Pane-Joyce Genealogy
7101. Patience Doane. Born on 28 Jan 1668 in Eastham, MA.148,62 Patience died in Eastham, MA in 1675.148
7102. Apphia Doane. Born 18 or 28 Jul 1670 in Eastham, MA.148,62
7103. Eld. Hezekiah Doane. Born last week of Aug 1672 in Eastham, MA.148 Hezekiah died in Wellfleet, MA in 1752.254

Hezekiah “early resided in Provincetown, where he was engaged in the whale fishery; on May 15, 1705, he was admitted an inhabitantof Truro. He was appointed Justice of the Peace in 1710, and other years. His
name appears in 1736, as Justice. He was, at that time, a resident of Provincetown.
    “On November 1, 1711, ‘Mr John Snow and Mr Hezekiah Doane’ were made Deacons of the newly formed church at Truro.
        “Hezekiah Doane died, about 1752, in that part of Eastham, now Wellfleet.”126

From The Doane Family:254
        “Hezekiah Doane appears as a surveyor of highways in Eastham in 1691 and 1692. He early resided in what is now Provincetown, where he was engaged in the whale fishery. He attended church at Truro where some of his children were baptized. On May 15, 1705, he and Samuel Treat, Jr., were admitted inhabitants of Pamet, now Truro, and on Nov. 1, 1711, when a church was organized there with Rev. John Avery as pastor, Hezekiah Doane was chosen deacon and ruling elder. He was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 1710 and held the offIce many years, his name appearing as a Justice on old documents as late as 1736, at which time he was residing in Provincetown. Dr. Breed attended him in his last sickness. His widow Sarah was appointed administratrix June 23, 1752, but died before the estate was settled and Benjamin Higgins was appointed to her place. He had a large family but their births are not recorded on public records.”
Ca 1691 Hezekiah first married Hannah Snow (8476) , daughter of John Snow (4306) (ca 1638-bef Apr 1692) & Mary Smalley (2952) (11 Dec 1647-1703). Born on 26 Aug 1670 in Eastham, MA.148 Hannah died in 1717.261

Hezekiah Doane and Hannah Snow married about the same time that Hezekiah’s father, widower Ephraim Doane, married Hannah’s mother, widow Mary (Smalley) Snow.
Their children include:
Nehemiah Doane (16 Dec 1692-ca 1730)
Mary Doane (31 Aug 1694-)
Ephraim Doane (1 Apr 1696-ca 1751)
Apphia Doane (ca 1695/1700-ca 1761)
Capt. Elisha Doane (ca 1699-7 Dec 1759)
Rachel Doane (22 Sep 1701-)
Hannah Doane (1 Dec 1703-7 Jun 1742)
Maj. Hezekiah Doane (ca 1712-ca 1760/1770)
Ca 1717 Hezekiah second married Mary Smith.254 Mary died bet 1742 and 1744.254

Mary first married Thomas Freeman, second Hezekiah Doane.

Two suggestions have been made for the birth and parents of Mary Smith.
    (1) b. 24 May 1685 at Eastham or Durham, NH, dau. of James & Sarah (Davis) Smith.
    (2) b. 8 Jan 1691/2 at Eastham, dau. of Daniel & Mary (Young) Smith.
Their children include:
Joseph Doane (Died soon) (ca 1719-bef Aug 1721)
Joseph Doane (ca 1721-bef Oct 1755)
24 Mar 1743/4 (Int.) Hezekiah third married Sarah Elkins, daughter of Thomas Elkins (-bef 29 Nov 1705) & Sarah Gutch (ca 1654-), in Eastham, MA.26 Born on 5 Jun 1674 in Salem, MA. Sarah died in Eastham, MA, on 28 Feb 1753; she was 78.148

Sarah first married James Mayo (as his second wife), second Dea. Edward Knowles, and third Hezekiah Doane.

Children of James and Sarah Mayo, born at Eastham:
    i. Sarah Mayo, b. 14 Jan 1702/3;
    ii. Henry Mayo, b. 3 May 1705; and
    iii. John Mayo, b. 14 Oct 1707.

Children of Edward and Sarah (Elkins) (Mayo) Knowles, born at Eastham:148
    i. Edward Knowles, b. 3 Feb 1713/4, d. 5 Dec 1799 at Eastham, m. 1st 29 May 1734 Ann (Doane) Knowles (b. 1706, d. 1 Aug 1777 at Eastham, dau. of Nathaniel & Mary Doane, widow of Edward’s cousin James Knowles), m. 2nd 7 May 1778 at Wellfleet, Eunice (———) Harding (d. 27 Sep 1780, widow), m. 3rd Lydia (———) Berry of Harwich.; and
    ii. Hannah Knowles, b. 23 Jun 1717, not mentioned in her father’s will.26
7104. Thomas Doane. Born on 4 Sep 1674 in Eastham, MA.148 Thomas died in Chatham, MA, on 8 May 1756; he was 81.254 Occupation: blacksmith &whaler.

“Mr. Doane was a blacksmith by trade, but early in life was engaged in the whale fisheries. He removed his family to Chatham about 1718, where he was a prominent citizen. He was a landholder both in Chatham and in Harwich. He appears on Chatham records as the town treasurer in 1721; a selectman in 1725, 1726, 1727; a deputy to the General Court in 1736-7. In 1723 one of the four schools of Chatham was at Thomas Doane's house. In 1721 he and Thomas Atkins were sent to Boston to get the town's share of the Provincial bills, and were ordered to ‘bring them to Chatham any way possible, either by land or by sea.’ Both he and his wife were buried in the old Chatham burial ground. Their grave stonesare still standing [in 1902]. His will was presented for probate Sept.”254
28 Feb 1700/1 Thomas married Patience Mulford, daughter of Thomas Mulford (ca 1640-8 Jun 1706) & Elizabeth Barnes (3 Dec 1644-10 May 1692), in Eastham, MA.148 Born on 17 Aug 1674 in Eastham, MA.148 Patience died in Chatham, MA, on 8 Feb 1744; she was 69.254
Their children include:
Thomas Doane (10 Jan 1701/2-ca 1747)
Elizabeth Doane (5 Feb 1703/4-19 Apr 1783)
Reuben Doane (21 Mar 1705/6-bef 1742)
Abigail Doane (28 Mar 1708-22 Jan 1766)
Benjamin Doane (26 Dec 1710-bef 1751)
Ruhama Doane (ca 1712-24 Jan 1766)
Anna Doane (ca 1715-16 Apr 1791)
7105. Ebenezer Doane. Born in Apr 1676 in Eastham, MA.148 Education: Ebenezer and Lydia were admitted to the Truro Chruch 30 Aug 1713.303

“He was engaged in the fisheries at Provincetown, Mass., and resided in Truro, where bis children were baptized by Rev. John Avery. He was a selectman in Truro in 1711 and the same year appears there as the owner of cattle. June 14, 1714, Ebenezer Doane waa appointed by the General Court ‘to be the first collector and receiver of a rate or duty of fourpense per week weekly from every sojourner on the province lands at Capc Cod,’ said rate to be ‘towards the support of a learned orthodox minister of good couversation, to dispence the word of God among them, at sixty pounds per year maintenance.’ In 1717 a grant of one hundred and fifty pounds was made towards building a Meetinghouse at Provincetown, tbe money to be expended under the direction of Ebenezer Doane and two others.”254
Ebenezer married Lydia.
Their children include:
Ebenezer Doane (22 Aug 1706-aft 1752)
Thankful Doane (5 Mar 1707/8-)
James Doane (10 Nov 1709-)
Keziah Doane (22 May 1712-)
Levi Doane (9 Dec 1714-)
Lydia Doane (ca 1717-)
Elizabeth Doane (ca 1720-)
Mary Doane (12 Aug 1724-)
7106. Nehemiah Doane. Born in Aug 1680 in Eastham, MA.148 Nehemiah died in Eastham, MA in Feb 1684.148
7107. Patience Doane. Born last week of Apr 1682 in Eastham, MA.148 Patience died aft 28 Sep 1746.439

“Joshua, if living, and Patience were probably still in Eastham in 1738, when their son Simeon’s marriage intention was recorded there. The last record of a grandchild born there is in 1741. All the sons turned up in Connecticut in the next few years. It appears that Plymouth, Mass., may have been a home briefly, for there on 9 Sept. 1742, Ruhamah Cook of Plymouth married Robert Shattuck, also of Plymouth. The Shattuck genealogist believed that Ruhamah was a descendant of Francis^1 Cook of Plymouth, but Francis had no Cooke descendants in Plymouth in 1742. Those living there in 1727 were in the part set off that year as Kingston. Furthermore, a study of the probate records of all born before 1710 eliminates them as father of Ruhamah.
    “When the widow Patience Cook was admitted ‘from another church’ to the Haddam Neck Congregational Church in Connecticut, 28 Sept. 1746, she was of that part of Middletown that became Chatham in 1767, and is now East Hampton. There lived her sons Josiah, Zaccheus, Jonathan, and Hezekiah, and her daughters Mercy and Ruhama.”439
7 Feb 1705/6 Patience married Joshua Cook (20500) , son of Josiah Cook (ca 1645-31 Jan 1731/2) & Deborah Hopkins (7452) (Jun 1648-Dec 1727), in Eastham, MA.148 Born on 4 Feb 1682 in Eastham, MA.148 Joshua died bet 1737 and 1746.439
Their children include:
Martha Cook (26 Apr 1706-)
Josiah Cook (30 Aug 1707-1775)
Joshua Cook (23 Mar 1708/9-13 Mar 1801)
Mary Cook (2 Sep 1710-)
Ebenezer Cook (25 Nov 1711-1793)
Ephraim Cook (16 Sep 1712-aft Feb 1778)
Ruhama Cook (18 Feb 1713/4-bet 1766 and 1776)
Simeon Cook (24 Aug 1715-bet 1762 and 1767)
Moses Cook (11 May 1717-)
Zaccheus Cook (ca 1719-19 Apr 1812)
Jonathan Cook (-bef 29 Oct 1804)
Mary Cook (ca 1725-)
Hezekiah Cook (ca 1728-23 Apr 1793)
7108. Ruhama Doane. Born on 30 Apr 1685 in Eastham, MA.148

About 1704, Ruhama was living in the family of David Melville at Eastham, and in 1707-09 was employed at Samuel Cox’s Inn, Boston.254
On 22 Aug 1726 when Ruhama was 41, she married Richard Stephens in Eastham, MA.254
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D. Pane-Joyce
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