
New Topographical Atlas of Saratoga County, New York

Stone & Stewart Publ., Philadelphia, 1866

This is an inset map on page 35 of the Atlas. It is accompanied by a business directory. The names of buildings on the map are transcribed below.

Bloodville is in the southeast part of the town of Milton, just north of Ballston Spa. A couple miles north of Bloodville lies Factory Village.

Bloodville Directory

I. Blood...Manufacturer of Axes, Scythes and Tools.
S. E. Garrett...Ballston Works.
E. Miller...Superintendent Axe Factory.
C. H. Van Valkenburg...Machinist.
L. D. Richardson...Axe maker.
J. R. Schemerhorn...Scythe Maker.
J. Carlin... " "
A. S. Lockwood... " "
J. P. Weatherwax... " "
B. J. Barber... Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Blinds &c.

Transcription of the names on the map. Listed from northwest to southeast. Mrs. Case, Robinson & Mooney, Y.H. Loomis, I.P. Weatherwex, Ware House, Office, Scythe Fact. Isaiah Blood, C.H. Van Valkenburg, I. B., C. Monroe, I. Blood (2), S.H. No. 11, L.D. Haight, F. Kelley, L. B., M. Conley, Axe Factg. Isaiah Blood, I. Blood, L. Blone, I. B. (On the west street): F. Rodgers, E. Miller, W. Colwell, H.N. Hill, G. Williams, A. McLane, I. Blood, S. Farnsworth, Shoe Sh. B. Ayres, I. Blood, D. Barnum, J.B. Richardson, I. Blood, G. Weed, Borwn, Mooney, J.R. Schermerhorn, I.B., I. Blood, B.J. Barber, Sash & Blind Factory, Knitting Facotry. (On the next street east): W. Jarvis, I. Dye, B. Cole. (On the north street from the west): J. Hall, T. ford. J. Jerome. (On the east street from the north): T.L. Gleason, Mrs. Mosier, W. Scism, G. Thomas, I. B., S. McIntesh, R. Wing.

D. Pane-Joyce
Apr 2002. All rights reserved
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