Pane-Joyce Genealogy
63292. Melzar Turner Jones. Born on 18 Sep 1814 in Marshfield, MA. Melzar Turner died in Marshfield, MA, on 8 Dec 1842; he was 28. Buried in Plainville Cemetery, Marshfield.

Melzar was named for his grandfather Melzar Turner.

The Marshfield town records has a list of “persons liable to do military duty in the town of Marshfield in the year 1840”. Melzar T. Jones is among those listed.

Return of the Births, Marriages and Deaths in the Town of Marshfield
Melzer O. Jones, d. 8 Dec 1842, æ. 27, shoemaker, d. of consumption, pulm.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.