Pane-Joyce Genealogy
3093. Ann Williams. Born say 1620 in England. Ann died in Barnstable, MA 16 Mar 1657/8.

Ann first married John Barker, second Abraham Blush.

Anderson says in The Great Migration Begins:16
    Otis and Deane claim that John Barker married in 1632 Ann Williams, daughter of John Williams of Scituate, also claiming that the latter came in 1632 with Timothy Hatherly. There are a number of problems with this. First, the earliest record of John Williams is on 5 March 1638/9, when he was propounded for a freeman of Plymouth Colony [ PCR 1:116], and the first record of John Barker is as a proprietor of Marshfield on 5 November 1638 [Pope 32]. Second, the other known children of John Williams marry or first appear in the records in the late 1640s and early 1650s. Third, John Barker's children were three daughters who married between 1660 and 1668, indicating births in the 1640s. The likely time of arrival for both John Barker and John Williams is late in the 1630s.

In any case, the Barker family and the Williams family were close. When John Barker senior died in 1652, his son John junior was two years old and John Williams was apponted his guardian. It is unclear whether John Williams was married at the time. John senior’s widow, Ann, soon married Abraham Blish (or Blush) as his second wife and had at least two more children. The best explanation why John Williams was appointed John Barker junior’s guardian is that John Williams was John Barker’s uncle.
    Furthermore, when John Williams made his will in 1691, he referred to John Barker as his nephew. It’s conceivable that he meant “nephew” to be only a term of affection.
Say 1639 Ann first married John Barker (3189) , son of Robert Barker (1297) (ca 1580-) & Catherine Ackworth (ca 1583-). Born 1610/1613 in England.42 John died in Marshfield, MA on 14 Dec 1652.290 Occupation: brickmason.

John was in New England by 5 Nov 1638 when he was a proprietor of Marshfield.16

From Elizabeth Barker’s Barker Genealogy:290
    John Barker, with his brother Robert, were among the early adventurers that arrived in Plymouth, Mass. Having some means they set out from the Plymouth Colony to make homes for themselvers, going by boat along the coast until they came to the North River. Sailing down this, they reached what is now that part of Pembrook, Mass. known as Herringbrook.
    John lived in that part of Plymouth wich was set off in 1637 as Duxbury. He was a brickmason and agreed to teach wm. Barden the trade of bricklayer, at the end of his time giving him (Wm.) “20 bushels of corn, 2 suits of apparel and an ewe goat’s lamb.”
    In 1638 he moved to Marshfield, Mass. and bought a ferry at Jones River, where he convenanted to keep it “at two pence a person until a bridge is built.” In 1643 he was a member of the marshfield Military Co. under Lt. Nathaniel Thomas. In 1648 he had some disagreement with a a neighbor about a boundary line. The Court requested John Alden and Myles Standish to “set at rights such differences as are betwixt them.”
    On June 5, 1651 he was made a freeman and on 12-14-1652, was drowned at his ferry, leaving an estate of £131.
Their children include:
Deborah Barker (ca 1640-7 Mar 1721/2)
Anna Barker (ca 1643-)
Mary Barker (ca 1647-aft 15 May 1711)
John Barker Esq. (ca 1650-1 Dec 1729)
Ca 1653 Ann second married Abraham Blish. Born ca 1615. Abraham died in Barnstable, MA on 7 Sep 1683.

Abraham Blish, also spelled Blush.
Their children include:
Abraham Blish (16 Oct 1654-1 Feb 1734)
Alice Blish (6 Feb 1657-1690)
3094. Capt. John Williams. Born ca 1624. John died in Scituate, MA on 22 Jun 1694.52 Buried in First Parish Cemetery, Scituate Harbor.

John’s brother-in-law, John Barker, husband of John’s sister Ann, died in 1652. John and Ann’s son John was only two years old, and John Williams, was apponted his guardian.

From Deanes’ History of Scituate:53
    Capt. John was a householder in 1647, and bore arms in 1743. He succeeded his father in his residence. He was a man of energy and activity, both in civil affairs and in war. He was commander of a company in Philip’s war, and constantly on duty from March to the Autumn in 1676. He commanded the right wing of the ambuscade at the time when Philip fell. He lived to a good old age, and decessed in Scituate 1694, leaving no family, and making his sister’s [grand]son, Williams Barker, his principal legatee.

Will: “Abstracts from the First Book of Plymouth County Probate Records” The Genealogical Advertiser 4 (1898), pages 25–27,

    [200] John Williams of Scituate, "Being at this present weak of Body and under ye Chastising hand of God", made his will Oct. 15, 1691.
    To Willams Barker, the son of my nephew John Barker of Marshfield, all my farm in Scituate where I now live, to be possessed by him when 21 years of age, until then it shall be in the occupation of his said father, he to pay legacies as directed; if said Williams die without issue, said farm shall go to his brother Samuel Barker, "He then Giving himself and being thenceforth Called by the name of Williams Barker"; to nephew John Barker £30, and to his son John Barker £10, and to Samuel Barker aforesaid £30, and to each of the daughters of said nephew John Barker, £10; to said nephew John Barker one moiety or half share in undivided lands at Conahasset; to nephew Abraham Blush of Boston my house and lands in Scituate, that were formerly the lands of my brother Edward Williams deceased, also my two "Runing Lots" so called in Conahasset, and my lot there which I purchased of Richard Sillis, he to pay certain, legacies; to "my Good friend Mr Samuel Fuller" of Middleboro, £10; to Sarah wife of Thomas Stetson £10; to the children of Abraham Blush £40 to be equally divided among them, these £60 to be paid by Abraham Blush; to my nephew Jonathan Dodson all my lands in Freetown, with my right as a freeman to upland on Swansey side of the Great River, with all my meadows at Rochester; to "my Anncient Servant" John Bayley of Scituate, the farm where he now lives, a moiety at Conahasset, and other lands, he to pay certain legacies; to my sister Mary Dodson £10; to my kinswoman Margaret Dodson #10; to my kinswoman Mary Booth £10; to my kinswoman Patience Pierce £10; to my kinswoman Bethiah Dodson £10; to my kinswoman Unice Dodson £10; these legacies to sister Mary Dodson and her daughters are to be paid by John Bayley afore named, provided that whereas the said Mary Dodson hath in her keeping a bond wherein I stand debtor to the estate of my late father, John Williams deceased, for £40, if said Mary deliver said bond to my executor within six months after my decease, she and her daughters shall enjoy these legacies, if not, they forfeit them; to nephew John Barker my common purchase right in Conahasset and Scituate; "I Give and Bequeath to my two Boys and children George and Thomas, Whome I obtained with my Sword and with my Bow and Whome I Will that they be sirnamed after my name viz't George Williams and Thomas Williams", to George one whole share of land at Showamet, "the Bed and furniture whereon Richard Cox usually Lodgeth", one of my Guns which he shall choose, my Black horse which he useth to Ride on and £10, also £20 to be paid by John Bayley; to Thomas Williams my corne mill and lands in Middleboro "excepting onely what I have Given by deed unto my kinswoman Mary now Wife of David Wood", threescore acres that I purchased of John Hanmer deceased, one whole share of land at Showamet, also £20 to be paid by John Bayley, also the Bed I usually Lodge on, the mare that is usually called his, her colt, two cows, and the two steers that I hired to John and Stephen Burden, and £10; if either George or Thomas die without issue, such portion shall go to the other, if both die, "my servant Tom Bayley" shall have the estate; to said servant "Thom Bayley" one whole share of land at Showamet; to my servant Will the bed where he usually lodgeth, one horse, and one half a share of land at Showamet which I purchased of Daniel Hicks; if Daniel Hicks give quiet and peaceable possession to me or my order, of the lands before given to said Will, and also his wife release her dower, then I give him the other part of said share, being near half a share, "on part of which one named Chase now or Lately Dwelt", with rest of undivided lands there; I hereby set free my said boys George Williams and Thomas Williams and my said men servants "Thom Bayler" and Will; I commit the oversight of my said boy Thomas Williams to my friend and Neighbour Joseph Woodworth of Scituate and appoint him guardian; to said Joseph Woodworth the rest of my undivided land at Conahasset and £10; to my kinswoman Deborah Burden of Middlebury £5, and to each of her children £5; to my kinswoman Anne Pratt £5, and to each of her children £5 ; I release my kinswoman Mary Wood and her husband, from any debt they owe for the Rents of my mill and lands at Middleboro, also give her 20 sheep now in her possession; to each of the children of said Mary £5; to Rebecca wife of Samuel House of Scituate one cow and one heiffer, and to Rebecca her daughter £5; to Peter Worthylake of Scituate £5; I release Robert Stanford from what debt he oweth me and give him £5; to Margaret wife of George Masset £6; to Richard Cox £5; to John Hoskins £4; to my much Esteemed friend Samuel Sprague of Marshfield £15, and also my third part of the Book of Statutes which is now in his possession; rest of goods to be equally divided among legatees; if any legatee is not satisfied, he shall lose his legacy; I appoint my nephew John Barker of Marshfield my sole executor, if he refuse, then my nephew Abraham Blush of Boston; my friends Samuel Sprague and Joseph Woodworth to be my overseers. Before sealing, I further give to mysaid sister Mary Dodson £10, provided she deliver up said bond, "and whereas it is Before Expressed that I Give to Each of the children of Mary Wood the sum of five pounds my meaning is Excepting those Children that she had by her husband Coombs whome I have formerly taken care of and made provision for"; to Ruth wife of Joseph Garret £5; to James Doughty £5.
    Witnessed by Samuel Little, "Volentine Diecrow" and Benjamin Phillips, who all made oath to said will at a court held in Marshfield, July 10, 1694, at which time the will was proved.
    John Barker was appointed administrator of said estate, Aug. 13, 1694, receiving the following instruction, of "Always Reserving to Elizabeth the Widdow of sd deceased all such Rights in said Estate as per law belongeth to her".
    [206] The inventory of the estate of Capt. John Williams late of Scituate, was taken Nov. 14, 1694, by Thomas Hyland, James Briggs and Nathaniel Turner. Item: "to three Indian Servants viz't to Will George and Tom". John Barker, the executor of said will, made oath to said inventory Nov. 15, 1694.
John married Elizabeth Lothrop, daughter of Rev. John Lothrop (1584-8 Nov 1653) & Anna (-25 Feb 1687/8). Born say 1643 in Barnstable, MA.
3095. Edward Williams. Edward died in 1671.53

“Edward was a householder in 1647. His house was on Kent street, at the corner where the cart way turns toward the 3d. Cliff. He deceased 1671, leaving no family; John his brother administered.”53
3096. Mary Williams. Born say 1626.

(In the Scituate Vital Records,52 there’s an entry for the marriage of Sarah Dodson and Robert Osgood on 14 Dec 1699. It’s not clear who either Sarah or Robert was. Their son, David Osgood, was born at Scituate 2 Dec 1700.52)
On 12 Nov 1651 Mary married Anthony Dodson in Scituate, MA.110,62 Born say 1625 in England. Occupation: surveyer.

“Anthony was in Scituate by 1650. His land was on the east of John Cowen’s and his house near where the house of late Rowland Litchfield stands [1831]. He had Conihassett lands in the right of John Williams, and was much employed as a surveyor, by the partners.”53
Their children include:
Sarah Dodson (26 Aug 1652-bef 1729)
Gershom Dodson (Died unmarried) (14 Feb 1653-26 Mar 1676)
Jonathan Dodson (20 Dec 1659-)
Margaret Dodson (ca 1656-)
Patience Dodson (ca 1664/5-3 Nov 1738)
Mary Dodson (say 1666-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.