Pane-Joyce Genealogy
1180. Francis Cooke. Born aft Aug 1583 in England.31 Francis died in Plymouth, MA on 7 Apr 1663.62

Francis immigrated to America on the Mayflower with his son, John. His wife, Hester, and their children Jane and Jacob arrived on the Anne in 1623. In the Leydon archives, it is recorded that Frances entered Holland on June 30, 1603. He was a bachelor and listed his profession as a woolcomber. He was accompanied by Phillippe De Veau and Raphael Roelandt, his friends, with Hester Mahieu, spinster, from Canterbury in England, accompanied by her sister Jenny Mahieu, her mother and Jenny Mahieu, her sister.

Francis was made a freeman in 1633. He appeared frequently in Plymouth records on grand trials juries, as surveyor of highways, on various ad hoc committees and in a number of land transactions.

The ancestry of Francis Cooke is not known. Several fake ancestries have been presented, some clearly hoaxes (one hoax can be found in "New Light on the Pilgrim Story," the entire chapter 6.) For a discussion of why this is a hoax, see "English Ancestry and Homes of the Pilgrim Fathers," by Charles Banks.

There’s an article on Francis Cooke in The Great Migration Begins.16

Will: The last Will and Testament of ffrancis Cooke of Plymouth late Deceased: exhibited before the Court held att Plymouth aforsaid the fift day of June1663 on the oathes of mr John Aldin and mr John howland; The Last Will and Testament of ffrancis Cooke made this seaventh of the tenth month 1659. I being att prsent weake and Infeirme in body yett in prfect memory throw mercy Doe comitt my soule unto god that gave it and my body to the earthe; which my will is should bee Intered in a Decent and comly manner; As for such goods and lands as I stand posessed of I Doe will and bequeath as followeth;1 My will is that hester my Dear and loveing wife shall have all my moveable goods and all my Cattle of all kinds; viz: neat Cattle horsekind sheep and swine to be att her Dispose 2 my will is that hester my wife shall have and Injoy my lands both upland and meddow lands which att prsent I posesse During her life 3 I Doe ordaine and appoint my Deare wife and my son John Cooke Joyne exequitors of this my said will Witnes John Aldin ffrancis Cooke John howland

Inventory: Morter and pestel, earthen pots and pans, pewterand iron pots, hammer, saw, three pairs of sheep sheers, featherbed and bolster, hoes, cushens, two hats, ten pair of stockings, old coat, gloves, twenty pounds of wool and twenty-one sheep.
On Or After Jul 1603 Francis married Hester Mahieu, daughter of Jacques Mahieu & Jenne, in Leiden, South Holland.31 Hester died in Plymouth, MA aft 8 Jun 1666.16

Hester, from Canterbury, England. She came to New England on the Anne in 1623 with three of her children, Jane, Jacob, and Hester.
Their children include:
John Cooke (ca 1607-23 Nov 1695)
(child) Cooke (ca 1608-20 May 1608)
Elizabeth Cooke (ca 1611-bef 22 May 1627)
Jane Cooke (bef 1613-bef 1641)
Jacob Cooke (ca 1618-Dec 1675)
Hester Cooke (ca 1620-)
Mary Cooke (ca 1626-21 Mar 1714)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.