Pane-Joyce Genealogy
750. Ralph Cudworth. Born ca 1540 in Werneth, Oldham, Lancashire. Ralph died in Oldham, Lancashire ca 1573.

In The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, edited by Richard Saint-Geroge, Manchester: Chetham Society, 1871
on page 80 there’s a summary from Harl. MS. 1437, fo. 81. It begins with five generations before Ralph and Jane Cudworth, then their chidren, then the family of their son John. Here’s the content of the tree shown there in text.
    Generation 1. John Cudworth of Werneth, co. Lancaster. = Margery, dau. and heire of Richard Ouldham of Oldham, lord of Owldham.
    Generation 2. John Cudworth of Werneth.
    Generation 3. Geffrey Cudworth.
    Generation 4. John Cudworth of Werneth. = Elyz., dau. of Tho: Chetham of Nuthurst.
    Generation 5. Raufe Cudworth. = Agnes, dau. of Allexander Leyes of Ashton-under-Lyne.
    Generation 6. Raufe Cudowrth of Werneth. = Jane, dau. of Arthure Ashton of Rochdale, co. Lancaster.
    Generation 7. Children of Raufe & Jane:
        Raufe, 2 sonne.
        John Cudworth of Werneth, co. Lancaster livinge 1613. = Alice, dau. of Edmond Hopwood of Hopwood.
        Margerye, wife to James Chetham of Nuthurst.
        Alice, wife to Edward Shaklocke of Moston.
    Generation 8. Children of John & Alice:
        John Cudworth, sonne and heire, ætat. 28 annor. 1613. = Alice, dau. of Anthony Mosley of Manchester.
        Raufe, 2.
        Danyell, 3.
        Samuell, 4.
        Theophilus, 5.
        Elyzabeth, wife to Robert Parker, Bridhall, co. Chester.
    Generation 9. Child of John & Alice:
        Jhosua, ætat. unius anni 1613.
(Signed) John Cudworth

Rauphe’s will of 1572 mentions his bastard son Rauphe and Rauphe’s son Rauphe; daughters Anne, Margere, Alice; unborn child; and wife Jane; executors brother-in-law William Assheton and John Tayleur; witnesses Arthur Assheton.

Will: From the Lancashire and Cheshire Wills and Inventories 1572 to 1696, volume 28 (1892), page 1
    In the name of God, &c. I Rauphe Cudworthe of Wyrnythe co. Lane. Gent, xxj Aug. 1572. “My Mortall bodye to chrystia buryall wythin the chapell on the northe side of ye pryshe church [of Oldham].” All my goods to be divided into three parts, one part for myself, one part for my wife, and the third part for my children. To Rauphe Cudworth, my bastard son, £30 a year during his life out of a tenement now in the tenure of John Goddard, with power of distraint. To Rauphe Cudworth, son of Rauphe Cudworth, my bastard son 40s. To my son John Cudworth certain heirlooms. To my daughters Anne Cudworth, Margere Cudworth. Alys Cudworth, and the child my wife is now with child withall, the 3rd part of the profits of my land for 13 years. To the said Anne, Margere, and Alice my daughters, and the child unborn all my part after my debts &c. are paid. And my wife Jane to have the governance of my said daughters and the child unborn, during her widowhood, but if she marry again, then my executors to have the governance of my said daughters and the child unborn.
    William Assheton, my brother in law, and John Tayleur, of
Horshedge, to be executors.
    Witnesses Arthur Assheton, of Racchedale, gent., Sr Rodgr wrygte, clerke.
    [Proved at Chester by the executors, 14 Sepr , 1572.]
Ca 1561 Ralph first married Jane Ashton, daughter of Arthur Ashton. Born in Rochdale, Lancashire.
Their children include:
John Cudworth (ca 1564-aft 1613)
Rev. Ralph Cudworth (ca 1572-Aug 1624)
Rauphe Cudworth (Illegitimate)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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