Pane-Joyce Genealogy
668. Edward Rawson. Born ca 1555. Edward died in Colinbrook, Langleymarsh, Buckinghamshire 16 Feb 1603 and 4 May 1604. Occupation: merchant.

Edward, of Colebrooke, Langley, Buckinghamshire, will dated 16 Feb 1603, proved 4 May 1604.

(Edward is sometimes said to be the son of Richard (sometimes called John) (supposedly the son of Christopher & Agnes (Burke) Rawson) & Margaret Rawson. But no sources or other information about these ancestors is given.)

Will: Edward Rawson, of Colbrooke, in the Parish of Langley Marris in the County of Buckingham, mercer, 16 February, 1603, proved 4 May, 1604.
    To my wife, Bridget Rawson, for and during her natural life, my house and tenement and the appurtenances, &c., lying in Colbrooke, now in the occupation of Edward Whitlock, and after her decease, unto David Rawson, my son, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten: and for want of such issue unto Henrie Rawson, my eldest son, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten: and failing such issue, to the right heirs of me the said Edward, forever.
    To son Henry all that house called the "Draggon" and the two shops thereunto adjoining, lying and being in Colbrooke
aforesaid, and to his heirs male &c., with remainder to son David and his lawful issue, &c., and failing such issue unto Ralphe Ward, my brother-in-law, and his heirs forever.
    To the said David Rawson, my son, the sum of two hundred pounds at his full age of one and twenty years. Henry Rawson, also a minor. My executors at their cost and charge shall bring up my son David in some reasonable learning until he may be fitt to be putt to apprentice unto some good trade or mystery. My brother Henry Rawson doth owe me fifty pounds. Wife Bridgett and son Henry to be executors, and John Bowser, gentleman, Ralph Ward, Philip Bowreman and George Charley to be overseers.
    (Vol. 39, page 308, N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register.)
Ca 1584 Edward married Bridget Warde, daughter of John Warde (ca 1540-) & Winifred Hawtry. Born in Bedfont, Middlesex.
Their children include:
Henry Rawson (say 1584-)
David Rawson (ca 1587-ca 1617)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.