Ray of John Ten Broek and Sara Ganzevoort. Wit. George and Catharina Ray.
1782, Jan. 6. bo. Oct. 14. Pieter of Andries Sitzer (?) and Sara Allen. Wit. Wilhelmus Row, Geertruy Soop.
Joseph of David See and Leentje Snyder. Wit. James Young and Annatje Snyder.
Jan. 13. bo. Dec. 10. Cornelia of Mathys Flensburg and Christina Snyder. Wit. Johs. and Cornelis Flensburgh.
bo. the 3d. Abraham of Gerrit A. Lansing and Elisabeth Wynkoop. Wit. Johs. Lansing and Sara Fonda.
[page 29] 1782
Jan. 9. bo. Dec. 25. Johs. of Jacob Buis and Cath. Oothout. Wit. Hannes Albrecht, Resina Buis.
Jan. 11. Joseph and Jane and Elisabeth, triplets, of Andrew Schenklin.
Jan. 20. Cathalyna of Jacob and Geertje Schermerhoorn. Wit. Jacob and Hendrikje Pruin.
bo. the 4th. Catharina of William V. Wie and Jannetje Lansing. Wit. John and Alida Van Wie.
bo. Oct. 12. Catharina of Willem Larraway and Sara Wynkoop. Wit. Johs. and Catharina Wynkoop.
bo. the 12th. Cathalyna of Anthony Groesbeek and Cathalyna Foreest. Wit. John V. Esch, Marytje Pruin.
bo. the 6th. Maria of John G. and Annatje V. Schaick. Wit. Anthony and Annatje Ten Broeck.
Jan. 20. bo. the 1st. Laurens of Frederick Haak and Margarita Scheffer. Wit. Laurens and Maria Frank.
Jan. 27. bo. the 12th. Abraham Yates of Abraham G.
Lansing and Susanna Yates. Wit. Abraham, Jr., and Antje Yates.
bo. Dec. 23. Dirk of Jacob Dirk Vander Heydn and Jannetje Yates. Wit. Johannes Van Aernem, Elisabeth Van der Heyden.
bo. Jan. 19. Elisabeth of Jacob Hilton and Sara Barrington. Wit. Barent Dassen and Elisabeth Baily.
Jan. 27. bo. Dec. 11. James of Coenraad Coen and Ann Stafford.
bo. June 10. John of John Watkins and Judith Livingston. Wit. Eduard Livingston, Elisabeth Watkins.
Jan. 21. bo. at Livingston Manor, William of John J. Burrick and Margarita Bratt (?).
Jan. 21. bo. at Livingston Manor. Margaret of John Moor and Christina McKinly.
Feb. 5. bo. Mar. 19. Susanna of Stephen Meyer and Catharina Bernard.
Feb. 7. bo. Oct. 1. Margarita of Pieter Hilton and Judith Bareuth. Wit. Daniel and Margarita Husher.
Feb. 10. bo. Nov. Z3. Casparus of William Borrowel and Elisabeth Salsbury. Wit. Jonathan Cannik, Margarita Perry.
bo. the 2d. William of Arent Bratt and Jannetje Hoghing. Wit. Jurjen and Elsje Hoghing.
[page 30] 1782
Feb. 3. bo. Sept. 17. Francis of Francis Jackson and Charlotte Glove. Wit. Henry Molling, Mary Holliday.
Feb. 11. bo. Dec. 22. Philip of Alexander Hamilton and Elisabeth Schuyler. Wit. Philip and Catharina Schuyler.
Feb. 13. bo. Oct. 25. Maria of Eduard Connel and Sara Powlton.
bo. Jan. 22. Annatje of Nanning V. d. Heiden and Catharina Levison. Wit. Harmen and Catharina Levison.
Feb. 22. bo. Dec. 20. Petrus of Pieter Tilton and Margarita Yhl. Wit. Abraham and Margarita V. d. Kar.
Feb. 25. bo. Dec. 7. Jan of Meinard Oothout and Maria Siksby. Wit. Wynand and Annatje V. d. Berg.
bo. the 19th. Elisabeth of Abraham Eight and Catharina Broocks.
bo. the 14th. Elisabeth of Hendrik V. Woert and Cath. Eight.
Mar. 9. bo. Feb. 28. Catharina of Evert Evertsen and Elisabeth Goey. Wit. Benjamin and Catharina Goey.
bo. Feb. 23. Willem of Johs. Lansing and Elisabeth Fryer. Wit. John and Catharina Fryer.
bo. Nov. 22. Pieter of Damas Palmentier and Elisab. Bertley. Wit. Cornelis Bareit, Maria Owen.
Mar. 8. bo. Feb. 3. Catharina of Evert Olver and Rebecca Cooper. Wit. Nicolaas and Cornelia Siksby.
Jeromie of Abrahm. Cuyler and Margarita Wendel. Wit. Pieter and Geertray Schuyler.
Joh. T. Broeck of David Fonda and Catharina T. Broek. Wit. Gosen and Maria V. Schaick.
Mar. 12. bo. Sept. 7. Sarah of Thoms. Beely and Olive Hall.
Mar. 13. bo. Nov. 22. Thomas of Benjamin Russel and Rachel Bank. Wit. Hudson.
Mar. 24. bo. the 2d. Maria of Theunis E. Slingerland and Margaret Hanssen. Wit. Johs. and Maria Hansse.
Mar. 31. bo. the 23d. Willem of James Douway and Elsje Smith. Wit. Pieter and Marytje Sharp.
bo. the 22d. Petrus of John V. Esch and Margarita V. Woert. Wit. Fytje Winne.
bo. the 13th. Benjamin of Obadia V. Benthuisen and Annatje Rumney. Wit. Gosen and Maria V. Schaik.
Apr. 7. bo. the 3d. Annatje of Frans Strays (or Stuip) and Catharina Wever. Wit. Hannes and Marritje Brower.
[page 31] 1782
Apr. 14. bo. Mar. 6. Sara of Obadia Lansing and Cornelia Benthuisen. Wit. Hendrik and Sara V. Benthuisen.
bo. the 17th. Lea of Franciscus Marshall and Geertruy V. Denzen. Wit. Wilhelmus and Christina V. Denzen.
bo. the 20th. Catharina of Johs. Witbeek and Catharina s’Jans. Wit. Petrus and Marytje Ham.
bo. the 10th. Lea of Arent V. Deuzen and Marg. McCloudy. Wit. Gerard Lansing, Lea Ostrander.
Margarita of Charles Smith and Mary Asurne (?). Wit. Johs. and Isabell V. d. Poel.
bo. Feb. 3. Jannetje of Hendrik Bulsing and Neeltje Marus (?). Wit. Evert and Jannetje V. d. R––.
Apr. 21. bo. the 16th. Abraham of Marten V. Buuren and Jannetje Holiday. Wit. Abraham and Jennetje (or Teuntje ?) V. Buuren.
Apr. 28. bo. the 13th. Annatje of Lewis Barrington and Margarita Adams. Wit. Marg. Adams.
bo. the 4th. Douwe of Theunis W. Slingerland and Rachel Bogert. Wit. Barent and Willempje Bogert.
May 5. bo. Apr. 16. Elisabeth of Gerrit Staats, Jr., and Elisabeth Low. Wit. Philip and Annatje Staats.
bo. Apr. 4. Hendrik of Gerrit V. d. Berg and Annatje s’Jans. Wit. Joh. and Jane Staats.
May 11. Catharina Douw of Leendert Gansevoort, Jr., and Maria V. Renselaer. Wit. Folkert P. and Catharina Douw.
May 12. bo. Apr. 4. Joseph of John M. Donald and Lydia Pengburn.
May 19. bo. the 8th. Quiliaan of Nicolaas V. Rensselaar and Elsje V. Buoren. Wit. Hendrik and Alida V. Rensselaar.
bo. Apr. 17. Susanna of Reignier V. d. Berg and Elisabeth Vinhagen. Wit. Gysbert and Susanna V. d. Berg.
bo. the 14th. Jelles of Christoffer Bogert and Rebecca Winne. Wit. Jelles and Fytje Winne.
May 26. bo. Apr. 30. Alida of Johs. Visscher and Elisabeth Bratt. Wit. Hendrik and Alida V. Rensselaar.
bo. Apr. 13. Marytje of Nicolaas Siksby and Cornelia Cooper.
bo. Apr. 26. Gerrit of Joseph Boskerk and Susanna Wendel. Wit. John and Cathalyntje Groesbeek.
bo. Mar. 17. Eva of Willem Flensburg and Christina Boeches. Wit. Jesse and Rebecca Foreest.
[page 32] 1782
June 2. bo. May 26. Catharina of Dirk Hanssen and Lena Low. Wit. Johs. J. and Catharina Beekman.
bo. Aug. 3, 1777, Lachelin; bo. Aug. 5, 1781, Daniel, of Daniel Watson and Isabella Bosse.
June 8. bo. May 12. Elisabeth of Arthur Haswell and Mary Coughtry.
June 9. bo. Mar. 26. James of David Allen and Jennet Stuard.
bo. Apr. 13. Peter of William Patterson and Mary McEntee.
bo. Mar. 8. Cornelia of Mulbury Van Hoesen and Antje Bevens. Wit. Frans Van Hoesen and Gertruy Schermerhorn.
June 11. bo. May 19. Elisabeth of John McKenny and Elisabeth McCarty. Wit. John Ja. Beekman, Mary Saunders.
July 28. Joachim of Barent Staats and Antje Winne. Wit. Joachim and Elisabeth Staats.
Aug. 3. bo. July 6. Hendrik of Pieter Hanssen and Rachel Fonda. Wit. John and Engeltje Fonda.
Aug. 18. bo. the 2d. Albert of Carel Heemstraat and Geertray V. d. Werken. Wit. Yzak and Elisabeth Ouderkerk.
Aug. 24. bo. July 29. Jannetje of Benjamin Hoevenbach and Jenneke Osterhout. Wit. Piete Winne, Mary Oosterhout.
Jaapik of Jacob and Saar (serv.). Wit. Dick and the mother.
Aug. 30. bo. the 28th. Rachel of Hendrik I. Lansing and Helena Winne. Wit. Jacob and Willempje Lansing.
bo. the 23d. Simon of Wilhelmus V. Deuzen and Rachel Pietersen. Wit. Arent and Catharina V. Deusen.
Sept. 5. bo. July 31. Margaret of James Pawl and Ann McCewen.
bo. Aug. 10. John of Jacob Mook and Mary McGee.
bo. the 4th. Reynold and Alexander, of Mordach McCloud and Christian Rose.
Sept. 5. bo. Aug. 8. Rebecca of David Foreest and Elisabeth Witbeek. Wit. Reinier and Rebecca V. Yveren.
[page 33] 1782
John of Alexander McGreeger and Appy M. Veen.
Sept. 12. bo. Aug. 26. Anna of John Fulson and Elisabeth File.
bo. the 7th. Samuel Stringer of Stephen Lush and Lydia Stringer. Wit. Samuel and Rachel Stringer.
bo. the 6th. Maria of Bernardus Evertsen and Martina Hoghen. Wit. Jurjaan Hoghen, Maria Charless.
Sept. 20. bo. Aug. 31. Cornelis of Cornelis V. Aalstein and Marytje Goey. Wit. Pieter and Gerritje V. Aalstein.
bo. the 3d. Alida of Jacobus V. Franken and Geertje Fonda. Wit. Gerrit I. and Rachel Visscher.
bo. Aug. 16. Evert of Philip Wendell and Geertruy Vosburg. Wit. David and Marytje Scott.
Sept. 28. bo. Aug. 9. Rachel of Cornelis V. d. Zee and Annatje Veder. Wit. Andries and Elisabeth Van Wie.
Oct. 6. bo. the 30th. Elisabeth of John Williams and Mary Love. Wit. Christiaan and Margarita Erin.
June 16. bo. May 29. Johannes of Johs. V. Benthuysen and Geesje V. Hoesen. Wit. Obadia and Cornelia Lansing.
June 16. bo. the 12th. Frans of Quiliaan Winne and Maria Perry. Wit. Frans and Anneke Winne.
June 23. bo. May 30. William of Andrew Collins and Charlotte M. Hart.
June 23. bo. the 18th. Pieter of Joh. De Garmo and Margarita Wendell. Wit. Pieter and Geertruy De Garmo.
bo. the 8th. Rachel of Pieter V. Denzen and Catharina V. Wie. Wit. Willem and Jannetje Winne.
bo. May 12. Janneke of David Foreest and Rachel V. d. Heide. Wit. Marten and Tanneke Foreest.
bo. May 24. John of Robt. Ten Baer and Annatje Slingerland. Wit. John and Lena Ten Baer.
bo. May 20. Elisabeth of Hendrik Oothout and Lydia Douw. Wit. Gerrit and Ruth Lansing.
June 29. bo. the 24th. Dirkje of Jacob V. Loonen and Christina Schuyler. Wit. Abraham and Neeltje Veder.
July 3. bo. Apr. 5. Ann of Timothy Bussing and Jane Crosby.
July 8. bo. the 3d. Abraham of Johs. Brower and Marritje de Wever. Wit. Frans and Catharina Stoop.
July 14. bo. June 12. Jesse of Joh. V. Esch and Neeltje de Foreest. Wit. Philip and Maayke Foreest.
[page 34] 1782
bo. June 5. Wyntje of Gerrit Brower and Antje Zeger. Wit. Jan and Marytje Zeger.
bo. the 2d. Gysbert of Dirk Benson and Marytje Wyngaerd. Wit. Johs. and Marytje Finky.
July 20. bo. the 18th. Jacob of Jacob V. Schaik and Elisabeth Berry. Wit. Gerrit and Jannetje Groesbeek.
July 20. bo. the 17th. Coenraad of Abraham Ten Eyck and Annatje Lansing. Wit. Coenread and Charlotte Ten Eyck.
bo. the 16th. Maria of Thomas Easterly and Bata V. Woert. Wit. Philip and Maria V. Renselaer.
July 28. bo. the 26th. Wyntje of Pieter Dox and Cathalyntje Lansing. Wit. Gerrit and Wyntje Lansing.
bo. the 20th. Hendrik of John and Cornelia Qwakkenbush. Wit. Hendrik and Elisabeth Qwakkenbush.
Oct. 11. John Brasler of Thomas Sickles and Mary Norwood. Wit. John V. Ingen.
Oct. 13. bo. Sept. 12. Christina of Daniel Bratt and Christina Beekman. Wit. Joh. Bratt, Ytje Halenbeek.
bo. the 11th. Jannetje of Yzac Bogert and Cathalina Hunn. Wit. Folkert and Jannetje V. Vechten.
bo. the 12th. Joseph of John Gates and Geertruy V. Vranken. Wit. John and Annatje Visscher.
Oct. 2Q. bo. Sept. 22. Johannes of Johs. Sicksby and Lea Davenport. Wit. Meinard and Marytje Oothout.
bo. the 3d. Cornelis of Aaron and Elsje Austin. Wit. William and Hester Colberth.
Oct. 27. bo. Sept. 15. Arriaantje of Philip Schuyler and Anna Wendell. Wit. Johs. and Catharina Wendell.
Oct. 28. bo. the 22d. Jacob and Agnieta of Cornelis V. d. Berg and Cath. Bogert. Wit. Jacob and Marytje Bogert, Will. and Agnietje V. d. Berg.
Nov. 3. bo. Oct. 19. Stephanus of Nicolaas Mersselis and Margarita Groesbeek. Wit. Abraham and Elisabeth Ten Broeck.
bo. Oct. 7. John of William Duer and Catharina Alexander. Wit. George Rose, Catharina Lawrence.
Nov. 10. bo. Sept. 26. Meinard of Gozen V. Schaik and Maria T. Broeck. Wit. Hendrik and Maria Roseboom.
Nov. 17. bo. the 7th. Annatje of Theunis T. V. Vechten and Elisabeth de Wandelaar. Wit. Pieter and Annatje De Wandelaar.
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Dec. 1. bo. Nov. 30. Sarah of Jacob Y. Lansing and Susanna Fonda. Wit. Abraham and Hendrikje Fonda.
bo. Nov. 30. Elisabeth of Johs. Hoogkerk and Margarita Marthen. Wit. Hendrik and Maria V. Wie.
Dec. 8. bo. Nov. 1 0. Evert of Gerrit Bekker and Marytje Wynkoop. Wit. Evert and Saartje Wynkoop.
Dec. 15. bo. the 9th. Jacob of Cornelis Brouwer and Elisabeth Visbach. Wit. Wendel and Geertruy Hildebrand.
bo. Nov. 12. Alida of Jacob V. Aarnem and Maria V. Denzen. Wit. Johannes and Elisabeth V. Aarnem.
Dec. 22. bo. the 9th. Lydia of Eduard S. Willet and Sara Fryer. Wit. Martha and Lydia Visscher.
Dec. 29. bo. the 15th. Magdalena of Pieter W. Yates and Ann Mary Helms. Wit. John Hawill, Mary Magd. Tibout.
1783, Jan. 26. bo. the 14th. Catharina of Zelotes Watson and Catharina Wynkoop. Wit. James and Abigail Watson.
Feb. 9. bo. Jan. 11. Eduard of George Vischer and Maria Reddin. Wit. Theunis and Marytje V. d. Berg.
bo. the 8th. Bastiaan of Johannes I. Visscher and Annatje Pearssen. Wit. Bastiaan and Machtel Visscher.
bo. Jan. 20. Philip of Philip V. Rensselaer and Maria Sanders. Wit. Leendert and Maria Gansevoort.
bo. Jan. 14. Lucretia of Willem Groesbeek and Catharina V. Denzen. Wit. Abraham and Lucretia V. Denzen.
Feb. 16. bo. Jan. 14. Cornelis of John Sehoonmaker and Alida Burhans. Wit. Johs. and Tempe Burhans.
bo. Jan. 17. Wilhelmus of Yzac Van Wie and Neeltje Oosterhout. Wit. John Oosterhout, Elisabeth Cluet.
Feb. 23. bo. the 16th. Petrus of Pieter Qwakkenbusch and Mary Sheffield. Wit. Philip de Foreest, Margarita Qwakkenbush.
bo. the 2d. Margaret of Hendrikus Burhans and Temperance Dumont. Wit. Willem V. Norden DuMont, Jannetje Schoonmaker.
Mar. 2. bo. Feb. 16. Alida of Johs. J. Wendel and Alida Hoogkerk. Wit. Jacobus and Alida Fonda.
[page 36] 1783
bo Feb. 13. Cornelis of Cornelis Cuyler and Jannetje Yates. Wit. Jacob and Lydia Cuyler.
Mar. 9. bo. Jan. 29. Johannes of Frerik Meinerssen and Machtel Witbeek. Wit. Abraham and Rachel Meinerssen.
bo. the 3d. Elsje of Dirk Lush and Lyntje Fonda. Wit. Gysbert and Elsje Fonda.
Mar. 16. bo. the 6th. Jannetje of Gerrit Heyer and Jannetje V. Slyk. Wit. Hendrik and Marytje Lansing.
Mar. 23. bo. the 11th. Maria of Philip Muller and Geesje V. Hoesen. Wit. Martinus and Maria Sharp.
bo. the 19th. Cathalina of Dirk Hunn and Hanna Lansing. Wit. Thomas and Neeltje Lansing.
bo. the 13th. Johanna of Eilardus Westerlo and Catharina Livingston. Wit. I. H. Livingston, Margarita Jones.
Mar. 30. Mary of Thoms. Harsslet and Margaret Gibson. Wit. Samuel, Marg. and Antje Rock.
bo. the 16th. Anna of Hermanus T. Eyck and Margarita Bleeker. Wit. Wilhelmus V. Buuren, –– Mancius, Margarita T. Eyck.
Apr. 6. bo. the 22d. Ezechiel of Henry Hart and Elisabeth Visscher. Wit. Reynier and Hester Visscher.
bo. Feb. 2r. Abraham of Johs. Poll and Isabella Douglas. Wit. Melchert and Margarita Poel.
Apr. 13. bo. Feb. 5. Hendrik of Johs. Fonda and Alida Levison. Wit. Hendrik and Maria Fonda.
bo. Mar. 11. Catharina of Benjamin Bulsing and Elisabeth Moor. Wit. Jacob Wendell, Catharina Schuyler.
Apr. 18. bo. the 13th. Johannes of Johs. Pruin and Arriaantje Verplank. Wit. Jacob and Marritje Pruin.
Apr. 20. bo. the 10th. James Wynkoop of Gerrit Lansing and Elisabeth Wynkoop. Wit. James and Alida Wynkoop.
Apr. 27. bo. the 20th. Maayke of Gerrit V. Schaik and Christina Berringer. Wit. Gosen and Elisabeth V. Schaik.
May 4. bo. Apr. 16. Albert and Michel, of Hendrik Acker and Margarita Land. Wit. Jerom. Valenbeek, Elisabeth and Jonathan Witbeek, Cath. Cooper.
bo. Mar. 17. Cornelia of David Flensburg and Maria Stratt (?). Wit. Mathys Flensburg, Saartje V. Santen.
May 11. bo. Apr. 18. Abraham of Nicolas Fort and Catharina V. d. Berg. Wit. Abraham and Annatje Lansing.
[page 37] 1783
May 18. bo. Apr. 15. Cornelia of Jacob and Aaltje Schermerhoorn. Wit. Andries and Cornelia Schermerhoorn.
bo. the 11th. Lavinus of Lavinus Winne and Maria Lansing. Wit. Cornelis Groesbeek, Catharina V. Wie.
May 25. bo. the 18th. Catharina of Willem Staats and Annatje Yates. Wit. Anthony and Catharina Briesch.
bo. the 9th. Thomas of Anthony Halenbeek and Cornelia Cooper. Wit. Jacob and Rosina Cooper.
May 25. bo. the 5th. Hendrik Wendel of Johs. Bratt and Sara Wendel. Wit. Hendrik and Cathalina Wendell.
May 25. bo. the 17th. Benjamin of James Williams and Maria O’Conner. Wit. Benjamin Williams, Sara O'Conner.
Mav 29. bo. the 25th. Willempje of Johs. V. Woert and Cathatyntje Lansing. Wit. Jacob and Willempje Lansing.
May 31. bo. Apr. 19. Ridgart of Jeremias Muller and Catharina Moor. Wit. Johs. and Catharina Muller.
bo. the 30th. Douwe of Barent Bogert and Alida V. d. Berg. Wit. Pieter Winne, Willempje Bogert.
June 8. bo. May 15. Catharina of Willem Hoogteling and Maria Bloemendal. Wit. Jesse and Rebecca Foreest.
June 15. bo. May 19. Maria of Christiaan Fero and Catharina Levison. Wit. Pieter and Maria Levison.
bo. May 16. Lucas of Lucas V. Salsberghen and Maria V. Buren. Wit. Abraham Poel and Judik V. Buren.
bo. May 12. Geesje of Joh. V. Alen and Maria Look. Wit. Hannes and Geesje Look.
June 22. bo. May 20. Margarita of Hendrik Shutter and Jannetje Hindermond.
June 30. bo. the 18th. Samuel of William Fuller and Rebecca Forgess. Wit. Samuel and Rachel Stringer.
bo. the 4th. Alida of Lavinus Lanssing and Marytje Perrser. Wit. Johs. and Annatje Visscher.
bo. the 10th. Jannetje of Cornelis V. Buren and Maria Owens. Wit. Melchert Poel, Cornelia Hoes.
July 6. bo. June 16. Heiltje of Hannes V. Etten and Geertruy Redlif. Wit. Benjamin and Heiltje V. Etten.
July 6. bo. the 30th. Harmen of Samuel Marll and Rachel Gardenier. Wit. Sybrand and Neeltje Qwakkenbusch.
bo. June 10. Rachel of James Denison and Lena Lansing. Wit. Hugh and Isabella Denison.
[page 38] 1783
July 15. bo. June 12. Barbara of Matheus Poel and Elisabeth Shutter. Wit. Abrah. Shutter, Geertruy Salsbury.
bo. June 19. Gerrit of Pieter Bratt and Margarita Fry. Wit. Arent V. Deusen, Lydia Bratt.
bo. the 13th. Robert of Johs. Lansing and Cornelia Ray. Wit. Robert Ray, Jannetje Lansing.
July 20. bo. May 31. Joseph de Peister of James Blanchet and Margaret de Peister.
July 28. bo. the 26th. Maas of Jacob Bloemendal and Margarita Roller. Wit. Maes and Lena Bloemendal.
bo. June 21. Theodosia Bartow of Aaron Burr (?) and Theodosia Bartow.
bo. the 23d. Caty of Jacob Trouex and Catharina Dacksteder. Wit. William Mover, Caty Trouex.
Aug. 3. bo. July 16. Margarita of Joseph V. Santen and Rebecca De Garmo. Wit. Rykert and Jannetje (or Saartje?) V. Santen.
bo. July 26. John of Benjamin Simmons and Annatje Mentley. Wit. John and Cathalyntje Groesbeek.
Aug. 10. bo. July 29. Peter of Joseph Clyne and Hannah Tolhammer. Wit. Peter and Polly Tolhammer.
bo. May 29. Johnson of Ephraim Holebrock and Esther Johnson.
bo. Aug. 4. Gerrit of Abraham G. Lansingh and Susanna Yates. Wit. Gerrit and Sara Lansingh.
Aug. 10. bo. July 27. Hunlocke of Hunlocke Woodruff and Maria Lansingh. Wit. Jacob and Phebe Lansingh.
bo. July 9. Anthony of Anthony Ten Eyck and Maria Egberts. Wit. Abraham and Anna Ten Eyck.
bo. July 6. David of John De Foreest and Elbertje Van Aalstyne. Wit. Elisabeth Witbeek. David D. Foreest.
Aug. 17. bo. the 7th. Annatje of Harpert V. Deusen and Geertje Witbeek. Wit. Harpert and Marritje Witbeek.
bo. July 4th. Hannah of Benjamin Goodhart and Jannetje Adley. Wit. John Ward, Bregje Zeger.
bo. the 8th. Marytje of Baltes Pratt and Resina Foller. Wit. Frans and Marytje Ruson.
bo. July 25. Adam of Johs. S. Zeger and Saartje Pengburn. Wit. Pieter and Annatje Zeger.
Aug. 24. bo. the 20th. Jeremia of John Luther and Elisabeth Roller. Wit. Jers. and Lena V. Rensselaer.
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bo. the 19th. Sara of Jacobus Bleecker and Rachel V. Santen. Wit. Gerrit and Hester V. Santen.
bo. the 17th. Joseph of Abraham Blodgood and Elisabeth V. Valkenburg.
Aug. 31. bo. the 27th. Catharina of Abraham Lansing and Elsje V. Rensselaar. Wit. Johs. J. and Catharina Lansing.
bo. the 24th. Gerrit Theunissen of Hendrikus Bratt and Annatje Davidson. Wit. Gerrit Bratt, Marytje Loveridge.
bo. July 24. Phebe of John M. Michell and Engeltje Kidney. Wit. Rykert Hilton, Christina Brook.
bo. the 14th. Maria of Albert and Engeltje Hanssen. Wit. Benjamin Hanssen, Marytje Bratt.
Aug. 31. bo. the 6th. David of Johs. Oosterhout and Agnietje Winne. Wit. David Winne, Geertruy Groesbeek.
bo. July 29. Gerrit of Jurjaan Hoghing and Annatje White. Wit. Marten and Elsie Hoghingh.
Sept. 17. bo. the 29th. Andrew V. Schaik of Eduard Comstone and Mary V. Schaak. Wit. Stephen V. Schaak and Wife.
bo. Aug. 4. Mathys of Abraham Hoogteling and Annatje Bruss. Wit. Theunis and Rachel Hoogteling.
bo. Aug. 30. Pieter of Robert Yates and Jannetje V. Nesh. Wit. Pieter and Geertruy Schuyler.
Sept. 2 r. bo. June 20. Nency of Willm. Ebbet and Mary Jackson. Wit. George Ramsey, Nency Stonert.
Sept. 28. bo. the 25th. Wessel of Johs. T. Broeck and Sara Gansevoort. Wit. Pieter, Jr., and Catharina Ganzevoort.
Oct. 5. bo. the 3d. Margarita of Johs. Helmer and Catharina Muller. Wit. Willem and Margarita Cunningham.
bo. June 11. Anna of Thoms Hadik and Catharina Conny.
Maria of John (or Isaac?) Obrian and Hanna. Wit. John and Catharina Obrian.
bo. Sept. 5. Franciscus of Cornelis Winne and Elis V. d.
Bogert. Wit. Pieter and Magdalena Winne.
Oct. 10. bo. the 1st. Blandina of Rutger Bleecker and Catharina Elmendorp. Wit. Jacobus Brower, Blandina Elmendorp.
[page 40] 1783
Oct. 12. bo. the 10th. Willem of Johs. V. Santen and Margarita Burghess (?). Wit. Johs. and Alida V. Santen.
bo. the 7th Thomas of Pieter Dox and Nency Rendell. Wit. Gerardus and Elisabeth Groesbeek.
Oct. 19. bo. the 3d. John of John Way and Hilletje Millar. Wit. Jacob Miller, Martha Way.
bo. the 5th. Johs. of Wilh. V. Deusen and Rachel Pietersse. Wit. Johs. and Abigail V. Deusen.
Oct. 26. bo. the 12th. Anthony of Hendrikus Bratt and Maria Eight. Wit. Stuart Dean, Alida Bratt.
bo. Sept. 28. Maria of William Sebring and Rebecca Yates.
bo. the 14th. Catharina of Frans Hanssen and Rebecca Spoor. Wit. Jacob Hanssen, Maria Spoor.
bo. the 8th. Dirckje of Jacob V. Loon and Christina Schuyler. Wit. Abraham and Eva Schuyler.
Nov. 2. bo. Oct. 27. Elsje of Wendell Hildebrand and Geertruy Visbach. Wit. Cornelis and Elisabeth Brower.
bo. the 4th. Johs. Jurjen of Andries Harick and Elisabeth Warner. Wit. Jurjen and Catharine Warner.
bo. Oct. 31. Gerrit of Johs. S. Lansing and Catharina Burhans. Wit. Hendrik and Marytje Lansing.
bo. Oct. 20. Samuel Stringer of Stephen Lush and Lydia Stringer. Wit. Samuel and Rachel Stringer.
bo. Oct. 15. Leendert of Pieter Ganzevoort and Catharina V. Schaik. Wit. teendert and Hester Ganzevoort.
Nov. 9. bo. Oct. 14. Margarita of Valentine Casparus and Rebecca Snyder. Wit. John and Margarita Jenkins.
bo. Oct. 24. Rosina Catharina of Charles F. Brown and Maria C. Ramsey. Wit. Joh. H. Werffenbach, Catharina Ramsey.
bo. the 6th. Hermanus of Jeremias Lansing and Helena Wendell. Wit. Hermanus and Barbara Wendell.
Nov. 9. bo. the 7th. Elisabeth of Douwe Fonda and Catharina Ten Broek. Wit. Johs. Oothout, Margarita T. Broeck.
Nov. 23. bo. the 14th. John of Balthes V. Benthuisen and Elisabeth Rumney. Wit. John Rumney, Sara Valkenburg.
Nov. 30. bo. the 23d. Wouter of Dirck de Foreest and Rebecca Bratt. Wit. Jesse De Foreest, Rebecca V. Santen.
[page 41] 1783
Oct. 13. Engeltje of John Everts and Nency Howards. Wit. Gerrit and Rachel Visscher.
Dec. 7. bo. Nov. 6. Hugh Bennys of Willm. Colebrecht and Hester V. Deusen. Wit. William and Ann V. Deusen.
bo. Oct. 3. Stephen Rensselaer of Stephen J. Schuyler and Helena T. Eyck. Wit. Stephen and Margarita V. Rensselaer.
bo. Sept. 30. Jannetje of Henry McKinsy and Elisabeth V. Aalstein. Wit. Pieter Pessinger, Jannetje V. Aalstein.
bo. Sept. 23. Maria Catharina of Josiah Crane, Jr., and Carolina Walters. Wit. Thoms. and Catharina Hook.
bo. Aug. 29. James of Thoms Burnside and Arriaantje T. Eyck.
Dec. 14. bo. the 6th. Lena and Johannes, twins, of Jacob Roseboom and Hester Lansing. Wit. Barent H. and Lena T. Eyck, Gerardus and Elisabeth Bancker.
bo. Oct. 23. Pieter of Stuart Deane and Pietertje Bratt (decd.). Wit. Alida Bratt.
bo. the 10th. Margarita of Jacob Pruin and Hendrikje V. Buren. Wit. Jacob Schermerhoorn, Alida Foreest.
bo. Nov. 25. Maria of Theunis A. Slingerland and Margarita Hanssen. Wit. Albert Hanssen, Maria Bratt.
Dec. 21. bo. Nov. 12. Gerrit of Harmen V. Hoesen and Catharina Witbeek. Wit. Reignier and Engeltje V. Hoesen.
Dec. 21. bo. Nov. 12. Elsje of .Tohn Wagenaar and Elisabeth Smith. Wit. Jacob and Elsje V. Deusen.
bo. the 16th. Annatje of Maas V. Franken and Geertruy Veeder. Wit. Ryckert V. Franken, Margarita Waldrom.
bo. Nov. 10. Johannes Burhans, of Abrm. V. Wie and Jacomyntje Burhans. Wit. Johs. and Tempe Burhans.
Dec. 23. bo. Nov. 21. Hendrik of John Voorhees and Jannetje V. Ist.
Dec. 28. bo. Nov. 2. Pieter of Johs. V. Valkenburg and Annatje Reisdorp. Wit. Wynand and Margarita V. Aalstein.
bo. Nov. 5. Johannes of Evert Olfer and Rebecca Cooper. Wit. Johs. and Marytje Oliver.
bo. Nov. 8. Johannes of Obadiah Lansing and Cornelia V. Benthuisen. Wit. John Lansing, Maria Staats.
[page 42] 1784
1784, Jan. 11. bo. Nov. 31. Cornelis of Pieter V. Buuren and Dorothea Shutter. Wit. Cornelis and Jannetje V. Buuren.
bo. Dec. 15. Sarah of Gerrit Rykman and Elisabeth V. Buren. Wit. Wilhelmus and Janneke Rykman.
Jan. 18. bo. July 6. Alida of Gerrit T. Briesch and Geertray Groesheek. Wit. Hendrik and Alida Rensselaer.
bo. the 8th. Hannah of William Salbert and Johanna Young. Wit. Saml. and Rachel Marl.
Jan. 25. bo. Dec. 23. Mary of John W. Wendell and Mary Frother. Wit. Sally Frother.
bo. Nov. 22. Robert of Absalom Woodworth and Catharina Sprong. Wit. Robert Woodworth.
bo. the 18th. Catharina of Evert Evertssen and Elisabeth Goey. Wit. Benjamin and Catharina Goey.
Feb. 22. bo. Jan. 27. Rachel of Pieter Winne and Maria Oosterhout. Wit. JohnWinne, Cathalyntje Hanssen.
bo. Jan. 25. Hester of William Borwell and Elisabeth Salsbury.
bo. the 7th. Maria of Jacobus Fonda and Willempje Bogert. Wit. Jacob Lansing, Maria Fonda.
bo. the 15th. Pieter of Jacob V. Woert and Sara V. Esch. Wit. Jacob and Elisabeth V. Woert.
bo. Jan. 22. Annatje of Jurjen Berringer and Elisabeth Beem. Wit. Johs. and Anna Berringer.
bo. the 2d. Arriaantje of Cornelis V. Santvoort and Cornelia V. Wie. Wit. Yzac and Antie Fonda Feb. 29. bo. Tan. I. Willem of Daniel Young and Elisabeth V. d. Kar. Wit. Andries Bratt, Annatje V. d. Kar.
bo. Dec. 19. Lena of Yzac Owen and Arriaantje Hegeman. Wit. Cornelis and Maria V. Buren.
Mar. 7. bo. Feb. 19. Yzac of Theunis Slingerland and Rachel Bogert. Wit. Wouter W. and Geertruy Slingerland.
bo. the 25th. Margarita of Jacobus V. d. Poel and Marytje Muller. Wit. Melchert and Margarita V. d. Poel.
bo. Nov. 15. Hilletje of Salomo Sherp and Rachel Helenbeek. Wit. Caspar Halenbeek, Hilletje Scharp.
bo. Jan. 14. Hendrikje of Caspar Halenbeek and Hilletje Scharp. Wit. John and Margarita Halenbeek.
bo. Feb. 9. Hermanus of Joseph Salsbergen and Margarita Oetsenjans (?). Wit. Hermanus and Tanneke V. Salsbergen.
[page 43] 1784
bo. the 4th. Elisabeth of Eli Arnold and Geertruy Groesbeek. Wit. Johs. and Neeltje Groesbeek.
Mar. 14. bo. the 7th. Thomas of Thomas Easterly and Bata V. Woert. Wit. Cornelia V. Woert.
Mar. 21. bo. the 12th. Elisabeth of John N. Bleecker and Margarita V. Deuzen.
Mar. 28. bo. the 21st. Jacob of Johs. Lansing and Elisabeth Fryer. Wit. Jacob and Elsje V. Deusen.
bo. the 10th. Tohannes of Johs. Brass and Lena Shaffner. Wit. Jonathan Kidny, Annatje Hilton.
bo. the 26th. Willem of Johs. Groesbeek and Cathalina V. Schaik. Wit. Casparus Pruin, Maria Groesbeek.
Apr. 4. bo. Mar. 27. Annatje of Nicolaas Hieralymon and Jannetje Waldrom. Wit. Pieter and Catharina V. Deusen.
bo. the 24th. Catharina of Frerik Meinerssen and Elisabeth Waldrom. Wit. Abram and Rachel Meinertsen.
bo. Mar. 7. Margarita of Hendrik V. Wie and Maria Marthen. Wit. Nicolaas Hieralymon, Lucretia Wright.
bo. the 2d. Elisabeth Richards of Leendert Gansevoort, Jr., and Maria V. Rensselaar. Wit. John M. and Elisabeth Beekman.
Apr. 11. bo. the 3d. Hendrik of Hendrik V. Woert and Catharina Eights. Wit. Mary Eights.
bo. the 5th. Nicolaas of Johs. Brower and Marytje de Wever. Wit. Willem and Marytje Brower.
bo. the 6th. Elisabeth of Andries Abel and Annatje Marshal. Wit. Samuel and Rachel Marl.
Apr. 12. bo. the 5th. Geertruy of Jacob J. Lansing and Jannetje Heyer. Wit. Johs. and Catharina Lansing.
Apr. 18. bo. the 13th. Jacob Pruin of Lewis Barrington and Margarita Adams. Wit. Margaret Pruin.
bo. the 6th. Letty of Zacharias Sickels and Catharina Sharer. Wit. John and Maria Groesbeek.
Apr. 25. bo. the 15th. John of John Stasts and Jennet McClennen. Wit. Gerrit Rykman, Neeltje Visscher.
bo. Feb. 31st [sic]. Jannetje of David Winne and Geertruy Groesbeek. Wit. Pieter Groesbeek and Leentje Bogert.
bo. the 10th. David of John Robinson and Geertje V. Petten.
May 2. bo. Apr. 23. Catharina of Dirk Benson and Marytje Wyngaart. Wit. Casparus and Jannetje V. Wie.
Barbara of Abrm. Shutter and Geertruy Vosburg. Wit. David Poel, Elisabeth Shutte.
[page 44] 1784
May 19. bo. the 5th. Annatje of Pieter J. Bogert and Saartje V. Schaik. Wit. Abraham and Annatje Witbeek.
bo. Mar. 13. Annatje of Johs. Milton and Resina Shoecat. Wit. Pieter and RacheL Witbeek.
May 16. bo. Apr. 3. Aaltje of Alexander Bulsing and Aaltje Oothout.
May 20. bo. Dec. 20. Richard of Daniel Hale and Catharina Dyckman.
bo. the 13th. Gerrit Lansing of Pieter Dox and Cathalyntje Lansing. Wit. Cornelis and Annatje Wendell.
bo. the 28th. Magdalena of Folkert Oothout and Jannetje Bogert. Wit. Hendrik and Lydia Oothout.
May 23. bo. Mar. 11. Wouter of Cornelis V. d. Zee and Annatje Veder. Wit. Theunis and Elisabeth Ackerson.
May 30. bo. the 23d. Catharina of Nicolaas V. d. Bogert and Margarita Flensburg. Wit. John and Annatje Flensburgh.
May 30. bo. the 7th. Rachel of Abraham Eights and Catharina Broecks.
bo. Mar. 31. Catharina of Cornelis V. Buren and Jannetje V. d. Poel. Wit. Jurjaan and Catharina Poel.
May 31. bo. the 7th. Tempe of Jeremiah Rendell and Geertruy Gardenier. Wit. Bastiaan and Engeltje Visscher.
bo. the 30th. Salomon of Cornelis V. Aalstein and Maria Goey. Wit. Gerrit Goey, Geertje V. d. Berg.
June 6. bo. Feb. 23. Pieter of Pieter Vroman and Wyntje Redlif. Wit. Archibald and Christina Camble.
bo. the 2d. Susanna of Hendrik Evertson and Hendrikje Winne. Wit. Jacob and Susanna Winne.
bo. May 31. Joseph of Daniel Marshall and Elisabeth Cochron. Wit. John and Maria Van Santen.
bo. Apr. 6. Harinah of Thoms. Hook and Catharina Crane.
July 15. bo. June 18. Sara of Christoffer Lansing and Sara V. Schaik. Wit. Jacobus Lansing.
bo. the 9th. Elisabeth of Jonathan Hilton and Cornelia V. Antwerp. Wit. Willem and Elisabeth Hilton.
bo. June 26. Benjamin of Johs. Hanssen and Geertruy Slingerland. Wit. Cornelis and Willempje V. Schaak.
bo. June 16. Alida of Cornelis Douw and Catharina V. Schaik. Wit. John and Alida V. Schaik.
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July 14. bo. May 29. Pieter of Hans Arnold and Elisabeth Brusch. Wit. Pieter and Annaetje Daniels.
bo. the 12th. Catharina of John Hartwich and Rachel Archer. Wit. Thomas and Marcaret Archer.
July 19. bo. June 5. Sara of John Fonda and Cornelia Hun. Wit. William and Sara Hun.
bo. the 15th. Pieter of Christoffer Yates and Rebecca Winne. Wit. Pieter and Sara Bogert.
bo. the 16th. Catharina of Yzac Qwakkenbush. Wit. Catharina Gardinier, Samuel and Rachel Marl.
July 25. bo. June 27. Rachel of John Bloemendal and Catharina Sharp. Wit. Jurgen and Marytje Sharp.
bo. Mar. 20. Adam of Matheus Flensburgh and Christina Snyder. Wit. Jurjen and Annatje Hoghen.
bo. the 2d. Christiaan of Wilhelmus Cooper and Marytje Berringer. Wit. Pieter and Catharina Sharp.
Aug. 9. bo. May 24. Meinard of Barent V. Yveren and Rebecca Bratt. Wit. P;eter Bratt, Saartje V. Yveren.
Aug. 9. bo. July 21. Jacob of Bernardus Evertson and Martina Hogen. Wit. Hendrik and Elisabeth V. Hoesen.
Catharine Schuyler of Stephen V. Rensselaer and Margarita Schuyler. Wit. Philip and Catharina Schuyler.
bo. July 16. James Wynkoop of Gerrit A. Lansing and Elisabeth Wynkoop. Wit. Jacobus and Alida Wynkoop.
Aug. 15. bo. July 9. Jane of Johs. Bulsing and Marg. Wilson. Wit. James Bertly, Jane Thomsen.
Geertruy of Abrm. V. d. Poel and Catharina Brasie. Wit. Jurjen and Jannetie V. Poel.
bo. July 3. Wilhelmus of Reinier V. d. Bergh and Elisabeth V. Alen. Wit. Jacob V. d. Berg, Saartje V. Yveren.
bo. Apr. 16. Arriaantje of Gerrit Brouwer and Antje Zeger. Wit. Cornelis and Marytje Vroman.
Aug. 15. bo. July 19. Marten of Mathys V. Aalstein and Rachel De Foreest. Wit. Marten and Janneke Foreest.
July 17. Gerrit of Martinus V. Yveren and Cornelia V. Schaik. Wit. Gerrit and Christina V. Schaik.
bo. July 16. Johannes of David Berringer and Marg. P. Heiner. Wit. Johs. and Anna Berringer.
Aug. 15. bo. the 9th. Rachel of Hendrik Lansing and Helena Winne. Wit. Helena and Willemje Lansing.
bo. the 3d. Elisabeth of Lodewyk Obrien and Catharina Rendell. Wit. Jacob and Catharina Hermans.
[page 46] 1784
bo. July 28. Wilhelmus of Cornelis V. d. Bergh and Catharina Bogert. Wit. Wilhelmus and Agnieta V. d. Berg.
bo. the 4th. Alida of Johs. V. Hoesen and Engeltje V. Deusen. Wit. John and Geesje V. Benthuise.
Aug. 22. bo. June 24. Margarita of Hendrik Rodey and Maria Smith. Wit. Pieter V. Buren, Hilletje V. d. Berg.
bo. July 8. Stephen of John Wally and Sibyl Appely. Wit. Stephen and Margarita V. Rensselaer.
bo. July 3. Matheus of Willem Flensburg and Christina Banher. Wit. Matheus and Catharina Flensburg.
bo. the 15th. Geertruy of James Donneway and Elsje Smith. Wit. Hendrik and Barentje Hendemond.
bo. the 1st. Michael of Michael Besset and Maria V. Franken. Wit. John Gates, Elisabeth Besset.
Aug. 29. bo. July 30. Rachel of David Winne and Marytje Spaar (?). Wit. Pieter and Maria Winne.
bo. the 19th. David of Jacob V. d. Heiden and Jennet Livingston. Wit. David and Poyer V. d. Heiden.
Sept. 5. bo. Aug. 8. Elisabeth of Pieter Cooper and Anna Strong. Wit. Hendrik and Elsje Strong.
bo. Aug. 4. Hendrik of Joh and Immetje Salisbury. Wit. Hendrik and Hilletje V. Buren.
Sept. 12. John of Wilhelmus Mancius and Annatje T. Eyck. Wit. Cornelis E. Wynkoop, Cornelia Mancius.
bo. Aug. 18. Samuel of Edward Cumpston (?) and Mary V. Schaak.
Sept. 21. John of Pieter David and Elisabeth Colwell. Wit. John and Elisabeth David Harmen Visscher of Henry Hart and Elisabeth Visscher. Wit. John and Cornelia Price (?).
Sept. 27. bo. the 3d. Alida of Matheus Aarsen and Bregje V. Hoesen. Wit. Gerrit and Elsje Roseboom.
bo. Aug. 25. Cornelis of Pieter W. Witbeek and Rachel V. d. Berg. Wit. Pieter and Marytje Veder.
bo. Aug. 19. Hendrik of Nicholas Bleeker and Neeltje Staats. Wit. Hendrik and Cathalyntje Bleecker.
John of James Rood and Elisabeth Williams. Wit. Jacob De Garmo, Fytje Becker.
Oct. 3. bo. Sept. 7. Sara Hilton of Willem Cooper and Maria Hilton. Wit. Jacob and Sara Hilton.
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bo. Sept. 12. Christina of Reynier V. Yveren and Elisabeth Oostrander. Wit. Gerrit and Christina Oostrander.
bo. Sept. 26. Benjamin of John Williamson and Mary Coop (?). Wit. Timothy and Maria Williamson.
bo. Sept. 22. Wilhelmus of Philip Foreest and Annatje V. Deusen. Wit. Cornelis and Lena V. Deusen.
Oct. 3. bo. Sept. 1. Marten of Willem and Abigail Foreest. Wit. Marten and Tanneke Foreest.
bo. Sept. 6. Samuel Provoost of Gerrit Staats, Jr., and Elisabeth Lonw. Wit. Maria Low.
Oct. 7. bo. July 28. John of Alexander Boyd and Elisabeth Bocker.
Oct. 10. bo. Sept. 11. John of Johannes Poel and Elisabeth Douglas. Wit. John Douglass.
bo. Aug. 22. William of Moses Hudson and Amelia Upham. Wit. Ephraim and Elisabeth Hudson.
Oct. 17. bo. the 11th. John of Johs. Fryer and Maria Follewyser. Wit. John and Elisabeth Fryer.
bo. the 13th. Johannes T. Eyck of Philip Hilton and Sara Barmigton. Wit. John T. Eyck, Maria Douw.
bo. the 7th. Margarita of Jacobus Redly and Maria Otman. Wit. John and Margarita Redly.
bo. June 7. Yzak of Timotheus Bussing and Jannetje Crosby.
bo. the 19th. bapt. Oct. 21. Rebecca of William McManus and Mary Veher. Wit. Cornelis and Jemima Brower.
bo. Sept. 6. Hermanus of Johs. Wendel and Cathalina V. Benthuisen.
bo. Sept. 10. Abraham of Harpert Witbeek and Geertruy Wendell. Wit. Lucas V. Vechten, Engeltje Schuyler.
Lonys of Thomas and Mercy. Serv. of I. V. Rensselaer.
Oct. 31. bo. Sept. 17. Willem of William Groesbeek and Catharina V. Deusen. Wit. Willem and Cornelia V. Deusen.
Oct. 31. bo. the 16th. Sara of Obadia V. Benthuisen and Annatje Rumney. Wit. Hendrik and Sara V. Benthuisen.
Nov. 12. bo. Oct. 30. Pieter of Jacob Daniels and Maria Riddel. Wit. Pieter and Annatje Daniels.
bo. Oct. 30. Annatje of Arent V. Deusen and Margarita McCloud. Wit. Jacob Cuyler, Jannetje V. Deuzen.
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Nov. 27. bo. Sept. 10. Cornelia of Gysbert Groesbeek and Cornelia V. Valkenburg (decd.) . Wit. Gerrit and Neeltje Groesbeek.
bo. Oct. 30. Johannes of John and Alida V. Wie. Wit. Yzac and Neeltje V. Wie.
bo. Oct. 31. Johannes of John P. and Cornelia Qwakkenbusch.
Dec. 5. bo. Nov. 9. Matheus of William W. Crennel and Marytje Eman. Wit. Nicolaas and Arriaantje Crennel.
bo. Nov. 9. Petrus of Pieter J. Qwakkenbusch and Mary Sheffield. Wit. Philip Foreest.
bo. Nov. 28. Maria of Cornelis Brouwer and Elisabeth Visbach. Wit. Pieter and Annatje Beekman.
Dec. 12. bo. Nov. 5. Engeltje of James V. Rensselaer and Cathalina Cortland. Wit. Philip and Catharina Schuyler.
Dec. 18. bo. the 4th. Ary of Jacobus Le Granzy and Annatje Visscher. Wit. Ary and Maria Le Granzy.
Dec. 25. bo. Nov. 22. Annatje of Gerrit Hoogteling and Annatje Oosterhout. Wit. Johs. and Arriaantje Hoogteling.
bo. Oct. 24. Mary of Arthur Hasswel and Mary Cofftree (?).
Dec. 26. bo. Nov. 19. Elisabeth of Willem Hoogteling and Maria Bloemendal. Wit. Gerrit Becker, Marytje Wynkoop.
1785, Jan. 2. bo. Nov. 31 [sic]. John of Daniel Clemenger and Rachel Milton. Wit. John and Charlotte Milton.
bo. Dec. 28. Abraham Fonda of Jacob Y. Lansing and Susanna Fonda. Wit. Abraham and Penmet (?) Fonda.
Jan. 9. bo. Dec. 20. Annatje of Anthony Groesbeek and Catharina Foreest. Wit. Willem Hann and Catharina Douw.
bo. Sept. 15. Cornelis of Milburn V. Hoesen and Antje Beemus. Wit. Cornelis and Marytje Vroman.
bo. the 3d. Catharina of Cornelis Groesbeek and Annatje V. Antwerp. Wit. Willem and Catharina Groesbeek.
bo. Nov. 2. Annatje of Gerrit Staats and Catharina Cunningham.
Jan. 16. bo. the 8th. Anthony of John V. Imburgh and Annatje Flensburg. Wit. Christiaan and Annatje Pierce.
Jan. 23. bo. Dec. 20. Cornelia of Frans Winne and Lena Flensburg. Wit. David and Maria Flensburgh.
[page 49] 1785
bo. Dec. 24. John of Yzac Moll and Jannetje Schermhoorn. Wit. John M. Kern (?), Gerritje Schermhoorn.
bo. the 2d. John Lansing of Cornelis Wendell and Annatje Lansing. Wit. Reinier and Rebecca V. Yveren.
Jan. 30. bo. Dec. 27. Jenny of Seth Miggs and Jemina Boskerk.
bo. Dec. 23. Anthony of Anthony T. Eyck and Maria Egberts. Wit. Anthony and Annatje Egberts.
Feb. 6. bo. Dec. 26. Maria of Yzac V. Wie and Neeltje Oosterhout. Wit. Hendrik Oosterhout, Cathy Warrens.
Feb. 13. bo. Jan. 8. Elisabeth of John Fulson and Elisabeth File.
Feb. 13. bo. Jan. 10. Jannetje of Johs. Hoogteling and Maria Mason. Wit. Coenraad and Neeltje Hoogtelblg.
bo. Jan. 26. Cathalyntje of Hendrik V. Hoesen and Elisab. Eversson. Wit. Evert and Elisabeth Evertson.
bo. Feb. 9. Willempje Bogert of Jacobus Fonda and Willempje Bogert. Wit. Barent and Willempje Bogert.
bo. the 10th. Maayke of Nicholas Rensselaer and Elsje V. Buuren. Wit. Cornelis and Maayke V. Buuren.
bo. Jan. 9. Cornelis of Leendert Muller and Maria Strong. Wit. Johs. and Catharina Muller.
bo. Jan. 10. Dirk of Jacob V. Schaayk and Berry.
bo. Jan. 31. Geertruy of Jacobus V. d. Voort and Nency Krifer (?). Wit. Jacob and Cathalina V. Losner (?) .
Feb. 20. bo. the 12th. Engeltje of Jesse De Foreest and Rebecca V. Santen. Wit. Pieter and Vrouwtje Bratt.
bo. Jan. 24. Johannes of Willem Witbeek and Catharina Foreest. Wit. Thomas and Elisabeth Witbeek.
Annatje of Evert Janssen and Antje Le Granzy. Wit. Jelles and Annatje Le Granzy.
Feb. 22. bo. Jan. 27. Jane of John Lansingh and Cornelia Ray. Wit. Jacob and Jannatje Lansingh.
Feb. 27. bo. the 4th. Jacob of Abraham Dingman and Lena Salsbury. Wit. Abraham Shutter, Geertruy Salsbury.
bo. the 22d. Maria of Cornelis Cuyler and Jannetje Yates. Wit. Joseph Yates, Catharina Meinerssen.
bo. the 19th. Mary of Dirck Lush and Lyntje Fonda. Wit. Stephen and Lydia Lush.
Mar. 3. bo. Feb. 24. Catharina of Frans Harssen and Rebecca Spoor. Wit. Jacob Harssen, Maria Spoor.
[page 50] 1785
bo. Feb. 4. Pieter of Hendrik V. Buuren and Hilletje Shutter. Wit. Pieter V. Buren, Dorothea Shutter.
Mar. 13. bo. the 3d. Margarita of Hendrik Redlif and Elisab. Jacobs. Wit. Johs. and Margarita Redlif.
bo. Feb. 17. Elias of Johs. Oosterhout and Agnietje Winne. Wit. Wilhelmus and Sarah Oosterhout.
Mar. 20. bo. the 5th. Johannes of Sylvester Cruiselaer and Maria Shram. Wit. Frederik Bratt, Helena Burhans.
bo. the 10th. William of William Fuller and Rebecca Forger. Wit. Jacob and Lydia Cuyler.
Mar. 31. Catharina Glen of John J. V. Rensselaer and Catharina Glen. Wit. John and Catharina Glen.
Apr. 3. bo. Mar. 19. Elisabeth of Albertus Bloemendal and Anna Harssen.
bo. Mar. 2. Magdalena of Frans Stoop and Catharina de Wever.
bo. Mar. 20. Cathalyna of Obadiah Cooper and Annatje V. d. Berg. Wit. Pieter Witbeek, Rachel Skidmore.
bo. Mar. 24. Sara of Jacobus Bleeker and Rachel V. Santen. Wit. Gerrit and Hester V. Santen.
Apr. 10. bo. Mar. 22. Alida of Johs. Hoogkerk (decd.) and Rachel (?) Masten. Wit. Yzac and Alida Hoogkerk.
bo. Mar. 27. Elsje of Dirk Hun and Annatje Lansing. Wit. Philip and Elsje Lansing.
bo. the 1st. Johannes of Johs. Pruin and Arriaantje Verplank. Wit. Jacob and Pietertje Pruin.
Apr. 11. bo. Apr. 4. Jacob Bogert of Abraham V. Aarnem and Anneke Bogert. Wit. Jacob and Maria Bogert.
Apr. 17. bo. the 7th. Arriaantje of Willem V. Wie and Jannetje Lansing. Wit. Jacob and Hester Roseboom.
bo. the 5th. Simon Veder of Arent Bratt and Jannetje Hoghing. Wit. Maas and Geertruy V. Franken.
Apr. 24. bo. the 19th. Evert of Cornelis Waldrom and Alida Goey. Wit. Gerardus and Margarita Lansing.
bo. Mar. 9. Lucas of Philip P. Schuyler and Annatje Wendel.
bo. the 22d. Engeltje of Dirk De Foreest and Rebecca Bratt. Wit. Jesse and Rebecca De Foreest.
May 1. bo. Apr. 2. Dirk of David Foreest and Santje Fonda. Wit. Dirk Foreest, Maria Fonda.
bo. Mar. 9. Judike of Abraham V. Vechten and Catharina Schuyler.
[page 51] 1785
bo. Mar. 21. Hendrik of Hendrik Oothout and Lydia Douw. Wit. Folkert and Jannetje Oothout.
May 8. bo. Mar. 18. Margarita of Hendrik Ronckel and Margarita Toeper. Wit. William and Maria Toeper.
May 31. bo. Mar. 8. Sara of Ruben Schuyler and Sara Fort. Wit. Stephanus and Engeltje Schuyler.
May 15. bo. the 13th. Jeremia V. Rensselaer of Abraham T. Eyck and Annatje Lansing. Wit. Jeremiah and Lena V. Rensselaer.
June t2. Pieter of Johs V. Woert and Cathal. Lansing. Wit. Jacob and Sara V. Woert.
Eduard of Nicholas Hoghil and Catharina Valkenburg. Wit. Jacob Hoghil, Annatje Barret (?).
June 12. Sara of Pieter M. Gibbet and Margarita Smitt. Wit. Sara Stsats.
bo. May 28. Gerrit of John Gates and Geertruy V. Vranken. Wit. Sara Visscher.
bo. May 1. Willem of Philip and Margarita Kerner. Wit. Willem and Cath. Groesbeek.
June 26. bo. the 6th. Elisabeth of Eli Arnold and Geertruy Groesbeek. Wit. John and Neeltje Groesbeek.
bo. May 18. John of David Foreest and Rachel V. d. Heide. Wit. John V. d. Heide, Catharina V. Brakelen.
July 3. bo. June 4. Catharina of Yzac Poel and Maria V. Buuren. Wit. Jonathan Witbeek, Catharina Poel.
bo. the 22d. Sara of Lavinus Winne and Maria Lansing. Wit. David and Sara Groesbeek.
bo. June 13. Lydia of Gerrit Hyer and Jannetje V. Slyk.
bo. June 8. Abraham of Abr. Lansing, Jr., and Maria Bloodgood.
July 6. Geertruy of Nicolaas Mersselis and Margarita Groesbeek. Wit. Thomas and Elisabeth Hunn.
July 7. bo. May 1. Geertje of Petrus Ostrander and Antje Denemark. Wit. Jacob Wever, Geertje V. Vliet.
July 11. bo. June 3. Tryntje of Pieter Waldrom and Antje Ouderkerk. Wit. Nicolas Groesbeek, Geertje Waldrom.
bo. the 1st. Lea of Wilhelmus V. Deusen and Rachel Pieterson. Wit. Frans and Geertruy Marshall.
bo. June 7. Cornelis of Matheus V. d. Berg and Annatje Yates. Wit. Pieter W. and Rachel Witbeek.
[page 52] 1785
July 11. bo. June 8. Margarita of Daniel Bratt and Christina Beekman. Wit. Jurgen and Lena Huyk.
July 24. bo. the 23d. Arriaantje of Abraham A. Lansing and Elsje V. Rensselaer. Wit. Leendert, Jr., and Maria Ganzevoort.
bo. the 20th. Gerrit of Gerrit A. Lansing and Elisabeth Wynkoop. Wit. Cornelis Wynkoop, Sara Fonda.
bo. the 17th. Jacob Lansing of Jacob V. Deusen and Elsje Lansing. Wit. John Liswell, Annatje Lansing.
Aug. 18. bo. July 25. Maayke of Willem M’Coy and Geertje Levison. Wit. Charles and Maayke M’Coy.
Sept. 4. bo. Aug. 30. Yzac of David Fonda and Catharina T. Broeck. Wit. Yzac and Susanna Fonda.
Sept. 13. bo. July 13. Hunloke of Hunloke Woodruff and Maria Lansing.
Sept. 27. bo. Sept. 21. Cornelia of Willem Dunbar and Elisabeth V. Deusen. Wit. Levinus and Cornelia Dunbar.
Oct. 16. bo. the 13th. Cathalina of Philip Muller and Geesje V. Hoesen. Wit. Burger V. d. Bergh, Cathalina V. Hoezen.
bo. the 1st. Judike of Rykert V. Santen and Sara Hilton. Wit. Abraham and Antje Hoogkerk.
bo. the 2d. Benjamin of John Rumney and Rachel Meinersse. Wit. Gozen and Maria V. Schaik.
bo. Aug. 23. John of John Reyly and Cathalina V. d. Berg. Wit. John and Catharina V. Ostrander.
Oct. 21. bo. the 19th. Anna of Enoch Leonard and Maria V. Vechten.
Oct. 23. bo. Sept. 12. Abraham of Philip Wendell and Geertruy Vosburg. Wit. Abraham and Elisabeth Vosburgh.
Oct. 24. bo. the 23d. Obadia of Obadia Lansing and Cornelia Cooper. Wit. Christoffer and Catharina Yates.
Oct. 30. bo. Sept. 27. Pieter of Pieter Dox and Cathalina Lansing.
bo. Sept. 6. Johannes of Abraham Sickels and Marytje Connel. Wit. Nicholas and Susan Claver.
Nov. 1. bo. Oct. 8. Margarita of Jacobus Redlif and Susanna Claassen. Wit. Pieter and Maria Claassen.
Nov. 7. bo. Oct. 17. Sara of Hendrik and Annatje Zeger. Wit. George and Bregje Zeger.
bo. Sept. I 0. Maria of Johs. Ouderkerk and Annatje Fero. Wit. Abraham and Alida Ouderkerk.
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bo. Oct. 12. Elias of Hendrik Oosterhout and Caty Warren. Wit. Jurjen and Maria Oosterhout.
bo. Oct. 10. Mass of John (?) Bloemendal and Catharina Sharp. Wit. Pieter Bloemendal, Barbara Sharp.
Nov. 12. bo. Oct. 9. John of Andries Bratt and Annatje V. d. Kar. Wit. John Bratt, Susanna Merriday.
Nov. 20. bo. Oct. 23. Folkert of John H. Benthuisen and Geesje V. Hoesen. Wit. Matheus Aarssen, Bregje V. Hoesen.
bo. Oct. 17. Yzac of Abraham H. Fonda and Penina Petteson. Wit. Yzac and Maria Fonda.
bo. the 14th. Hendrik of Willem Gobbus and Maria Forry. Wit. Bastiaan and Engeltje Visscher.
Nov. 27. bo. Oct. 13. Jacob of Dirk Knoet and Rachel Lansing. Wit. Jacob and Maria Lansing.
bo. the 6th. William of Stephen Lush and Lydia Stringer. Wit. Richard and Lyntje Lush.
Nov. 27. bo. the 17th. Cornelis de Ridder of Abraham G. Lansing and Tanneke Yates. Wit. Abrm., Jr., and Antje Yates.
bo. the 24th. Willem of Pieter Dox and Nency Randell. Wit. William Childs, Annatje Ruby.
Dec. 11. bo. Nov. 4. Gerrit of Abraham V. Wie and Jacomyntje Burhans. Wit. John and Agnietje Van Wie.
bo. Nov. 4. Theunis of Theunis T. Vechten and Elisabeth de Wandelaar.
bo. the 8th. Jacob of Hendrik T. Eyck and Margarita Douw. Wit. Hermanus and Margarita T. Eyck.
bo. Sept. 21. Sara of Hendrik Van Ist and Maria T. Eyck.
Dec. 18. bo. Oct. 13. Johannes of Barent Muller and Cornelia Goey. Wit. Jacob and Sara Muller.
bo. Nov. 6. Catharina of Cornelis V. Wie and Anna Schenklin. Wit. Gerrit and Itha V. Wie.
Dec. 25. bo. the 4th. Hendrikus of Hendrikus Bratt and Annatje Davies. Wit. Johs. and Phebe Wyngaerd.
1786, Jan. 8. bo. Nov. 30. Maria of Philip Berringer and Catharina Meyer. Wit. Willem and Maria Cooper.
bo. Nov. 1. Jacobus of Hendrik Aernout and Jannetje V. Aalstein. Wit. Willem and Elisabeth Bradt.
bo. Nov. 23. Pieter and Margarita, twins, of Christiaan Fero and Catharina Levison. Wit. Levinus and Marritje Levison, David Fero, Margarita Freeleg (?) .
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bo. Sept. 18. Maria of Gerrit Brouwer and Antje Zeger. Wit. Johs. and Celia Redlif.
bo. Dec. 23. Matheus of Samuel Marl and Rachel Gardenier. Wit. Sarah Cloet.
Jan. 8. bo. Dec. 16. Harmen Ganzevoort of Cornelis Wynkoop and Annatje Gansevoort. Wit. Harmen and Magdalena Ganzevoort.
Cornelis of Gerrit Rykman and Elisabeth V. Buren. Wit. Cornelis and Maayke V. Buuren.
bo. Dec. 16. John of William Benthuisen and Margarita Conklin. Wit. John and Geesje V. Benthuisen.
bo. Dec. 11. Engeltje of Christiaan LeGranzy and Elisabeth Freeman.
bo. Oct. 8. Engeltje of Cornelis V. d. Zee and Annatje Veder. Wit. Dirk Foreest, Maria Fonda.
Jan. 9. bo. Oct. 27. Lavinus of Marten Wendel and Maria Winne. Wit. Lavinus Winne, Catharina Wendell.
Jan. 15. bo. Dec. 15. Maria of Johs. Fonda and Alida Levison. Wit. Pieter and Maria Levison.
Jan. 29. bo. Dec. 26. Cathalina of Jurjan Hoes and Judike V. Buren. Wit. Jacob Pruin, Hendrikje V. Buren.
Jan. 29. bo. the 10th. Theunis of Johs. Bratt and Saartje Wendell. Wit. Theunis and Cathalina Bratt.
bo. Nov. 28. Dirkje of Barent Staats and Antje Winne. Wit. Gerrit V. Antwerp, Marytje Pruin.
Feb. 5. bo. Jan. 3. Rebecca of Theunis Slingerland and Margarita Hanssen. Wit. Pieter and Rebecca Slingerland
bo. the 1st. Maria of Baltes V. Benthuisen and Elisabeth Rumney. Wit. John Rumney, Maria Gist.
Feb. 12. bo. Dec. 22. Elias of Hendrik Fero and Maria Vredenburg. Wit. Frans Still, Rosina Fero.
bo. Dec. 26. Pieter of Gerrit Poel and Caty Couwenhoven. Wit. Cornelis and Jannatje Poel.
Feb. 12. bo. the 7th. Rachel of Nanning H. Visscher and Alida Fonda. Wit. Maria Fonda.
Feb. 16. bo. Nov. 19. Piter of Jonathan Hilton and Maria Baldwin.
Feb. 26. bo. the 16th. Dorothea of Anthony Halenbeek and Cornelia Cooper. Wit. John and Dorothea Waters.
bo. Jan. 17. Maria of Alexander Bulsing and Aaltje Oothout. Wit. Cornelis and Maria Cadmus.
[page 55] 1786
bo. Jan. 20. Daniel of Willem D. Winne and Marytje Beckers. Wit. Daniel and Jannetje Winne.
bo. Dec. 31. Rachel, of James Dennison and Hanna Lansing.
bo. the 21st. Hendrik of Hermanus T. Eyck and Margarita Bleecker. Wit. Nicolaas and Neeltje Bleecker.
bo. the 22d. Willem of Abraham Hoogkerk and Antje Hilton. Wit. Rykert and Sara V. Santen.
bo. Jan. 19. Johannes of Pieter Cooper and Anna Strunk. Wit. Willem and Marytje Cooper.
bo. Jan. 21. Rachel of Abraham Eight and Catharina Broecks.
Mar. 3. bo. May 1. Abraham and Jacob, twins, of Daniel Halenbeek, Jr., and Geertruy Snyder. Wit. Daniel and Catharina Halenbeek.
Mar. 5. bo. Feb. 1. Maria of Johs. Vinhagen and Bata Valkenburgh. Wit. Johs. and Cornelia Vinhagen.
Mar. 13. bo. Feb. 23. Willem of Johs. Brouwer and Marritje de Wever. Wit. Willem and Annatje Lotteridge.
bo. Dec. 28. Jacob of Johs. D. Groesbeek and Cathalina V. Schaik. Wit. Jacob V. Schaik, Claasje Groesbeek.
Mar. 19. bo. the 7th. Yzaac of John Y. Fonda and Cornelia Hun. Wit. Yzaac and Catharina Fonda.
Apr. 9. bo. the 2d. Sara of Johs. Brash and Lena Shaffners. Wit. Jacob and Baatje V. Yveren.
bo. Mar. 28. Elisabeth of John Hilton and Elisabeth Black. Wit. Rykert and Phebe Hilton.
bo. Feb. 25. Annatje of Abraham Lansing and Annatje V. d. Bergh. Wit. Jacob and Cornelia Slingerland.
bo. Mar. 28. Andries of Jacob Bloemendal and Margarita Roller. Wit. Andries and Alida Roller.
bo. the 2d. Annatje of John V. Bleecker and Margarita V. Deusen.
bo. Mar. 30. Johannes of Leendert Ganzevoort, Jr., and Maria Rensselaer. Wit. Leendert and Eva Ganzovoort.
Apr. 16. bo. Mar. 30. Catharina of Coenraad Sharp and Elisabeth Staats. Wit. Petrus and Catharina Staats.
bo. Mar. 3. Deborah of Jacob Kinny and Elisabeth Fort. Wit. Hendrik and Tempe Burhans.
bo. Apr. 14. Maria of John Fryer and Marytje Followyzer. Wit. Jacob and Maria Followyzer.
[page 56] 1786
bo. Mar. 25. William Nicolls of Richard Sill and Elisabeth Nicols. Wit. Francis and Margaret Nicoll.
Apr. 23. bo. Mar. 9. Catharina of David Berringer and Maria B. Heiner. Wit. Philip and Catharina Berringer.
bo. the 10th. Rachel of Johannes H. Wendell and Cathalyntje V. Benthiusen.
Apr. 31 [sic]. bo. the 2d. Dirk of Samuel Pruin and Neeltje Hasevoet. Wit. Dirk and Marytje Groot.
Apr. 31 [sic]. bo. Mar. 17. Johannes of Tjerk Schoonmaker and Cornelia Acker. Wit. Theunis and Engeltje Acker.
bo. Mar. 10. David of William Borreway and Elisabeth Salsbury. Wit. David Groesbeek.
bo. Mar. 19. Jacob of Valentyn Casparis and Rebecca Snyder. Wit. Jacob and Catharine Berringer.
May 7. bo. Mar. 30. Cornelia of Martinus V. Yveren and Cornelia V. Schaik. Wit. John and Maria Goey.
bo. Apr. 20. Maria Matilda of Philip V. Rensselaer and Maria Sanders. Wit. William and Maria Ludlow.
bo. Apr. 26. Theunis of Thomas Easterly and Bata V. Woert.
May 15. bo. the 3d. Elisabeth of John V. Santen and Margarita Burgess. Wit. Johs. and Annatje V. Santen.
bo. Apr. 9. Catharina of Jacobus V. d. Poel and Marytje Muller. Wit. Jeremie and Catharine Muller.
Johannes of Barent Young and Elis. Ryken. Wit. John and Delia Young.
bo. Apr. 30. Catharina of Jacob Johs. Lansing and Jannetje Heyer. Wit. Johs. I. and Catharina Lansing.
bo. the 7th. Rachel of Abraham Bloodgood and Elisabeth Valkenburg.
bo. Apr. 28. Johannes Yates of William Sibry and Rebecca Yates. Wit. Anthony and Marytje Briesch.
bo. May 5. Nicolaas of Cornelius V. Schaik and Willempje Hanssen. Wit. Stephen V. Schaak, Cornelia Hanssen.
May 21. bo. Apr. 20. Francis of Francis Still and Rosina Fero. Wit. Wilh. Fero, Maria Berrit.
May 21. bo. Apr. 27. Jesse of Yzac Fonda and Antje V. Santvoort. Wit. Yzac and Marytje Foreest.
bo. Apr. 23. Gerrit of Gerrit V. d. Bergh and Rebecca Fonda. Wit. Cornelis and Ebbetje V. d. Bergh.
[page 57] 1786
1786. bo. Apr. 23. Pieter of Cornelis V. Buuren and Jannetje Poel. Wit. Pieter and Dorothe V. Buren.
bo. Apr. 16. Catharina of Cornelis V. Santvoort and Cornelia V. Wie.
bo. Mar. 12. Arrisantje of Thomas Burnside and Arriaantje T. Eyck.
bo. Apr. 16. Margarita of Gerrit V. Schaik and Christina Berringer. Wit. Willem Cooper, Marytje Berringer.
May 23. Cathalyntje of Pieter Foreest and Pietertje V. Aalstein. Wit. Jacob and Annatje V. Aalstein.
May 28. bo. the 14th. Jannetje of Jacob G. and Femmetje Lansing. Wit. John and Cornelia Lansingh.
June 2. bo. Mar. 24. Thomas of Thomas Hook and Catharina Crane.
June 5. bo. May 24. Yzac of Jacob Vosburgh and Hanna Robbison. Wit. Yzac and Catharina Vosburgh.
June 10. bo. Mar. 1. Debora of John Graham and Debora Staats. Wit. Barent Staats, Debora Beekman.
bo. May 3. Margarita of Gerrit V. d. Poel and Cornelia Muller. Wit. Melchert and Marytje V. d. Poel.
bo. June 3. Pieter of Jacob H. Wendell and Geertruy Lansing. Wit. Pieter and Elisabeth Lansing.
bo. the 1st. Annatje of Johs. A. Lansing and Elisabeth Fryer. Wit. John and Catharina Fryer.
June 18. bo. the 6th. Stephanus of Stephanus V. Rensselaer and Margarita Schuyler. Wit. Philip V. Rensselaer, Catharina Westerlo, né e Livingston.
bo. May 22. Cornelia of Obadia Cooper and Lena Albrecht. Wit. Anthony and Cornelia Halenbeek.
bo. the 11th. Elisabeth of Gozen V. Schaik and Maria Ten Broeck. Wit. Hendrik and Elisabeth Qwakkenbusch.
June 25. bo. the 20th. Alida of Johannes V. Hoesen and Engeltje V. Deusen. Wit. Meinard and Geertruy V. Hoesen.
bo. May 30. Johannes of Tohn F. and Wyntje Bratt. Wit. Reynier and Rebecca V. Yveren.
July 9. bo. June 16. Andries of Yzac Qwakkenbusch and Catharina Gardenier. Wit. Benjamin and Maria Winne.
July 23. bo. the 12th. Engeltje of Pieter Waldrom Yates and Anna M. Helmes. Wit. Corn. E. and Margarita Yates.
[page 58] 1786
July 30. John of John Liswell and Annatje Lansing.
Aug. 6. bo. Aug. 27, 1785, Jacobus V. d. Veer of Jaques Janssen and Catharina Beekman.
Aug. 16. bo. July 3. Yzac of Jacob Qwakkenbush and Catharina De Voe. Wit. Yzac and Lena Dox.
Aug. 20. bo. July 14. Margarita of Herms Salsbury and Alida Sharp. Wit. Arbahm. De Manssen, Lena Salsbury.
bo. the 14th. Elisabeth of Jeremias Lansing and Helena Wendell. Wit. Pieter and Elisabeth Lansing.
bo. the 1st. Catharina of Pieter Young and Eva Moor. Wit. Jesse and Rebecca de Foreest.
Aug. 22. bo. July 22. Gerrit of Storm Slingerland and Annatje Halenbeek. Wit. Arent Slingerland, Cornelia Viele.
Aug. 22. bo. Mar. 3. Abraham of Johs. Sharp and Jerisha North. Wit. Abrah. Shutter, Geertruy Salsbury.
Sept. 4. bo. Aug. 28. Abraham of Jacobus Fonda and Willempje Bogert. Wit. Nanning and Alida Visscher.
bo. Aug. 3. David of Petrus Fero and Jannetje V. Deusen. Wit. Hendrik and Maria Fero.
Sept. 17. Jacob of Carel Heemstraat and Geertruy V. d. Werken. Wit. Casparus V. Wie, Rebecca V. Santen.
bo. Aug. 23. John of Jurjaan Hoghing and Annatje White. Wit. Salomo Look, Alida King.
bo. Aug. 3. Maria of David Winne and Geertruy Groesbeek. Wit. Jonathan and Maria Winne.
bo. Aug. 8. Benjamin of Theunis Oostrander and Marritje V. Vliet. Wit. Benjamin V. Vliet, Lea Oostrander.
bo. July 13. Nicholas of John Boom and Annatje Brower. Wit. Johs. and Maria Brouwer.
bo. Aug. 15. Daniel of John Milton and Rosina Joucat. Wit. Daniel Clemsy, Rachel Milton.
bo. the 7th. William of Hendrik V. Woert and Catharina Eights. Wit. Elisabeth Eights.
Sept. 24. bo. Aug. 14. Maria of Pieter Davids and Elisabeth Colvill. Wit. Cornelius and Elisabeth Glen.
bo. the 22d. Annatje of Jacob Pruin and Hendrikje V. Buren. Wit. Johs. and Geertray Pruin.
bo. the 20th. Elisabeth of Willem Staats and Annatje Yates. Wit. Barent and Elisabeth Staats.
bo. Oct. 11. Corrtland of Stephen S. Schuyler and Lena Ten Eyck. Wit. Pieter Schuyler, Geertruy Lansing.
[page 59] 1786
Oct. 29. bo. the 3d. Maria of Thoms. Witbeek and Elisth. Rysdorp. Wit. Pieter W. and Geertruy Witbeek.
bo. Sept. 30. Abraham Witbeek of David Foreest and Elisth. Witbeek. Wit. Abraham and Elisabeth Witbeek.
bo. Sept. 10. Folkert of Folkert Oothout and Jannetje Bogert. Wit. Eduard Comstor, Aaltje Oothout.
Nov. 5. bo. Sept. 28. Maria of Gerrit Hoogteeling and Annatje Oosterhout. Wit. Pieter and Maria Winne.
bo. the 4th. Debora of Nicolaas Bleeker and Neeltje Steats. Wit. Gerrit and Catharina Staats.
bo. the 3d. Elisabeth of Hendrik V. Benthuysen and Cathalyntje Hunn. Wit. Thomas Hun, Baatje V. Deusen.
Nov. 12. Marten of Willem Witbeek and Catharina Foreest. Wit. Marten and Tanneke Foreest.
bo. the 4th. Maria of John Williams and Mary Coep. Wit. Benjamin Williams, Mary Huyg.
Nov. 19. bo. the 8th. Maria of Dirk Benson and Marytje Wyogaert. Wit. Abrhm. Vosburgh, Maria Slingerland.
bo. the 10th. Catharina of James Donneway and Elsje Smith. Wit. Jacob Man, Catharina Sharp.
Nov. 27. bo. the 1st. Maria of Jesse Foreest and Rebecca V. Santen.
Dec. 17. bo. the 2d. Abraham of Pieter W. Groesbeek and Alida Van Aarnem. Wit. Abraham V. Aarnem, Sara Knoet.
bo. the 2d. Barent of Douwe Levison and Annatje Visscher. Wit. John and Saartje Visscher.
bo. the 16th. Elisabeth of Jacob Y. Trouex and Catharina Dogsteder. Wit. John and Elis. Bartell.
Dec. 24. bo. Nov. 23. Hiskia of Jacobus Schoonmaker and Elisabeth Acker. Wit. Hiskia and Annatje Schoonmaker.
bo. Nov. 8. Jacob of Nicholas Siksby and Cornelia Cooper. Wit. Evert Olfer, Elsje Siksby.
Dec. 31. bo. the 2d. Philippus of Jacob Berringer and Catharina Heiner. Wit. Philip and Catharina Berringer.
bo. the 23d. Rachel of Jacob Muller and Geertruy Veeder. Wit. Peter and Cornelia Witbeek.
bo. the 25th. Hester of Arent W. Slingerland and Annatje Aarnoudt. Wit. Wouter Slingerland, Lena Hanssen.
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bo. the 7th. Elisabeth of Hendrik Oothout and Lydia Douw. Wit. Gerrit Lansing, Judith Cadmus.
bo. the 18th. Petrus of Pieter Ganzevoort and Catharina V. Schaick. Wit. John Ten Broeck, Sara Ganzevoort.
bo. Nov. 5. Jan Gerritsen of Jacob D. V. d. Heiden and Jannetje Yates. Wit. John G. and Cathalina Yates.
1787, Jan. 7. bo. Dec. 22. Cathalina of Jacobus Bleecker and Rachel V. Santen. Wit. John R. Bleecker, Elisabeth Staats.
Jan. 14. bo. Dec. 12. Jannetje and Lena of Wouter Hoogteling and Jenny Addringtraen. Wit. Coenread, Geertruy, Theunis and Lena Hoogteling.
bo. Dec. 1. Catharina of Harpert Witbeek and Geertruy Wendell. Wit. Cornelis and Annatje Wendel.
bo. Dec. 18. Maria of John Rumney and Rachel Meinerssen. Wit. Frerik Meinerssen, Machtel Witbeek.
bo. the 13th. Annatje of Abraham Lansing, Jr., and Maria Bloodgood.
bo. Nov. 19. Geertruy of John Witbeek and Lena V. d. Bergh. Wit. David and Elisabeth Foreest.
Jan. 19. bo. Jan. 29, 1786. Catharine of Pieter Firese and Mary Hunter.
Jan. 21. bo. the 15th. Yzac Lansingh of Nicholas Jeralymon and Jannetje Waldrom. Wit. Yzac and Cathalina Bogert.
bo. the 16th. Gerrit of Hendrik V. Wie and Maria Merthen. Wit. Gerrit and Catharina Van Wie.
bo. Dec. 16. Hendrik of Daniel Clemison and Rachel Milton. Wit. Hendrik and Rachel Milton.
bo. Dec. 17. Cornelia of Barent V. Yveren and Rebecca Bratt. Wit. Cornelis V. Yveren, Sara Muller.
Jan. 29. bo. Nov. 5. Jannetje of Frerik Meinerssen and Elisabeth Waldrom. Wit. Johs. Rumney.
bo. the 19th. Alida of Gerrit A. Lansingh and Elisabeth Wynkoop. Wit. Jacobus and Alida Wynkoop.
bo. the 20th. Simon of Maas V. Franken and Geertruy Veeder. Wit. Jochum and Geesje Staats.
Jan. 30. bo. the 10th. Mary of Stephen Lush and Lydia Stringer. Wit. Samuel and Rachel Stringer.
[page 61] 1787
Feb. 5. bo. Jan. 7. Tanneke of Philip Foreest and Annatje V. Deusen. Wit. Marten and Tanneke Foreest.
bo. Jan. 5. Geertruy of Yzaac Harsen and Maria Roller. Wit. John Luther, Elisab. Roller.
Feb. 11. bo. Jan. 27. Folkert Douw of Jacob Hilton and Sara Barrington. Wit. Folkert and Annatje Douw.
bo. Jan. 4. Alida of Yzaac V. Wie and Neeltje Oosterhout. Wit. Johs. and Agnieta Oosterhout.
bo. Jan. 12. Susan of Japik and Saar (slaves).
Feb. 25. bo. Jan. 24. Lea of Pieter Roman and Catharine V. Deusen. Wit. Frans and Geertruy Marshall.
bo. the 2d. Elisabeth of John Bleecker and Jane Gilliland. Wit. John and Elisabeth Bleecker.
bo. the 17th. Johannes of Cornelis Groesbeek and Annatje V. Antwerpen. Wit. Daniel and Rebecca V. Antwerpen.
bo. the 14th. Abraham of Hendrik Yates and Rachel V. Santen. Wit. Abraham and Jannetje Yates.
bo. Jan. 28. Willem of George Berringer and Elisabeth Boehn. Wit. Willem and Marytje Cooper.
bo. the 9th. Sara of Yzac Yz. Fryer and Catharina V. Wie. Wit. David and Sara Groesbeek.
bo. the 5th. Gerritje of Jacob and Geertruy Schermerhoorn. Wit. Hendrik and Elisabeth Roseboom.
Feb. 19. bo. Jan. 26. Hannah of John Gates and Geertruy V. Franken.
Mar. 2. bo. Feb. 25. Annatje of Reynier V. Yveren and Elisabeth Ostrander. Wit. Jelles and Sara Bett.
bo. Feb. or Jan. 25. Tanneke of Abrhm. Lappieris and Maria Foreest. Wit. Marten and Tanneke Foreest.
Feb. 19. bo. Dec. 31. Anna of Jesse Toll and Maria Viele, at Saratoga.
bo. Jan. 14. Johannes of Hendrik V. d. Werken and Catharina Cremer (Half Moon). Wit. Jurjen and Rebecca Cremer.
Feb. 20. bo. Jan. 29. Lena of Johs. Rous and Alida V. Etten. Wit. Hendrik and Annatje V. d. Kar.
bo. Dec. 27. Elisabeth of Francis Latimore and Geertruy Esch.
Feb. 20. Elias of Jacob Schouten and Catharina Dox. Wit. Elias and Catharina Steenberger.
Mar. 4. Cornelia of John Ostrander, Jr., and Catharina Witzel. Wit. John and Cornelia Price.
[page 62] 1787
bo. Feb. 24. Sara and Geertruy (twins) of Dirk Hunn and Annatje Lansing. Wit. Willem and Sara Hunn, Abrm. and Geertruy Lansingh.
bo. Feb. 20. Tobias of David Fonda and Catharina T. Broeck. Wit. Alida V. Schaick.
Mar. 7. bo. Feb. 12. Sara of John Lansingh, Jr., and Catharine Ray. Wit. Robert Rays, the mother.
Mar. 18. bo. Feb. 25. Johannes of Jacob Van Loon and Christina Schuyler. Wit. Johannes V. Loon, Annatje Schuyler.
Mar. 25. bo. the 14th. Jacobus of Philip Redly and Nancy (?) Hall. Wit. Ary Van Vlieck and Mary V. Vlieck.
Mar. 28. bo. Feb. 21. Elisabeth of Jacob V. Schaick and Elizabeth Berry. Wit. The parents.
Apr. 1. bo. Mar. 4. Johannes of Andries (or Abraham?) Lansing and Annatje V. d. Berg. Wit. Johs. and Neeltje Lansing.
bo. Mar. 2. Margarita of Johs. Poel and Isabella Douglass.
Apr. 8. bo. Mar. 21. Susanna of John Thinky and Maria Louths. Wit. William Thinky, Cornelia Hanssen.
bo. Mar. 31. Willem of Johs. J. Pruin and Arriaantje Verplank. Wit. Willem and Lydia Verplank.
Apr. 15. bo. Mar. 15. Catharina of Thomas and Lea Cooper. Wit. Nicholas Siksby, Cornelia Cooper.
bo. the 8th. Yzaac of Jacob Yz. Lansing and Susanna Fonda. Wit. Yzaac and Annatje Lansingh.
Apr. 15. bo. Mar. 17. Pieter of John and Alida V. Wie. Wit. Pieter and Ebbetje V. Wie.
bo. the 7th. Robert of Arent V. Deusen and Margarita McCloud. Wit. Elisabeth V. Deusen.
The following three children were bapt. when the first sermon was preached in the Greinebusch.
Apr. 19. bo. Mar. 4. Catharina of Obadia Lansingh and Cornelia V. Benthuisen. Wit. Cathalina Yates.
bo. Mar. 23. Cornelia of Daniel Springsteen and Annatje Schermerhoorn. Wit. Hendrik and Cornelia Schermerhoorn.
bo. Feb. 15. Henry of Timothy McCarty and Rebecca Patin.
[page 63] 1787
Apr. 22. bo. the 19th. Hermanus of Hermanus A. and Catharina Wendell. Wit. Philip P. and Annatje Schuyler.
bo. the 16th. Cathalina of Evert Mersselis and Sara V. Benthuisen. Wit. John and Eva Mersselis.
bo. the 20th. Annatje of John Veder and Catharina Winne. Wit. Maas and Geertruy V. Vranken.
May 13. bo. Apr. 20. Elisabeth of John V. Emburgh and Annatje Flensburgh. Wit. Thomas V. Zandt, Pietertje Hieralemon.
bo. Mar. 24. Jannetje of John D. Winne and Agnietje V. Wie. Wit. Daniel Winne, Jannetje De Foreest.
bo. Apr. 7. Maas of William P. Hoogteling and Maria Bloemendal. Wit. Jurjaan Hoghen, Hannah White.
bo. May 8. Quiliaan V. Rensselaer of Abram A. Lansingh and Elsje V. Rensselaer. Wit. Quiliaan I. and Elisabeth V. Rensselaer.
bo. Mar. 31. Wouter of David De Foreest and Susanna Fonda. Wit. Wouter and Wyntje Fonda.
May 18. bo. Apr. 17, Maria of Pieter J. Qwakkenbush and Mary Sheffield.
May 27. bo. Apr. 17. Samuel of Jacob Schermerhoorn and Annatje Kennada. Wit. Samuel Schermerhoorn, Lena Bloemendal.
bo. Apr. 16. Gerrit of Willem Flensburgh and Christina Backer. Wit. Gerrit and Antje Brouwer.
bo. May 15. Adriaantje of Anthony V. Santvoort and Maria Ross (or Roff). Wit. Yzac and Antje Fonda.
bo. the 13th. Theunis of Hendrik Bratt and Elisabeth V. d. Berg. Wit. Theunis and Cathalina Bratt.
bo. May 10. Maria Matilda of Philip V. Rensselaer and Maria Sanders. Wit. William and Maria Ludlow.
June 10. bo. May 16. Gerrit of Frans Harssen and Rebecca Spoor. Wit. Hannes and Magdalena Spoor.
bo. the 1st. Alida of Theunis Visscher and Alida Lansing. Wit. Gerrit Visscher, Annatje Legrancy.
bo. May 19. Nicolaas of Michael Besset and Maria V. Franken. Wit. Lavinus Winne, Elisabeth Basset.
June 15. bo. May 10. Temperance of Hendrik Shutter and Jannetje Hindermond. Wit. Hendrik Burhans, Temperance Dumont.
June 18. bo. May 16. Maria of Cornelis Brouwer and Jemina McMannis. Wit. William and Maria Brouwer.
bo. May 22. Agnieta of Cornelis V. Wie and Annatje Shenklen. Wit. Carparus V. Wie, Jannetje Winne.
[page 64] 1787
June 24. bo. May 20. Catharina of John E. Lansingh and Maria Staats. Wit. Jacob and Annatje V. Aalstein.
bo. the 13th. Lena of Abraham T. Eyck and Annatje Lansingh. Wit. Jeremiah and Lena V. Rensselaer.
July 1. bo. May 21. Maria Catharina of George Madole and Catharina Seeger. Wit. Johs. and Catharina Seaman.
July 1. bo. June 11. Stephen of Hendrik V. Rensselaar and Cornelia V. Aalstein. Wit. Stephen and Margarita V. Rensselaer.
July 5. bo. June 17. John of Nicolas Frank and Elisab. Fonda. Wit. Wouter and Wyntje Fonda.
bo. June I 0. Margarita of Wilhs Hayner and Elis. Muller. Wit. Andries and Margarita Muller.
bo. the 21st. Jacob of Nicholas Hoghil and Catharina V. Valkenburgh. Wit. Jacob Sharp, Christina Valkenburgh.
bo. the 27th. Philip and Jacob of Frederick Hook and Margarita Schefer. Wit. Philip and Jacob Heiner, Cath. Struyk, Lea Countreman.
bo. May 21. Wilhelmus of Wendel Jager and Anna Maria Simmons. Wit. Salmo and Sarah Jager.
July 8. bo. June 16. Nicholas of Pieter Clapper and Margarita House. Wit. Nicholas and Marytje Wheeler.
July 15. bo. June 23. Johannes of Frans Hoghil and Cornelia de Foreest. Wit. Pieter and Catharina de Foreest.
bo. July 1. Pieter of Abraham Veeder and Saara Hanssen. Wit. Pieter and Maria Veeder.
July 22. bo. June 7. Debora of Dirk Hanssen and Helena Lonw. Wit. Abrm. Schuyler, Maria V. Rensselaer.
Aug. 12. bo. July 23. Catharina of John H. Wendell and Cathalina V. Benthuizen.
Aug. 13. Johannes of John and Wyntje Bratt. In the house on account of sickness.
Aug. 19. bo. July 13. Obadia of Obadia Benthuisen and Hanna Crumney (?) .
Aug. 26. bo. the 6th. Jannetje of Anthony Groesbeek and Cathalina Foreest. Wit. Stephen and Jannetje V. Schaik.
Aug. 26. bo. the 13th. John Lee of Richard Sill and Elisabeth Nicholas. Wit. Cornelis and Elisabeth Glen.
Aug. 30. bo. July 28. Abraham of Gosen V. Schaik and Maria T. Broeck.
[page 65] 1787
Aug 31. bo. the 26th. Cathalina of Johs. V. Woert and Cathalina Lansingh.
bo. the 27th. Jannetje of Reynier Pruin and Jannetje Goey. Wit. Marritje Pruin.
Sept. 9. bo. Aug. 29. Cathalina of Hendrik Staats and Antje Lot. Wit. Johs. I. Lott, Cathalina V. Sinderen.
Sept. 17. bo. the 11th. Hubertje of Hendrik I. Lansing and Helena Winne. Wit. Jacob and Hubertje Lansingh.
Sept. 25. bo. the 17th. Gerrit of Jacobus Legrange and Annatje Visscher. Wit. Gerrit Visscher, Rachel V. d. Bergh.
bo. Apr. 17. Johannes of Bethuel Washburn and Gerritje Lansingh. Wit. Ary Legrange, Maria V. Antwerpen.
Oct. 19. bo. Sept. 2. Philip of Nicolaas Bower and Annatje Bartel. Wit. Andries and Sophia Bartel.
bo. Sept. 16. Lydia of Gerrit Hyer and Jannetje V. Slyck.
Oct. 27. bo. the 5th. Jacob of Philip Berringer and Catharina Meyer. Wit. Jacob Berringer, Catharina Heener.
bo. Sept. 29. Maria of Hendrik Van Ist and Andries [sic] Ten Eyk.
bo. Sept. 30. David Scot of Philip Wendell and Geertruy Vosburg. Wit. David and Susanna Scot.
Nov. 4. bo. Oct. 8. Benjamin of Benjamin Post and Catharina V. Norden. Wit. Wilhelmus Post, Gerritje Mill.
Nov. 4. bo. Oct. 2. Geertruy of Cornelis and Lena Vroman. Wit. Jacobus and Geertruy Vroman.
bo. Sept. 16. Elisabeth of David Flensburg and Maria Smith. Wit. Daniel and Catharina Flensburgh.
bo. Sept. 3. Jacobus of Hendrikus Bratt and Annatje Davids. Wit. Jacobus and Cathalina Davids.
bo. Oct. 4. Barent of Barent Muller and Cornelia Goewy. Wit. John and Maria Goewy.
Nov. 11. bo. Sept. 16. Maria of Mulburry V. Hoesen and Antje Beevings. Wit. John Prys and Cornelia Rykmans.
bo. Oct. 3. Annatje of Quiliaan Winne and Maria Perny. Wit. Yzac and Francyntje Fonda.
Nov. 18. bo. Oct. 18. Catryn (?) of Gysbert V. d. Bergh and Jannetje Witbeek. Wit. Pieter W. and Eva Witbeek.
bo. Oct. 1. Johannes of Jacobus V. d. Voort and Annatje Schuyler. Wit. Johs. Johs. V. Schayk, Catharina Schuyler.
[page 66] 1787—1788
bo. Oct. 2. Cornelia of Gysbert Groesbeek and Elisabeth Groff. Wit. Gerrit and Neeltje Groesbeek.
Nov. 25. bo. the 3d. Maas of Cornelis Bloemendal and Lena Reisdorp. Wit. John and Catharina Bloemendal.
bo. Oct. 22. Maas of Pieter Bloemendal and Barbara Sharp. Wit. Jurjen and Christina Sharp.
bo. the 2d. Jonathan of Frederik Meinerssen and Machtel Witbeek. Wit. John and Catharina Witbeek.
bo. Nov. 20. Lavinus of Benjamin Winne and Elisabeth Basset. Wit. Lavinus and Maria Winne.
Dec. 9. bo. Nov. 17. John of Dirk Foreest and Maria Fonda. Wit. John and Egje Fonda.
Dec. 23. bo. Oct. 31. Abraham of Dirk Knoet and Rachel Lansingh. Wit. Noah Gillet, Leentje Lansingh.
bo. Nov. 24. Johannes of Johs. Brouwer and Marritje de Wever.
bo. Nov. 1. Elisabeth of Wilhelms Cooper and Anna M.
Berringer. Wit. Jurgen Berringer, Elisabeth Beem.
bo. the 10th. Anna of Arent S. Veeder and Jannetje Hoghingh. Wit. John Veeder, Catharina Winne.
bo. Nov. 28. Margarita of Obadia Cooper and Annatje V. d. Bergh. Wit. Matheus and Annatje V. d. Bergh.
Dec. 25. bo. the 18th. Jacob of Pieter Dox and Cathalina Lansingh. Wit. Reignier and Rebecca V. Yveren.
Dec. 30. bo. Nov. 23. Dirk of Willem D. Winne and Maria Becker. Wit. Gerrit and Marytje Becker.
1788, Jan. 7. bo. Nov. 11. Margarita of Abraham Dingman and Lea Salsbury. Wit. Hendrik V. Buuren, Hilletje Shutter.
bo. Nov. 16. Cornelia of Obadia F. Cooper and Lena Albrecht. Wit. Anthonyand Cornelia Halenbeek.
bo. Nov. 3. Annatje of Pieter C. Bronk and Elisabeth V. Wie. Wit. Andries V. Wie, Marytje V. d. Bergh.
bo. Dec. 5. Alida of Harmen V. Hoesen and Catharina Witbeek.
Jan. 13. bo. Nov. 24. Gerrit of Matheus Poel and Elisabeth Shutter. Wit. Gerrit and Catharina Poel.
bo. Dec. 3. Engeltje of Meinard Oothout and Maria Siksby. Wit. Nicholas and Engeltje Siksby.
bo. Dec. 15. Lea of Petrus Fero and Jannetje V. Deuzen. Wit. Cornelis V. Deuzen, Geertruy Marshall.
[page 67] 1788
Jan. 13. bo. Dec. 22. Catharina of Wynand E. V. d. Bergh and Annatje Cooper. Wit. Christoffel and Catharina Yates.
bo. Nov. 31. [sic]. Anna of Loys Barrington and Margarita Adams. Wit. Margarita Pruin.
Abraham of John Lisswell and Annatje Lansingh. Wit. Gerrit Lansingh.
Jan. 15. bo. Jan. 4. Abraham of John Brass. Wit. Abraham E. Wendell, Margarita Rykman.
Jan. 20. bo. the 12th. Elisabeth of Jacob V. Woert and Sarah V. Esch. Wit. Jacob and Elisabeth V. Woert.
Hannah of Jack Jackson and Beth (slaves). Wit. Saar.
Jan. 25. bo. Dec. 9. Yzac of James Hoogteelink and Neeltje Palmentier.
Jan. 26. bo. Dec. 23. Pieter of Jan Voorhees and Susanna Dumont.
bo. Jan. 12. Jacob of Lavinus Winne and Maria Lansingh. Wit. Egbert V. Schaak, Marytje Winne.
bo. the 14th. Catharina of Thomas Easterly and Baatje V. Woert.
Feb. 3. bo. Dec. 21. Annatje of Ludowich Haines and Margarit Arnold.
bo. Nov. 29. Garrit of Malachi Vander Pool and Annatje Sager.
Rebecca of Peter Slingland and Mary Vander Veher (?) .
bo. Jan. 16. Nicholas of John N. Bleecker and Margarit Van Deusen.
Feb. 10. bo. the 3d. Yzac of Jacob J. Pruin and Neeltje Foreest. Wit. Yzac and Maria Foreest.
bo. Dec. 29. Maria of Marten C. and Theuntje V. Buuren. Wit. Peter M. and Marytje V. Buuren.
bo. Jan. 22. Sibble of Abner Sharp and Cornelia Halenbeek. Wit. Henry and Annaatje Halenbeek.
Feb. 17. bo. Jan. 4. Maayke of Andries Ouderkerk and Annatje Fero. Wit. Cornelis and Maayke V. d. Berg.
Feb. 24. bo. Jan. 15. Theuntje of Abraham Meyer and Geesje Bont. Wit. Philip Springer, Jacomyntje Beeving.
bo. Jan. 30. Anna of Johan Mathys Snoek and Geertray Rees. Wit. Martinus Levins, Christina Pulver.
bo. Jan. 16. Sara Rutger of Rutger Bleecker (decd.) and Catharina Elmendorp. Wit. Barent Bleecker, Sara Lansingh.
[page 68] 1788
Feb. 29. bo. the 4th. Cornelia of Mathias V. Aalstein and Rachel de Foreest. Wit. Jacob and Annatje V. Aalstein.
bo. the 21st. Bata of Johs. V. Valkenburgh and Annatje Reisdorp. Wit. Johs. Vinhagen, Bata V. Valkenburgh.
bo. Jan. 17. Annatje of Nicholas V. d. Berg and Hannah Clute. Wit. Walter de Ridder and wife.
Mar. 2. bo. Dec. 12. Ulpianus of Nicholas Snyder and Femmetje V. Sinderen. Wit. Ulpianus V. Sinderen.
Mar. 6. bo. Jan. 14. Abraham of Jacobus Parse and Maritie Vanden Bergh. Wit. Abraham Vanden Bergh and wife Annatje.
Mar. 9. bo. Jan. 17. Frerick of Abraham V. Wie and Jacomyntje Burhans. Wit. Frerik Bratt, Lena Burhans.
bo. Mar. 1. Lydia of James Lansingh and Rachel Verplank. Wit. Willem and Lydia Verplank.
Mar. 9. bo. Feb. 26. Jeremie of Jacobus V. d. Poel and Marytje Muller. Wit. Johannes and Lyntje Muller.
Mar. 16. bo. the 10th. John of Abraham G. Lansingh and Susanna Yates. Wit. John Lansingh, Sara Bleeker.
Mar. 24. bo. the 2d. Dirk of Jesse de Foreest and Rebecca V. Santen. Wit. Dirk and Rebecca Foreest.
Mar. 30. bo. the 23d. John of Theunis V. Vechten and Elisabeth de Wandelaar. Wit. John de Wandelaar, Gerritje Ganzevoort.
bo. the 18th. Abraham of Jacobus Fonda and Willempje Bogert. Wit. Nanningh Visscher, Alida Fonda.
bo. the 5th. Franciscus of Daniel Marshall and Elisabeth Cockeran. Wit. Franciscus and Geertruy Marshall.
Apr. 6. bo. Mar. 29. Rebecca of Benjamin V. Santen and Sara Visscher. Wit. Gysbert V. Santen, Rebecca Winne.
Apr. 13. bo. Mar. 5. Jacob of David Berringer and Maria Barbara Heiner. Wit. Jacob Heiner, Elisabeth Kanter.
bo. Mar. 18. Hendrik of Pieter Cooper and Annatje Strunck. Wit. Coenraad Cooper, Christina Strunk.
Apr. 27. bo. the 22d. Hendrik of John Bogert and Catharina T. Broeck. Wit. Yzac and Hendrikje Bogert.
May 4. bo. Mar. 22. Catalina of Matthias Van den Bergh and Annatje Yeetes. Wit. John and Catalina Yates.
bo. Apr. 1. Cornelia of Martinus Van Ever and Cornelia V. Schaick. Wit. John Gui, Mary Van Ever.
[page 69] 1788
May 11. bo. Mar. 28. Jonathan of Samuel Morrel and Rachel Gardenier.
bo. Apr. 30. Maragrite of Hermanus Ten Eyck and Maragrite Bleecker. Wit. Henry and Catarina Bleecker.
May 11. bo. Mar. 16. Alida of Israel Anthony and Elisabeth V. Arnum. Wit. Johannes V. Aarnem, Hester Ouderkerk.
bo. Apr. 28. Catrina of John Groesbeek and Catalina V. Schaick. Wit. Casparus and Maria Prime.
May 18. bo. Apr. 29. Catharine of Henry Van Voort and Catharina Eights. Wit. Maria Loriss (?).
bo. May 3. Christiana of Henry Waldron and Margaret Van Vranken. Wit. Albert and Annatie Slingerland.
bo. Apr. 30, 1785. Henry of Wilhelmus Osterhout and Jane Chrysler. Wit. Maarten and Henry Oosterhout.
May 25. bo. May 12. Caty of John C. Cuyler and Hannah Mayby. Wit. John Mayby, Caty Trimper.
bo. May 1. Benjamin of Benjamin V. Etten and Caty Earle. Wit. Cornelia Bloemendale, Helena Rysdorfe.
bo. May 3. John Depeyster of John Depeyster Ten Eyck and Maria Dowe.
bo. Apr. 22. Jannitie of Augustine Sharp and Mary Van Alstine. Wit. Knout Van Alstine, Margaret Rysdorf.
May 30. bo. the 19th. Engeltje of Gerrit Marsselis and Magdalena Visscher. Wit. Bastiaan and Engeltje Visscher.
June 1. bo. May 4. Jacob of John Flensburgh and Catharina Bekker. Wit. Pieter and Marytje Flensburgh.
bo. Apr. 23. Salomon of Salomo Goey and Elisabeth Sandvoort.
bo. the 25th. Martinus of John De Garmo and Margarita Wendell. Wit. Christoffer and Annatje Millar.
June 7. bo. May 7. Rebecca of Pieter Bogert and Sara V. Schaik. Wit. John V. Esch.
June 8. bo. Apr. 26. Elisabeth of Wendel and Annatje Hillebrands.
bo. May 10. Cathalyntje of Dirk De Foreest and Rebecca Bratt. Wit. Theunis and Cathalina Bratt.
bo. the 6th. Rachel of Jacob V. Denzen and Elsje Lansingh. Wit. Catharina Wendell.
June 22. bo. May 29. Willem of Johs. V. Santen and Margarita Burgess.
[page 70] 1788
June 28. bo. Apr. 13. Eleonora of Arent Lynn and Phebe Woodruff. Wit. Francis and Eleonora Carbin.
June 30. bo. May 16. Christina of Pieter T. Bratt and Jannetje Springby. Wit. Jacob Kidny, Anna Kelly.
July 6. bo. June 24. Jacob of John G. V. Santen and Leentje Lansingh. Wit. Jacob Lansingh, Willempje Winne.
June 8. John of John J. Fryer and Maria Follewyzer. Wit. John Fryer, Elisabeth V. Woert.
bo. June 6. Margarita of John and Cornelia Qwakkenbush.
July 12. Ruben of John Leonard and Maria V. Vechten.
July 13. bo. the 3d. Theunis of Anthony Bratt and Geertje V. d. Bergh. Wit. Theunis and Cathalyntje Bratt.
Abraham of Thoby and Elisabeth (salves). Wit. Abraham and Sara.
July 20. bo. June 3. Jacob of John Reyly and Cathalyntje V. d. Bergh.
bo. the 3d. Maria of John Fonda and Cornelia Hunn. Wit. Hendrik and Maria Mersselis.
July 20. bo. June 26. Lea of Gerrit Lansing and Maria V. Deusen. Wit. Cornelis V. Deusen.
bo. the 13th. Abraham of Dirk Ten Broeck and Cornelia Stuivesand. Wit. Abraham Ten Broeck, Elisabet. V. Renselaer.
bo. the 14th. Philip of Jacob Fryer and Agnietje Muller. Wit. Jacob and Geertruy Muller.
bo. the 25th. Celia of John (?) Devoe and Marg. Redly. Wit. Charles Shaves (?), Celia Radly.
Aug. 16. Jelles of Peter Legrange and Judith Maas. Wit. Christiaan and Elisabeth Legrange.
Aug. 24. bo. the 20th. Barbara Cloet of Jacob Vosburgh and Annatje Robbertson. Wit. Barbara Cloet.
bo. the 9th. Jacobus of Willem V. Benthuisen and Margarita Conklin. Wit. Evert and Sara Mersselis.
bo. the 8th. Arriaantje of Evert Janssen and Antje Legrange. Wit. Jacobus and Arriaantje Legrange.
Aug. 31. bo. the 23d. Daniel of Anthony Halenbeek and Cornelia Cooper. Wit. Hendrik and Susanna Halenbeek.
Sept. 5. bo. Aug. 28. Gerrit of Nicolaas Bleecker and Neeltje Staats. Wit. Gerrit and Catharina Staats.
bo. Aug. 19. Alida of Barent Bogert and Alida V. d. Bergh.
[page 71] 1788
bo. July 12. Zacharias of Christiaan Burk and Tabitha Chissam. Wit. Zacharia and Hanna Berringer.
Sept. 7. bo. June 2. Elisabeth of Eldert V. Woert and Elisabeth Fonda. Wit. John and Elisabeth Fryer.
Sept. 13. bo. Aug. 5. Maria of Willem Northen and Cath. Livingston. Wit. Richard and Marytje Northen.
Sept. 13. bo. July 2. Catharina of Johs. H. Fonda and Aaltje Levison. Wit. Yzac and Santje Fonda.
bo. the 5th. Elisabeth and Maria of John A. Lansingh and Elisabeth Fryer. Wit. Leentje Lansingh, Polly (or Sally) Graham.
bo. Aug. 17. Willem of Abram. Vosburgh and Saartje Bulsingh. Wit. Willem and Christina Vosburgh.
Sept. 21. bo. Aug. 26. Susanna of Gerrit Lansingh and Alida Foreest (should be "Fonda") . Wit. Rutger Lansing, Maria Fonda.
Sept. 28. bo. the 19th. Rebecca of Hendrik Yates and Rachel V. Santen. Wit. Gysbert and Rebecca V. Santen.
Oct. 6. bo. Sept. 11. Marthen of Leendert Reisdorp and Jannetje Foreest. Wit. Marten and Tanneke Foreest.
bo. Sept. 27. Jacobus of Hendrik V. Benthuisen and Cathalina Hunn. Wit. Baltes and Sara V. Benthuisen.
bo. Sept. 2. Willem of Wynand V. d. Bergh and Maria Hickson. Wit. Willem and Annatje V. d. Bergh.
Oct. 12. bo. Oct. 7. Abraham of Pieter W. Groesbeek and Alida V. Aarnem. Wit. Gerrit and Sarah Cloet.
bo. Sept. 16. Magdalena of Abraham V. Thessel and Annatje Lansingh. Wit. Willem and Lena Lansingh.
bo. Sept. 26. Cornelia of Charles Dickenson and Elsje Lansingh. Wit. Hendrik and Cornelia Remsen.
Oct. 14. bo. the 12th. John of Anthony Santvoort and Maria Rhaff. Wit. John and Christina Rhaff.
Oct. 15. bo. Aug. 22. Rebecca of John McIntosh and Mary Smith. Wit. Dirk and Rebecca Hagedoorn.
Oct. 19. bo. Sept. 19. Charlotte of William Brouwer and Mary Marschalk.
Oct. 15. bo. Oct. 7. Geertruy of Andries Abeel (?) and Annatje Marshall. Wit. Frans and Geertruy Marshall.
bo. Oct. 14. Sara of Thomas V. Benthuysen and Nency Enax. Wit. Thomas and –– Cooper.
bo. Sept. 29. Cathalina of John Milton and Recina Chiceat. Wit. Cornelis W. and Cathalina V. d. Bergh.
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Oct. 3. Peter of Douwe Levessen and Annatie Fisher. Wit. Peter and Maria Leversen.
bo. Sept. 26. Dorothea of Fulcher Oothout and Jannetie Bogart. Wit. Cornelius and Willempie V. Schaick.
Oct. 19. Egje of Walter Fonda and Catharina Fox. Wit. John Fonda.
Nov. 16. bo. Oct. 26. Philip of John B. Schuyler and Elisabeth V. Rensselaer. Wit. Philip and Catharine Schuyler.
Nov. 23. bo. Nov. 19. Johanna of David Fonda and Catharina T. Broeck. Wit. Jacob and Catharina Cuyler.
bo. Nov. 8. Robert Ray of John Lansingh, Jr., and Cornelia Ray. Wit. Cornelis Ray, Elisabeth and Catharine Elmendorp.
Nov. 31. bo. Oct. 31. John of John Gates and Geertruy V. Franken.
Dec. 5. bo. Nov. 30. Catharina of Johannes Goey and Pietertje Jeralymon. Wit. Cornelis Waldrom, Alida Goey.
Dec. 28. bo. Dec. 27. Pieter of Pieter Ganzovoort, Jr., and Catharina V. Schaick. Wit. John T. Broeck, Sara Ganzevoort.
bo. Dec. 15. Franciscus of John F. and Wyntje Bratt. Wit. Reignier and Rebecca V. Yveren.
1789. Jan. 4. bo. Oct. 30. Wilhelmus of Yzac V. Wie and Neeltje Oosterhout. Wit. Pieter Winne, Maria Oosterhout.
Jan. 11. bo. Dec. 29. Catharina of Pieter Koen and Lydia Duitscher. Wit. William and Catharina Northen.
bo. Dec. 13. Hester of Gerrit Rykman and Elisabeth V. Buren. Wit. Gerrit P. and Margarita Rykman.
bo. Jan. 2. Frans of John Veeder and Catharina Winne. Wit. Maria Winne.
bo. Dec. 30. Elisabeth of Gerrit A. Lansingh and Elisabeth Wynkoop. Wit. Jacob and Elsje Van Deusen.
Jan. 25. bo. Jan. 3. Elisabeth of Abraham Lappius and Maria de Foreest. Wit. Arent V. Antwerpen, Elisabeth V. Lappius.
bo. Nov. 12. Cathalina of Pieter and Elisabeth David. Wit. Asa Fort. Cathalyntje David.
[page 73] 1789
bo. Dec. 4. Maria of William W. Crennel and Maria Eman. Wit. Andries and Maria Eman.
Feb. 9. bo. Dec. 6. Pieter of Jonas Simons and Elsje Strunk. Wit. Pieter and Catharina Simons.
bo. Jan. 6. Elisabeth of Nicholas Sixby and Cornelia Cooper. Wit. Salomo Wally, Elisabet. Sixby.
Feb. 5. Jane of Alexander Taylor and Jenny Brisby, baptised at Saratoga.
Feb. 6. bo. Sept. 21. James of William Sprott and Margar. McCrieger, baptised at Saratoga.
bo. Sept. 22, 1786, John of John Lang and Elisab. Rob.
bo. June 19, 1788, Jane of John Lang and Elisab. Rob.
bo. May 8, 1787, Drew of William Lang and Betsy Johnson.
Feb. 22. bo. Dec. 7. Gerrit of Cornelis V. Aalstein and Marytje Goey. Wit. Gerrit Goey.
Feb. 22. bo. the 13th. Catharina of Jacob H. Wendell and Geertruy Lansingh. Wit. Lucas and Maria V. Vechten.
bo. the 13th. Maria of John V. A. Lansingh and Arriaantje Verplank. Wit. Jacobus Fonda, Willempje Bogert.
bo. the 14th. –– of James Elliot Thompson and Gertrude Conner. Wit. Francis Conner and his wife Maria.
Mar. 1. bo. Feb. 19. Alida of Theunis G. Visscher and Alida Lansingh. Wit. Gerrit Visscher and Annatje Le Gransy.
Mar. 8. bo. Feb. 5. Gerritje of Barent Staats and Antje Winne. Wit. Adam and Gerritje Winne.
Mar. 22. bo. Mar. 5. Margarita of James Dunneway and Elsje Smith. Wit. John Christy and Marytje Smith.
bo. Mar. 12. Neeltje of Ely Arnold and Geertruy Groesbeek. Wit. Adam Long, Neely Groesbeek.
Mar. 29. bo. Mar. 20. John of Hendrik Evertsen and Hendrikje Winne. Wit. Bernardus and Annatje Evertsen.
Apr. 12. bo. Mar. 30. Hendrik Roseboom of Yzaac Trouex and Jenneke Bleecker. Wit. Hendrik Trouex, Deborah V. Schelluyne.
Apr. 26. bo. Feb. 2. Jurjen of John Bloemendal and Catharina Sharp. Wit. Jurgen, Jr., and Christina Sharp.
bo. Mar. 11. Rachel of Hendrik Fero and Maria Vredenburgh. Wit. Rachel Vredenburgh.
bo. Mar. 21. Lansingh of Douwe Fonda and Machtel Lansingh. Wit. Jacob Franse and Jannetje Lansingh.
[page 74] 1789
bo. Apr. 13. Neeltje of Dirk Hunn and Annatje Lansingh. Wit. Thomas Lansingh, Neeltje Pruin.
bo. Mar. 29. Stephen of Stephen Van Rensselaer and Margarita Schuyler. Wit. Philip S. V. Rensselaer, Catharina Livingston.
Apr. 26. bo. Feb. 15. Charlotte of John Bleecker and Jane Gilleland. Wit. James Bleecker, Charlotte Cuyler.
bo. Apr. 28. Hendrick of John D. Winne and Agnes V. Wie. Wit. Hendrick and Maria Van Wie.
bo. May 1. Daniel of Jafrinus (?) Passenger and Maria Young. Wit. Daniel and Elisabeth Young.
bo. Apr. –. Elisabeth of Peter Van der Linden and Susannah Anthony. Wit. Cornelius Van der Linden, Catharina Fonda.
May 29. bo. May I0. Abraham of Paulus and I ea Cooper. Wit. Abraham Cooper, Lena V. Buuren.
bo. the 17th. Theunis of Hendrik Bratt and Elisabeth V. d. Bergh. Wit. Theunis Bratt, Cathalyntje V. Esch.
June 5. bo. May 31. Loreina of Reynier Pruin and Jannetje Goey. Wit. Loxeine Goey.
bo. May 28. Annatje of Richard Lush and Lyntje Fonda. Wit. Nicholas and Lyntje Fonda.
bo. June 1. Yzac of Willem Staats and Annatje Yates.
June 7. Alida of Carel Heemstraat and Geertray V. d. Werken. Wit. Gerrit and Baatje Cloet.
June 14. bo. May 16. Gerrit of Theunis V. d. Bergh and Marytje Beeker. Wit. Gerrit and Marytje V. d. Bergh.
June 28. bo. the 2tst. Elisabeth of Hermanus A. Wendel and Catharina Wendell. Wit. John and Susanna Wendell.
bo. the 24th. Engeltje of Gerrit G. Mersselis and Machtel Visscher. Wit. Bastiaan and Engeltje Visscher.
July 9. bo.June 23. Hester of Stephanus Viele and Zara Toll.
bo. Sept. 18, 1787, Elisabeth. bo. June 13, 1789, Johannes, of Frans Ruger and Janiette Jewel, baptized at Saratoga. Wit. John and Elisabeth Ruger, John and Theophila Jewel.
July 10. bo. May 8. Cornelius of Nicholas Van de Bergh and Janiette Waldrom. Wit. Johannes Waldrom and Alida V. d. Bergh.
bo. Apr. 28. Abyah of John Smith and Mary McDole.
July 9. bo. Feb. 28. Cornelius of Cornelius and Margaret McLean. Wit. John Winne, Caty Glasby.
[page 75] 1789
July 12. bo. July 4. Pieter of Jacob Muller and Geertruy Veeder. Wit. Pieter and Marytje Veeder.
July 19. bo. June 4. Engeltje of Jacobus Schoonmaker and Elisabeth Ackerson. Wit. Adam and Engeltje Ackerson.
bo. June 2. Lena of Cornelis and Lena Vroman. Wit. Cornelis and Lena Vroman.
bo. June 28. Saartje of Simon Ter Willigen and Jannetje Coen. Wit. Dirk and Saartje Ter Willigen.
bo. June 22. David of Willem Hoogteeling and Maria Bloemendal. Wit. Pieter and Elisabeth Hilton.
July 27. bo. June 28. Elisabeth of Richard Canton and Catrina Boogena (?). Wit. Jacob and Elisabeth Nainar.
bo. July 24. Catharin Cuyler of Leonard Gansevorth and Hester Cuyler. Wit. Abraham Ten Broeck, Annatie Cuyler.
Aug. 9. bo. May 24. John of Gysbert Groesbeek and Elisabeth Graff. Wit. Johs. and Cornelia Groesbeek.
bo. June 26. John of Adam Long and Neeltje Groesbeek. Wit. Coenraad and Christina Long.
Aug. 16. bo. the 6th. Theunis of Johs. Pruin and Arriaantje Verplank. Wit. Gelyn Verplank, Rachel Lansingh.
Aug. 9. bo. July 12. Abraham of Johs. and Alida V. Wie. Wit. Abraham V. Wie, Jacomyntje Burhans.
Aug. 23. bo. July 27. Geertruy of Abraham Veeder and Neeltje Schuyler. Wit. Dirk and Annatje Schuyler.
bo. July 25. John of David Foreest and Elisab. Witbeek. Wit. John de Foreest, Elbertje V. Aalstein.
Aug. 30. bo. July 25. Pieter of David Foreest and Janneke Fonda. Wit. Pieter Foreest, Barbara V. Aalstein.
Aug. 30. bo. Aug. 26. Pieter of Nicolaas Hieralomon and Jenny Waldrom. Wit. Pieter Waldrom, Susan Meinersse.
Sept. 6. bo. June 13. Margarita of Martin Aurinjer and Maria Buis.
bo. Aug. 24. Garret of Charles Morgan and Sarah Neyer. Wit. Garret Neyer.
Oct. 18. bo. Sept. 26. Maria of John J. Lansingh and Annatje Marshall. Wit. Johs. and Maria Lansingh.
bo. Sept. 28. Abraham of Johs. H. V. d. Werken and Catharina Slingerland. Wit. Abrah. and Marytje Slingerland.
[page 76] 1789
bo. Sept. 19. Annatje of Johs. Brouwer and Marritje de Weever.
bo. Sept. 18. ––– of Isaac Deniston and Eleanor Visher.
bo. Sept. 30. ––– of John Van Inburgh and Hannah Flamsburgh. Wit. Hannah Van Imburgh.
Oct. 24. bo. Oct. 19. Garret of Nicholas Bleecker and Nellie Staats. Wit. Garret Staats, Catharina Cunninghs.
Oct. 25. bo. Sept. 16. Cornelis of Petrus Fera and Jannetje V. Deuzen. Wit. Cornelis and Elisabeth V. Deussen.
bo. Sept. 22. Catharina of Jacob Sharp and Arriaantje V. Yveren. Wit. Hendrik and Barbara Bogert.
Oct. 25. bo. Oct. 15. Barent of Jacob V. Loon and Christina Schuyler. Wit. Marten and Maria Schuyler.
Oct. 31. bo. Oct. 16. Mary of Thomas Van Benthuisen and Nancy Enochs.
bo. Sept. 30. Samuel of Edward Comptton and Mary Van Schaick.
bo. Sept. 10. Andreas of George Ten Eyck and Magdalena Upham.
Nov. 8. bo. the 6th. Magdalena of Abraham A. Lansingh and Elsje V. Rensselaar. Wit. Gerrit G. and Lena Lansingh.
bo. Oct. 25. Jacob and Alida (twins) of Jacob Y. Lansingh and Susanna Fonda. Wit. Nanningh and Alida Visscher.
Nov. 14. bo. Oct. 25. Philip (?) of Jonathan Hilton and Catharina Hansen. Wit. Levinus Timber, Catalina Hansen.
bo. Nov. 5. Johannes of Jacob Eversen and Hannah Slingerland. Wit. Jacob and Susannah Winne.
bo. Oct. 17. John of Matthew Trotter and Margaret Wendle.
bo. Sept. 30. Maria of Leonard Winnigh and Annatie Muller. Wit. Cornelius Vedder, Naltie Muller.
bo. Nov. 9. Dirck Brat of James Van Schoonhoven and Maria Spore. Wit. Cornelius and Volkia V. Schoonhoven.
bo. Oct. 21. James of James Legrange and Annatie Fisher. Wit. Arie Legrange.
bo. Oct. 18. Garret of Dirck Clute and Rachel Lansing.
bo. Sept. 2. Magdalena of Henry Lewis and Maria Davis.
[page 77] 1789
Nov. 15. bo. Oct. 12. Hetty of Jesse Foreest and Rebecca V. Santen. Wit. John V. Santen, Hetty Jones.
George W. Ray of John Cuyler and Jennet W. Ray. Wit. George W. Ray, Catharina T. Broeck.
Nov. 22. bo. Nov. 12. Nicolaas of John N. Bleecker and Margarita V. Deusen.
Nov. 22. bo. Nov. 13. Angeltie of Bernardus Everson and Martina Hogan. Wit. Arie Legrange, Maria V. Antwerp.
Nov. 29. bo. Oct. 26. Jannetje of Cornelis V. Wie and Annatje Shenklin. Wit. Gerrit V. Wie, Jannetje Lansingh.
Dec. 15. bo. Nov. 27. Engeltje of Isaac H. Bogert and Catalina Fisher. Wit. Bastian and Mackeltie Fisher.
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May 2000. All rights reserved
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