Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Lodowyk Huyck (23479) & Magdelena File
43267. George Huyck. Born ca 1740 in Albany, Albany County, New York. George died in 1810.
George married Magdalena Beekman.
Their children include:
Nicholas Houck (2 May 1778-29 Jun 1869)
43268. Annatje Huyck. Born ca 1752. Annatje died in Feura Bush, Albany County, New York on 30 Jan 1835.

Annatje, also called Hannah, Huyck, also spelled Houck.

Pieter Staats Zeger and Annatje Huyk were witnesses at Albany for the 30 Oct 1774 baptism of Annatje of Cornelis Vroman and Lena Huyk
Ca 1770 Annatje married Peter Staats Seger (42570) , son of Staats Seger (22740) (11 Aug 1715-ca 1809) & Susanna Bratt (50280) (ca 1718-). Born ca 1742 in Albany, Albany County, New York. Peter Staats was baptized in Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, on 5 Dec 1742.156 Pieter, son of Staats and Suzanna Zeger. Wit.: Pieter and Christina Brad. Peter Staats died in Feura Bush, Albany County, New York on 1 Feb 1826. Buried in Jerusalem Cemetery, Feura Bush.

Pieter and Engeltje Zeger were witnesses at Albany for the 30 Mar 1763 baptism of Christiaan, son of Hannes and Christina Lang.

Jerusalem Cemetery, Feura Bush, Albany County, New York
    Peter Sager, d. 1 Feb 1826 æ. 83.
Their children include:
Susanna Seger (ca 1771-)
John Seger (ca 1775-)
Lewis Seger (ca 1776-Apr 1856)
Magdalena Seger (ca 1778-)
Marytje Seger (24 Aug 1780-)
Adam Seger (ca Jun 1784-17 Jul 1871)
Conrad Seger (ca 1790-10 Oct 1847)
Frederick Seger (ca 1790-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.