Pane-Joyce Genealogy
46527. Mary Robinson. Born on 13 Aug 1708 in Needham, MA. Mary died bef Oct 1752.

Mary first married Joseph Wakefield, second Nathaniel Jones as his second wife.

From the Dudley vital records572 under marriages: Nathaniel Jones, living in or near Leicester, and Mrs. Mary Wakfield, intention 4 Apr 1747.

Mary’s first husband’s mother, Rebecca (Littlefield) Wakefield, married in 1717 William King as his second wife. William’s daughter, Hannah King, was Mary’s second husband Nathanial Jones’ first wife.
On 3 Aug 1725 when Mary was 16, she first married Joseph Wakefield, son of William Wakefield (ca 1674-25 Oct 1707) & Rebecca Littlefield (ca 1668-), in Sutton, MA. Born ca 1701 in Wells, York County, Maine. Joseph was baptized in First Church of Wells, on 23 Jul 1710. Joseph died in Dudley, MA in Oct 1746.
Their children include:
William Wakefield (20 Sep 1726-)
Asahel Wakefield (15 Sep 1728-)
Mary Wakefield (14 Sep 1730-)
Joseph Wakefield (6 May 1737-)
Simeon Wakefield (6 Apr 1739-)
John Wakefield (19 Sep 1746-)
4 Apr 1747 (Int.) Mary second married Dea. Nathaniel Jones (20674) , son of Capt. Nathaniel Jones (7548) (31 Dec 1674-Nov 1745) & Mary Cook (16304) (2 Dec 1681-21 Nov 1724), in Dudley, MA.572 Born on 5 Apr 1707 in Weston, MA.30 Nathaniel died in Charlton, MA in 1795. Occupation: Farmer.

Nathaniel first married Hannah King; second Mary (Robinson) Wakefield, widow of Joseph Wakefield; third Elizabeth Butler; fourth Mary (Deland) Howe, widow of Ebenezer Howe; and fifth Eleanor Woodward.

Nathaniel lived in Sutton where he belonged to the Sutton Baptist Church, in Leicester by 1742, and in Charlton by 1758. He filed a certificate with others at Charlton in 1761 to secure exemption from paying rates for the support of the Charlton church.259 At that time taxes were collected to support the state church even from citizens of the town who were not members of that church.

Nathaniel Jones lived in that part of Charlton called the Gore, or County Gore a name for a region between towns that was incorporated into Charlton soon after it was formed in 1755. That part of Charlton is now called the Charlton Northside, and it borders on Spencer and Leicester. It was a wedge shaped piece of land left over when the towns of Oxford, Leicester, and Brookfield were surveyed. It belonged to no town or county. It was bounded in the north by Brookfield and Leicester (and Spencer which was then part of Leicester) , and on the west by Sturbridge. The northern boundary of Oxford (which included Charlton which was separated from Oxford in 1755) didn’t reach as far north at Brookfield and Leicester leaving the Gore unassigned to any town. Soon after Charlton was established, the Gore was annexed to Charlton except part at the east end assigned to Oxford. Nathaniel Jones was was one of a list of Gore inhabitants were were taxed after it was added to Charlton. (See William O. Hultgren’s article “County Gore” in the Charleton Historical Society Newsletter, vol. 32, number 2, fall 2007, )

From Historical Sketch: Third Annuual Reunion of the Present and Past Residenets of Charlton, at Charlton, Sept. 4, 1899, by Rufus. E Dodge, Boston: Weymouth Publ., 1899, page 37:
    Nathaniel Jones, of Sutton, to which place he came from Falmouth, Maine, bought in 1751, one hundred and fifty acres in the Gore, lying north of the place then owned by Nehamiah Stone, and west of Ebenezer Hammond’s lot. A descendant, Phineas Jones, removed to New Jersey, where he acquired wealth in business and was elected to congress. Erastus Jones, of Spencer, who has the confidence of the entire community and is a capable and successful buisiness man, is also a descendant.

There’s a Jones Road and Jones Pond in Charlton, no doubt named for Nathaniel Jones or his descendants. The pond reaches north into Spencer, and the road is about a mile east of Charlton Depot. It’s in the historic Northside Village district and close to Northside Cemetery where some of Nathaniel’s descendants were buried. On the 1870 Beers Atlas, the residence of JH Jones, and buildings of JH Jones & Co. are shown there. The region is mostly wooded now.

Nathaniel’s will, dated 1795 mentioned his children Enos, Asa, Eli, Phinehas, Mary Streeter, Hannah, and Eleanor.259

Will: From Elbert Smith’s Descendants of Joel Jones, page 38:
    In the name of God Amen I Nathaniel Jones of Charleton in the County of Worcester and State of Massachusetts Bay yeoman, being in a comfortable measure of health and or a perfect sound disposing mind and memory thanks be given to God their for calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do/make and ordain this my last will and testament that my sould into the hands of God that gave it and my body I manner at the discretion of my Executor hereafter mentioned nothing doubting but at the General Resurection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God: and as touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this live I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.
    First my will is that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid out of my estate; Second I give and bequeath to Eloner my dear and loving wife one third part of all my indoor movables of such as she shall choos to be at her own disposal and I likewise will that my sd wife should be comfortable and Honourabley supported out of my estate by my Executor, in like manner that is to keep her a good cow and a hors sumer and winter for her use the hors to be kept well shod fit for use and my meening is that my sd wife should have her choice of all my cows to be for her use after my dicease. my will is that my Executor shall take particular care of my sd wife both in sickness and health that is to see that she has a comfortable support if she should not be able to take care of her self in any measure my will is that my Executor does deliver to my sd wife yearly nine score of good pork and eighty weight of good beef and two barels of sider and one bushel of malt ten pounds of good sheeps wool and ten pounds of good flax well dressed and also three pounds twelve shillings to be paid her yearly in money by my Executor—for necessary charges I likewise give to my sd wife a cumfortable room in the hous and likewise Liberty of the Cellar and likewise as many apples as she needs for her use.
    3 ly my will is that the whole of my Estate both real and personal including all my farming tools—excepting that part that is hereafter mentioned be divided amongst all my children in the following manner that is to say Enos and Asa Eli and Phenehas—my four sons—and mary Streeter Hannah and Ellinor my three daughters in such a manner that my four sones above named should have each of them two shares to each of my daughters one share—the Exception above mentioned is that what moneymy two Sons Enos and Asa and my son in law Daniel Streeter the husband of my sd daughter Mary owe to my Estate should be divided amongs them in like manner that is in the same proportion of my real and personal estate my two sons two shareseach of them and my Daughter Streeter one share.
    my will and meaning is that my two Sons Enos and Asa and daughter Streeter that which I have given them heretofore shall be reckned to them as so much of their portion or part of my estate and my other Children to be made equail to what theyhave receved before they come to shear with the above mentioned sums whis is to be divided as above mentioned is forty five pounds ten shillings.
    4 ly I likewise constitute & appoint my well beloved son Eli Jones my soul Executor to this my Last Will & Testament and hereby utterly Revoke Disalow & Disanul all and every former Will & Testament by me in any wise heretofore Named ratifyingand confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament in Testimony hereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this tenth day of May & in the year of our Lord One thousand seven Hundred and Eighty one.
    Signed sealed an Pronounced & declard by the sd Nathaniel Jones as his Last Will & Testament in the presence of us.
    Joseph Parker, Frederick Parker, Samuel Par,er
    Nathaniel Jones (Seal)
    This twelfth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty eight
Endorcement. Series A. Case 33959. Nathaniel Jones. Will. Filed Sept 16, 1785. Disallowed Oct 6, 1795. Recorded Vol 26 Page 360
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.