Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Ida Jane Williams (66651) & Oscar A. Shadbolt
68576. Arthur Shadbolt. Born on 30 Jul 1884. Arthur died on 15 Nov 1885; he was 1.
68577. Ethel Shadbolt. Born ca 1889 in Michigan. Ethel died aft 1949.

Local News
    … Misses Ethel Shadbolt and Jennie Teller gave a sleigh ride on Monday evening to the home of Miss Mabel Launstein, west of town.
Owosso Times (Owosso, Michigan) 3 February 1904 Friday. Page 1

Local News.
. . .Miss Ethel Shadbolt, Pine street, is sick.
Owosso Times (Owosso, Michigan) 16 June 1905. Friday. Page 5.

Local News
Mrs. Elmer Washburn and Miss Ethel Shadbolt attended the State Epworth League convention in Grand haven this week.
Owosso Times (Owosso, Michigan) 27 June 1913. Friday. Page 5.

1920 Marriage
    A pretty wedding took place Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.A. Shadbolt, Pine street, when their daughter, Ethel, was united in marriage to Mr. Thane W. Neal of this city, Rev. Dunning Idle performing the ceremony in the presence of only immediate relatives. the couple were unattended.
    Following the ceremony a three-course luncheon was served.
    The bride has been a teacher in the city schools for the past five years, while the groom is affiliated with Mr. Charles Greenwalt in the Square Deal Real Estate and Insurance Company. Both are members of the first M.E. Church.
        Mr. and Mrs. Neal left for a trip on the Grate Lakes, after which they will spend a month at their cottage at Grand View Beach, Topinabee. They will be at home, 617 Pine street, after Sept. 1.
Owosso Times (Owosso, Michigan) 30 July 1920. Friday. Page 1.

Local News.
    Mr. and Mrs. Thane Neal and Mr. and Mrs. O.A. Shadbolt have gone to Topinabee for a vacation period, which will be spent in their cottage there.
Owosso Times (Owosso, Michigan) 28 February 1913. Friday. Page 7.
On 18 Jul 1920 Ethel married Thane W. Neal, son of James W. Neal (Apr 1861-) & Olive Mariah Wolts (Aug 1859-), in Owosso, Shiawassee County, Michigan. Born on 8 Jul 1889 in Livingston County, Michigan. Thane W. died in Owosso, Shiawassee County, Michigan ca 1949. Buried in Oak Hill Cemetery.

12 January 1982, The Argus-Press, Shiawasee County, Michigan. Page 6.
Contained in the column, “Flight of Time.”
70 Years Ago
Thane Neal, a Byron businessman, has sold his interest in the hardware firm of Neal & Shadbolt and is preparing to move to Owosso to engage in the automobile business.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.