Pane-Joyce Genealogy
John Cummin (618) & Amy Greene
1381. John Cummin. Born ca Jun 1595. John was baptized in Easthorpe, Essex, on 17 Jun 1595.35 John died aft 10 Jan 1656.35
John married Rebecca.
1382. Ursula Cummin. Born ca May 1597. Ursula was baptized in Easthorpe, Essex, on 8 May 1597.35 Ursula died aft 8 Nov 1633.35
1383. Abraham Cummin. Born ca Nov 1599. Abraham was baptized in Easthorpe, Essex, on 11 Nov 1599.35 Abraham died in Oct 1657. Buried on 24 Oct 1657 in Great Tey, Essex.35
Abraham married Margaret Lord.
1384. Dea. Isaac Cummings. Born ca Apr 1601 in Easthorpe, Essex. Isaac was baptized in Easthorpe, Essex, on 5 Apr 1601.35 Isaac died in Topsfield, MA in May 1677.17

From the Cummings Memorial:149
    Isaac Cummings appears on a list of the ‘Commoners’ of Ipswich, Mass., on the last day of the year I641. He is said to have had, as early as July 1638, a planting lot in ‘Reedy Marsh,’ and a house lot in town. An old record is quoted in Essex Co. Hist. & Gen. Register, to wit: ‘Whereas Isaac Comings...Sold Andrew Hodges of this town all the said seven acres of land, more or less, Iying near highway to Jeffries Neck, 1639, 26, (6).’ The name appears on a list of Freemen in Watertown, 1642. In 1652, Samuel Symonds and his wife Martha sell him in consideration of £30, 150 acres ‘joining partly on Daniel Clark’s land.’ This Clark was an early settler of Topsfield. Mr. Samuel Todd, who married one of the Cummings descendants, and who had given much attention to this research, once wrote me: ‘There is evidence that the first Isaac owned considerable land on the west side of Howlet’s (then Winthrop’s) brook, pretty near two miles N. W. of the old Cummings place on this side of the river.’ ‘One hundred acres Iying on the westerly side and fifty acres on the easterly side,’ so says Historical Collections, Vol. V. of Topsfield Historical Society.
    In I666 he was constable, and his son Isaac was his deputy, and in a deposition he states his age to be 65. The same year he was assessed 4s. 7d. to pay the town's indebtedness. He was deacon of the church, and in 1676, at least, moderator of the town meeting. No mention remains of his wife nor of her name. She was not living when his will was made, May 8, 1677. It is on file in the probate office, but unrecorded.

Will: Will of Isaac Cummings Sr:149

        The last will and testament of Isaac Comins Senier. I, being sencable of my approaching desolution, being at present weak in body yet perfect in my understanding, having by the grace of God bene helped to provid for my future state in another world: doe now in ordering of what God hath been pleased to bestow upon me of the blessings of this life, take care and order that, in the first place, my debts be duly paid. nextly I doe by this my last will and testament confirme to my son Isaac the ten acres of division land, on the south side of the great river, be it more or less: nextly, I do give unto my son, John Juet, ten pounds, part in Cattel & part in household goods: nextly, I doe will and bequeath to my grandson, Isaac, the son of my son Itsaac, one year old hefer, one little sow, the Indian corn which he hath planted for himself and the flax which he hath sown.
    Item, I doe give unto him my chest 2d in bigness with the lock and key: item my history book with such books as are his own, viz. a bible and testament. item, I doe give him ten pounds to be paid at seventeen years of age in country pay. item, I doe give my son, John Pease, thirty pounds to be payd out of the stock of cattle and household goods as much as may be att present & the rest in two years. Item, I doe make my son John my sole executor and doe give unto him my house and lands, being forty acres, more or less, consisting of upland and meadow with all the privileges and emoluments thereof and apertainances thereunto belonging provided that this land shall stand bound in part and in wholl for the paymen tof these legacyes and in case the said legacyes shall not be payd according to my will, the land shall be sold and payment be made out of the price thereof and the remainder shall be to the executor. Item, my will further is that if any of these my children shall through discontent att what is done for them in this my will, cause trouble to arise to the executor that then there shall be nothing pay'd to him or them, but the legacy or legacyes willed to them shall return to and remain in the hands of the executor as his proper right. My desire further is that Isaac Foster and Thomas Dorman would take care that this my will be duly performed.
    Dated this 8th day of the 3d mth I677.

    Witness the mark of Isaac Cummings.
    John Poore Sr.
    Thomas Dorman.
    Isaac Foster.

Thomas Dorman and Isaac Foster came before Samuel Symonds, D'y Gov'r, Maj. Gen. Denison Esq. Mr. Clarke being present at the day of the date hereof & saw the said Isaac Cummings signe public this to his last will and testament and that he was of a disposing mind as attest,
Robert Lord, cler.

The inventory of the estate, made May 22d, as appraised by John Whipple and John How, and testified to by John Cummings, June I4, places the valuation at £I66 1s. 6d. andthe debts at £19 10S. 5d.
Isaac married Anne. Anne died in Topsfield, MA ca 1677.
Their children include:
Isaac Cummings (Died soon) (ca 1629-May 1629)
John Cummings (ca 1630-1 Dec 1700)
Dea. Isaac Cummings (ca 1632/3-Jan 1721)
Anne Cummings (ca 1634/5-29 Jun 1689)
Elizabeth Cummings (ca 1637-9 Jul 1679)
1385. Mary Cummin. Born ca Nov 1605. Mary was baptized in Copsford, Essex, on 10 Nov 1605.35
1386. John Cummin. Born ca Mar 1608. John was baptized in Copsford, Essex, on 25 Mar 1608.35
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.