Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Thomas Boardman (1315) & Margaret Offing
3238. Daniel Boardman. Born ca 1637. Daniel died in Topsfield, MA on 27 Apr 1708. Occupation: Yeoman.

Daniel resided first at Ipswich, then moved in 1665 to Topsfield where he bought a farm from William Evans. He was a selectmen in 1668 and 1669.
On 12 Apr 1662 Daniel married Hannah Hutchinson (3808) , daughter of Richard Hutchinson (1513) (ca 1602-bef 28 Aug 1682) & Alice Bosworth (say 1605-26 Nov 1694), in Ipswich, MA. Born ca 1639 in Salem, MA. Hannah was baptized in Salem, MA, on 20 Jun 1639. Hannah died aft 1723.
Their children include:
Nathaniel Boardman (ca 1664-7 Mar 1758)
Thomas Boardman (14 Jul 1666-1751)
Joseph Boardman (ca 1670-18 May 1737)
Hannah Boardman (18 Feb 1670/1-bef 1711)
Mary Boardman (ca 1673-19 Jun 1716)
Wait John Boardman (23 Aug 1676-2 Feb 1739)
David Boardman (Twin, died unmarried) (21 Jun 1682-1 Feb 1724/5)
Jonathan Boardman (Twin, died unmarried) (21 Jun 1682-3 Oct 1723)
Jerusha Boardman (21 Jun 1683-)
3239. Martha Boardman. Born ca 1641. Martha died in Ipswich, MA on 20 Jan 1720.

Martha Borman, or Boardman.
On 4 Jul 1660 Martha married Dea. Thomas Low (1578) , son of Thomas Low (654) (ca 1602-8 Sep 1677) & Margaret Todd (23 Nov 1597-30 Mar 1680), in Ipswich, MA. Born ca May 1631 in Groton, Suffolk. Thomas was baptized in Groton, Suffolk, on 8 May 1631. Thomas died in Ipswich, MA on 12 Apr 1712.
Their children include:
Thomas Low (ca Apr 1661-8 Feb 1697)
Sarah Low (ca 1662-27 Aug 1692)
Jonathan Low (7 Jul 1665-Feb 1760)
David Low (14 Aug 1667-2 Jun 1746)
Johanna Low (10 Mar 1669-aft 10 Dec 1739)
Martha Low (10 Mar 1668/9-2 Feb 1737)
Nathaniel Low (7 Jan 1671/2-30 Jul 1695)
Samuel Low (ca 1676-6 Jun 1723)
Abigail Low (25 Apr 1687-15 Nov 1726)
3240. Thomas Boardman. Born ca 1644 in Ipswich, MA. Thomas died in Ipswich, MA on 3 Oct 1719.
1 Jan 1667/8 Thomas married Elizabeth Perkins, daughter of Jacob Perkins (ca 1624-20 Jan 1699/1700) & Elizabeth Lovell (-12 Feb 1684/5), in Ipswich, MA. Born on 1 Apr 1649 in Ipswich, MA. Elizabeth died in Ipswich, MA, on 4 Dec 1718; she was 69.
Their children include:
Thomas Boardman (8 Aug 1669-14 Jan 1736)
Jacob Boardman (10 Jun 1671-21 Nov 1756)
John Boardman (18 Mar 1672-)
Offin Boardman (3 Dec 1676-22 Mar 1748/9)
Margaret Boardman (5 Apr 1681-10 Mar 1759)
Elizabeth Boardman (9 Nov 1686-)
3241. Joanna Boardman. Born ca 1650 in Ipswich, MA. Joanna died in Ipswich, MA on 22 Mar 1732.

Will: Probate records of Essex County of MA (Files Docket 2708)
show the will and inventory of Margaret Boardman as follows: "Last will and testment of the widow Borman I
Margret bequcue to my Daughter Kindsman one lether Bed and boulster and a paire of shetes and a Red rug one pillow one pare of cotten piloheres opt course shette to my daughter Loe all my peuter and a pare of free shetese and a half a duson of napkins two cowes that are in the bandes and a black gotme and a Red petticot only one pint pot Resaured.To my Daughter Fellows all my Corse lining Sauing one shet and a spit and a chafing dish a Sarge goune and one petticote and a Silk Scare and a hud and all the Lining she hath in htw hands of myne and one bead blancut and allso a pint pot i Resaruc out of my daughter Loes To my Sonn Danhill a ramdie bead [[the bead]] and a guge and a blancut and his wife a cloth petticot and a Sarge petticot and a waste cote and a great Chest and foure chayres and a cow he hath in his handes a a debet he owes me I give it him and a half duson of shepe he hath in his handes and to his wife a new hat.I give to my Sonn Thomas thre shepe and the edsrid and tabell I gine him a payer of cobiarnes and will leaue in his handres thre cowes one heifer and two oxen and two steres for seauen yeres and at the seauen yeres end what is left besids klering my Debts to be deuided as foloweth thre parts to my Daughter Kindsman and the forth part betwen martha and Jobanan and to this my last will I leaue my Sonn Thomus to be my Soule Exseceter the aight day of Agust in yere of graace 1679 1 give to Dina my Sonus mayd two trayes a milk keler and a payde. "Half a duson of Arpuurus and half a duson of shifts Equiallcy to he deuidcd betwene my Daughters." Margret (her mark) Bonnan Witness John Dane, Jone
Gidins Proved in Ipswich court Mar 30, 1680, by John Dane INVENTORY OF THE ESTATE OF MRS.
MARGERIT BORMAN, late of lpswich, taken Mar 19, 1679/80, by John Whipple and Daniel Hovoy, Jun: all
her waremg clothes Linon & woolin 151i; fetherbeed & boalster, one payer of sheets, a rede rugg, one pillow,
one payer of pillowbeers, one sheet, 71i, 6s; payer ofblankits, sute of curtains with rodes, 21i; peuter 3Li.; a
payer of sheets, duz. naptines, Ill 15s.; pillion cloth, 12 s.; one kon pott, brase pott, one kone morter, lli. 2s.;one Chest, one boxe, 1 Is.; linon table cloth, napcins & sheets, 81i.; one spitt, brase charm disk 15s; beed, one mgg two blankits, 21i. 15s.;large chest, 4 chayers, 18s.; one bedstead, one table, paye of cobirons, 21i. 10s.;paile, trayes & robes old, 10s.; two oxen, two steers, 171i.; five cows, two of the in Tho. Loo his hands & one in Damell Bormans hacks, 161i.;one hayfer, 21i.; nine sheeps, six of them in Dame!!bonnans hands, 21i. 14i; total 841i8s.; depts due to the estat, 41i; depts due from the estat, 191i. Is. Attested in Ipswich court mar 30, 1680, by Thomas Borman, executer. Essex County Probate files, Docket 2,708.
29 Jan 1671/2 Joanna married Isaac Fellows in Ipswich, MA. Born ca 1635. Isaac died in Ipswich, MA on 6 Apr 1721.
Their children include:
Ephraim Fellows (3 Sep 1679-12 Mar 1725/6)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.