Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Thomas Kimball (5034) & Elizabeth Potter
14420. Daniel Kimball. Born ca 1684 in Wenham, MA.72 Daniel died in Andover, MA on 17 Dec 1754.72

Will: On the web at

        Estate of Daniel Kimball of Andover
        Essex Probate Docket # 15538

In the name of God amen. On this Eleventh day of December AnnoDom 1754. I Daniel Kimball of Andover* in ye county of Essex in the Province of
ye Massachusetts Bay in New England, yeoman being Indisposed in Body but of Perfect mind and memory and calling to mind my mortality do
make and ordain this my last will and testimony (viz) first of all I remand my soul unto the hands of God that Gave it and my Body I Comend to
the Earth to be Decently Buried at ye Descretion of my Executors hereafter named. Expecting and Believing ye Resurection of ye same at ye last
day--- and as Touching such worldly Estate as hathe pleased almighty God to Confer upon me. I give & Dispose of it in ye following maner
I(illegible) I will that my just Debt and funeral Expense shall be truly and fairly paid in convenient time after my decease by my Executors
hereafter named
Item I Give and Bequeathe to my well beloved son Daniel Kimball of Andover two acres of meadow lyeing in ye Northerlly (illegible) meadows so
called (missing) of said Andover also Eleven acres and one Quarter of pasture land Joyning to my Dwelling Homestead it being his full Share of
Land coming by his mother to him and his Heirs shall hold ye Land.
Item I Give & Bequeathe to my well beloved son Thomas Kimball of said Andover one acre of Land for a calf paster also ye west End of ye house
my said Son lives in all the seller Room Belonging to said house together with an Orchard I lately Bought of Paul Faulkner Containing about
three acres more or less Joyning to land I bought of Ebenezer Fisk ye said Thomas his heirs and any that holds ye Land
Item I Give and Bequeathe to my well beloved son Andrew Kimball of said Andover ye East end of my Dwelling house also my field lyeing to the
North & East of said House also a Barne & orchard in ye field as all ye land & meadow in said field paster now inclosed by fence till it Joyne to my
said son Andrews Land also a house & Barn standing thereon of said pasture containing about ten acres formerly Bought of Paul Faulkner
aforesaid ye said Andover his heirs shall hold ye land.
Item I give and Bequeathe to my two sons Thomas Andrew aforesaid a medow Lyeing in and over a pond (?) called Nulresh (?) meadows to be
equally divide betwixt them
Item I give and Bequeathe to my said son Andrew my meadow called pond meadow, also a meadow called ye home meadow to him and his heirs
forever. Also a pasture Lyeing Near Farnum Springs Joyning to Town and bearry
Item. I give and Bequethe to my said son Andrew all my stock of Brutual Creture of Every Name & Kind Together with all my husbandry tools &
Tackling Shop & Coopers Tools also all my Barrel tub rags(?), Sword, gun, pistol Holster, Saddle & Grate Bible
Item I give and Bequethe to my Well beloved Daughter Sarah wife of Joseph Town of Andover my Trunk with all the Lining that is in it also my
Best feather bed & my meanest feather bed one Rugg that is flownd two Coverleds three Blankets two pillows one Bolster half my pillow cases my
grate Chare & three small Chares & one Cow to Be Delivered to her one year after my Decease by my son Andrew foresaid my will is that Sarah
Shall make a parsel of New lining Cloth.
Item I give & Bequethe to my son Andrew aforesaid my Chest with two Drawers also my Bonds note of hand Book Debts out of which I order my
Funeral expenses to Be paid by my (missing)& will be equally Betwix my sons Thomas & Andrew aforesaid.
Item I give and Bequethe to my son Daniel aforesaid a Calomus Gown that was his mothers.
Item I give and Bequethe to my three Sons Daniel Thomas & Andrew aforesaid the Remaining part of my household goods & stuff to be equally
Divided betwixt them & also my book, and warring appariel Aueguste my Blue Cote & Jacot which my will that my said Daughter Sarah have, I say
ye remaining part of my household Stuff my clothes & Cloth to be divided amongst my said sons: and all other and things I have not here
mentioned to me & Belong to my two sons Thomas & Andrew aforesaid.
Item I do hereby appoint make constitute & ordain my two sons aforesaid Thomas & Andrew to be ye sole Executor of this my last will and
testament in writing whereof I have hereunto let my hand & Seal ye day and year above mentioned

Signed sealed and Published pronounced & Declared by this Daniel Kimball to be his last will and testament in presents of

D.K. Seal
Francis Ingalls
Jacob Kimball
W. Foster

* Daniel Kimball b. circa 1684 Wenham, Essex County, Massachusetts, m. 1) Sarah Davidson 27 Nov. 1708, m. 2) Esther Foster 5 August 1712, d. 17
Dec. 1754 Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts. He was a cooper.

Source: The will is on file at the North Andover Historical Society, and is in poor shape. The transcrption is mine, all errors are my fault. Ron

Submitted by: Ron Carlton
On 16 Dec 1708 Daniel first married Sarah Davidson in Beverly, MA.
5 Apr 1712 (Int.) Daniel second married Hester Foster, daughter of Abraham Foster (ca 1643-9 Oct 1723) & Hester Foster (1 Nov 1659-2 Mar 1733/4), in Andover, MA.200 Born on 8 Jun 1688 in Andover, MA.200 Hester died in Andover, MA, on 12 Jun 1753; she was 65.72
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