Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Ruth Bowers (1322) & Richard Knowles
3242. John Knowles. Born 1640s in Plymouth, MA. John died on 3 Jun 1675.26

From Libby’s Knowles genealogy:26
    “The earliest appearance of the name of this John Knowles may have been while he was still a minor. In the court held 3 mar. 1662/3 Ephraim doane, Thomas Ridman, John Knowles, and John Wilson were tried and were fined 25s. each for trading of liquors with the Indians at Cape Cod. In the same court Ephraim doane and John Knowles were bound over under heavy bonds, pending investigations into the circumstances of the death of Josiah, the Indian sachem at Eastham. This matter was dropped. soon after his marriage his name appears at the head of a cattle page, the entry reading “John Knowles 1 mare colt 4 Aug. 1671.” His earmark was transferred to his grandson, Williard Knowles, 28 Jun 1737.
    “In June 1675 Taunton suffered an attack by Indians, in which the houses of James Walker and John Tisdell were burned and the latter was killed. At the same time two soldiers from Eastham, who were on duty there, were killed. Capt. John Freeman, whose daughter Samuel^2 Knowles afterwards married, was in command of the Barnstable County company, and in his report to Governor Winslow, under date of Taunton, 3 Jun 1675, said:
    “‘This morning three of our men are slain close by one of our courts of guard, (two of them, Samuel Atkins and John Knowles, of Eastham); housews are burned in our sight; our men are picked off at every bush.’
    “Three Indians were tried, 6 Mar. 1676/7, for the murder of John Knowles, John Tisdell, Sr., and Samuel Atkins. The jury found grounds of suspicion against two and acquitted one, but all three were sold into slavery as ‘prisoners of war.’ The sum of £10 waas presented by the Colony to ‘Apthya widow of John Knowles lately slain in the service.’ In 1676 Lieut. Jonathan Sparrow and Jonathan Bangs were delegated by the Court to asssist the yound widow in settleing her husband’s affairs.
    “The inventory of his estate, taken 8 Mar. 1676, included ‘one dwellinghouse and three or four acres of land, and a small parcel of broked sedge and meadow.’ His house must have stood on the southern slop of the high land north of the road recently built form the State Road to the Town Landing. At a town meeting held 15 Mar. 1724/5 it was
    “‘Voted, to allow Samuel Knowles to fence in the land on the northwest side of his field or land which was formerly his brother John Knowles so far as the fence & ditch which did formerly enclose the said land did formerly stnad and no further.’
    “John Knowles’s brother afterwards had his land, and two town records refer to the road dividing Samuel Knowles’s ‘original land,’ on the east of the road, from the land that was of John Knowles, deceased, on the west of the road.”
On 28 Dec 1670 John married Apphia Bangs (5738) , daughter of Edward Bangs (ca 1591-Feb 1677/8) & Rebecca Hobart (2304) (ca 1611-1679), in Eastham, MA.148,62 Born on 15 Oct 1651 in Eastham, MA.62 Apphia died aft 20 May 1715.

Apphia and her sister, Mercy, were twins, and they married their husbands on the same day.
Their children include:
Dea. Edward Knowles (7 Nov 1671-16 Nov 1740)
Col. John Knowles (10 Jul 1673-3 Nov 1757)
Rebecca Knowles (2 Mar 1674/5-4 Mar 1758)
3243. Mercy Knowles. Born 1640s in Plymouth, MA. Mercy died in Eastham, MA.26

Mercy, also known as Mary.
On 5 Feb 1667 Mercy married Ephraim Doane (2646) , son of Dea. John Doane (1186) (ca 1590-21 Feb 1685[/6]) & Ann (-1 Jun 1654), in Eastham, MA.148,62 Born ca 1642 in Plymouth, MA.16 Ephraim died in Eastham, MA ca 1700.254

From The Doane Family:254
    “Ephraim Doane does not appear to have been prominent either in town or church affairs. Only a little of his life can be gleaned from the public records.
    “On March 3, 1662-3, he and three others were fined twenty-five shillings each, for trading of liquor with the Indians, and he and Thomas Ridman were fined fifty shillings each, for permitting the Indiane to have liquor in their boats, ‘it appearing that one of the Indians was drunk thereby.’ Oct. 29, 1669, he was before the court for ‘horribly slandering and belying his neighbours’ at Eastham and was fined ‘the sume of twenty shillings for telling two lyes about the same.’ June 6, 1678, he was again before the court to answer to the complaint of ‘Jawannum, late wife of James Pequin of Billingsgate, as suspected by her and Nicholas, to have been an occasion of the violent death of the said Pequin, her husband.’
    “He settled within the limits of Eastham. He took the oath of fidelity before Mr. Freeman in 1670, and was admitted a freeman June 5, 1684. His name appears in Truro June 17, 1690, and is in a list of the legal inhabitants of Eastham in 1695. He was a surveyor of highways in Eastham in 1691 and again in 1692. He made lis will Dec. 17, 1699, and desires his wife's children, by her former husband, John Snow, of whom there were nine, to share equally with his own children, after the decease of his wife Mary.”

Will: The Will of Ephraim Doane, proved 19 Apr 1700.

In ye Name of God Amen, ye seventh day of December in ye year of ye Lord one thousand six hundred ninety and nine, I Ephraim Doane of ye Town of Eastham in ye County of Barnstable in ye province of ye Massachusetts Bay in N. England being sick and weak of Body but of good and perfect memory, Thanks be to Allmighty God and calling to Remembrance ye uncertain Estate of this Transitory Life and that all flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please God to call, do make constitute and declare this my last will and Testiment in manner and form following: Revokeing and Annulling by these presents all and every Testiment and Testiments will and wills by me heretofore made and declared either by word or writing, and this is to be taken only for my Last will and Testament and no other, flrst and principally I give and comitt my Soul to God my creator and my Body to ye earth by decent burial and tuching such worldly Estate as ye Lord in mercy hath Lent me, my will and meaning is that ye same shall be bestowed and Imploid in manner and form following that is to say, flrst I will that all those debts and duties as I owe in Right or contience to any manner of person or persons shall be well and truly contented and paid or ordained to be paid within convenient time after my decease by my executrix hereafter named.

It. I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Mary Doane all my moveable estate (after my debts are paid) and ye use and Improvement of ye one half part of my now dwellinghouse and ye land thereunto adjoining and belonging with ye one halfe of ye Barn and all other ye appurtinances belonging to messuage with ye one half of all my meadow Land Iying within ye Township of Eastham during ye Terme of her natural Life and that what of my moveable Estate shall be Left after my sd wifes decease and debts paid my will and meaning is that ye same shall be divided among ye children. That is to say ye children which I had by my former wife, and ye children which my now beloved wife had by her former husband John Snow deceased, I say to be divided among sd children by Equall proportions.

It. I make constitute and ordain my well beloved wife Mary Doane executrix. In witness whereof I do hereunto sett my hand and seal ye day and year above mentioned.

ye mark of Ephraim Doane [seal]

Joseph Doane
Mary Snow [her mark]
Jona Sparrow
Their children include:
Patience Doane (Died young) (28 Jan 1668-1675)
Apphia Doane (18 or 28 Jul 1670-)
Eld. Hezekiah Doane (last week of Aug 1672-1752)
Thomas Doane (4 Sep 1674-8 May 1756)
Ebenezer Doane (Apr 1676-)
Nehemiah Doane (Died young) (Aug 1680-Feb 1684)
Patience Doane (last week of Apr 1682-aft 28 Sep 1746)
Ruhama Doane (30 Apr 1685-)
3244. James Knowles. Born on 17 Nov 1648 in Cambridge, MA.26 James died ca 1682.95

From Libby’s genealogy:26 The Eastham records contain James’ name 20 Oct 1670: “Blackish mare with star in the forhead taken up by John Young and James Knowles.’ His brother Samuel administered his estate consisting only of personal property.
3245. Ruth Knowles. Born ca 1650. Ruth died in Eastham, MA on 28 Aug 1714.148
20 Mar 1671/2 Ruth married Joseph Collins in Eastham, MA.148 Born prob. 1640s.302 Joseph died in Eastham, MA 18 Feb 1723/4.302 Religion: member of the North Church in Truro.

“Joseph Collins was the first of the name in Eastham. Of his ancestry the writer knows nothing of certainty. Some writers have it that he was from Lynn and son of Henry Collins, a starch maker of that place, who came from Ireland, but fail to give authority for their statements. He married Ruth, (not Duty Knowles, as is given by some writers) daughter of Richard Knowles, march 20, 1672. He died at Eastham about 1724. He appears to have been married twice. He mentions Sarah as his wife, in his will in 1723. He was a member of the North church in Eastham, and ordered that hs ‘dragon table-cloth be delivered to teh deacons for the use of the church.’
“Joseph Collins, Sen., the progenitor of the Cape family, had land granted him by the town. In 1681, he had twelve acres laid out near ‘Spactacle Pond,’ He is not much mentioned in the records of Eastham as taking active part in town affairs. He was several times juror, and in 1700 constable of the town.”95

There is no evidence that Joseph was related to Henry of Lynn, nor that he came from Ireland. He was a juror several times, was on a 1695 list of Eastham inhabitants, was elected constable in 1700, and was appointed by the court on several occasions to inventory property.302
Their children include:
Sarah Collins (2 Jan 1672/3-aft 1713)
John Collins (18 Dec 1674-24 May 1765)
Lydia Collins (Jul 1676-)
Joseph Collins (Jun 1678-bet 19 Aug 1723 and 29 Mar 1729)
Hannah Collins (latter end of Feb 1680-11 Apr 1724)
Jonathan Collins (20 Aug 1682-1765)
Jane Collins (3 Mar 1683/4-bef Nov 1739)
Benjamin Collins (6 Feb 1687-23 Dec 1756)
James Collins (Died soon) (10 Mar 1688/9-31 Mar 1689)
3246. Dea. Samuel Knowles Esq. Born on 17 Sep 1651 in Plymouth, MA.62 Samuel died in Eastham, MA, on 19 Jun 1737; he was 85.303 Buried in Orleans Cemetery.

From Libby’s Knowles genealogy:26
    “Benaiah Dunham’s earmark for cattle, granted to him in 1665, was in 1679 transferred to Samuel Knowles. During a long period of years Mr. Knowles seems to have been perhaps the most trusted by his fellow townsmen of all his contemporaries. In every matter coming up for town action that called for the qualities of discretion, impartiality, tact, and efficiency, his name is likely to be found. His advance in public affairs was gradual — in 1681 he was fence viewer, in 1687 constable, in 1691 petty juryman. From 1692 on he was often selectman. His earliest term as representative was in 1697. (The local histories say that he served as representative twenty-three years, but these years include both his own and his son Samuel’s terms of office.) In 1703 he was chosen a commissioner to try small causes, taht is, a judge of the police court.
    “He lived on his father’s homestead, and, when Richard Knowles’s original grant was rebounded, 13 Feb. 1681/2, the bound-stones were lettered ‘S. K.’ Apparently he had also his brother John’s land, as entries in the town records discriminate between his ‘ancient lot’ and the land formerly of John Knowles, deceased. Also there was granted to him by the town part or all of Rev. Mr. Treat’s ‘plains lot,’ otherwise called ‘Mr. Treat’s old field,’ and still later he was granted by the town all the land between his land and the Treat land. Apparently Mr. Treat must once have lived ther4e, and later, after having reduced the land to cultivation, surrendered it to the town and removed to the location afterwards purchased by Col. John Knowles on the other side of Town Cove. The burning of the records of deeds and the court records makes research difficult, and it cannot safely be said that the original Knowles lands, with what was added to them by Mr. Samuel Knowles and his sons Col. Samuel and Amos, included all the land immediately south, southwest, and west of the upper end of Town Cover, covering almost the whole of the present Orleans Village from some distance south of the road next south of Main Street as far northwast as the land crossed by the railroad north of the station; but it may be said that considerable sections of land at the different extents of this tract trace back to the Knowleses, without other ancient ownership appearing. The late Mr. Josiah Paine, in marking the ancient homesteads on a United States topographical sheet, which has been presented by Mr. Stanley Webster Smith to the Massachusetts Society of mayflower Descendants, marked Samuel Knowles’s farm as the estate of the late John Doane, Esq. All the land between the Doane estate and Town Cove and many lots southeast, west, and north of it were certainly Knowles lands. Samuel Knowles willed his homestead to his son Amos.
    “the immediate cause for the making of his will, which was dated 1 June 1732, was evidently his desire to provide for the children of his son Nathaniel, who was at the point of death. for his unmarried daughter Ruth and his daughter-in-law Elizabeth he provided “one fire room” between them, with firewood privileges and a cow for Elizabeth. By a codicil added aftger her remarriage he annulled the legacy of a cow, and gave the price of a good cow to be divided among his son Nathaniel’s children.”
In Dec 1679 Samuel married Mercy Freeman (4736) , daughter of Maj. John Freeman (1875) (ca 1626-28 Oct 1719) & Mercy Prence (9729) (4 Jan 1631-28 Sep 1711), in Eastham, MA.148 Born in Jul 1659 in Eastham, MA.184 Mercy died in Eastham, MA in 1744.184 Buried in Orleans Cemetery.
Their children include:
James Knowles (13 Aug 1680-ca 23 Nov 1704)
Mercy Knowles (13 Sep 1681-)
Samuel Knowles (15 Jan 1682-30 Jan 1750/1)
Nathaniel Knowles (15 May 1686-1732)
Richard Knowles (latter end of Jul 1688-ca 1769)
Rebecca Knowles (about the middle of Mar 1690-1755)
Capt. John Knowles (about the middle of Apr 1692-12 Dec 1753)
Ruth Knowles (Nov 1694-1 Nov 1745)
Capt. Cornelius Knowles (Oct 1695-28 Dec 1764)
Amos Knowles (3 Apr 1702-9 Dec 1786)
Capt. James Knowles (ca 1705-10 Oct 1765)
3247. Mehitable Knowles. Born 20 May 1652/3 in Eastham, MA.62,148 Mehitable died in Eastham, MA aft 1721.26
Mehitable married George Brown, son of William Brown (ca 1629-7 Apr 1694) & Mary Murdock. Born on 16 Jan 1652 in Plymouth, MA. George died in Eastham, MA in 1721.

George’s will was dated 29 Jun 1721, proved 3 Aug 1721. His proerty was to be divided amoung his children, unnamed.26
Their children include:
James Brown (14 Jun 1675-)
George Brown (ca 1679-)
Mercy Brown (ca 1687-)
William Brown (say 1675-1749)
3248. Barbara Knowles. Born on 28 Sep 1656 in Eastham, MA.62 Barbara died in Eastham, MA 23 Feb 1714/5.148
On 13 Jun 1677 when Barbara was 20, she married Thomas Mayo (24893) , son of Nathaniel Mayo (ca 1627-1662) & Hannah Prence (9728) (ca 1629-25 Nov 1698), in Eastham, MA.148 Born on 7 Dec 1650 in Eastham, MA.62 Thomas died in Eastham, MA, on 22 Apr 1729; he was 78.148
Their children include:
Thomas Mayo (3 Apr 1678-ca 1773)
Theophilus Mayo (31 Oct 1680-6 Oct 1763)
Mary Mayo (6 Aug 1683-1777)
Mercy Mayo (19 Jan 1685-)
Ruth Mayo (20 Jan 1688-14 Jan 1719/20)
Judah Mayo (25 Sep 1691-ca 1761)
Lydia Mayo (12 Jun 1694-)
Richard Mayo (13 Jan 1697-1744)
(infant son) Mayo (Died soon) (1 Aug 1699-18 Aug 1699)
Israel Mayo (12 Aug 1700-1760)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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