Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1272. John White. John died in Brookline, MA on 15 Apr 1691.135

From Lothrop’s article “John White of Watertown and Brookline, and some of his descendants”:135
        “John White was living in Watertown whe the first inventory of estates was taken. This appeaars to have been as early as 1639. He then owned ‘An Homestall of seven acres more or less bounded the south and east with the highway, the north with the swamp and the west with William Paine, bought from Ephraim Child.’ (Watertown Records, Lands, Grants and Possessions, p. 53.)
        “He remained in Watertown until 1650, when he moved to Muddy River (now Brookline), and bought from Thomas Oliver of Boston ‘50 acres upland 18 acres of marsh and six acres of fresh marsh in Muddy River ... for & in consideration of ... the full & just summe of one hundred & thirty pounds sterl. to be paid in good & merchantable corne & fatt cattle at prices current or as they shall be prized by two men indifferently chosen.’
    “The deed conveying the property is dated ‘thirteenth day of the twelfth month one thousand six hundreth & ffifte.’ (Papers of the White Family of Brookline, 1650-1807. Published by the Brookline Historical Publication Society.)
    “He afterwards bought other tracts of land in Brookline, and became a large proprietor. His will, dated April 13, 1691, names wife Frances and three sons.”
On 10 Apr 1640 John married Frances Jackson in Brookline, MA. Born on 7 Nov 1619 in Hamseterley, Durham, England. Frances died in Brookline, MA 26 Feb 1695/6.

(What is an authority for Frances’s surname being Jackson?)
Their children include:
Lieut. John White (ca 1642-28 Mar 1695)
Joseph White (-10 Sep 1725)
Benjamin White (-9 Jan 1723)
Mary White (Died young) (1652-Mar 1669)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.