Pane-Joyce Genealogy
60821. Charlotte Wade. Born on 2 Dec 1770 in Glocester, RI.585
60822. Sabra Wade. Born on 28 Mar 1773 in Glocester, RI.585 Sabra died in Sempronius, Cayuga County, New York, on 17 Sep 1863; she was 90. Buried in Atwater Cemetery, Sempronius.
Ca 1795/6 Sabra married Bradley Cutler. Born on 29 Aug 1776 in Providence, RI. Bradley died in Sempronius, Cayuga County, New York, on 12 May 1863; he was 86. Buried in Atwater Cemetery, Sempronius.

The Cutler Memorial492 lists Bradley under the unclassified Cutlers:
    Bradley Cutler, Sr., born in Rhode Island, about 1705[?], married Sabra Wade, resided in the north-west part of the State near the Connecticut line. He settled at Sempronius, N.Y., and died in 1878[?]. Had: 1. Phoebe, 2. Otis, 3. Nathan, 4. Bradley, Jr., (who married Thankful and settled at Ilion, N.Y., and had several children, one of whom, George, was postmaster there several years.) 5. Penelope, 6. Charles, 7. Demas, (who resides in Nora Springs, Ia.,) 8. Almond, and 9. Austin.

It’s been suggested that Bradley’s father was a Justice Cutler, but there are no vital records for Justice Cutler or Bradley or his children in Providence County. There was however, a Justus Cutler in the 1840 Census for New Bedford, MA, between the ages of 20 and 29, who could be related.

1774 Rhode Island Census
There are two Cutlers living in Gloucester, namely, Samuel Cutler and Solomon Cutler.

In 1785 there were two Cutler families in Gloucester taxed for property: James N. Cuter, and Samuel B. Cutler & wife.

1790 Federal Census lists 3 Cutlers.
Gloucester, Providence County
    Knight Cutler 1,1,2,2,0
    Samuel Cutler 1,1,0,2,0
Newport, Newport County
    Thomas Cutler 0,2,1,3,0

Note: Otsego Countay was split off from Montgomery County in 1791. By 1800 the towns of Richfield and Richfield were formed.

1800 Federal Census. Richfield, Otsego County, New York.
Roll 25, page 52
Family of Bradley Cutler
    1 male under 10 [Otis]
    1 male 26-44 [Bradley himself]
    2 females under 10 [Phebe & ?]
    1 female 16-25 [Sabra]

There’s also a David Cutler in the next town:
1800 Federal Census. Plainfield, Otsego County, New York.
Roll 25, page 47
    David Cutler, 1 male under 10, 1 male 26-45, 1 female 26-45.

1810 Federal Census. No twp. listed, Otsego County, New York
Roll 34, page 63
Family of B. Cutler
    3 males under 10 [Bradley, Charles, & Demas]
    2 males 10-15 [Otis & Nathan]
    1 male 26-44 [Bradley Jr]
    1 female under 10 [Penelope]
    1 female 10-15 [Phebe]
    1 female 26-44 [Sabra]

1820 Federal Census. Sempronius, Cayuga County, New York
Series: M33 Roll: 68 Page: 92
Family of Bradley Cutler
    3 males under 10 [Austin, Almond, & ?]
    2 males 10-15 [Demas & Charles]
    2 males 16-25 [? & ?]
    1 male 26-44 [?]
    1 male 45 and over [Bradley]
    1 female 16-25 [Penelope]
    1 female 45 and over [Phebe]
It’s not clear which of the older children still reside with the family.

1830 Federal Census. Sempronius, Cayuga County, New York
Roll 88; Page: 307.
Family of Bradley Cutler
    1 male 15-19 [either Austin or Almond]
    1 male 50-59 [Bradley]
    1 female 50-59 [Sabra]
    1 female 80-89 [probably either Bradley’s or Sabra’s mother]

1840 Federal Census. Sempronius, Cayuga County, New York
Roll 269; Page: 38.
    1 male 20-29 [probably a son]
    1 male 60-69 [Bradley]
    1 female 15-19 [?]
    1 female 60-69 [Sabra]

1850 Federal Census. Sempronius, Cayuga County, New York
Roll M432_483; Page: 43
    Bradley Cutler, 73, farming, no real estate listed, b. RI
    Saberry Cutler, 77, b. NY
They were living next to their son Nathan’s family.

In 1855 and 1860, Bradley and Sabra were living with their son Almond.

From the Book of biographies: this volume contains biographical sketches of leading citizens of Cortland County, N.Y. Buffalo, N.Y.: Biographical Pub. Co., 1898, page 496:
        Dwight K. Cutler, one of the most prominent and wealthy residents of this county, residing in the town of Scoot, where he is engaged in general farmin, and in operating a first class scientific dairy, is a son of Nathan W. and Ruth (Whiting) Cutler, and was born in Sempronius, Cayuga County, N. Y., April 27, 1835.
        Bradley Cutler, the grandfather, was born in the State of Rhode Island, was married to Sabra Wade, and came to Sempronius with his family at an early day. He was a mason by trade, but later turned his attention to farming. He was one of the pioneery men of Cayuga County, and was successful in obtaining one of the largest farms in that section. He was a representative man in every sense; he as one of the founders and a deacon of the Baptist Church, the first building being erected on his farm, he contributing the ground and also largely to the erection of the church. He was a Democrat in early life, later a Free-Soiler and Abolitionist, then a Republican, voting for Fremont, the first candidate of that party. He was elected to most of the town offices. He can truly be called a self-made man, one who relied solely on his own judgement, made his own fortune, and was a conscientious, highly honorable citizen. He died in 1864 on his farm at the age of eighty-six, leaving a large family of sons and daughters scatterd over the state and all thorough the West.

From A Cutler Memorial and Genealogical History,492 by Nahum Sawin Cutler, 1889, Greenfield Mass. Under “unclassified records”:
    Bradley Cutler, Sr., born in Rhode Island, about 1705, married Sabra Wade, resided in the north-west part of the State near the Connecticut line. Had: 1. Phoebe, 2. Otis, 3. Nathan, 4. Bradley, Jr., (who married Thankful and settles at Ilion, N. Y., and and several chidren, one of whom, George, was postmaster there seversl years.) 5. Penelope, 6. Charles, 7. Demas, (who resides in Nora Springs, Ia.,) 8. Almond, and 9. Austin.

The ATWATER CEMETERY, was later known as Reynolds Cemetery. Skilton notes it as, "Sempronius Cemetery - not far from the Church." Bradly, Sabra, and several of their children were buried there. It is located in the NW corner of Lot No. 89, 3/4 mile from Sempronius hamlet and church, on the south side of Frazier Road, as shown on page 65, (1904) New Century Atlas of Cayuga Co., NY. Copied 1959 by Leslie Luther, Moravia, NY.
    This cemetery is horribly overgrown, the back part almost impassable with bushes and briars. Here again I found stones down so long they were entirely covered with a mat of myrtle, which went unnoticed unless you just happened to walk there and feel a firmness underfoot.
    The Frank Skilton records contained 27 names, Leslie Luther has 44, and I found 52. By doing this composite list of these three, we have about 80 names. And I am sure there must still be some we didn't happen to walk on. Copied 1962 by Mabel Crosby, Moravia, RD #1.
    Cutler, Bradley, d. May 12, 1863 ae 87y
    Cutler, Sabra his wife, d. Sep.17, 1863 ae 90y
    Cutler, Nathan, d. Jul.8, 1875 ae 75y
    Cutler, Ruth Whiting, w. of Nathan, d. May 7, 1874 ae
    Cutler, Alvira, w. of Myron D. Cutler, d. Oct.25, 1854 ae 29-5-1

Atwater-Reynolds Cemetery, Sempronius, Cayuga County, New York
    Bradley Cutler died May 13, 1863 Æ. 87 Yrs.
    Sabra his wife died Sept. 17, 1863 Æ. 90 Yrs.
Their children include:
Phebe Cutler (ca 1796-11 Aug 1856)
Otis Cutler (15 May 1798-6 Feb 1881)
Nathan Wade Cutler (1 Mar 1800-8 Jul 1875)
Bradley Cutler (14 Dec 1801-1893)
Penelope Cutler (30 Sep 1804-4 Aug 1876)
Charles Cutler (3 Mar 1807-14 Sep 1875)
Demas Cutler (23 Jan 1810-9 Oct 1890)
Almond H. Cutler (20 Nov 1812-20 Mar 1902)
Austin Cutler (10 Apr 1815-1874)
60823. Hawkins Wade. Born on 2 Jul 1775 in Glocester, RI.585

1800 Federal Census. Cumberland, Providence, Rhode Island
    Hawkins Wade: Males 1 0 1 0 0 Females 0 0 1 0 0

1810 Federal Census. Foster, Providence County, Rhode Island
Series: M252 Roll: 58 Page: 68
    Hawkins Wade 2,0,0,1,0;2,0,0,1,0
Hawkins married Mary Pray, daughter of Hugh Pray (19 Jul 1726-8 Apr 1816) & Mary Aldrich (7 Jul 1748-). Born ca 1778 in Foster, RI.

Mary, also known as Molly.
Their children include:
Rensalear Wade (Jul 1799-24 Nov 1876)
Havilah H. Wade (ca 1801-13 Nov 1874)
Marvin Wade (-8 Dec 1887)
60824. Abner Wade. Born on 26 Nov 1777 in Glocester, RI.585
60825. Amey Wade. Born on 15 Mar 1780 in Glocester, RI.585
60826. Nathan Wade. Born on 30 Jun 1791 in Glocester, RI. Nathan died in Grafton, MA, on 5 Dec 1871; he was 80. Occupation: Carpenter.

1855 Massachusetts Census. Sutton, Worcester County
    Nathan Wade, 63, carpenter, b. RI
    Martha Wade, 59, b. RI
    Caroline Wade, 24, b. CT
    Nathan H. Wade, 22, shoemaker, b. MA
    Mary A. Wade 16, b. MA
    Persis Chase, 87, b. MA

1860 Federal Census. Northbridge, Worcester County, Massachusetts
Roll 531, page 694
Post Office Sutton
    Nathan Wade, 68, carpenter, b. RI
    Martha Wade, 63, b. RI
    Caroline Benson, 28, b. CT
    N.H. Wade, 27, shoemaker, b. MA

1865 Rhode Island Census. Foster, Providence County
Nathan H. Hopkins, 62, b. Foster
    Nathan Wade, 74, b. Glocester
    Martha Wade, 69, b. Foster

1870 Federal Census. Foster, Providence County, Rhode Island
Roll 1475, page 224A
Post Office Foster
    Nathan Wade, 79, farm laborer
    Martha Wade, 73, keeping house
Both were bortn in Rhode Island.

Deaths Registered in the Town of Grafton
Nathan Wade, d. 5 Dec 1871 at Grafton, age 80 years 5 months 5 days, widowed, b. Gloucester RI, carpenter, son of Gidieon & Phebe Wade both b. Gloucester RI, died of old age & gen. debility, bur. Foster, RI
Nathan married Martha Hopkins. Born ca 1797 in Rhode Island.
Their children include:
Rhobie M. Wade (ca 1817-30 Oct 1888)
William W. Wade (ca Dec 1819-24 Feb 1890)
Lydia Ann Wade (ca 1821-)
Ann Eliza Wade (17 Jan 1824-27 Jun 1881)
Caroline E. Wade (19 Mar 1831-12 Dec 1860)
Nathan Hopkins Wade (Died unmarried) (2 Jan 1833-23 Apr 1861)
Mary Ann Wade (ca Oct 1841-25 Nov 1876)
60827. Jared Wade. Born on 25 Sep 1793 in Glocester, RI. Jared died in Morrisville, Madison County, New York, on 29 Jan 1882; he was 88. Buried in Morrisville Rural Cemetery.

There is no Jared mentioned in the vital records of Glocester.585
Jared married Tryphena Seaman. Born on 10 Sep 1801 in Clarendon, Rutland County, Vermont.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.