Pane-Joyce Genealogy
47371. Annatie Van Tassel. Born in 1725 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Annatie was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 4 Sep 1725.157 Annatie, daughter of Johannes Van Tesel & Catharina his wife, witnesses Pieter Buys & Geertie his wife [grandparents].
On 24 Nov 1744 Annatie married Jacob Van Wormer (29358) , son of Cornelis Lourens Van Wormer (12569) (ca 1672-) & Aeltje Straet, in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 Jacob Van Wormer, j.m., & Annatie Van Thexel, j.d., both b. and l. in Phillps Burgh. Born on 24 Apr 1722 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Jacob died on 5 Jul 1752; he was 30.
47372. Johannes Van Tassel. Born in 1726.291 Johannes died bef 1758.291
On 17 Jun 1753 Johannes married Leah Ecker (47550) , daughter of Sybout Ecker (29366) (1698-26 Jul 1771) & Aeltie De Ronde (43959) (ca 1703-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 "Johannes Van Tessel, j. m., and Leya Ecker, j. d. Both b. and l. in Philipsburgh". Born in 1731 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Leah was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 19 Jun 1731.157 Lea, daughter of Sybout Ecker & Aaltie his wife, witnesses Jacob Van Weert & Belitie his wife. Leah died in Queens County, New Brunswick on 11 Dec 1808.

Leah first married Johannes Van Tassel, second Jacob Van Wert.
Their children include:
Aeltje Van Tassel (11 Nov 1753-)
47373. Peter Van Tassel. Born on 15 May 1728 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Peter died on 17 Sep 1784; he was 56.
On 1 May 1765 when Peter was 36, he married Catharina Ecker (47552) , daughter of Sybout Ecker (29366) (1698-26 Jul 1771) & Aeltie De Ronde (43959) (ca 1703-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 Pieter Van Tessel and Catharine Ecker. Born in 1736 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Catharina was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 20 Nov 1736.157 Catharina, daughter of Zybout Ecker & Aaltie his wife, witnesses Gerret Van Weert & Catharina his wife. Catharina died in Tarrytown, Westchester County, New York on 10 Jan 1793.
Their children include:
John Van Tassel (ca 1768-)
47374. Catharina Van Tassel. Born in 1733. Catharina was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 17 Apr 1733.157 Catharina, daughter of Joannis & Catharina Van Texel, witnesses Abraham Van Texel & Esther Van Texel [Joannis’s brother and half-sister]. Catharina died on 11 Apr 1806.
On 1 May 1765 Catharina married Abraham Ecker (47561) , son of Abraham Ecker (29367) (1703-ca 1772) & Margrietie Montross, in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 Abraam Ecker, j. m., and Catriena Van Tessel, j. d.
47375. Rachel Van Tassel. Born in 1736. Rachel was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 5 Jun 1736.157 Raghel, daughter of Johannis Van Thesel & Catharina his wife, witnesses Jacop Buys & Raghel Buys.
47376. Rachel Van Tassel. Born in 1739. Rachel was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 23 Jun 1739.157 Raghel, daughter of Johannis Van Thexel & Catharina his wife, witnesses Thomas Storm & Raghel his wife. Rachel died on 22 Sep 1819.

John and Rachel were second cousins; their paternal grandfathers were brothers.
Rachel married John Van Tassel (52560) , son of Johannis Van Tassel (35784) (1699-ca 1784) & Helena Hammond (ca 1708-). Born in 1737. John was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 23 Apr 1737.157 Johanis, son of Johannis Van Thesel & Helena his wife, witnesses Jan Hemmen & Catharina his wife. John died on 11 Apr 1807.
47377. Jacob Van Tassel. Born on 1 Sep 1744. Jacob was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 10 Nov 1744.157 Jacob, son of Johannis Van Thexel & Catharina his wife, witnesses Jacob Wormel & Annatie Van Thexel. Jacob died on 24 Aug 1840; he was 95.
On 23 Sep 1764 when Jacob was 20, he married Esther Van Tassel (52559) , daughter of Johannis Van Tassel (35784) (1699-ca 1784) & Helena Hammond (ca 1708-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 Jacob Van Tessel, j. m., and Hester Van Tessel. Born in 1735. Esther was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 1 Apr 1735.157 Ester, daughter of Joannis & Helena Van Thexel, witnesses Willem & Ester Hemmen. Esther died in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York on 10 Dec 1811.

Esther, also known as Hester.

Jacob and Esther were double second cousins. Their paternal grandfathers were brothers, also their paternal grandmothers were sisters.
Their children include:
Lena Van Tassel (22 Jun 1766-)
William Van Tassel (18 Jun 1768-)
Jacob Van Tassel (29 Nov 1770-)
Isaac Van Tassel (25 Sep 1774-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.