Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1205. Lewis Jones. Lewis died in Watertown, MA on 11 Apr 1684.30 Buried in Old Cemetery, Watertown.

The estate of Lewis Jones was inventoried 20 Apr 1684, £62. 2. A codicil to his will was dated 19 Apr 1682, approved 14 Jun 1684. It mentions his wife Anna, sons Shubael and Josiah, daughter Lydia Whitney; with son Josiah executor; friend and brother, John Stone, overseer; Simon and John Stone witnesses.30

There are several genealogies for the Lewis Jones family or branches of it.

1. Henry Bond. Genealogies of the Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts. Boston: NEHGS, 1860.30
    Bond’s Watertown genealogies treat all the families of Watertown, not just this one. It includes the early Joneses of Watertown, Weston, and Waltham as well as their relatives by other names.

2. William Blake Trask. Some of the descendants of Lewis and Ann Jones of Roxbury, Mass., through their son Josiah and grandson James. Boston: 1878.101
    This concentrates on the line Lewis^1, Josiah^2, James^3, and the descendants of James.

3. Elbert Smith. The Descendants of Joel Jones. Rutland VT: Tuttle Co., 1925.102
    This concentrates on the line leading to Joel, namely Lewis^1, Joisah^2, Nathaniel^3, Nathaniel^4, Enos^5, Joel^6, and the desendants of Joel.

4.Jeanett Teegarden Jones & Catherine J. Larson. Further Descendants of Lewis Jones. Manuscript. 1955, supplements by Larson 1979 1985.103
    (Yet to be seen. Thanks to Kluckhohn-Cramp Lines, at RootsWeb for referring to it.

Will: Quoted from Elbert Smith’s Descendants of Joel Jones:102
    Will of Lewis Jones.
    In the name of God Amen, I, Lewis Jones, in Watertown, in New England, being at p'sent of p'fect understanding and memory, though weak of body, committing my soul into the hands of Almighty God and my body to decent buryall, in hope of a Ressurrection into eternal life, through the Merrits and power of Jesus Christ my most gracious Savior and Redeemer; do thus dispose of that estate which God has graciously given unto me–; Considering the weak and helpless condition of my dear wife, Ann Jones, and of my son, Suball Jones, my will and pleasure is, that the whole of my estate (after the discharge of my debts and my buriall) be improved for their supply, the benefits of it, and also the principal, if they stand in need thereof. And my further will and pleasure is y't when the Lord shall please to remove either of them by death, that then that which remaineth shall be wholly to the use of the other so long as either of them shall live; & if the Lord shall so dispose that anything remaineth after their death, that when what remaineth be divided, two parts to my daughter, Lydia Whitney, if she be then living, & one part to my son Josiah; but if Lydia be dead, that w't remaineth be divided equally to my son Josiah, if living, or such of his children as shall be living, and the children of my daughter Lydiah that shall then be living, & of this my last will, I do constitute my son Josiah my sole executor and do earnestly desire my loving friend and Brother John Stone to be overseer, to assist my son in the managing of ye estate so as may be best for the comfort of my poor wife and child aforesd, and in confirmation hereof I have hereunto set my Marke and seale.
    The Marke & seal of
    Lewis Jones.
    This 7th day of ye 11th, 1678
A Codicil annexed to ye above sd will, 19, 2, 1682 (after the death of the wife of the testator):
    As a further addition to my last Will and Testament, I do nominate and appoynt my assured friends, Simon Stone & John Stone of Watertown, to be guardians unto my son Suball Jones, to whose prudence and wisdom I do commit & send the governm't of my sd son, and the disposal of all that estate as well real and p'sonal to my sd son bequeathed: & I do hereby authorize and empower sd Guardians, or the longest liver of them, to make sale of any part of my house and lands as there shall appear to them needful for the belief of my sd son Shuball Jones
    his mark
    Lewis Jones
The above will was proved June 17, 1684.
    Jonath. Remington, Clericus.
Lewis married Anna. Anna died in Watertown, MA on 1 May 1680.102 Buried in Old Cemetery, Watertown.

Anna may have been the daughter of Deacon Simon Stone.
Their children include:
Lydia Jones (1632-3 Feb 1701/2)
Dea. Josiah Jones (ca 1643-9 Oct 1714)
Phebe Jones (Died young) (21 Jan 1646-6 Jul 1650)
Shubael Jones (1 Jul 1651-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.