Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1437. Sarah Estow. Born ca 1624 in Ormesby, Norfolk. Sarah died in Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire on 5 May 1686.40
Ca 1643 Sarah married Morris Hobbs in Newbury, MA. Born ca 1615. Morris died in Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire 4 Jan 1705/6.
Their children include:
Sarah Hobbs (-aft 1714)
James Hobbs (ca 1648/1650-22 Sep 1679)
John Hobbs (ca 1644-27 Jan 1718)
Nehemiah Hobbs (ca 1648-7 Feb 1730)
Morris Hobbs (15 Jan 1652-6 Apr 1740)
Mary Hobbs (11 Feb 1657-3 Jul 1692)
Bethia Hobbs (28 Feb 1659-29 May 1738)
Hannah Hobbs (9 Apr 1662-20 Jun 1740)
Abigail Hobbs (29 Jul 1664-12 May 1700)
1438. Mary Estow. Born ca Jun 1628 in Ormsby, Norfolk. Mary was baptized in Ormsby, Norfolk, on 8 Jun 1628. Mary died in Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire on 13 Dec 1708.40
Mary married Thomas Marston (2240) , son of Capt. William Marston (921) (ca 1592-30 Jun 1672) & Sarah Goody (ca 1595-1660). Born ca May 1617 in Ormesby, Norfolk. Thomas died in Hampton, Rockingham County, New Hampshire on 28 Sep 1690.40

From The Marston Genealogy, pages 9-12:
    “Thomas Marston, eldest son of William, Sr., was born in England (probably Yorkshire county), about May or June, 1627, and came to Salem, Mass., with his father in 1634, and went with him to Newbury about 1637; thence to Hampton, N. H., in October, 1638, where he married Mary Estow about 1647, a daughter of Wm. Estow, Esq. Being past twenty-one years of age, it is very probable that he had a grant of land from the General Court, as did the other pioneers; then he bought land of John Sanborn, May 25, 1645, and leased a house and lot from Robert Knight, which formerly belonged to Robert Marston, Oct. 5, 1653 (see deeds.) The provincial records show that he was a capable and highly esteemed citizen, and was prominent in the twon’s buisness affairs, and in all matters appertaining to the interests of the community. He died testate, in Hampton, Sept. 28, 1690, aged seventy-three years and bout seven months.

    “ ‘The Court grants that petitioners, Mr. Steven Bachiler, Christo. Hussy, Mary Hussy, Thomas Cromwell, Samuel Skullard, John Crosse, John Osgood, Samuel Greenfield, John Molton, Thomas Molton, Wm. Estow, Wm. Palmer, Wm. Sargent, Richd. Swayne, Wm. Sanders, Robert Tucke, Thomas Marston, and divers others, shall have liberty to begin a plantation at Winnacunnet, and Mr. Bradstreet, Mr. Winthrop, Jr., and Mr. Rawson, or some two of them, are to assist in setting out of the place of the Towne, and apportinaing a separate quantity of land to each man, so as nothing shall be done thereein without allowance form them, or two of them.’ Sept. 6, 1638

    “Thomas Marston, of Hampton, from John Sanborn, of Hampton, four acres of fresh-medow, butting on salt-marsh, now in the hands of Roger Shaw, east, on meadow in hands of Wm. Marston, Jr., &c. May 23, 1645.
    “2. Thomas Marston, of Hampton, from Robert Knight, of York: Indenture; A house, and lot belonging to there-to, which was formerly Robert Marston’s, containing seven acres, lying on Robert Page; and fifteen acres of upland in the North-Field; also thirty acres of upland granted Mr. Rushwood by the town; also five acres salt-marsh on the other side of teh landing place, and ten acres of salt-marsh in the Little Ox-common, which was granted Mr. Rushwood by the town, with two shares in the Ox-common and three shares in the Cow-common. Oct. 5, 1653.
    “3. Thomas Marston to William Marston, Jr., both of Hampton, salt-marsh land in said town. Feb. 2, 1654.
    “4. Thomas Marston, from Christr. Palmer & his wife, Susan, all of Hampton, ten acres of salt-marsh, lying near the clam banks on Hampton river. Con. £50. Feb. 28, 1665
    “5. Thomas Marston, to son, John Marston, both of Hampton; sixty acres of updand, with three acres of swamp land, bounded on highway, John Brown, John Smith, James & Horris Hobbs. Con.£20. June 3, 1678.
    “6. Thomas Marston, to son James Marston, both of Hampton, a house and lot of land, and salt-marsh, in Hampton. (Deed of gift.) June 18, 1681.
    “7. Thomas Marston, to Isaac Marston, my beloved son, both of H., a lot of land in Hampton (on North Plains.) March 6., 1685.
    “8. Thomas Marston, to son Ephraim Marston, both of Hampton, his homestead faarm. Gift (devised by will.) Jan 17, 1686.

    “9. thomas Marston, of Hampton aged about 52 years, and Wm. FIfield, deposeth, that about 1654, when Seth Fletcher lived in Hampton, we were appointed to treat with Capt. Bryan Pendleton, and John Pickering in the behalf of the town of Portsmouth concerning the settling of the bounds between Hampton and Portsmouth, by the sea-side; and we, the said deponents, met the men above-said, and showed them the prower that we had to adt by, and the showed us their poser, which was full and ample for the ends abovesaid; but the said Capt. Pendleton and Pickering did question the power given us by the town of Hampton, not to be sufficient for the attaining of the ends intended; whereupon the said Pendleton and Pickering stayed in Hampton until we obtained a meeting of the selectmen, and had full power to act in behalf of the town of Hampton; and then we, the said Marston adn Fifield, did treat with the said Pendleton and Pickering, and after a treaty, we did agree and conclude,--that Hampton should begin to measure ten rods to the northward of the causeway that goeth over to the beach; and from there, 5 miles northward near the seaside. Dated, Mar. 9th, 1669.

    “NOTE.--The above mentioned line was run in May, 1665, and it terminated at Jocelyn’s neck, on the north side and next to it, northwards of Long Stony Beach. (Records.)”

Will: From The Marston Genealogy, pages 12-15:

    “(The Preambles of WIlls are not copied, except two for sameples.)
    “1st. My will is all that my just and honest debts, and funeral expenses be paid.
    “2d. I give and bequeath unto Mary, my loving wife, all my stock of cattle, of all sorts whatsoever, with all my household goods and movables, all to be at her disposing, only, my will is that she dispose of them amongst some of my children, as wisdom shall direct her.
    “3d. I give unto Mary, my loving wife, my dwelling house, with the lot at home, with barn, out-houses, and my orchard, and half my piece of fresh meadow near John Cliffords, with half my piece of upland there. All during her natural life, and after her decease it is all, the said house and land, to be and remain to the sole and proper use of my son Ephraim, and his heirs forever, provided he, or they shall pay such legacies as I shall order him, in this my last will; as also he or they shall take special care to be helpful to his mother, that she be mainteained comfortably and honorably, with what I shall leave her, and ordered to be paid her. My will also is that Ephraim shall divide the meadow and upalnd by John Clifford’s, and then my son John Marston to choose which part he will have.
    “4th. I give and bequeath unto my eldest son, Isaac Marston, all lands, meadow and marsh, for which he hath a deed of gift, although it be not acknowledged, I do confirm the said gift by this, my last will and testament; he, the said Isaac, or his heirs, performing what they are engaged to his mother by a bill under his and and seal.
    “5th. I give and bequeath unto my son John Marston, all the land, meadow and marsh ground, for the which he hath a deed under my hand and seal, though it be not acknowledged, I here confirm that said deed by this my last will, he or his heirs performing what he is engaged, by a bill under his hand and seal. I also give him half my piece of upland ground joining to my meadow by John Clifford’s.
    “6th. I give and bequeath unto my son Ephraim Marston all the land, meadow and marsh ground, for which he hath a deed, under my hand and seal, though it be not acknowledged, I here confirm the said gift by this my last will, he or his heirs performing what he is engaged under his hand and seal.
    “7th. I give and bequeath unto my son James Marston, one-quarter part of my lot of upland, being over North-hill brook, and one-quarter part of my fresh meadow, lying toward the brook, as also one-half of a share of the Cow-common of Hampton, besides what I have formerly given him.
    “8th. I give and bequeath unto my daughter, Sarah Low, wife of Simon Lwo, the sum of ten pounds to be paid to here by my son Ephraim Marston within one year after my wife’s decease, in such pay as he is to pay her other bequests, and if ti pleast God by dau. Sara die before thte time of payment, then the ten pounds shall be paid to those of her children that then shall be living.
    “9th. I give unto my two grand-children, John Sanborn & Mary Sanborn, five pounds apiece, to be paid to them by my son Ephraim marston within two years after my wife’s decease, in good merchantable pay, at a price following that which is worth 40s. in money, to go at three pounds, and so portionable, in case they be then 18 years of age; if not, then to be paid when 18 years old.
    “10th. I do make, constitute, and appoint Mary, my loving wife, to be my sole executrix to this my last will and testament, and in confirmation thereof, I the said Thomas Marston, have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this 17th day of January, in the year of our Lord sixteen hundred and eighty-six, and in the 2nd year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord, James the Second, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, Ireland, and France.
    “Witness: Joseph Moulton, Morris Hobbs, Henry Dow, Sam’l Marston, Seth Fogg.
    “Thomas Marston”
Their children include:
Isaac Marston (ca 1648-aft 1714)
Sergt. John Marston (Dec 1650-24 Oct 1699)
Bethia Marston (Died soon) (ca 1652-2 Jun 1755)
Ephraim Marston (8 Oct 1655-10 Oct 1742)
James Marston (19 Nov 1656-3 Sep 1693)
Caleb Marston (Died young) (23 Feb 1658/9-31 Oct 1671)
Mary Marston (9 Sep 1661-11 Oct 1686)
Hannah Marston (Died young) (27 Oct 1663-)
Sarah Marston (20 Nov 1665-8 Mar 1697/8)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.