Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2027. John Webster.

From the Gov. John Webster Genealogy:21
    John Webster, birth date unknown, is not known to have married. Of his fate nothing is recorded so far as we can learn. His father, Matthew Webster, made provision for his care in 1660, when he bound over to Gov. Webster, his father, certain lands in Farmington for that purpose. Also in 1671 when he, (Matthew) contracted with William Judd and John Woodruff of Farmington for the care of himself and his son John.
2028. (A Daughter) Webster.

From the Gov. John Webster Genealogy:21
    A Daughter, but no name is given. She was mentioned, in the paper given to Gov. Webster in 1660, by Matthew Webster, as “My daughter who is with Joseph Easton of Hartford,” but no reference is made to her in the documents of 1671, suggesting either her death or marriage.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.