Pane-Joyce Genealogy
45197. Dr. John Barker. Born on 11 Jun 1729.290 John died in Norwich, CT, on 13 Jun 1791; he was 62. Buried in Pautipaug Cemetery, Franklin. Occupation: Physician.

John was the first President of the Connecticut Medical Society.290

Pautipaug Cemetery, Franklin, New London County, Connecticut
    John Barker, d. 13 Jun 1791, æ. 61
    Phebe wife of John Barker, d. 3 Jun 1777 æ. 44

The celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the primitive organization of the Congregational Church and Society in Franklin, Connecticut, October 14, 1868. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, Printers, 1869.
    Dr. John Barker, whose residence was located in the eastern part of the West Farms Society, was the eldest son of John and Hannah (Brewster) Barker, and was born in Lebanon, Connecticut in 1729. The ordinary school advantages of that day he carefully improved. As a medical student in the office of Dr. Joseph Perkins, his close application, keen insight into the mysteries of disease, and particularly his quick and accurate interpretation of equivocal symptoms, gave certain promise of future success. Commencing business in 1750, he labored in the same field for more than forty years, till stricken down by sudden death. As a physician, Dr. Barker enjoyed an enviable popularity, both with the public and the profession. He was extensively employed in consultation throughout eastern Connecticut, and great deference was yielded to his opinions.
    He died June 13, 1791, of cholera morbus. On the 19th of September following, Dr. Philemon Tracy, by appointment, delivered a eulogy on his life and character, before the New London Co. Medical Society.
On 8 Nov 1750 when John was 21, he married Phebe Hyde, daughter of Abner Hyde (12 Sep 1705-24 Sep 1752) & Jerusha Huntington (15 Jan 1705-ca 1733), in Norwich, CT.213 Born on 28 Feb 1732 in Norwich, CT. Phebe died in Norwich, CT, on 3 Jun 1777; she was 45.213 Buried in Pautipaug Cemetery, Franklin.

Norwich Town Records:213
    John Barker Jun. and Phebe Hide, both of Norwich, were married Nov. 8, 1750.
 Jerusha Barker was born June 3, 1751.
 Levinia Barker was born Jan. 7, 1753.
 Phebe Barker was born Aug. 22, 1756.
 Lucinda Barker was born Feb. 24, 1759.
 John Barker was born Aug. 10, 1761.
 Samuel Hyde Barker was born July 5, 1764.
 Hannah Barker was born June 20, 1767.
 Lavinia Barker died June 6, 1768.
 Eusebius Barker was born May 23, 1770.
 Lavinia Barker 2nd was born July 13, 1774.
 Mrs. Phebe Barker, wife of Doc. John Barker Jun., died June 3, 1777.
45198. Jonathan Barker. Born ca 1730. Jonathan died in 1766.
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D. Pane-Joyce
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