26 Jan 1742/3 Sage married
Nathaniel Sylvester (24384) , son of
Amos Sylvester (9420) (15 Nov 1685-23 Oct 1753) &
Elizabeth Hincksman (17 Jul 1685-11 Feb 1762), in First Congegational Church of Hanover.
446 Born on 29 Apr 1718 in Scituate, MA.52 Nathaniel died in Hanover, MA, on 21 Feb 1781; he was 62. Occupation: Shipwright.
From Brigg’s History of Shipbuilding.580 This is after Briggs described the “Old Barstow Yard” when they left to establish a new shipbuilding yard at “Two Oaks”:
After the Barstows left the [Old Barstow] yard, or about 1745, it was improved by Nathaniel Silvester, familiarly known as Builder Silvester. He was born in 1718, and about 1743 built the house afterward occupied by Rufus Farnham, later by Zenas Sturtevant, and now [1889] by John Fisher. It belongs to the farm of the late Horatio Bigelow, by whose widow Mr. Fisher is employed. This house was at one time, previous to 1815, a tavern, and kept by Tilden Crocker, or Crooker, who died in Quincy, Nov. 21, 1853, and was buried from Capt. Farnham’s house, Hanover. Barry gives a most complete genealogy of the Sylvester family, so it will be but brietiy referred to here. “Builder Silvester” has four great-grandchildren now [1889] living at South Hanover: Elijah W., a skilled house-carpenter; George F., who has a large greenhouse, and does an extensive business as a florist; Mary T., widow of the late Lebeus Stockbridge , Jr.; and Elizabeth, who resides with her brother, George F.