Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2467. William Hawkins. William died in Providence, RI in 1699.

William was of Providence by 1655. He took the oath of allegiance Jun 1668, called then William Sr.25

    From the book, The Complete Book of Emigrants, by Peter Wilson Coldham, years 1607 thru 1700: “Found on 20 February, 1634, among persons bound for St. Christopher's who have taken the oath of allegiance before the Mayor of Dartmouth: William Haukins of Exter, Devon, glover about 25 and Margaret Harwood of Stoke Gabriel, Devon, spinster about 22.
    The original records may be located in the Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London, WCZA, 1LR and maybe record E157/18 since this is the notation after the reference in the book.217

From Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island:105
    1638, Dec 20 - William Hawkins received land
    1640, Jul 27 - He and 38 others signed an agreement for a form of government [note: the deed records indicate that William could not write, so he must have made a mark witnessed by another
    1645, Jan 27 - He bought of Hugh Bewitt, his home share of land
    1650, Sep 2 - He was taxed
    1655 - He is registered as a Freeman
    1672, Apr 30 - Registered as a Freeman
    1673, Feb 2 - He deeded to his son William, two house lots, and the housing thereon, bounded west by Town Street, also a 6 acre lot, some shares of his meadow, etc.
    1676, Aug 14 - He was one of those "who staid and went not away" in King Philip's War, and so had a share in the disposition of the Indian captives whose services were sold for a term of years.
    1679, Jul 1 - He was taxed.

        1683, Jun 25 - He deeded to his son Edward certain rights in lands between Pawtucket and
        Pawatuxet Rivers that he had bought twenty years before of John Sayles.

        1687, Sep 1 - He and his son John were taxed together.

        1688 - His ratable estate was returned as follows: 2 oxen, 4 steers,6 cos, 3 heifers, a horst, 2 mares,
        6 acres Indian corn, 8 acres rye,10 acres meadow, 10 acres pasture

        1699, Jun 17 - He freed his negro Jack, to take effect in twenty-six years from date, "having a
        respect for him." Jack was about twenty years old when William bought him in 1695, from
        William Mackcollin of Barbadoes.

        It seems by a deed of his son, William that he made a will, which however, is not found upon the
William married Margaret Harwood. Margaret died in Providence, RI.
Their children include:
John Hawkins (-ca 1726)
Edward Hawkins (say 1645-24 May 1726)
Mary Hawkins (-1724)
William Hawkins (ca 1647-6 Jul 1723)
Madeline Hawkins (ca 1647-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.