Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1059. Gysbert op den Dyck. Born ca 1528 in Weisel, Rheinland-Pfalz.5 Gysbert died in Weisel, Rheinland-Pfalz on 1 Apr 1585.5

The first two paragraphs on Gysbert from The Op Dyck Genealogy, pages 30–34:5
    Born about 1528; died 19 April, 1585; married Maria Eyswick.
    He was seven times elected Town Councillor from the Cow Gate Ward, was Supervisor of the City Poor one year, and for the last six years of his life served and received salary as Werkmeister or Commissioner of Public Works, an office held by his father before him. As Supervisor and Commissioner he received from the city the usual Christmas gifts of wine. His wife acted one year as Inspectress of city washerwomen, and as such received a like gift. He appears as of the Cow Gate Ward on two fortification tax lists, in 1568 as paying the tax and in 1582 as excused from contributing by reason of his services as Commissioner of Public Works. He was busied with the construction of the very works to pay for which the tax was levied, and it is pleasant to think that to his skill and energy the city in part owed its strong walls and picturesque towers, shown in the drawing made by Mercator in the year of Gysbert’s death and reproduced in the illustration opposite this page.
Gysbert married Maria Ryswick.
Their children include:
Lodowick op den Dyck (ca 1565-aft 1615)
1060. Anna op den Dyck.
Anna married Deric Kalenbuiter.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.