Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1236. Thomas Richardson. Born ca 1567-1570.50 Thomas died in Westmill, Hertfordshire in Jan 1634. Buried 8 Jan 1633/4 in Westmill, Hertfordshire.50

Check out NEHGR vol. 57.

Will:    The original will of Thomas Richardson of West Mill, Herts, found at Hitchin, reads:

March the 4th Ano domini 1630. In the name of God Amen I Thomas Richardson of Westmill in the County of Herts, husbandman, being sick in body but of good an perfect memory thanks be to God doe make and ordeyne this my last will in manner and forme following, firste. I bequeath my soull unto the hands of God my maker and Redeemer by whose merits I only truste to be saved. and my body to be buryed in the place of Christian buryall and Touchinge my temporall goods I doe dispose of them as followeth.

    First. I gyve unto Katherine my wife duringe the tearme of her naturall life my littell close of pasture called little hunnymeade cont' half an acre and after her decease I give the same to my sonn Samuell and his heyers for ever.

    Item. I give to my sonn John forty shillings to be payed to him within the space of three yeares next ensueing the decease of me and Katherine my now wife by my executor.

    Item. I give to my sonn James twelve pence.

    Item. I give to my sonn Thomas three pounds to be payed to him within the space of fyve yeares next ensueing the decease of me and Kathyrine my now wife.

    Item. I gyve unto Katherine my wife all my movable goods to use for and during the terme of her life and after her decease I gyve the same unto my sonn Samuel whom I doe ordeyne and make my sole executor. In Witness whereof I have sett my hand and Seal the daye and yeare above sayd.

    Sealed and declared in the presence of us Richard Baker.
Philip Baker. Signed—THOMAS [mark] RICHARDSON proved 31 July 1634 at Hitchin presented by son Samuel Richardson.
On 24 Aug 1590 Thomas married Katherine Duxford, daughter of Richard Duxford (ca 1539-Apr 1622) & Joan (-Sep 1616), in Westmill, Hertfordshire.50 Born ca. 1565-1570.121 Katherine died in Westmill, Hertfordshire Mar 1631/2. Buried 10 Mar 1631/2 in Westmill, Hertfordshire.121
Their children include:
Elizabeth Richardson (ca 1593-22 Jun 1630)
John Richardson (ca 1596-)
James Richardson (ca 1600-)
Samuel Richardson (ca 1604-23 Mar 1658)
Ezekiel Richardson (ca 1606-21 Oct 1647)
Thomas Richardson (ca 1608-28 Aug 1651)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.