Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Thomas Boreman (604) & Elizabeth Carter
1313. William Boreman. Born on 20 Nov 1596 in Claydon, Oxfordshire. William died in Claydon, Oxfordshire 10 Mare 1612/3.
1314. Felix Boreman. Born 4 Mar 1598/9 in Claydon, Oxfordshire.
1315. Thomas Boardman. Born ca 1601 in Claydon, Oxford. Thomas was baptized in Claydon, Oxford, on 18 Oct 1701. Thomas died in Ipswich, MA in May 1673. Occupation: cooper.

Will: His will reads:
"In the name of God Amen the seaventeenth Day of December in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred and seaventy I Thomas Boreman senior of Ipswich weake in body, but blessed be god of sound and perfect memory Doe make this my last will and Testament as followeth freely and willingly commending my spirit into the hands of god that gave it, and my body to the earth from whence I received it. And first for my wife my will is that all part of the land in my farme that I now possesse shee shall enjoy and receiue and take the Benefitt thereof During her naturall life And after her Decease to returne unto my sonne Thomas and his heires And likewise all my household stuffe and my cattle I give and bequeath unto my wife During her
naturall life to dispose of as shee pleases. Item my will is that my Daughter Joanna at the day of her marriage or after my wife shall please to dispose of it to her shalle (have) for her porsion to the value of one hundred pounds, and what shall want of such a some my will is that my sonne Thomas shall make good to my daughter to make up the some as aforesaid; five and forty pounds of the said hundred pounds my wife shall pay my daughter at the day of her marriage or at the age of two and twenty years, and the remainder of the said hundred pounds my will is that my sonne Thomas shall pay my daughter out of the land that my wife doth possess during her naturall life after her decease. Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Daniell and his heirs forever that parcell of land thatch and marsh ground conteyning sixe acres more or less from the Bridge to the point of the cove, to witt from the ordinarie highe water marke Provided that he said Daniell my sonne and his heires Doe from time to tyme yearely allow his Brother Thomas two dayes in a year to repaire the Bridge. And if at any time my sonne Daniel or his heires be minded to sell the said parcell of land my will is that my sonne Thomas and his heires shall have the first legal offer of it. Tem I bequeath to my daughter Mary the wife of Robert Kinsman that is to say to her children five years afrter my wives decease twenty pounds. Item to my daughter Martha the wife of Thomas Loe to her children twenty pounds three yeares after the decease of my wife when my sonne Thomas shall possesse the whole farme.Item my will is that my sonne Daniell shall have eight pounds within one yeare after my wiues decease for the use of his two sonnes at the age of one and twenty yeares and that my sonne their father shall give in securitie to mywiues executor to pay it them at the age aforesaid. Item my will is that my sonne Kinsman shall have a footpath to goe to his land he bought of me.
Item my will is that (the lands belonging to these two said sonne Daniell and Robert Kinsman, viz ten acres belonging to the said Robert and sixe acres above said given to the said Daniell, only excepted) shall remaine and continue unto said sonne Thomas and his heires to enjoy it quietly and peacefully after my wiues decease, paying those legacies aforementioned. Item my will is that my Brother Daniell shall abide with my wiue while she lives, and after her Decease that he shal continue while he lives with my sonne Thomas to be mainteyned by him. Item I will that if my daughter Joanna be not disposed of in marriage while I live I shall leave her to my wife and to her wisedome in her mkariage to be disposed of.
Finally my will is that my wife shall be my sole Executor to see my will performed while shee lives and at her decease I leave it to her wisedome to appoint whome shee please to see the pformance of my will that shall or may not then be fully executred or pformed. And I make Simon Tomson and Thomas Burnam my well-beloved friends my Overseers to see this my last will and testament duely and truely executed and pformed. It Witness whereof I have heereto set my hand & seale the day and yeare abovesaid.
Sealed and delivered in the presence of us
William Hubbard Borman
John Dane
Anno 1673 May the 3


Memorandum whareas in the forth lune I have thare expressed cpnsarning my wife what she shall inioy dewring her natrall lyfe uppon good and waitie considerations I have here added a sirtten confirmation and adishon namely that my loving wife shall not only enioy cattell housall goods and lands but that if she shall ned she may allso dispose of part of them as ned shall require eyther cattell mouables or land and here two I set my hand.
witnes John Dane Thomas
Johanna B" Borman [illegible] Borman seniur
The 19th of June 1673 this will was opned before the worshipfull Mr. Samuell Symonds dept gor & maior Genll Daniell Denison the clarke being prsent to be the last will & testament of Thomas Borman by the oath of the wittnesses subscribed to both will & poscript & that he was of disposing mynd as attest
Robert Ford Cleric"
On 17 Aug 1630 Thomas married Margaret Offing in St. Helen, Bishopgate, London. Margaret died in Ipswich, MA on 25 Nov 1679.

Will: Will of Margaret Borman
I Margaret Borman bequeath to my doughter Kinsman one fether bed & boulster & a paire of shetes & a red Rugg one pillow one pare of cotten pilo beres one course shete. To my doughter Loe all my peuter & a pare of fine shetese & half a dason of napkines, two cowes that are in there handes & a black goune & a red petticot only one pint pot reserved. To my doughter Fellowes all my corse lining, sauing one shete, & a spit & a chafing dish, a sarge goune & one petticote * a silke scarfe & a hud & all the lining she hath in hur hands of myne & one bead blancut & allso a pint pot I resarved out of my daughter Loes. To my sonne Dannill a trundle bead, the bead & a ruge & a blancut & his wife a cloth peticot and a sarge petticot & a wastecote & a great Chest &
foure chayres & a cow he hath in his handes, & a debet he owes me I give it him & half a dason of shepe he hath in his handes & to his wife a new hat.I give to my sonn Thomas thre shepe and the bedsted & tabell I give him a payer of cobiarnes & will leave in his handes thre cowes, one heffer, two oxen, and two steres for seaven years & the seaven yeares end what is left besyds klering my debts is to be deuided as followeth, thre parts to my doughter Kindsman & the forth part betwen Martha & Joanna & to this my last will I leave my sonn Thomas to be my soule execeter the night day of August in the year of Grace 1679. I give to Dinah my sonne mayd two trayes, a milk keler & a payele.
Margaret Borman
and a marke
John Dane
Jone Gidins
In the margent thus half a duson arpurns & half a duson shifts equaly to be devyded betwene my doughters.
Their children include:
Daniel Boardman (ca 1637-27 Apr 1708)
Martha Boardman (ca 1641-20 Jan 1720)
Thomas Boardman (ca 1644-3 Oct 1719)
Joanna Boardman (ca 1650-22 Mar 1732)
1316. Samuel Boreman. Born 4 Feb 1603/4 in Claydon, Oxfordshire.
1317. Daniel Boreman. Born 21 Mar 1605/6 in Claydon, Oxfordshire. Daniel died ca 1670.
1318. John Boreman. Born on 30 Oct 1609 in Claydon, Oxfordshire. John died in Claydon, Oxfordshire, on 3 Sep 1680; he was 70.
1319. Joseph Boreman. Born ca Apr 1611 in Claydon, Oxfordshire.
1320. Job Boreman. Born ca Dec 1613 in Claydon, Oxfordshire. Job died in London, England on 1 Oct 1632.
1321. Sarah Boreman. Born ca May 1617 in London, England.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.