Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Robert Peirce (2857) & Mary Knight
8011. John Peirce. Born say 1647.
8012. Judith Peirce. Born on 30 Sep 1651 in Woburn, MA.124 Judith died on 30 May 1689; she was 37.125
8013. Mary Peirce. Born on 21 Jan 1654 in Woburn, MA.124 Mary died in Woburn, MA, on 8 Nov 1695; she was 41.125
On 14 Oct 1672 when Mary was 18, she married John Walker (3060) , son of Capt. Samuel Walker (1268) (ca 1617-6 Nov 1684), in Woburn, MA.124 Born on 14 Feb 1649 in Reading, MA.81 John died in Woburn, MA, on 3 Jan 1724; he was 74.124
Their children include:
Benjamin Walker (Died soon) (25 Jan 1674-17 Nov 1675)
Mary Walker (Died soon) (27 Dec 1675-24 Jan 1676)
John Walker (27 Dec 1677-16 Apr 1718)
8014. Nathaniel Peirce. Born on 4 Dec 1655 in Woburn, MA.124 Nathaniel died in Woburn, MA in 1692.47
On 27 Dec 1677 when Nathaniel was 22, he first married Hannah Converse, daughter of Allen Converse (18 Aug 1616-19 Apr 1679) & Elizabeth, in Woburn, MA.30 Born on 13 Mar 1660 in Woburn, MA.124 Hannah died 23 Mar 1679 or 80.30
Their children include:
Nathaniel Peirce (2 Feb 1679-)
On 22 Mar 1680 when Nathaniel was 24, he second married Elizabeth Pierce, daughter of Sergt. Thomas Pierce (ca 1614-6 Nov 1683) & Elizabeth Cole (-5 Mar 1688), in Woburn, MA.124 Born on 25 Dec 1646 in Woburn, MA.124

Elizabeth first married Thomas Whittemore, second Hopstill Foster, and third Nathaniel Peirce as his second wife.

Child of Thomas and Elizabeth (Pierce) Whittemore:
    i. Joseph Whittemore, b. 14 Aug 1667.

Children of Hopestill and Elizabeth (Pierce) (Whittemore) Foster, born at Woburn:124
    i. Thomas Foster, b. 17 Apr 1672, d. 1 May 1672;
    ii. Abigail Foster, b. 12 Mar 1673, m. Timothy Farley;
    iii. John Foster, b. 14 Feb 1677; and
    iv. Mercy Foster, b. 26 Feb 1678.

Children of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Pierce) (Whittemore) (Foster) Peirce, born at Woburn:124
    i. Mary Peirce, b. 31 Jul 1682;
    ii. Hannah Peirce, b. 24 Apr 1684;
    iii. Ichabod Peirce, b. 23 Jun 1686; and
    iv. Robert Peirce, b. 14 May 1689.
8015. Elizabeth Peirce. Born on 6 Mar 1659 in Woburn, MA.124

Children of Samuel and Elizabeth (Peirce) Wilson, born at Woburn:124
    i. Elizabeth Wilson, b. 28 Jan 682/3, m. John Butler (b. 22 Jul 1677 at Woburn, d. 1759 at Pelham, NH);
    ii. Mary Wilson, b. 10 Apr 1685, d. 17 Jan 1746/5 at Woburn, m. Ebenezer Peirce;
    iii. Samuel Wilson, b. 2 Feb 1687/8, d. 7 Feb 1687/8;
    iv. Hannah Wilson, b. 24 Dec 1688;
    v. Rebecca Wilson, b. 5 Mar 1692/3, d. 29 Nov 1694;
    vi. Samuel Wilson, b. 21 Nov. 1695; and
    vii. Rebecca Wilson, 5 Jul 1698, d. 29 Aug 1731, m. Samuel Johnson (b. 21 Feb 1695/6 at Woburn).25,125
24 Feb 1681/2 Elizabeth married Sergt. Samuel Wilson, son of John Wilson (ca 1625-2 Jul 1687) & Hannah James (ca 1629-ca 1703), in Woburn, MA.125 Born on 29 Dec 1658 in Woburn, MA.124 Samuel died in Woburn, MA, on 21 Nov 1729; he was 70.125
Their children include:
Elizabeth Wilson (28 Jan 1682/3-)
Mary Wilson (10 Apr 1685-26 Jan 1764)
Hannah Wilson (24 Dec 1688-)
Samuel Wilson (21 Nov 1695-11 Oct 1750)
8016. Jonathan Peirce. Born on 2 Feb 1663 in Woburn, MA.124 Jonathan died in Woburn, MA, on 17 Jun 1694; he was 31.30
On 19 Nov 1689 when Jonathan was 26, he married Hannah Wilson, daughter of John Wilson (ca 1625-2 Jul 1687) & Hannah James (ca 1629-ca 1703), in Woburn, MA.47 Born on 31 May 1672 in Woburn, MA.124 Hannah died in Woburn, MA, on 27 Feb 1726; she was 53.
Their children include:
Hannah Peirce (8 Mar 1691-)
Jonathan Peirce (11 May 1693-)
8017. Benjamin Peirce. Born in 1667 in Woburn, MA.124 Benjamin died in Charlestown, MA ca Oct 1715.
On 3 Apr 1693 Benjamin married Hannah Bowers (3276) , daughter of Capt. Jerathmeel Bowers (1328) (2 May 1650-23 Apr 1724) & Elizabeth Wilder (10615) (ca 1648-4 Mar 1720/1), in Woburn, MA. Born ca 1671 in Chelmsford, MA.

Hannah first married Benjamin Peirce, second William Wilson as his second wife.
8018. Sarah Pierce. Born ca 1669 in Woburn, MA. Sarah died in Woburn, MA on 17 Nov 1717.155

Eban Putnam in his Holden Genealogy, page 74, placed doubt that Sarah was the daughter of Robert Pierce:155
    Nathaniel Pierce, “an orphan,” aged 15 years (son of Nathaniel Pierce, born 4 Dec., 1655, and Hannah Converse, died 23 March, 1679), born 2 Feb., 1678-9, petitioned that his uncle John Holden of Woburn be appointed his guardian. His father, the elder Nathaniel, had married in 1680 Elizabeth, widow of both Thomas Whittemore and Hopestill Foster, and daughter of Thomas Pierce of Woburn. The younger Nathaniel Pierce was left £10 by the will of his grandfather, Allen Converse. Although so much of the record would point to Sarah Pierce, wife of John Holden, as a sister of the elder Nathaniel and daughter of “old Robert” Pierce, who died 10 Sept., 1706, it does not appear that he had either a daughter Sarah or Abigail, nor does it appear that Allen Converse had a daughter who could have married with John Holden.
On 19 Jun 1690 Sarah married Ens. John Holden (3623) , son of Richard Holden (1489) (ca 1609-1 Mar 1695/6) & Martha Fosdick (1455) (ca 1620-6 Dec 1681), in Woburn, MA.155 Born ca 1656 in Woburn, MA.155 John died in Woburn, MA on 18 Oct 1756.155 Occupation: Yeoman.

John first married Abigail, second Sarah Pierce, and third Abigail (Morse) Morse, widow of James Morse.

From the Holden Genealogy, pages 74–76:155
 John Holden of Woburn, yeoman, and Abigail his wife, John Parkhurst of Weston, and Abigail his wife, John Morse of Needham and Nathaniel Morse of Weston, and Joseph, Abigail and Zachariali Morse, children of Joseph Morse late of Watertown, sell to Joshua Warrin of Watertown a messuage there, being the mansion house, etc., of James Morse of Watertown, deceased. 13 March, 1718-9.
    John Holden was about nineteen years of age at the time of the exodus from Groton. Three years later, 25 July, 1679, his brothers and sisters, having received a quitclaim from their parents of their interest in the forty acres bequeathed them by their grandfather Stephen Fosdick, joined in conveying to him the entire tract of forty acres, bounded southeast with lands of Faintnot Wines, and elsewhere by the commons.3 This land was near the Graves farm on which his sister, wife of Thomas Williams, lived, and also close to the Charlestown line and to the farm soon after purchased by his brother Samuel. Here he made his home, adding to his possessions from time to time, and followed the trade of a carpenter or housewright.
    There is no mention on the Woburn records of John Holden until December, 1683, when both he and his father are rated in the town rate, he for one person and estate at two shillings and his father for one shilling, eight pence. He was admitted a freeman 9 July, 1684. He was chosen, 4-11 mo., 1685, one of two tythingmen for the following year. On the 23 Feb., 1685-6, the town granted him “an acre nere his house, paying a shilling in money to the towne.” In the country rate of August, 1690, Samuel Holden was rated for his estate, John for his person and estate, and Justinian for his person and estate, 1 sh. 4 d., 2 sh. 6 d., 2 sh. 8 d., respectively. In 1693 John Holden paid one third of his town rate by work on the meeting house, and 4 Feb., 1694-5, was elected one of twelve tythingmen. In August, 1698, upon the occasion of the “tax for his Majestys service,” he appears as “Sargent,” a title given him also the preceding year, and 1 March, 1699-1700, he was chosen constable. The title of ensign succeeds that of sergeant in 1706 in the town records. These military titles arose from his rank in the town train-band. His commission as ensign in the foot company commanded by Captain Josiah Converse, dated 21 Nov., 1706, is mentioned in Cutter's list of Woburn soldiers as being extant. He probably was first chosen sergeant by the train-band in 1697. In 1676 there was a “Sergeant Holden of Woburn,” who was probably Justinian, brother of John. In a letter dated 3 Feb., 1675-6, James Stoakes, writing from Rhode Island where he was with the army, and where he soon died, says, “pray Looke after my armes, seargent Holden of Woburne hath got them.”
    John Holden practically disposed of his entire estate in lands to his sons2 before his seventieth year. Jonathan was given the middle section of the farm, John the dwelling house and adjacent lands, and Thomas the eastern end. In1726 he bought another farm bounding on Stoneham. At the time of his death, which did not come until he had nearly reached the century mark, he had but a small estate, upon which his son Jonathan had administration 15 Nov., 1756. The inventory rendered 8 Dec. disclosed only personal effects to the value of £22-7-2. The estate of his son John was settled the preceding April.
    Descendants in the male line from Ensign John Holden, after the Revolution were found only in the person of his grandson Captain Nathaniel and the latter’s son Captain John Holden.
Their children include:
Sarah Holden (25 Feb 1691-)
Abigail Holden (26 Mar 1693-)
Martha Holden (Died soon) (28 May 1695-27 Sep 1697)
John Holden (6 Feb 1698-18 Oct 1756)
Thomas Holden (3 Jun 1700-Jul 1738)
Jonathan Holden (19 Feb 1703-1778)
Martha Holden (Died soon) (1 Feb 1706-Sep 1706)
Elizabeth Holden (17 May 1708-)
8019. Joseph Peirce. Born on 1 May 1672 in Woburn, MA.124

Joseph m. Ruth.
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D. Pane-Joyce
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