Pane-Joyce Genealogy
63946. Jane Cushing. Born on 26 Sep 1808 in Scituate, MA.52 Jane was baptized in the Second Church of Scituate, on 4 Jun 1809.335 Jane died on 13 Nov 1832; she was 24.2
63947. Nathaniel Cushing. Born on 6 Dec 1809 in Scituate, MA.52 Nathaniel was baptized in the Second Church of Scituate, on 5 Aug 1810.335 Nathaniel died on 24 May 1857; he was 47.2
On 26 Oct 1823 when Nathaniel was 13, he married Olive Wade (57858) , daughter of Jotham Wade (45797) (21 Apr 1763-1 Dec 1804) & Margaret Tilden (47765) (28 Mar 1772-11 Jan 1849), in Scituate, MA.52 Born on 14 Oct 1804 in Scituate, MA.52 At the age of 1, Olive was baptized in First Parish Church of Scituate, on 6 Jul 1806.52
Their children include:
Mary Jacob Cushing (11 Dec 1824-)
Hannah Augusta Cushing (Died young) (23 Aug 1826-20 Apr 1837)
Nathaniel Grafton Cushing (Died young) (2 Apr 1828-)
Margaret Wade Cushing (Twin, died soon) (22 Oct 1829-24 Oct 1829)
Sally Wade Cushing (Twin, died soon) (22 Oct 1829-24 Oct 1829)
Nathaniel Grafton Cushing (8 Jun 1831-11 Sep 1910)
Olive Wade Cushing (23 Feb 1833-2 Sep 1889)
John Peak Cushing (19 Mar 1836-2 Nov 1881)
63948. Haywood Pierce Cushing. Born on 3 May 1812 in Scituate, MA.52 Haywood Pierce was baptized in the Second Church of Scituate, on 27 Sep 1812.335 Haywood Pierce died in Boston, MA, on 13 Oct 1870; he was 58.2

Hayward Peirce was born at the family homestead in South Scituate, still standing [1905] and held by his children. “At the early age of 14, he left home to begin his business life in Boston with the firm of Silas Peirce and Co., dealers in West India goods and groceries. For 35 years he was connected with this firm, until his retirement as its senior member in Dec 1862. His filial devotion and love of home and family were marked characteristics. His later years were spent in generous service for others and although he held no public office, his life was still an active one. Whatever he attempted he carried out with great thoroughness to the end, and no work left his hand which did not bear the mark of his fine perception and unerring jusgment. A man of scrupulous integrity, he won the esteem of all whith whom he came in contact. A keen judge of men and of affairs, his counsels were widely sought and highly valued, and he filled with exceptional fidelity many positions of trust.”2
On 26 May 1852 when Haywood Pierce was 40, he married Harriet Maria Pierce (63945) , daughter of Waldo Peirce (58800) (21 Feb 1778-10 Oct 1841) & Catherine Treat (62742) (2 Dec 1782-Aug 1863), in Boston, MA.2 Born on 11 Aug 1817 in Frankfort, ME.2 Harriet Maria died in Boston, MA, on 30 Jun 1897; she was 79.2
Their children include:
Florence Maria Cushing (24 Apr 1853-)
Hayward Warren Cushing (22 Sep 1854-)
Livingstone Cushing (29 Jun 1856-)
Jennie Cushing (19 Jan 1858-)
Ida Cushing (28 Aug 1860-)
63949. Nathan Cushing. Born on 29 May 1814 in Scituate, MA.52 Nathan was baptized in the Second Church of Scituate, on 2 Oct 1814.335 Nathan died in Norwell, MA, on 9 Aug 1903; he was 89.2

“At the age of 16 Nathan left home to accept a position as clerk in a firm of grocers in Boston, and in a few years had so thoroughly mastered the business that he was enabled to open a wholesale establishment, and the firm of Cushing and Clapp became well known among Boston’s mercantile housess. In 1863, on the retirement of his elder brother, Hayward, from the firm of Silas Peirce and Co. (founded in 1805 and still existing [1905]) he accepted the place as senior partner of that firm. At the close of 1871, he resigned this position and retired from active business life. He still retained, however, his interest in affairs, as he was the trustee of several large estates, which he managed with the same business ability which he had shown in mercantile life. He was distinguished for his well balanced judgment and keen intellectual interests. Never bound by conventional opinions, his independence of thought was a marked characteristic. He became a warm adherent of Theodore Parker, and attended his services in West Roxbury when every Boston pulpit was closed to him. He was also an earnest advocate for the abolition of slavery in the early years before the Civil War. With a memory of remarkable accuracy, combined with a natural love for the best reading, his life was a noteworthy example of the results of continual self-culture. He had a deep love of nature and reverence for her laws, and was much devoted to his early country home.”2

No children.2
In Oct 1863 Nathan married Caroline Ellen Livingston, daughter of Albert Livingston & Caroline Pierce Kelly, in Boston, MA.2 Born ca 1818 in Frankfort, Waldo County, Maine. Caroline Ellen died in Boston, MA in Apr 1864.2
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D. Pane-Joyce
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