Pane-Joyce Genealogy
William Bradford (292) & Alice Hanson
717. Margaret Bradford. Born ca 1585 in Austerfield, Nottinghamshire. Margaret was baptized on 8 Mar 1585.15
718. Alice Bradford. Born ca 1587 in Austerfield, Nottinghamshire. Alice was baptized on 30 Oct 1587.15
719. Gov. William Bradford. Born ca 1590 in Yorkshire. William was baptized in Austerfield, Yorkshire, 19 Mar 1589/90.16 William died in Plymouth, MA on 9 May 1657.31 Buried in Burial Hill, Plymouth. Occupation: magistrate.

William was the second governor of Plymouth Colony.

“After his father’s death [William] lived at first with his grandfather, but on his death in 1596 he went to live with his uncle, Robert Bradford, who lived in Scrooby, five miles from Osterfeldt [Austerfield], near the estate of the Brewsters in county Nottingham. He joined the church where Rev. Richard Clifton and Rev. John Robinson preached, and soon became one of the leading ‘separatists.’ His early educational advantages were limited, but by diligent study he became very proficient in Dutch, Latin, French and Greek, and also devoted himself to the study of Hebrew that he might read the Bible in its original form. He went with the company which migrated to Holland, and was a most influential power among them. On his coming of age he received considerable property from his father’s estate, but did not succeed him in his commercial undertakings. He learned the art of ‘fustian or frieze weaving.’ On November 15 1613, he was affianced to Dorothea May, from Wisbeach, Cambridge, England. The banns were published in Leyden, and they were married in Amsterdam, Holland, December 9, 1613. His age is given as twenty-three, hers as sixteen. They embarked for England, July 22, 1620, and after many trials sailed from Plymouth, England, September 6, 1620, on the ship Mayflower, reaching Cape Cod harbor the November following. While they were at anchor, and he was absent from the vessel, Dorothea fell overboard and was drowned, December 9, 1620. Soo after the death of Governor Carver, William Bradford was elected governor of the colony, which he held by annual election until his death, May 9, 1657, with the exception of the years 1633-34-36-38-44. He took a prominent part in all the councils, which were held at his house, and in all civic, political and military affairs. From his house at the foot of Burial Hill each Sunday morning the company of people who assembled there marched up to the fort at its top, where religious services were held. The history of the times which he left gives a correct and valuable picture of the events of that time.”15

There’s an article on William Bradford in The Great Migration Begins.16
On 10 Dec 1613 William first married Dorothea May in Amsterdam, Holland.31 Born ca 1597.31 Dorothea died in Cape Cod harbor on 7 Dec 1620.31 accidental drowning.

Dorothea, from Wisbech, Cambridge, England.16
Their children include:
John Bradford (ca 1618-bef 21 Sep 1676)
On 14 Aug 1623 William second married Alice Carpenter (740) , daughter of Alexander Carpenter (294) (1551-1612) & Priscilla Dillon (-1664), in Plymouth, MA.31 Born ca 1590 in Somerset, England.16 Alice was baptized in Wrington, Somerset, on 3 Aug 1590.31 Alice died in Plymouth, MA 26 or 27 Mar 1670/1.62,63 “on the 26 Day of March 1670 Mistris Allice Bradford senir: Changed this life for a better haveing attained to fourscore yeares of age or therabouts shee was a godly Matron; and much loved while shee lived and lamented tho; aged when shee Died and was honorabley enterred on the 29 Day of the month aforsaid; att New Plymouth”. Buried 29 Mar 1670/1 in Plymouth, MA.62

Alice arrived at Plymouth in June 1623 in the Anne.

Will: From the Southworth Genealogy:33

        The last will and Testament of Mistress Alice Bradford Sennr of
Plymouth deceased; exhibited to the Court att Plymouth in New
England the 7th day of June Anno: Dom. 1670 on the oathes of
Nathaniel Morton and Lieut. Ephraim Morton: as followeth;
        "I allis Bradford senir of the Towne of Plymouth in the Juris-
diction of New England widdow: being weake in bodv but of dis-
posing mind and perfect memory blessed be God; not knowing how
soone the Lord may please to take mee out of this world unto him-
selfe; doe make and ordaine this to be my last will and Testament,
in manner and forme as followeth; Imps; I bequeath my soule to
god that gaue it and my body to the dust in hope of a Joyfull Resur-
rection vnto Glory desiring that my body may be Intered as near
vnto my deceased husband; Mr William Bradford: as Conveniently
may be; and as for my worldly estate I dispose of it as followeth:
Impris: I give and bequeath vnto my deare sister, Mary Carpenter:
the bed I now lye on with the furniture therevnto belonging and a
paire of sheets and a good Cow and a yearling heiffer and a young


mare. Item I give and bequeath vnto my son Mr. Constant South-
worth my Land at Paometty viz: all my Purchase land there; with
all my Rights Privilidges and appurtenances therevnto belonging:
To him and his heires and assignes for ever: Item I give and bequeath
vnto my said Constant Southworth . . . and vnto my son Mr. Joseph
Bradford: the one halfe of my sheep to be equally deuded betwixt
them; and the other halfe to my son Captaine William Bradford
Item I give vnto my said son Joseph Bradford my paire of working
oxen and a white heffer; Item I give vnto my honored friend Mr
Thomas Prence one of the books were my dear husbands library;
which of them hee shall choose; Item I giue vnto my deare Grand-
child Elizabeth Howland; the daughter of my deare son Captaine
Thomas Southworth deceased; the some of seauen pounds; for the
vse and benefit of her son James howland Item I giue vnto my ser-
vant maide Mary Smith a Cow Calfe to be deliuered her the next
springe if I decease this winter and if I doe not decease this winter;
my will is that shese haue one deliuered to her out of my estate
in som short time after my decease: all the rest of my estate not dis-
posed of already by this my last will and Testament; as aboue said;
I giue and bequeath by this my last Will and Testament; I giue and
bequeath vnto my sonnes Mr Constant Southworth Captaine William
Bradford to be equally tharided amongst them in equall and alike
proportions. In Witness that this is my last Will and Testament
I the said Alice Bradford haue heervnto sett my hand and seale;
this twenty ninth day of December Anno: Dom. one Thousand six
hundred sixty nine.

The A marke of

Signed and sealed in Alice Bradford senr

        the prensence off
        Ephraim Morton and her
        Nathaniel Morton (seal)

        In the inventory of her property are included, 8 Cowes, 2 yearlings,
a 2 yeare old steare a steare of 4 years old, 1:2 years old heiffer, 1 old
horse with three mares 17 sheep and 2 lambs. There is mention
of furniture in the Now Parlor Chamber,* in the outward Parlor
Chamber, In the old Parlor Chamber. In the study in books 90 vols.
Mr. Perkins two of them
3 of Doctor Willets on genesis exodus & Daniel 1.00.00
Quickrawaden 0.10.00
the history of the Church 0.08.00
Peter Martins comon places 0.15.00
Cartwright on Remise Testament 0.10.00
the history of the Netherlands 0.15.00
Peter Martin on the Romans 0.05.00
Moors works on the New Testament 1.00.00

        *This was undoubtedly the new chamber which it will be seen later was
ordered to be built
by Constant Southworth.

Cottons Concordance 0.08.00
Speeds history of the world 1.00.00
W. Christian Sinnagogue & the portrature of the image
        of God 0.08.00
the method of Phisicke 0.02.00
Calvins harmony and his coment on the actes 0.08.00
Downham 0.03.00
Mr Cottons Answare to Mr Williams 0.02.00
Taylors libertie of Prophesye 0.01.06
Gouges Domesticall Dutyes 0.02.06
the Institutions or Reasons discused & observations devine
        and moral the synode and the apollogge 0.06.00
Mr Ainsworths workes the counter reison and the tryall 0.02.00
Calvin on Genises 0.02.06
Dike on the decaitfulness of mans hart 0.01.00
Gifford Refuted 0.00.06
Dod on the Commandment & others of his 0.03.00
53 small Bookes 1.06.00
Calvin on the epistles in Duch: and divers other Duch bookes 0.15.00
2 Bibles 1.00.00
the Acts of the church 0.05.00
the Lives of the Fathers 0.03.00
3 of Mr Bridggs his works 1.00.00
Furniture in the old Parlor In the great Parlor (no
        chamber furniture in the great parlor) In the kitchen
        Total value 162.17.00
        Land and house not included.
Their children include:
Maj. William Bradford (17 Jun 1624-20 Feb 1703/4)
Mercy Bradford (bef May 1627-)
Joseph Bradford (ca 1630-10 Jul 1715)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.