Pane-Joyce Genealogy
51. Thomas Parr. Thomas died in Parr, Prescot, Lancashire in 1558.

IN the name of the Father the Sone and the Holye Gost amen The xvth day of September in the yeare of our Lord a thousand fyve hundreth fyftye and eight I Thoms Parre of Parre wthin the county of Lancaster Esquyer doe make my last will and testemt &c. That is to ye first I gyve and bequethe my saule into the hands of Almygtye God our Ladye Sanct Marye and all the holye company of Sancte in heave and my bodye to the xtien buryall within the parisshe churohe of Prescott Allsoe it is my mynd and will that at after my decease my detts be contented and paydd upon all my holle goode accordyng to the custome of the cuntreye And that done it is my will that all my goods be equallye devydit into three equall parts and therof I gyve one part to my wife Margarett Parre another part therof I gyve &c. to my chyldren Bryan P. Henre P. Thoms P. Margarett P. Anne P. Jane P. Katheryn P. Grace P. Elysabeth P. and to suche other chyld or chyldren as it shall please me to haue by my said wife equally to be devydyt amongest them and the thrydde part I gyve &c. towarde my buryall and other funerall expenee and legases hereafter gyve in this my present last will and tealamt and the resydue &c. I gyve to my doughters equally to be devydit amongest them. Allso I gyve &c. to my sd doughters Margrett Anne Jane Katheryn Grace Elysa bethe and suche other doughter or doughters as it shall please me to haue by my wife these certayne of my manowrs meases lande &c. lying in Parre Sutton and Wyndyll wthin the county of Lancaster of the clere yerely value of fyve pounds over all charges untyll suche tyme that they the said Margarett &c. and every of them shall haue receyved twentye ponuds a peace towards theyre helpe succour mariage and prefermt I gyve &c. to my said yonger sones Bryan P. Henre P. Thoms P. and to such other sone or sones as I may haue by my said wife the same my manor meases lande &c. in Parre Sutton and Wyndyll aforesaid of the clere yerely value of fyve pounds over all charges to haue and peaceably to enioye after immedyatlye that the said Margarett Anne Jane Catheryn Grace Elysabethe and suche other doughter or doughters as is aforesaid have receyved theyre twentye pounde a peace untyll suche tyme that they the said. Bryan Henre Thomas and suche other sone or sones as is aforesaid shall hane hadde tenne pownde a peace towarde theyre helpe succour &c. And moreover it is my mynde and will that all my said doughters and sones shall receyve the sd somes of money of and in these clausures and percels of lande that is to saye of and in one clausure of lande called the Browde Medowe late in the tenure &c. of John Terbocke of the yerely rent of...... after the ende of a ceytayne lease made by me the said Thomas to the said John Terbocke and of and in one other clausure of lands sett lying &c. in Parre called Myculcroft medoe late in the tenure &c. of the said John Terbocke of the yerely rent of xx05 twoe other clausllres of lande in Parre in the tenure &c. of me the said Thoms P. called the Oxefylde and Myculoroft fylde of the yerely rente or ferme of fyftene shelynge one water mylne in Parre in the holdyng of Elyn Tycle of the yerely rent of .... iiijd after the deathe of the said Elyn Tycle one mesuage or tenemt in the holdyng &c. of Bryan Parre the younger in Parre of the yerely rent of xiij05 one clausure of lande in Parre callid the Herre B ........ in the tenure &c. of the wife of Henre Forster of the yerely rent of saxe shelyngs one clausure of lande called the quarter of the Mylne eyes in Parre in the holdyng of Thoms Lytherland of the yerely rent of fyve shelyngs iiijd the other quarter of the Mylne eyes in Parra in the holdynge of John Wakefeylde wheare of the rent is by yeare fyve shelyngs iiijd with all lyberteis comodyteis &c. I gyve &c. to all my said doughters aboue mentioned all suche of money as Thoms Eccleston Esquyer dothe oye and is indebtid unto me as apperethe by certayne oblygacions ther of made over and bysyds the said xxti apeace and chylds part of gods equallye to be devydytt amongest theym I gyve &c. to my suster Anne P. fowre pounde Allsoe it is my mynde and will to haue a trentall of masses to be said at my parisshe churche of Prescott and theyre the preste to pray for my saule my fathers saule my shelyngs for the same I gyve &c. tenne shelyngs to be a stocke towarde fyndynge of a preest at Sainct Elyns Chapell in Hardshae and to the mayntenance of Godds devyne svice therre for ever if the stocke goe forthwarde and that a preest doe service as is aforesaid Allsoe I orden and make Margarett my wife my cosyn Willyam Hollande gentylma and my sone Thoms P. my true and lawfull executors to execute &c. havyng my right worshipfull brother in lawe Thoms Leylonde Esquyer supvisor hereof to see &c. In wittnes &c. these beynge witnes Thoms Leylonde Esquyer Henre Eccleston Willm Parre Edwarde Ley Bryan Martyne with other.
Thomas married Margaret Leyland, daughter of William Leyland (ca 1475-1547) & Anne Singleton (ca 1486-).
Their children include:
Jane Parr (-aft 1559)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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