Pane-Joyce Genealogy
William Hopkins (9337) & Abigail Whipple
24279. William Hopkins. William died in Providence, RI in 1738.295

In the name of God, Amen. This Eleventh of June, in the twelfth year of his
Majesty's reign, George the Second King of Great Britain, A. D. 1738. I,
William Hopkins, of Scituate, in the County of Providence, in the Colony of
Rhode Island, yeoman, being very sick and weak of body, but of perfect mind
and memory (thanks be to God for it) and calling to mind the mortality of my
body, and knowing it is appointed for man once to die, do make and ordain
this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following: that is to
say, principally, and first of all my soul I recommend into the hands of God
that gave it & my body to the earth to be buried in decent christian burial
at the discretion of my executors hereinafter named. And as touching such
worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this present
life, I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and

Imprimis, I give to my three sons, namely, William Hopkins, Stephen Hopkins
and John Hopkins, five shillings each, and the reason that I give them no
more is I have given them sufficient already

Item, I give to my two youngest sons, namely, Esek Hopkins and Samuel
Hopkins, one Gun, one log chain, and one Horse, and likewise all my working
tools besides, to be equally divided between them two.

Item, I give to my two sons, namely, Esck Hopkins and Samuel Hopkins, all my
wearing apparel after my decease.

Item, I give to my two younger daughters, namely, Abigail Hopkins and
Susannah Hopkins, my two trunks and all that is in them, except my papers,
to be equally divided between them.

Item, I give to my daughter, Susannah Hopkins, my Bed and Bedding whereon I
used to lie, namely two pairs of sheets, one pair of flannel and one pair of
linen, three blankets, and two rugs, one bolster and one pillow.

Item, I give to my three daughters namely, Hope Harris & Abigail Hopkins and
Susannah Hopkins, Forty Pounds in money to be paid to each of them in one
year after my decease.

Item, and all the rest of my money and goods, I give and bequeath to my two
younger sons, namely, Esek Hopkins and Samuel Hopkins, to be equally divided
between them two. And I do nominate and appoint my son in law, Henry Harris
to be my sole Executor to this my last Will and Testament, and in
confirmation I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and year above


    In the presence of us
        JOHN EVANS,
        JABEZ BOWEN.
William married Ruth Wilkinson, daughter of Samuel Wilkinson & Plain. Born on 31 Jan 1686.295 Ruth died bef 1738.295

Children of William and Ruth (Wilkinson) Hopkins, born at Providence:
    i. William, b. ca. 1705, d. 17 Feb 1755;
    ii. Stephen, b. 7 Mar 1707, d. 13 Jul 1785 at Providence, Gov., m. 1st 9 Oct 1726 Sarah Scott, m. 2nd 2 Jan 1755 Anna Smith (b. 5 Oct 1717);
    iii. Rufus;
    iv. John, d. 1 Feb 1744/5 at sea, m. Catherine Turpin;
    v. Hope, b. 3 Mar 1716/7, d. 20 Jul 1803, m. 6 Jul 1736 William Henry;
    vi. Esek, b. 26 Apr 1718, d. 26 Feb 1802, m. 28 Nov 1741 Desire Burroughs;
    vii. Samuel, d. Sep 1744 unmarried;
    viii. Abigail, d. 30 Jan 1772; and
    ix. Susanna, b. 1728, d. 8 Nov 1745.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.