Pane-Joyce Genealogy
22025. Elisabeth Lent. Born ca Mar 1673 in New York, New York. Elisabeth was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 25 Mar 1673.159 Lysbeth, daughter of Ryck Abrahamszen & Tryntie Herks, witnesses Abraham Rycks [grandfather] & Belitje Jacobs [greatgrandmother].

Children of Thomas and Elisabeth include:
    i. Maria Hayert, bp. 24 Apr 1699 at Sleepy Hollow (wit: Ryk Abramze [grandfather] & Maria Heyert).157
In 1693 Elisabeth married Thomas Heyert.

Marriage Record, Hackensack Dutch Reformed Church347
9 May 1702. Tammes Heyet, widower of Elizabeth Rÿke & Rachel DeMaree, y.d., b. Hackensack
22026. Abraham Lent. Born on 10 Mar 1674 in Newtown, Queens County, New York. Abraham died in Newtown, Queens County, New York, on 5 Feb 1746; he was 71.350

After living some years in Westchester, Abraham returned to Newtown in 1729, and took possession of a farm left him by his uncle, Jacobus Krankheyt. In 1856 it formed the estate of Isaac Rapelye, dec. Mr. Lent was a leading member of the Dutch church.350
On 24 Dec 1698 when Abraham was 24, he married Anna Catrina Meyer, daughter of Adolph Meyer (-ca 1711) & Maria Verveelen. Born ca 1677. Anna Catrina was baptized on 12 Mar 1677. Anna Catrina died in Newtown, Queens County, New York on 21 Jul 1762.350
22027. Ryck Lent. Born ca Apr 1678 in New York, New York. Ryck was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 16 Apr 1678.159 Ryck, son of Ryck Abrahamszen & Tryntie Hercx, witnesses Sibout Herckszen & Wyntie Theunis [grandparents]. Ryck died in 1720.
Ryck first married Elisabeth.

Child of Ryck and Elisabeth:
    i. Johannes, bp. 22 Aug 1705 at Sleepy Hollow (wit: Herrik Lent & Cathariena Lent [Ryck’s brother & sister]).157
Ryck second married Marritje Blauvelt, daughter of Johannes Gerritszen Blauvelt (ca 1659-bef 29 Jul 1733) & Janneken Jochems Van Wert (ca 1665-ca 1692). Born ca 1685 in New York, New York. Marritje was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 23 Feb 1685. Marritje, daughter of Johannes Gerritszen & Jannetie Jochems, witnesses Abraham Mol & Styntie Jans.

Children of Ryck Lent and Marietje Blauvelt include
    i. John Lent, b. 1705;
    ii. Hercules Lent, bp. 19 Aug 1707 (wit: Hendrieck Lent & Antje Sybout);157
    iii. Jannitje Lent (twin), bp. 19 Aug 1707 (wit: Johannes Blauvelt & Margrieje Smidt);157 and
    iv. Ryck Lent, bp. 1 Jun 1709 (wit: Ryck Van Lent [grandfather] & Grietje Lent [aunt]).157
22028. Herck Lent. Born ca Aug 1681 in New York, New York. Herck was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 6 Aug 1681.159 Herck, son of Ryck Abrahamszen & Tryntie Herx, witnesses: Abraham Rycken [grandfather] & Geertie Theunis [great aunt]. Herck died on 13 Nov 1766.

From James Riker’s Annals of Newtown:350
    Harck, or Hercules, by several purchases became the owner of the whole of Ryck’s Patent, which before his death he divided between his children. He d. in 1766, being blind and aged. His descendants are now [1852] numerous in Cortlandtown.

Herrik and his sister Cathariena were witnesses at the 1705 baptism of their nephew Johannes, son of Ryck & Elisabeth Van Lent.
In 1700 Herck married Cornelia Van Wert, daughter of Jochim Wouterszen Van Wert (ca 1637-) & Styntje Jans. Born in 1682 in New York. Cornelia was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 25 Feb 1682.159 Cornelia, daughter of Jochem Wouterszen & Styntie Jans, witnesses Hendrick Claszen & Gerritie Reyniers. Cornelia died in Peekskill, Westchester County, New York.

Herrick and Cornelia were witnesses at the 1717 baptism of Cornelia, daughter of Willem & Wyntie Van Texel.
Their children include:
Jacob Lent (ca 1701-)
Rachel Lent (ca Oct 1703-)
Cathariena Lent (ca Aug 1705-)
Christina Lent (ca Jun 1708-)
Elisabeth Lent (ca Mar 1710-)
Hendrick Lent (ca Mar 1712-)
Abraham Lent (ca Jun 1715-)
22029. Grietje Lent. Born in 1684 in New York, New York. Grietje was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 18 May 1684.159 Brietie, daughter of Ryck Abrahamszen & Tryntie Hercx, witnesses Jan Hermanszen & Gretie Jans.

Grietje was a witness at the 1708 baptism of her nephew Ryck, son of Ryck and Maritje Van Lent.
Grietje married Thomas Benson.
22030. Wyntje Lent. Born ca May 1687 in New York, New York. Wyntje was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 25 May 1687.159 Wyntie, daughter of Ryck Abrahamszen & Tryntie Herck, witnesses Cornelis Janszen Van Hooren & Maria Jans.
22031. Catherine Lent. Born ca 1687.

Cathariena and her brother Herrik Lent were witnesses at the 1705 baptism of their nephew Johannes, son of Ryck & Elisabeth Van Lent.

Children of Joseph and Catharina include:
    i. Marytje, bp. 25 Mar1712 at Sleepy Hollow (wit: Ryck Abramzen [grandfather] & Aeltje Hermanse).157
In 1707 Catherine married Joseph Jones.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.