Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2427. Anthony Annable. Born ca 1595 in England.16 Anthony died in Barnstable, MA in 1674.16

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    “Anthony arrived in Plymouth in the ship Ann, 1623. He sold his house in Plymouth to Daniel Ray, 1630, and came to Scituate that year. His house here was on Kent street, the sixth lot from Satuit brook, between Elder Henry Cobb’s on the north, and the Meeting-house common on the south. He had also eighty acres of land on Stony cove at the North river, between that Cove and Edward Foster’s land on the south. He was a useful and exemplary man. He was deputy (with Edward Forster) to the first Colony Court 1639. In 1640, he sold his lands to Thomas Rawlins, and removed to Barnstable.”

Anthony came in the Anne 1623 with his wife Jane and daughters Sarah and Hannah, resided first at Plymouth, was one of the first to settle at Scituate about 1633, and was of Barnstable in 1639. Anthony was admitted a freeman at before 1 Jan 1632/3. He was constable for the “ward of Scituate” 1633/4 and 1634/5, on the committee on trade 1 Oct 1634, on the committee to reform colony laws 1636, the Scituate deputy to the Plymouth General Court in 1639, and the Barnstable deputy many years from 1640 through 1657. “Goodman Anniball and his wife” were #4 and #5 among the founding members of the Scituate church on 8 Jan 1634/5. When Lathrop and his church moved to Barnstable, they did also. His will was dated 24 Feb 1672, codicil 23 Apr 1674, probated 4 Jun 1674, and mentioned his wife Ann, son Samuel, daughter Desire.16

Anthony remained in Plymouth until 1634 when he removed to Scituate where he was one of the founders of Mr. Lothrop’s church 8 Jan 1635. In 1640 he removed to Barstable where Mr. Lothrop and other members of his Scituate chruch had gone in 1639. While in Scitutate Anthony resided on Kent Street on the sixth lot from Satuit Brook which was assigned to him in the first divistion of house lots, and upon which he built a house before removing from Plymouth. He had previously been granted a lot upon the Second Cliff, and in 1636 the ‘greate lott’ of 80 acres on North River west of Stony Brook. This last lot he sold to Thomas Rawlins in 1640 when he removed to Barnstable.42
On 26 Apr 1619 Anthony first married Jane Moumford in All Saints, Cambridge. Jane died in Barnstable, MA in Dec 1643.62,170 Buried in Dec 1643 in Barnstable, MA.62 "Sister Anniball buried the 13th day of the tenth month [December] 1643 in the Calves pasture".

Jane and two of her daughters, Sarah and Hannah, came to New England in 1623 on the Ann with her husband Anthony.
Their children include:
Sarah Annable (ca 1620-28 Jun 1674)
Susanna Annable (ca 1630-)
(a daughter) Annable (Stillborn) (ca 1635-ca Apr 1635)
Deborah Annable (ca 1637-)
On 1 Mar 1645 Anthony second married Ann Elcock in Barnstable, MA.62,170 Born ca 1608 in England. Ann died aft 1674.

Ann Elcock or Clark, of Plymouth. In his will of 25 June 1672 Thomas Shaw of Barnstable bequeathed to "Ann Annible, the wife of Anthony Annible" (without stating any relation to himself) his bed and all his bedding [PCPR 3:1:42; NEHGR 7:236] Anne Annible of Barnstable, widow, was fined 20 shillings for selling beer to English and Indians without license.16

Thomas Shaw og Barnstable, will dated 25 Jun 1672: To Kinsman Robt Parker; to John Crocker; Joshua Lumbert; Elder John Chipman; Jas Hamblin Jr; Ann, wife of Anthony Annable; David Linnet. Inventory £50.
Their children include:
Samuel Annable (ca 2 Jan 164[5/]6-1678)
Esek Annable (Died young) (ca 1649-)
Desire Annable (Oct 1653-24 Jul 1706)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.