Town of Malta
New Topographical Atlas of Saratoga County, New York
Stone & Stewart Publ., Philadelphia, 1866
The town of Malta is located south central part of Saratoga County. It is bounded on the northeast by Saratoga Lake, on north by the town of Saratoga Springs, on the west by the towns of Milton and Ballston, on the south by the towns of CliftonPark and Half Moon, and on the east by the town of Stillwater. The population of Malta in 1865 was 1190.
This map is on page 43 of the Atlas. There are a separate maps for the more built up parts of town, namely for the villages of Malta and Maltaville.
Transcription of the names on the map.
A transcription of the names is useful for two reasons. First, sometimes the words are not too easy to read on the scanned map. Second, you can search the transcription of names, then find the name on the map.
This list of names is allotment, and within allotment by section. Malta includes part of the Saratoga Patent, the Ninth Allotment, the Fifth Allotment, and the Fifteenth Allotment.
Sections of the Saratoga Patent, from south to north:
§ 1: W.H. Burtis, Round Lake Petroleum & Mining Co.'s Oil Well No. 1.
§ 2: W.H. Burtis, D. Small, Mrs. Yeager.
§ 3: Mrs. Parks, J. Deyoe, N.F. Abeal, F. Myers, oil Spring, Carriage Fact., Hotel, H. Parks, H.C. Swift, G. Mill, see also the Maltaville insert
§ 4: J. Deyoe, J.D., L. Knapp, J. Ketchum, P. Daltan, H. Carp, Mrs. Walworth, Mrs. Olmsted, R. Rosekrans, Presb. Ch., L. Sicklen, J. Usher.
§ 5: L. Knapp, S. Van Hyning, J. Nadoo.
§ 7: J. Davey, J. Higgins, N. Devin.
The Ninth Allotment, a thin strip just to the west of the Saratoga Patent, from south to north:
H. Vanhyning, J. Moore, B. Parks, R. Weight, see also the Maltaville insert, J.&L. Vanaderman, L. Benedict, B. Vail, H.V.H., J. Davie, Mrs. Anderson, W. Arnold, Mrs. Foster, and along Saratoga Lake east to west: J.D. Arnold, S. Mill, G. Mill, T.D. Budgley Hotel, T. Eldridge, J.E. Foster, S. Arnold, P. Francis, R.D. Lent, S. Mill, B. Freeman (2).
Sections of the Fifth Allotment, from the south boundary of the town toward the north.
§ 5: D.C. Harris, H. Vanhyning, J.&L. Vanhyning, L. Southard, J. Southard, D.C. Miller.
§ 6: C. Corp, S. Corp, B. Hall, T.&T. Vanhyning, L. Gage, S.H.No.5, Cem., L.L. Benedict.
§ 7: J. Eldridge, J. Dayoe, B. Bendon, R. Hall, J.B.&L.L. Weeks (2), C. Burr, B.S.Sh., G.W. Burr, H. Doolittle, H. Lansing, M. Smith, D. Hall.
§ 8: J.&L. Vanderman, Mrs. Deuel, D.C. Harris, J. Tripp, H. Van Hyning, E.D. Miller, H. Van Hyning, Mrs. Clark.
§ 9: See also the Malta village insert, S. Deyoe, G. Long, Cider Mill, W.W. Stillwell, Wm.D. Marvin C.D. Worden, H. Neilson.
§ 10: C. Rogers, P. Sickler, Mrs. Morse, R.K. Landon, see also the Malta village insert, Cem., H. Vanhyning, S.B. Caldwell, J. Dunning, Doolittle, A. Davis, East Line P.O., W. Ryan, J.D. Raymond (2), C. Thompson, T. English, R.A. Ogden, J. Braham, T. Crowley, M.E. Ch., A. Stilwell, J.D. Raymond, D. Allen.
§ 11: W. Hall, M.P. Vincent, H. Brown, E. Dunning, J.H. Hall, S.H.No.2, J. Brown, M.T. Dunning, Wm.A. Collamer (2), Mrs. Dunning, J. Coon, W. German, W. Kelly, W.H.&C.A. Coon, Cider Mill.
§ 12: D. Wiggins, B. Eldridge, J.B. Wiggins, J. Wiggins, L.J. Fish, W.A. Collamer, G. Moorehouse, J.L. Brownell, D. Bidwell, W. Emigh, J. Morse, T. Millard, J. Buck.
§ 13: L.J. Fish, T. Halien, R.S. Hall, B.V. Hall, Allen, S.H.No.6, Cemetery, C. McCreedy, W. Daharty, B. Corly, D. Hennessy, E. Billington.
Sections of the Fifteenth Allotment, along the north boundary, from the east to the west.
§ 2: Mrs. Henry.
§ 3: J. Riley, S. Riley, S. Rheno, S. Cranch, L. Van Vechten, J. Wiggins, C. Davis, Mrs. Irish, S. Phillips, J.D. Davis.
§ 4: C. Riley, Mrs. L. Hall, H. Phillips, A.C. Face.
§ 5: Van Bunschoten, J. Story, G. Speck, C.H. Brockway, Mrs. Brockway, J. Chase, E. Roraback (2).
§ 6: Hagaman, C. Smith, G. Riley, Malta Ridge, Mrs. Brockway, G. Riley, S.H.No.1, Van Bunschoten, M.E.Ch., D. Rowley, B.W. Rowley, S. Rowley, S.H.No.7.
§ 7: M. Lynch, the village of Malta Ridge, B.S.Sh., A. Tompkins, J.R. Lockrow, E. Milliard, W. Wright, S. D. Tompkins, Cem., J. Rowley (2), P. Powers, Mrs. S. Green, E.C. Wilson, J. Baker.
§ 8: R. Tompkins, W. Tompkins, D.N. Collamer, W. Ramsdale, Miss M. Ramsdale.
§ 9: J. Phillipp Jr., P. Vincent, B.S.Sh., W.Sh., G. Youngs, P. Vincent, P. Howard, S. Ramsdale, J. Kingston, Z. Ramsdale, Miss M. Ramsdale.
§ 10: S. H. Phillipp, D. Fish's Est., J. Weatherwax.
§ 11: P. Riley, C. Young, J.C. Ramsdale.
§ 12: T.A. Patterson, A. Weed.
§ 13: J.L. Howard.

D. Pane-Joyce
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