Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Darlene Filibeck (69461) & Bernard Tibor
70234. C. S. Tibor (Private).
C. ". married E. Vogle (Private).
70235. J. Tibor (Private).
70236. J. Tibor (Private).
J. married J. Schaaf (Private).
70237. J. Tibor (Private).
J. married T. Conlon (Private).
70238. Beverly Ann Tibor. Born on 22 Feb 1961 in Dickinson, Stark County, North Dakota. Beverly Ann died in Glen Ullin, Morton County, North Dakota, on 16 Apr 2011; she was 50. Buried in Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery, Glen Ullin. Education: Dickinson State College.

Obituary (unattributed)
    GLEN ULLIN — Beverly Ann "Bev" Thomas, 50, Glen Ullin, passed away surrounded by her family on April 16, 2011, after a long, hard battle with cancer. Funeral Mass will be held at 10 a.m. CDT Wednesday, April 20, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Glen Ullin, with the Rev. Arul Joseph celebrating. Burial will be at Sacred Heart Cemetery.
    Visitation will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. CDT today at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Glen Ullin, with rosary and vigil service taking place at 5 p.m. CDT.
    Beverly Ann Thomas was born Feb. 22, 1961, to Bernard and Darlene (Filibeck) Tibor in Dickinson. She grew up in Hebron and graduated from Hebron High School as valedictorian in 1979. She attended college at Dickinson State College, earning her secretary certificate. Bev moved to Glen Ullin, where she worked at Super Valu as the produce manager. Bev married her best friend, Isidore Thomas, on July 17, 1982, at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Glen Ullin. The couple made their home in Glen Ullin, where they were blessed to raise their three children, Ashley (26), Blaine (22) and Madalyn (8). Bev worked at various jobs over the years, such as: road construction, school janitor and cook, as well as helping her dad at the bowling alley. Most recently, Bev worked as a medical secretary at the Hebron Clinic and the Marian Manor Healthcare Center, where she enjoyed interacting with all of the residents and patients she assisted. She also worked as an EMT for the Glen Ullin Ambulance Service and served as their secretary and bookkeeper.
    Bev enjoyed camping and fishing with her family and friends. She liked to listen to her classic rock music as well as bowl and throw darts. Her greatest love was for her family and Bev cherished every moment she was able to spend with them. Bev will be remembered for her great sense of humor and quick wit that she kept even to the end.
    Bev is survived by her loving husband, Isidore; children, Ashley Thomas, New Orleans, Blaine Thomas, Bismarck, and Madalyn Thomas, Glen Ullin; eight sisters and two brothers, Celeste (Emil) Vogle, Jane (Joe) Schaaf, Joan (Tom) Conlon, Lisa (Russ) Conlon and Gretchen (Kirk) Peterson, all of Hebron, Joe Tibor, Laurie (Steve) Schneider and Stefanie (Doug) Hermes, all of Bismarck, Roseanne (Scott) Daede, Bowdle, S.D., and John (Deb) Tibor, Mandan; in-laws, Eugene and Emmy (Zahn) Thomas, Mandan, Larry and Jan (Bauer) Thomas, Hastings, Minn., Tim and Julie Buresh, Bismarck, Marlene and Chuck Wetzel, Mandan, Tim and Bernice (Hoff) Thomas, Mandan, Nick and Donna (Schumacher) Thomas, Beulah, Robert and Marge (Schumacher) Thomas, Glen Ullin, Rita and Craig Wallin, Glen Ullin, Jennifer and Loren Morlock, Sentinel Butte, Delores Connors, Blue Springs, Mo., Karin and Billy Bowker, Durango, Colo., Jocelyn and Mike Vossler, Mesa, Ariz., and Shari and Dave Schneider, Highland, Calif.; and numerous nieces, nephews, uncles and aunts.
    Bev was preceded in death by her grandparents; both parents, Bernard and Darlene Tibor; infant sister, Catherine Tibor; sister-in-law, Judy Tibor; infant niece, Sarah Weiand; and nephews, Maximus Kongslie and Christian Dakken.

FUNERAL MASS: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 10:00 a.m. Sacred Heart Catholic Church Glen Ullin, North Dakota
ROSAY & VIGIL SERVICE: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 5:00 p.m. Sacred Heart Catholic Church Glen Ullin, North Dakota Rosary led by: Charlie Tibor
CON-CELEBRATING: Father Arul Joseph Father Sebastion
MUSIC: Nancy Morman Glory & Praise Singers
READERS Amy Weiand & Rita Wallin
GIFT BEARERS: All of Bev’s Nieces
Travis Thomas Jeff Wallin Even Weiand Jeff Vogle Stev Conlon
Eric Thomas Sam Schaaf Joe Vogle James Vogle Jeremy Vogle
INTERMENT: Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery Glen Ullin, North Dakota
ARRANGEMENTS BY: Spangelo-Stevenson Funeral Home Glen Ullin, North Dakota

Beverly Ann married I. Thomas (Private).
Their children include:
A. Thomas (Private)
B. Thomas (Private)
M. Thomas (Private)
70239. L. Tibor (Private).
L. first married T. Weiand (Private).
L. second married S. Schneider (Private).
70240. J. Tibor (Private).
J. married D. (Private).
70241. L. Tibor (Private).
L. married R. Conlon (Private).
70242. S. Tibor (Private).
S. married D. Hermes (Private).
70243. R. Tibor (Private).
R. married S. Daede (Private).
70244. G. Tibor (Private).
G. married K. Peterson (Private).
70245. Catherine Tibor.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.