Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1308. Peter Brackett. Born ca 1580/1585 in Sudbury, Suffolk. Peter died in Sudbury, Suffolk in Aug 1616. Buried on 25 Aug 1616 in All Saints, Sudbury.

Peter’s estate was probated 28 Aug 1616 in Bury St Edmonds, Suffolk, England.

Check out TAG 52:65-75, 92.

Will: 8 August 1616 - I Peter Brackett of Sudbury in the countie of Suff and diocesse of Norwich being sicke in bodie but whole in minde ... Rachell my wiffe shall have all my goods chattells and impliments of householde in consideration that she shall bringe up my children and pay unto every one of my children twentye shillings apeece as namely Peter Richard and Rachell and my will is that that childe wch my wiffe is wth childe wth shall have twenty shillings to be paid unto them at their severall ages of Twenty and one yeares and if any of them doe dye before their portion to be divided among them that shalbe liveing. Item I will and my mynde is that my father Richard Bracket shall have the rente of my house in the pishe of St. Peters in Sudburye wherein one Martyn London now dwelleth during his naturall life and after his deceasse I will and my minde is that my said house shalbe solde by my wiffe and the money thereof to be devided amonge my children that shalbe then living and my will is that my eldest sonne Peter Bracket shall have ffive pounds more then the residue. Item I ordaine and make Rachell my Loving wiffe to be executrix of this my last will and testament. Signed Peter Bracket Witnesses: ... Ruggles, Rychard Bracket, Thomas Grigges, Edward Strachie and William Strutt. Proved 28 Aug 1616
Peter married Rachel. Born ca 1590. Rachel died in Braintree, MA on 15 Sep 1651.
Their children include:
Dea. Peter Brackett (ca 1608-Jul 1688)
Dea. Richard Brackett (ca 1610-3 Mar 1689/90)
Rachel Brackett (ca 1614-aft 1685)
1309. Margerie Brackett. Born ca 1582 in Sudbury, Suffolk. Margerie was baptized in St. Peter’s, Sudbury, 17 Feb 1582/3.
1310. Richard Brackett.
On 30 May 1607 Richard married Margerie Weeden in Long Melford, Suffolk.
Their children include:
Agnes Brackett (ca 1608-)
Abraham Brackett (ca 1609-)
Isack Brackett (ca 1610-)
Alice Brackett (ca 1613-)
Richard Brackett (ca 1614-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.