Pane-Joyce Genealogy
18109. Wyntie Cranckheyt. Born ca Sep 1680 in New York, New York. Wyntie was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 15 Sep 1680.159 Wyntie, daughter of Theunis Herckszen & Fytie Hendricks, witnesses Herck Siboutszen & Weyntie Theunis [grandparents]. Wyntie died bef 1684.
18110. Hendrick Cranckheyt. Born ca Jun 1682 in Long Island.277 Hendrick was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 21 Jun 1682.159 Hendrick, son of Theunis Herck & Sophia Hendricx, witnesses Pieter Breestede & Geertie Theunis.

Hendrick and Annetje resided in Philipsburgh.277

Hendrik and his sister Weyntje were witnesses at the 1705 baptism of Lambert, son of Hendrick & Dirckje Lambertse.
Ca 1707 Hendrick married Antje Bankert, daughter of Laurens Matthys Bankert (ca 1650-ca 1735) & Janneken Hendricxen (ca 1664-). Born ca Mar 1686 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Antje was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 28 Mar 1686.159 Anneken, dau. of laurens Matthyzen & Janneken Hendricxen, witnesses jan der Val & Catharina Van Cortlant.

Antje Banckert is 57th on the member list of the Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157

Hendrick and Antje were witnesses at the 1716 baptism of their nephew Jacobus, son of Cornelis & Weyntje Van Texel. Also the 1722 baptism Thunnis, son of Cornelis & Wyntie Van Tesel. Also the 1734 baptism of their grandson Jan, son of Hendreck & Aantie Crancheyt.
Their children include:
Teunis Cranckheyt (ca Jan 1708-1767)
Lourens Cranckheyt (ca Mar 1710-)
Jannitie Cranckheyt (ca Mar 1711-)
Sophya Cranckheyt (Died young) (ca Mar 1712-bef 1717)
Weyntje Cranckheyt (ca May 1714-1760)
Hendricus Cranckheyt (ca Jan 1715-)
Sophia Cranckheyt (ca Apr 1717-)
Johannis Cranckheyt (Died soon) (ca Jan 1718-bef 1720)
Johannis Cranckheyt (ca Aug 1720-)
Maria Cranckheyt (ca Apr 1722-)
Annatje Cranckheyt (ca Apr 1723-)
Helena Cranckheyt (ca Apr 1725-)
18111. Wyntje Herrickse Cranckheyt. Born ca Mar 1684 in New York, New York. Wyntje Herrickse was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 16 Mar 1684.159 Wyntie, daughter of Theunis Hercksxen & Sophia Hendriecx, withnesses Maynard Hendrickszen & Wyntie Hercx.

Weyntje, widow of Abraham de Reviere. Weyntje was a witness at the 1709 baptism of Jan, son of Herman & Grietje Montras.

Abraham and Weyntje were witnesses at the following baptisms:
    1706 for Jacob, son of Lowies & Anna Boulje;
    1710 for Abraham, son of Gerridt & Catharina Van Weerdt (Gerridt was Abraham’s first wife’s brother).

Cornelis and Weyntie were witnesses at several baptisms:
    1714 for their neice, Weyntje, daughter of Hendrik & Antje Crankheyt;
    1715 for their neice Geertje, daughter of Abram & Maritje Lent;
    1716 for Cornelis’s neice Maragriet, daughter of Pieter & Grietje Storm;
    1721 for Zefya, daughter of Hendreck & Janitie Brouwer;
    1728 for Wyntie’s grandson Abram, son of Jan & Raghel Storm;
    1731 for Cornelis’s granddaughter Anneke, daughter of Frans & Maritie (Van Tassel) de Peu;
    1739 for their granddaughter Wyntie, daughter of Abraham & Cornelia Van Thexel;
    1739 for Wyntie’s granddaughter Wyntie, daughter of Arianus & Janitie Buys;
    1740 for Wyntie’s grandson Abraham, son of Johannis & Catharina de Revier;
    1744 for their grandson Jacobus, son of Cornelis & Eliezabeth Van Thexel;
    1745 for their grandson Cornelis, son of Jan & Weyntie (Van Tassel) Canckelie [Conklin];
    1748 for their grandson Cornelius, son of Tunis Van Tessel.
On 6 Nov 1705 Wyntje Herrickse first married Abraham de Revier in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Abrahm De Revier, widower of Rachgel Van Weert, and Weyntje, j.d., of Theunnis Kranckeyt Herricksen”. Born in Casant Island, near Goude, Holland.

Abraham, Jr, and Weyntje are 24 and 25th on the member list of the Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157

Abraham was a witness at the 1702 baptism of his neice Margrietje, daughter of Gerrit (Abraham’s brother-in-law) & Catalyntje Van Weert. Also the 1706 baptism of Margrietje, daughter of Barent & Maritje Duyster.157
Their children include:
Rachel de Revier (1708-prob bef 1744)
Sophia de Revier (ca 1709-aft 26 Jun 1775)
In 1713 Wyntje Herrickse second married Cornelis Van Tassel (17144) , son of Jan Cornelis Van Tassel (9226) (ca 1625-ca 1704) & Annetje Alberts Coning (6306) (1640-).552 Born on 7 Jan 1668 in New York.552

Cornelis and Antje Van Texel are 73rd and 74th on the member list of the Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157

Cornelius was appointed Deacon of the Old Cutch Church at Sleepy Hollow 17 Aug 1709, and served as Elder of the church in 1723. The family lived in the Saw Mill River valley about one mile from the present village of Elmsford, Westchester Co., NY.410

Cornelis was a witness at the 1699 baptism of Herrick, son of Jan Herrickzen K.H. and Grietje his wife. Also the 1699 baptism of Fytje, daughter of Samuel & Grietje Brouwer.

Cornelius and his sister Sara were witnesses at the 1705 baptism of their neice Marritje, daughter of Willem and Weyntje Van Texel.

From Historical Sketeches of the Romer, Van Tassel and Allied Families, and tales of the neutral ground, by John Lockwood Romer, Buffalo, NY, 1917, pages 40-42:
    Wyandance, the great sachem of Long Island, died in 1659. His daughter, known after her marriage to Van Texell as Catoneras, did not long survive her father. In 1705, her grandchildren, desiring to have the Colonial authorities grant to them a patent of lands on Long Island, of the dimensions of four miles by six, which Catoneras inherited from her father, petitioned the Governor and council as follows:
    To his Excellency Edward Viscount Cornbury Cap’t Gen’ll & Gov’. in Chief in and
over her Majesties Provinces of New York & New Jerseys and Vice Admirall of the Same in Councill—
    The humble Peticon of Cornelis van Texell, Jacob Van Texell, Jan Van Texell & Willem van Texell Sonns of Jan Cornelisse van Texell latr Deceased and Hendrick Lent husband of Catharin one of the Daughters of the said John, Barent DeWit husband of Sarah another of the Daughters of the said John, and Pieter Storm husband of Margaret allso a Daughter of the said John, — Humbly Sheweth
    That whereas yo’r Pet’rs father as heir to his mother Catonoras a native Indian of the Island of Nassauw who in her life time was Seized of a certain Tract or parcell of land lying and being on the Island aforesaid now in the County of Suffolk neer the Town of Huntington called by the natives Anendeiack in English Eader necks beach and so allong the Sound four miles or thereabouts untill the fresh Pond called by the natives Assawanama where a Creeck runns into the Sound and from the Sound running into the woods Six miles or thereabouts And yo’r Pet’rs being all Christians and professing the holy Protestant Religion and knowing that tho the heathen were never disturbed in the Peaceable possession of their lands & Inheritances in this Governm’t yo’r Pet’rs as Christians would allso very willingly hold the Same by her Majesties Letters Pettent under the Seal of this Province.
    Yo’r Pet’rs therefore humbly Pray yo’r Ecellency to grant them a Pattent for the land aforesaid Accordingly.
    And yo’r Pet’rs as in Duty bound shall Ever Pray &c.
    Cornelis Van Texel
    the Mark of X, Jacob van Texell
    Jan Van Texel
    Willen van Texel
    The marke of S, Hendrick Lent
    Barent de Wit
    The mark of P S, Pieter Storm
    Petition of Cornelis van Texell and others.
    30 July 1705. Read, to lye upon ye Table.

    Probably no action was taken under this first petition; so in 1713, the grandchildren presented a second petition, on which an order was granted, referring the matter to a Committee or Official Board, to consider and report whether a survey of the lands should be made, and in due season a report was filed in favor of such a survey, viz :
    To his Excellency Robert Hunter Esq’r Cap’t Gen’ll & Gov’r in Chief in and over her Maties Provinces of New York and New Jersey and the Territories depending thereon in America and Vice Admirall of the Same And the Hon’bl Councill of the Province of New York—
    The humble Peticon of Cornelis Van Texell Jacob van Texell, Jan van Texell William van Texell, Catarin Lent, Barent De Wit and Pieter Storm all Children and Coheirs of Jan Cornelis van Texell late deceased
    Most humble Sheweth
    That yo’r Petition’rs Said fathers mother was an Indian native Sachem in this Province called Catoneras on the Island Nassauw then called Long Island and her relacons being owners of Sundry large Tracts of land on the said Island did give unto the Said Catoneras the Pet’rs grandmother in part of her fathers Inheritance a Certain Tract of Land called Crap Meadow Scituate on the Island aforesaid in Suffolk County running along the Sound four Miles and Six miles into the woods or thereabouts. And yo’r Pet’rs being all Christians and members of the Protestant Church and being willing to enjoy their Inheritance by Patent under the Crown as all other her Majasties Subiets of this Province do enjoy and hold their lands
    They therefore do most humbly pray that they may have a Warrant to the Surveyor Generall of this Province to lay out the said Tract of Land for yo’r Petition’rs & that upon the return thereof they may have a Patent under the great Seale of this Province under Such moderate Quitrent as to yo’r Excy and yo’r hono’rs shall seem meet.
    And yo’r Pet’rs as in duty bound shall ever Pray etc.
    New York 15th May 1713.
    Cornells Van Texel
    Jacob vn Texel
    Johannes Van Texel
    May it please y r Excy
    In obedience to your Excys order in Council of the 21st of May last we have Considerd the aforewritten peticon of Cornells Van Texell and others and are humbly of opinion y ‘r Excy may Grant the Warrt of Survey therein peticoned for all which is nevertheless humbly submitted by
    Y’r Excys most obed’t humble Servts
    N. York Aprill 16th 1714
    A.D: Peyster
    S: Staats
    Rip Van Dam
    Caleb Heathcote
    John Barberie
    J. Byerley
    The Petition of Cornells Van Texell & ors, 21 st of May 1713 read & referred to The Gent’n of this Board or any five of them.

    Jan Cornelius Van Tassel, Sr., was selected to represent the Long Island Indians before Commissioners appointed to settle the wars between the Pequots, Narragansetts and other tribes and was present at meetings of the Commissioners held at Boston and elsewhere. No record has been found as to date of decease or place of burial.
[end of quote from Historical Sketeches by John Lockwood Romer]
Their children include:
Abraham Van Tassel (19 May 1714-)
Jacob Van Tassel (Died young) (11 Dec 1716[5]-bef Jul 1720)
Wyntie Van Tassel (12 Jun 1717-)
Catrina Van Tassel (13 Oct 1718-)
Jacob Van Tassel (13 Jul 1720-bef 1790)
18112. Herck Cranckheyt. Born ca Nov 1685 in Long Island. Herck was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 24 Nov 1685.159 Herck, son of Theunis Herckszen & Sophia Hendricks, witnesses Meynart Hendrickszen & Janneken Hendricks.

Herck and Helena resided in Irvington, Westchester Co.277

Herrik was a witness at the 1715 baptism of his nephew Hendricus, son of Hendrick & Antje Krankheyt.
On 18 Nov 1708 Herck married Helena Van Wert, daughter of Gerridt Jochemszen Van Wert (ca 1677-) & Catalyntje Conklin, in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.157 “Herrick, j.m. son of Theunis Herrickse Kranckheyt, b. on Langh Eyland, and Leena, j.d. of Gerridt Van Weert, b. in Phillips Burgh”. Born in 1692 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Helena was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 11 May 1692.159 Helena, daugher of Gerrit Jochemszen & Catharina Cantly, witnesses Wolfert Ecker [Gerrit’s half-brother] & Annetje Jochems [Gerrit’s sister]. Religion: Helena joined the Sleepy Hollow Church 23 Apr 1717.

Helena, also called Leena, Kranckheyt, wife of Harck Kranckheyt, was admitted a member of the Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church on 23 Apr 1717.157

Herck and Helena were witnesses at several baptisms:
    1719 for their neice Engeltie, daughter of Tomus & Crestena Storm;
    1720 for their nephews Jacob and Abram, sons of Zybout & Jezyntie Crancheyt;
    1727 for their neice Zara, daughter of Marthen & Hester Crancheyt;
    1731 for their grandson Jeremias, son of Job & Janitie Becorent.
Their children include:
Herck Cranckheyt (1709-bef 1763)
Mary Cranckheyt (ca 1726-)
John Cranckheyt (ca 1728-)
Theunis Cranckheyt (1730-1787)
18113. Sybout Herrickse Cranckheyt. Born ca Jul 1687 in Arme Bouwery, Hell Gate. Sybout Herrickse was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 3 Jul 1687.159 sibout, son of Theunis Hercxen & Sophia Hendricks, witnesses Jan Hercxen & Margariet Meyrinck.

Sybout and Josyntje resided in Philipsburgh, probably Greenburgh.277

Sybout was a witness at the 1712 baptism of his neice Jannitje, daughter of Abraham de Revier and his wife Weyntje (Sybout’s sister).
On 14 Apr 1708 Sybout Herrickse married Josyntje Gardenier (3656) , daughter of Albert Jacobse Gardenier (1462) (ca 1656-ca 1695) & Maritje Harmense Lieversen (ca 1661-), in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.157 “Sybouwt Herrickse Kranckheyt, j.m., b. on Lang Eylandt, at the Arme Bouwery, and Josyntje, j.d. of Albert Gardenier, b. at Fort Orangie”. Born ca 1685 in Albany, Albany County, New York. Josyntje was baptized in Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, on 25 Jan 1685.156 Josyntje, of Albert Jacobsz Gardenier. Wit.: Jan Salomonsz, Jacob Salomonsz. By Syntje Adams.

Jezyntje Krankyz was a witness at the 1712 baptism of Albertus, son of Joseph & Elisabeth Torttel. Also the 1720 baptism of Petrus, son of Pieter & Grietie Willemse. Also the 1724 baptism of their nephew Zybout, son of Jacobus & Helena Crancheyt.
Their children include:
Jacob Cranckheyt (Twin) (1720-)
Abraham Cranckheyt (Twin) (1720-)
Henry Cranckheyt (ca 1727-)
18114. Margaret Cranckheyt. Born ca Aug 1689 in New York, New York. Margaret was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 18 Aug 1689.159 Margariet, daughter of Theunis Herckxen & Sophia Hendricx, witnesses Marten Hendricxen & Grietie Hendricx.

Margrietje was a witness at the 1710 baptism of her nephew Samuel, son of Sybouwt & Jesyntje Krankheyt. Also the 1715 baptism of her nephew Hendricus, son of Hendrick & Antje Krankheyt.
Margaret married Samuel Brouwer.
Their children include:
Samuel Brouwer (25 May 1714-)
Neeltje Brouwer (ca 1716-)
18115. Jacobus Cranckheyt. Born ca Dec 1691 in Long Island. Jacobus was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 4 Dec 1691.159 Jacobus, son of Theunis Hercxen & Sophia Hendricx, witnesses Jacobus Hercxen & Annetie Hercx. Jacobus died bef May 1693.
18116. Jacobus Cranckheyt. Born ca May 1693 in Long Island. Jacobus was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 21 May 1693.159 Jacobus, son of Theunis Hercx & Sophia Hendriex, witnesses Jacobus Hercx & Wyntie Hercx.

Jacobus lived in Poughkeepsie until 1717, in Fishkill 1718-19, and settled in Cortlandt about 1720.277

Jacobus was a witness at the 1708 baptism of his nephew Jacobus, son of Jan Herrikze and Grietje Krankheyt. Jacobus was a witness at the 1713 baptism of his neice Jannitje, daughter of Herrick and Helena Kranckheyt.
Jacobus first married Abigail Canniff, daughter of Jeremiah Canniff & Anna Woelfs. Born ca 1692.

Abigail Canniff, or Keniff.
On 15 Dec 1713 Jacobus second married Helena Brant in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Jacobus Krankheyt, widower of the late Abigail Kenniff, and Helena Brant, j.d., b. in the Hoogelant. Both l. in Pogkeepse”. Born in Hudson Highlands, New York.
Their children include:
18117. Jan Cranckheyt. Born ca Jun 1695 in Ryck’s Patent, Westchester County, New York. Jan was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 2 Jun 1695.159 Jan, son of Theunis Harpen & Sophia Wilzee, witnesses Theunis Wiltzee & Grietje Jans.
On 26 May 1722 Jan married Janitie Holmes, daughter of George Holmes, in New York Reformed Church.122 Jan Krankheit, j.m., v. t Hooglant & jannetje Hooms, j.d., van Boswyk, beide woonende alhier.

Jannetje, of Bushwyck. Jan and Jane settled in Cortlandt about 1723.277
Their children include:
Theunis Cranckheyt (ca Dec 1722-)
18118. Elyas Tunnis Cranckheyt.

Elyas and Antie were members of the Old Dutch Church at Sleepy Hollow in 1734.410
Elyas Tunnis married Antje Van Tassel (35758) , daughter of Cornelis Van Tassel (17144) (7 Jan 1668-) & Antije Storm (ca 1670-20 May 1713). Born 7 Nov 1702[1?] in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.552 Antje was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, in 1702.157 Antje, daughter of Cornelis Van Texel & Antje his wife, Barent d’Widtt & wife Sara [Van Texel, aunt].

Antie was a witness, along with her brother Hendreck, for the 1728 baptism of their nephew, Henderickus, son of Frans & Maritie de Piu.

On 13 Aug 1726 at Sleeply Hollow, there was a baptism of Abraham Ecker, son of Aentie Van Thessel, witnesses Derck Van Thessesl & Crestena his wife. Was that this Antje’s son?
18119. Janitie Cranckheyt.
On 27 Jun 1717 Janitie married Hendrick Brouwer (43961) , son of Samuel Brouwer (24296) (ca 1674-) & Grietje Smith, in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 Hendreck Brouwer, j.m., and Janitie Kranckheyt, j.d., b. in the Hogelant [highlands of the Hudson], both living on the Bay of the Menaer of Cortlant. Born in 1696. Hendrick was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 17 Jun 1696.159 Hendrick, son of Samuel Brouwer & Grietje Hendricx, witnesses Laurens Van Hoeck & Elsje Hendricx.
Their children include:
Theunis Brouwer (ca 1730-)
18120. Sophia Cranckheyt. Born in 1699. Sophia was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 18 Jun 1699.159 Sophia, daughter of Theunis Harxe & Sophia Hendrix, witnesses Henderik Martense & Wyntie Harx, Weduwe.
18121. Martin Cranckheyt. Born ca 1701 in Ryck’s Patent, Westchester County, New York.277

Martin and Hester lived at Philipsburgh, Westchester Co.410

Martin was a witness at the 1722 baptism of his nephew Theunis, son of Jan Krankheyt & Jannetje Hooms. Also the 1724 baptism of his niece Zara, daughter of Cornelis & Wyntie Van Texel.
Ca 1724 Martin married Hester Van Tassel (35760) , daughter of Cornelis Van Tassel (17144) (7 Jan 1668-) & Antije Storm (ca 1670-20 May 1713). Born 7 Dec 1706[5] in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.552 Hester was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 25 Apr 1706.157 Aeltje and her sister Hester were baptized on the same day with the same witnesses, Ester [Sie] Storm [aunt] & Aeltje [Storm] Van Texel [aunt].

Hester and her brother Abraham were witnesses at the 1733 baptism of Catharina, daughter of Joannis & Catharina Van Texel. Also, both were witnesses at the 1734 baptism of Eliezabeth, daughter of Frans & Maritie de Peuw.

Marthen and Esther were witnesses at the 1744 baptism of the great nephew Jacob, son of David & Janitie Fosuur (Janitie was Martin’s neice).
Their children include:
Tunnis Cranckheyt (ca Sep 1725-)
Sara Cranckheyt (ca Oct 1727-)
Lea Cranckheyt (Twin) (ca Jul 1729-)
Rachel Cranckheyt (Twin) (ca Jul 1729-bef 1748)
Jannitje Cranckheyt (ca Jun 1732-)
Amy Cranckheyt (ca Apr 1737-)
Johannis Cranckheyt (ca Oct 1738-)
Maritie Cranckheyt (ca Jun 1741-)
Esther Cranckheyt (ca Apr 1743-)
Rachel Cranckheyt (ca May 1748-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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